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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Grunt task to strip unnecessary imports from the sass files
'Strips @import statements from the top of SCSS files',
// Stripping imports prevents code duplication yet still allows IDEs to properly resolve variables.
function () {
var options = this.options();
this.files.forEach(function (mapping) {
grunt.file.expand(mapping.src).forEach(function (path) {
grunt.file.write(path, || /@import\s\".+\";/), ''));
sassStripImports: {
options: {
// Don't strip imports including files starting with _partial (accessed on the same or other path)
pattern: /@import\s\"(?!(.*\/?)*_partial).+\";/,
app: {
src: [
'app/modules/**/_*.tmp.scss', // remember to create copies and then use them
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