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Last active December 15, 2015 03:29
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Save jrenner/5195216 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A script for testing glances' autoUnit function
__author__ = 'jrenner'
import random
import sys
This script is useful for testing the autoUnit function. It is not guaranteed
to be the same as in You may need to copy and paste the exact
code you want to test from
def autoUnit(val):
Convert val to string and concatenate the good unit
960 -> 960
142948 -> 143K
560745673 -> 561M
symbols = ('K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y')
prefix = {
'Y': 1208925819614629174706176,
'Z': 1180591620717411303424,
'E': 1152921504606846976,
'P': 1125899906842624,
'T': 1099511627776,
'G': 1073741824,
'M': 1048576,
'K': 1024
for key in reversed(symbols):
value = float(val) / prefix[key]
if value > 1:
fixed_decimal_places = 0
if value < 100:
fixed_decimal_places = 1
if value < 10:
fixed_decimal_places = 2
val_string = "{0:.%df}{1}" % fixed_decimal_places
if key in 'YZEPTG':
return val_string.format(value, key)
return "{0:.0f}{1}".format(value, key)
return "{0!s}".format(val)
test_cases = [
for i in range(24):
lo = i * 10 ** i
hi = i * 10 ** (i + 1)
test_cases.append(random.randint(lo, hi))
def test():
for case in test_cases:
print "CASE: {0:<26} RESULT: {1:>12}".format(case, autoUnit(case))
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