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using UUIDs, Dates, Arrow, Tables | |
##### | |
##### Signals | |
##### | |
struct Signal <: Tables.AbstractRow | |
recording_uuid::UUID | |
type::String | |
file_uri::String | |
file_metadata::Union{Missing,Nothing,Dict{String,String}} # `Missing` is needed here to match the generated Arrow.Table schema | |
channel_names::Vector{String} | |
start_nanosecond::Nanosecond | |
stop_nanosecond::Nanosecond | |
sample_unit::String | |
sample_resolution_in_unit::Float64 | |
sample_offset_in_unit::Float64 | |
sample_type::String | |
sample_rate::Float64 | |
end | |
Signal(row) = Signal(row.recording_uuid, row.type, row.file_uri, row.file_metadata, | |
row.channel_names, row.start_nanosecond, row.stop_nanosecond, | |
row.sample_unit, row.sample_resolution_in_unit, row.sample_offset_in_unit, | |
row.sample_type, row.sample_rate) | |
Base.propertynames(::Signal) = fieldnames(SIGNAL_FIELDS) | |
Base.getproperty(signal::Signal, nm::Symbol) = getproperty(getfield(signal, :_row), nm)::fieldtype(SIGNAL_FIELDS, nm) | |
Tables.getcolumn(signal::Signal, i::Int) = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(signal, :_row), i)::fieldtype(SIGNAL_FIELDS, i) | |
Tables.getcolumn(signal::Signal, nm::Symbol) = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(signal, :_row), nm)::fieldtype(SIGNAL_FIELDS, nm) | |
Tables.getcolumn(signal::Signal, ::Type{T}, i::Int, nm::Symbol) where {T} = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(signal, :_row), T, i, nm) | |
Tables.columnnames(signal::Signal) = Tables.columnnames(getfield(signal, :_row)) | |
Arrow.ArrowTypes.registertype!(Signal, Signal) | |
const SIGNALS_TABLE_SCHEMA = Tables.Schema{fieldnames(Signal),Tuple{fieldtypes(Signal)...}}() | |
struct SignalsTable{T} <: Tables.AbstractColumns | |
_table::T | |
function SignalsTable(_table::T) where {T} | |
schema = Tables.schema(_table) | |
schema === SIGNALS_TABLE_SCHEMA || throw(ArgumentError("_table does not have appropriate SignalsTable schema: $schema")) | |
return new{T}(_table) | |
end | |
end | |
Tables.istable(table::SignalsTable) = true | |
Tables.columnaccess(table::SignalsTable) = Tables.columnaccess(getfield(table, :_table)) | |
Tables.columns(table::SignalsTable) = Tables.columns(getfield(table, :_table)) | |
Tables.columnnames(table::SignalsTable) = Tables.columnnames(getfield(table, :_table)) | |
Tables.getcolumn(table::SignalsTable, x::Int) = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(table, :_table), x) | |
Tables.getcolumn(table::SignalsTable, x::Symbol) = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(table, :_table), x) | |
Tables.rowaccess(table::SignalsTable) = Tables.rowaccess(getfield(table, :_table)) | |
Tables.rows(table::SignalsTable) = (Signal(row) for row in Tables.rows(getfield(table, :_table))) | |
Tables.schema(table::SignalsTable) = Tables.schema(getfield(table, :_table)) | |
Tables.materializer(table::SignalsTable) = Tables.materializer(getfield(table, :_table)) | |
##### | |
##### Annotations | |
##### | |
struct Annotation{V} <: Tables.AbstractRow | |
recording_uuid::UUID | |
uuid::UUID | |
value::V | |
start_nanosecond::Nanosecond | |
stop_nanosecond::Nanosecond | |
end | |
Annotation(row) = Annotation(row.recording_uuid, row.uuid, row.value, row.start_nanosecond, row.stop_nanosecond) | |
Annotation{V}(row) where {V} = Annotation{V}(row.recording_uuid, row.uuid, row.value, row.start_nanosecond, row.stop_nanosecond) | |
Base.propertynames(::Annotation) = fieldnames(Annotation) | |
Base.getproperty(annotation::Annotation, name::Symbol) = getfield(annotation, name) | |
Arrow.ArrowTypes.registertype!(Annotation, Annotation) | |
function annotations_table_schema(::Type{V}) where {V} | |
return Tables.Schema{fieldnames(Annotation),Tuple{UUID,UUID,V,Nanosecond,Nanosecond}}() | |
end | |
struct AnnotationsTable{V,T} <: Tables.AbstractColumns | |
_table::T | |
function AnnotationsTable{V}(_table::T) where {V,T} | |
schema = Tables.schema(_table) | |
schema === annotations_table_schema(V) || throw(ArgumentError("_table does not have appropriate AnnotationsTable schema: $schema")) | |
return new{V,T}(_table) | |
end | |
function AnnotationsTable(_table) | |
schema = Tables.schema(_table) | |
length(schema.types) === 5 || throw(ArgumentError("_table does not have appropriate AnnotationsTable schema: $schema")) | |
return AnnotationsTable{schema.types[3]}(_table) | |
end | |
end | |
Tables.istable(table::AnnotationsTable) = true | |
Tables.columnaccess(table::AnnotationsTable) = Tables.columnaccess(getfield(table, :_table)) | |
Tables.columns(table::AnnotationsTable) = Tables.columns(getfield(table, :_table)) | |
Tables.columnnames(table::AnnotationsTable) = Tables.columnnames(getfield(table, :_table)) | |
Tables.getcolumn(table::AnnotationsTable, x::Int) = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(table, :_table), x) | |
Tables.getcolumn(table::AnnotationsTable, x::Symbol) = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(table, :_table), x) | |
Tables.rowaccess(table::AnnotationsTable) = Tables.rowaccess(getfield(table, :_table)) | |
Tables.rows(table::AnnotationsTable{V}) where {V} = (Annotation{V}(row) for row in Tables.rows(getfield(table, :_table))) | |
Tables.schema(table::AnnotationsTable) = Tables.schema(getfield(table, :_table)) | |
Tables.materializer(table::AnnotationsTable) = Tables.materializer(getfield(table, :_table)) | |
##### | |
##### Recordings | |
##### | |
function by_recording(signals::SignalsTable, annotations::AnnotationsTable{V}) where {V} | |
recordings = Dict{UUID,NamedTuple{(:signals, :annotations),Tuple{Dict{String,Signal},Dict{UUID,Annotation{V}}}}}() | |
for signal in Tables.rows(signals) | |
recording = get!(() -> (signals = Dict{String,Signal}(), annotations = Dict{UUID,Annotation{V}}()), | |
recordings, signal.recording_uuid) | |
recording.signals[signal.type] = signal | |
end | |
for annotation in Tables.rows(annotations) | |
recording = get(recordings, annotation.recording_uuid, nothing) | |
recording === nothing && continue | |
recording.annotations[annotation.uuid] = annotation | |
end | |
return recordings | |
end | |
function by_recording(annotations::AnnotationsTable{V}, signals::SignalsTable) where {V} | |
recordings = Dict{UUID,NamedTuple{(:annotations, :signals),Tuple{Dict{UUID,Annotation{V}},Dict{String,Signal}}}}() | |
for annotation in Tables.rows(annotations) | |
recording = get!(() -> (annotations = Dict{UUID,Annotation{V}}(), signals = Dict{String,Signal}()), | |
recordings, annotation.recording_uuid) | |
recording.annotations[annotation.uuid] = annotation | |
end | |
for signal in Tables.rows(signals) | |
recording = get(recordings, signal.recording_uuid, nothing) | |
recording === nothing && continue | |
recording.signals[signal.type] = signal | |
end | |
return recordings | |
end | |
function by_recording(signals::SignalsTable) | |
recordings = Dict{UUID,Dict{String,Signal}}() | |
for signal in Tables.rows(signals) | |
recording = get!(() -> Dict{String,Signal}(), recordings, signal.recording_uuid) | |
recording[signal.type] = signal | |
end | |
return recordings | |
end | |
function by_recording(annotations::AnnotationsTable{V}) where {V} | |
recordings = Dict{UUID,Dict{UUID,Annotation{V}}}() | |
for annotation in Tables.rows(annotations) | |
recording = get!(() -> Dict{UUID,Annotation{V}}(), recordings, annotation.recording_uuid) | |
recording[annotation.uuid] = annotation | |
end | |
return recordings | |
end | |
##### | |
##### experiments | |
##### | |
n = 10000 | |
signals = Signal[] | |
annotations = Annotation{NamedTuple{(:x, :y),Tuple{Int64,String}}}[] | |
for _ in 1:n | |
rec = uuid4() | |
push!(signals, Signal(rec, "eeg", "file://$(rec)/eeg.lpcm.zst", nothing, | |
["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"], | |
Nanosecond(0), Nanosecond(100000), | |
"microvolt", 1.0, 1.0, "float64", 256.0)) | |
push!(signals, Signal(rec, "ecg", "file://$(rec)/ecg.lpcm.zst", Dict("a" => "absidufbaid", "b" => "adjfhaudi"), | |
["a", "b", "c", "d"], | |
Nanosecond(0), Nanosecond(100000), | |
"microvolt", 0.134, 1.9875, "int32", 128.0)) | |
push!(annotations, Annotation(rec, uuid4(), (x = 1, y = "2"), Nanosecond(0), Nanosecond(10))) | |
push!(annotations, Annotation(rec, uuid4(), (x = 231, y = "asdkfjh"), Nanosecond(0), Nanosecond(10))) | |
end | |
write_table(tbl) = (io = IOBuffer(); Arrow.write(io, tbl); seekstart(io); Arrow.Table(io)) | |
sigs_arrow = write_table(signals) | |
anns_arrow = write_table(annotations) | |
sigs = SignalsTable(Tables.columntable(sigs_arrow)); | |
anns = AnnotationsTable(Tables.columntable(anns_arrow)); | |
@time by_recording(sigs, anns); # 0.064109 seconds (839.00 k allocations: 74.526 MiB) | |
@time by_recording(anns, sigs); # 0.073439 seconds (839.00 k allocations: 74.526 MiB) | |
@time by_recording(sigs); # 0.031596 seconds (639.51 k allocations: 53.616 MiB) | |
@time by_recording(anns); # 0.031726 seconds (199.51 k allocations: 21.267 MiB) | |
######################################################################################################################################################################### | |
######################################################################################################################################################################### | |
######################################################################################################################################################################### | |
#= | |
This alternative approach creates thin `AbstractRow`/`AbstractColumns` wrappers that intentionally try to take on the charateristics of their underlying objects | |
via delegation. Unlike the previous approach above, this version's `AbstractRow` subtypes delegate as much as the `AbstractColumns` subtypes. | |
One might ask: At this point, what is the benefit of adding this layer at all over just passing around `Arrow.Table` and/or `NamedTuple`-based tables? | |
Answers: | |
1. Some useful schema/type checking/hinting opportunities can be surfaced in this layer. | |
2. This laye helps avoid type piracy/ambiguities/etc. when specializing common methods for these tables (e.g. `show`, `getindex`, etc.). | |
3. The composition-based approach here gives you 1 and 2 in a manner that's nicely orthogonal to implementational details of underlying | |
table types. For example, the caller can choose to work with `Signals(table::Arrow.Table)` or a fully-materialized | |
`Signals(map(collect, Tables.columntable(table::Arrow.Table))`, or whatever fits their use-case. | |
=# | |
using UUIDs, Dates, Arrow, Tables | |
##### | |
##### Signals | |
##### | |
struct Signal{R} <: Tables.AbstractRow | |
_row::R | |
end | |
const SIGNAL_FIELDS = NamedTuple{(:recording_uuid, :type, :file_uri, :file_metadata, :channel_names, :start_nanosecond, :stop_nanosecond, :sample_unit, :sample_resolution_in_unit, :sample_offset_in_unit, :sample_type, :sample_rate), | |
Tuple{UUID,String,String,Union{Missing,Nothing,Dict{String,String}},Vector{String},Nanosecond,Nanosecond,String,Float64,Float64,String,Float64}} | |
Base.propertynames(::Signal) = fieldnames(SIGNAL_FIELDS) | |
Base.getproperty(signal::Signal, name::Symbol) = getproperty(getfield(signal, :_row), name)::fieldtype(SIGNAL_FIELDS, name) | |
is_valid_signals_schema(::Nothing) = true | |
is_valid_signals_schema(::Tables.Schema) = false | |
is_valid_signals_schema(::Tables.Schema{fieldnames(SIGNAL_FIELDS),<:Tuple{fieldtypes(SIGNAL_FIELDS)...}}) = true | |
struct Signals{C} <: Tables.AbstractColumns | |
_columns::C | |
function Signals(_columns::C) where {C} | |
schema = Tables.schema(_columns) | |
is_valid_signals_schema(schema) || throw(ArgumentError("_table does not have appropriate Signals schema: $schema")) | |
return new{C}(_columns) | |
end | |
end | |
Tables.istable(signals::Signals) = Tables.istable(getfield(signals, :_columns)) | |
Tables.schema(signals::Signals) = Tables.schema(getfield(signals, :_columns)) | |
Tables.materializer(signals::Signals) = Tables.materializer(getfield(signals, :_columns)) | |
Tables.rowaccess(signals::Signals) = Tables.rowaccess(getfield(signals, :_columns)) | |
Tables.rows(signals::Signals) = (Signal(row) for row in Tables.rows(getfield(signals, :_columns))) | |
Tables.columnaccess(signals::Signals) = Tables.columnaccess(getfield(signals, :_columns)) | |
Tables.columns(signals::Signals) = Tables.columns(getfield(signals, :_columns)) | |
Tables.columnnames(signals::Signals) = Tables.columnnames(getfield(signals, :_columns)) | |
Tables.getcolumn(signals::Signals, i::Int) = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(signals, :_columns), i) | |
Tables.getcolumn(signals::Signals, nm::Symbol) = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(signals, :_columns), nm) | |
Tables.getcolumn(signals::Signals, ::Type{T}, i::Int, nm::Symbol) where {T} = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(signals, :_columns), T, i, nm) | |
##### | |
##### Annotations | |
##### | |
struct Annotation{V,R} <: Tables.AbstractRow | |
_row::R | |
end | |
Annotation(_row::R) where {R} = Annotation{fieldtype(R, :value),R}(_row) | |
Annotation{V}(_row::R) where {V,R} = Annotation{V,R}(_row) | |
function _annotation_fields(::Type{<:Annotation{V}}) where {V} | |
return NamedTuple{(:recording_uuid, :uuid, :value, :start_nanosecond, :stop_nanosecond),Tuple{UUID,UUID,V,Nanosecond,Nanosecond}} | |
end | |
Base.propertynames(::Annotation) = fieldnames(_annotation_fields(Annotation{Any})) | |
Base.getproperty(annotation::Annotation, name::Symbol) = getproperty(getfield(annotation, :_row), name)::fieldtype(_annotation_fields(typeof(annotation)), name) | |
is_valid_annotations_schema(::Nothing) = true | |
is_valid_annotations_schema(::Tables.Schema) = false | |
is_valid_annotations_schema(::Tables.Schema{fieldnames(_annotation_fields(Annotation{Any})),<:Tuple{fieldtypes(_annotation_fields(Annotation{Any}))...}}) = true | |
struct Annotations{V,C} <: Tables.AbstractColumns | |
_columns::C | |
function Annotations(_columns::C) where {C} | |
schema = Tables.schema(_columns) | |
is_valid_annotations_schema(schema) || throw(ArgumentError("_table does not have appropriate Annotations schema: $schema")) | |
return new{schema.types[3],C}(_columns) | |
end | |
end | |
Tables.istable(annotations::Annotations) = Tables.istable(getfield(annotations, :_columns)) | |
Tables.schema(annotations::Annotations) = Tables.schema(getfield(annotations, :_columns)) | |
Tables.materializer(annotations::Annotations) = Tables.materializer(getfield(annotations, :_columns)) | |
Tables.rowaccess(annotations::Annotations) = Tables.rowaccess(getfield(annotations, :_columns)) | |
Tables.rows(annotations::Annotations{V}) where {V} = (Annotation{V}(row) for row in Tables.rows(getfield(annotations, :_columns))) | |
Tables.columnaccess(annotations::Annotations) = Tables.columnaccess(getfield(annotations, :_columns)) | |
Tables.columns(annotations::Annotations) = Tables.columns(getfield(annotations, :_columns)) | |
Tables.columnnames(annotations::Annotations) = Tables.columnnames(getfield(annotations, :_columns)) | |
Tables.getcolumn(annotations::Annotations, i::Int) = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(annotations, :_columns), i) | |
Tables.getcolumn(annotations::Annotations, nm::Symbol) = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(annotations, :_columns), nm) | |
Tables.getcolumn(annotations::Annotations, ::Type{T}, i::Int, nm::Symbol) where {T} = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(annotations, :_columns), T, i, nm) | |
##### | |
##### by_recording | |
##### | |
function by_recording(signals::Signals, annotations::Annotations{V}) where {V} | |
recordings = Dict{UUID,NamedTuple{(:signals, :annotations),Tuple{Dict{String,Signal},Dict{UUID,Annotation{V}}}}}() | |
for signal in Tables.rows(signals) | |
recording = get!(() -> (signals = Dict{String,Signal}(), annotations = Dict{UUID,Annotation{V}}()), | |
recordings, signal.recording_uuid) | |
recording.signals[signal.type] = signal | |
end | |
for annotation in Tables.rows(annotations) | |
recording = get(recordings, annotation.recording_uuid, nothing) | |
recording === nothing && continue | |
recording.annotations[annotation.uuid] = annotation | |
end | |
return recordings | |
end | |
function by_recording(annotations::Annotations{V}, signals::Signals) where {V} | |
recordings = Dict{UUID,NamedTuple{(:annotations, :signals),Tuple{Dict{UUID,Annotation{V}},Dict{String,Signal}}}}() | |
for annotation in Tables.rows(annotations) | |
recording = get!(() -> (annotations = Dict{UUID,Annotation{V}}(), signals = Dict{String,Signal}()), | |
recordings, annotation.recording_uuid) | |
recording.annotations[annotation.uuid] = annotation | |
end | |
for signal in Tables.rows(signals) | |
recording = get(recordings, signal.recording_uuid, nothing) | |
recording === nothing && continue | |
recording.signals[signal.type] = signal | |
end | |
return recordings | |
end | |
function by_recording(signals::Signals) | |
recordings = Dict{UUID,Dict{String,Signal}}() | |
for signal in Tables.rows(signals) | |
recording = get!(() -> Dict{String,Signal}(), recordings, signal.recording_uuid) | |
recording[signal.type] = signal | |
end | |
return recordings | |
end | |
function by_recording(annotations::Annotations{V}) where {V} | |
recordings = Dict{UUID,Dict{UUID,Annotation{V}}}() | |
for annotation in Tables.rows(annotations) | |
recording = get!(() -> Dict{UUID,Annotation{V}}(), recordings, annotation.recording_uuid) | |
recording[annotation.uuid] = annotation | |
end | |
return recordings | |
end | |
##### | |
##### experiments | |
##### | |
n = 10000 | |
signals = Signal[] | |
annotations = Annotation{NamedTuple{(:x, :y),Tuple{Int64,String}}}[] | |
for _ in 1:n | |
rec = uuid4() | |
push!(signals, Signal((recording_uuid=rec, type="eeg", file_uri="file://$(rec)/eeg.lpcm.zst", file_metadata=nothing, | |
channel_names=["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"], | |
start_nanosecond=Nanosecond(0), stop_nanosecond=Nanosecond(100000), | |
sample_unit="microvolt", sample_resolution_in_unit=1.0, sample_offset_in_unit=1.0, | |
sample_type="float64", sample_rate=256.0))) | |
push!(signals, Signal((recording_uuid=rec, type="ecg", file_uri="file://$(rec)/ecg.lpcm.zst", file_metadata=Dict("a" => "absidufbaid", "b" => "adjfhaudi"), | |
channel_names=["a", "b", "c", "d"], | |
start_nanosecond=Nanosecond(0), stop_nanosecond=Nanosecond(100000), | |
sample_unit="microvolt", sample_resolution_in_unit=0.134, sample_offset_in_unit=1.9875, | |
sample_type="int32", sample_rate=128.0))) | |
push!(annotations, Annotation((recording_uuid=rec, uuid=uuid4(), value=(x = 1, y = "2"), start_nanosecond=Nanosecond(0), stop_nanosecond=Nanosecond(10)))) | |
push!(annotations, Annotation((recording_uuid=rec, uuid=uuid4(), value=(x = 231, y = "asdkfjh"), start_nanosecond=Nanosecond(0), stop_nanosecond=Nanosecond(10)))) | |
end | |
write_table(tbl) = (io = IOBuffer(); Arrow.write(io, tbl); seekstart(io); Arrow.Table(io)) | |
sigs_arrow = write_table(signals) | |
anns_arrow = write_table(annotations) | |
sigs = Signals(Tables.columntable(sigs_arrow)) | |
anns = Annotations(Tables.columntable(anns_arrow)) | |
@time by_recording(sigs, anns); # 0.010518 seconds (140.02 k allocations: 15.338 MiB) | |
@time by_recording(anns, sigs); # 0.007881 seconds (140.02 k allocations: 15.338 MiB) | |
@time by_recording(sigs); # 0.004087 seconds (80.02 k allocations: 7.542 MiB) | |
@time by_recording(anns); # 0.003655 seconds (60.02 k allocations: 8.152 MiB) | |
########################################################################################################################################################################## | |
########################################################################################################################################################################## | |
########################################################################################################################################################################## | |
using UUIDs, Dates, Arrow, Tables | |
##### | |
##### Signals | |
##### | |
struct Signal{R} <: Tables.AbstractRow | |
_row::R | |
end | |
const SIGNAL_FIELDS = NamedTuple{(:recording_uuid, :type, :file_path, :file_metadata, :channel_names, :start_nanosecond, :stop_nanosecond, :sample_unit, :sample_resolution_in_unit, :sample_offset_in_unit, :sample_type, :sample_rate), | |
Tuple{UUID,String,String,Union{Missing,Nothing,Dict{String,String}},Vector{String},Nanosecond,Nanosecond,String,Float64,Float64,String,Float64}} | |
function Signal(; recording_uuid::UUID, | |
type, | |
file_path, | |
file_metadata::Union{Missing,Nothing,Dict{String,String}}=nothing, | |
channel_names, | |
start_nanosecond, | |
stop_nanosecond, | |
sample_unit, | |
sample_resolution_in_unit, | |
sample_offset_in_unit, | |
sample_type, | |
sample_rate) | |
return Signal{SIGNAL_FIELDS}((; recording_uuid, | |
type=String(type), | |
file_path=String(file_path), | |
file_metadata, | |
channel_names=convert(Vector{String}, channel_names), | |
start_nanosecond=Nanosecond(start_nanosecond), | |
stop_nanosecond=Nanosecond(stop_nanosecond), | |
sample_unit=String(sample_unit), | |
sample_resolution_in_unit=Float64(sample_resolution_in_unit), | |
sample_offset_in_unit=Float64(sample_offset_in_unit), | |
sample_type=String(sample_type), | |
sample_rate=Float64(sample_rate))) | |
end | |
Base.propertynames(::Signal) = fieldnames(SIGNAL_FIELDS) | |
Base.getproperty(signal::Signal, name::Symbol) = getproperty(getfield(signal, :_row), name)::fieldtype(SIGNAL_FIELDS, name) | |
Tables.columnnames(::Signal) = fieldnames(SIGNAL_FIELDS) | |
Tables.getcolumn(signal::Signal, i::Int) = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(signal, :_row), i)::fieldtype(SIGNAL_FIELDS, i) | |
Tables.getcolumn(signal::Signal, nm::Symbol) = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(signal, :_row), nm)::fieldtype(SIGNAL_FIELDS, nm) | |
Tables.getcolumn(signal::Signal, ::Type{T}, i::Int, nm::Symbol) where {T} = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(signal, :_row), T, i, nm)::fieldtype(SIGNAL_FIELDS, i) | |
Tables.schema(::AbstractVector{<:Signal}) = Tables.Schema(fieldnames(SIGNAL_FIELDS), fieldtypes(SIGNAL_FIELDS)) | |
is_valid_signals_schema(::Nothing) = true | |
is_valid_signals_schema(::Tables.Schema) = false | |
is_valid_signals_schema(::Tables.Schema{fieldnames(SIGNAL_FIELDS),<:Tuple{fieldtypes(SIGNAL_FIELDS)...}}) = true | |
struct Signals{C} <: Tables.AbstractColumns | |
_columns::C | |
function Signals(_columns::C) where {C} | |
schema = Tables.schema(_columns) | |
is_valid_signals_schema(schema) || throw(ArgumentError("_table does not have appropriate Signals schema: $schema")) | |
return new{C}(_columns) | |
end | |
end | |
Signals() = Signals(Tables.columntable(SIGNAL_FIELDS[])) | |
Tables.istable(signals::Signals) = Tables.istable(getfield(signals, :_columns)) | |
Tables.schema(signals::Signals) = Tables.schema(getfield(signals, :_columns)) | |
Tables.materializer(signals::Signals) = Tables.materializer(getfield(signals, :_columns)) | |
Tables.rowaccess(signals::Signals) = Tables.rowaccess(getfield(signals, :_columns)) | |
Tables.rows(signals::Signals) = (Signal(row) for row in Tables.rows(getfield(signals, :_columns))) | |
Tables.columnaccess(signals::Signals) = Tables.columnaccess(getfield(signals, :_columns)) | |
Tables.columns(signals::Signals) = Tables.columns(getfield(signals, :_columns)) | |
Tables.columnnames(signals::Signals) = Tables.columnnames(getfield(signals, :_columns)) | |
Tables.getcolumn(signals::Signals, i::Int) = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(signals, :_columns), i) | |
Tables.getcolumn(signals::Signals, nm::Symbol) = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(signals, :_columns), nm) | |
Tables.getcolumn(signals::Signals, ::Type{T}, i::Int, nm::Symbol) where {T} = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(signals, :_columns), T, i, nm) | |
##### | |
##### Annotations | |
##### | |
struct Annotation{V,R} <: Tables.AbstractRow | |
_row::R | |
end | |
_annotation_fields(::Type{V}) where {V} = NamedTuple{(:recording_uuid, :uuid, :start_nanosecond, :stop_nanosecond, :value),Tuple{UUID,UUID,Nanosecond,Nanosecond,V}} | |
Annotation(_row::R) where {R} = Annotation{fieldtype(R, :value),R}(_row) | |
Annotation{V}(_row::R) where {V,R} = Annotation{V,R}(_row) | |
function Annotation{V}(; recording_uuid::UUID, uuid::UUID, start_nanosecond, stop_nanosecond, value) where {V} | |
return Annotation{V,_annotation_fields(V)}((; recording_uuid, uuid, | |
start_nanosecond=Nanosecond(start_nanosecond), | |
stop_nanosecond=Nanosecond(stop_nanosecond), | |
value=convert(V, value))) | |
end | |
function Annotation(; recording_uuid, uuid, start_nanosecond, stop_nanosecond, value::V) where {V} | |
return Annotation{V}(; recording_uuid, uuid, start_nanosecond, stop_nanosecond, value) | |
end | |
Base.propertynames(::Annotation) = fieldnames(_annotation_fields(Any)) | |
Base.getproperty(annotation::Annotation{V}, name::Symbol) where {V} = getproperty(getfield(annotation, :_row), name)::fieldtype(_annotation_fields(V), name) | |
Tables.columnnames(::Annotation) = fieldnames(_annotation_fields(Any)) | |
Tables.getcolumn(ann::Annotation{V}, i::Int) where {V} = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(ann, :_row), i)::fieldtype(_annotation_fields(V), i) | |
Tables.getcolumn(ann::Annotation{V}, nm::Symbol) where {V} = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(ann, :_row), nm)::fieldtype(_annotation_fields(V), nm) | |
Tables.getcolumn(ann::Annotation{V}, ::Type{T}, i::Int, nm::Symbol) where {V,T} = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(ann, :_row), T, i, nm)::fieldtype(_annotation_fields(V), i) | |
function Tables.schema(::AbstractVector{<:Annotation{V}}) where {V} | |
F = _annotation_fields(V) | |
return Tables.Schema(fieldnames(F), fieldtypes(F)) | |
end | |
is_valid_annotations_schema(::Nothing) = true | |
is_valid_annotations_schema(::Tables.Schema) = false | |
is_valid_annotations_schema(::Tables.Schema{fieldnames(_annotation_fields(Any)),<:Tuple{fieldtypes(_annotation_fields(Any))...}}) = true | |
struct Annotations{V,C} <: Tables.AbstractColumns | |
_columns::C | |
function Annotations(_columns::C) where {C} | |
schema = Tables.schema(_columns) | |
is_valid_annotations_schema(schema) || throw(ArgumentError("_table does not have appropriate Annotations schema: $schema")) | |
V = schema === nothing ? Any : schema.types[end] | |
return new{V,C}(_columns) | |
end | |
end | |
Annotations{V}() where {V} = Annotations(Tables.columntable(_annotation_fields(V)[])) | |
Tables.istable(annotations::Annotations) = Tables.istable(getfield(annotations, :_columns)) | |
Tables.schema(annotations::Annotations) = Tables.schema(getfield(annotations, :_columns)) | |
Tables.materializer(annotations::Annotations) = Tables.materializer(getfield(annotations, :_columns)) | |
Tables.rowaccess(annotations::Annotations) = Tables.rowaccess(getfield(annotations, :_columns)) | |
Tables.rows(annotations::Annotations{V}) where {V} = (Annotation{V}(row) for row in Tables.rows(getfield(annotations, :_columns))) | |
Tables.columnaccess(annotations::Annotations) = Tables.columnaccess(getfield(annotations, :_columns)) | |
Tables.columns(annotations::Annotations) = Tables.columns(getfield(annotations, :_columns)) | |
Tables.columnnames(annotations::Annotations) = Tables.columnnames(getfield(annotations, :_columns)) | |
Tables.getcolumn(annotations::Annotations, i::Int) = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(annotations, :_columns), i) | |
Tables.getcolumn(annotations::Annotations, nm::Symbol) = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(annotations, :_columns), nm) | |
Tables.getcolumn(annotations::Annotations, ::Type{T}, i::Int, nm::Symbol) where {T} = Tables.getcolumn(getfield(annotations, :_columns), T, i, nm) | |
##### | |
##### by_recording | |
##### | |
function by_recording(signals::Signals, annotations::Annotations{V}) where {V} | |
recordings = Dict{UUID,NamedTuple{(:signals, :annotations),Tuple{Dict{String,Signal},Dict{UUID,Annotation{V}}}}}() | |
for signal in Tables.rows(signals) | |
recording = get!(() -> (signals = Dict{String,Signal}(), annotations = Dict{UUID,Annotation{V}}()), | |
recordings, signal.recording_uuid) | |
recording.signals[signal.type] = signal | |
end | |
for annotation in Tables.rows(annotations) | |
recording = get(recordings, annotation.recording_uuid, nothing) | |
recording === nothing && continue | |
recording.annotations[annotation.uuid] = annotation | |
end | |
return recordings | |
end | |
function by_recording(annotations::Annotations{V}, signals::Signals) where {V} | |
recordings = Dict{UUID,NamedTuple{(:annotations, :signals),Tuple{Dict{UUID,Annotation{V}},Dict{String,Signal}}}}() | |
for annotation in Tables.rows(annotations) | |
recording = get!(() -> (annotations = Dict{UUID,Annotation{V}}(), signals = Dict{String,Signal}()), | |
recordings, annotation.recording_uuid) | |
recording.annotations[annotation.uuid] = annotation | |
end | |
for signal in Tables.rows(signals) | |
recording = get(recordings, signal.recording_uuid, nothing) | |
recording === nothing && continue | |
recording.signals[signal.type] = signal | |
end | |
return recordings | |
end | |
function by_recording(signals::Signals) | |
recordings = Dict{UUID,Dict{String,Signal}}() | |
for signal in Tables.rows(signals) | |
recording = get!(() -> Dict{String,Signal}(), recordings, signal.recording_uuid) | |
recording[signal.type] = signal | |
end | |
return recordings | |
end | |
function by_recording(annotations::Annotations{V}) where {V} | |
recordings = Dict{UUID,Dict{UUID,Annotation{V}}}() | |
for annotation in Tables.rows(annotations) | |
recording = get!(() -> Dict{UUID,Annotation{V}}(), recordings, annotation.recording_uuid) | |
recording[annotation.uuid] = annotation | |
end | |
return recordings | |
end | |
##### | |
##### conversion | |
##### | |
using MsgPack | |
using Onda: Onda | |
function convert_old_dataset(dataset_path, uuid_from_annotation = _ -> uuid4()) | |
raw_header, raw_recordings = MsgPack.unpack(Onda.zstd_decompress(read(joinpath(dataset_path, "recordings.msgpack.zst")))) | |
v"0.3" <= VersionNumber(raw_header["onda_format_version"]) < v"0.5" || error("unexpected dataset version: $(raw_header["onda_format_version"])") | |
signals = Signal[] | |
annotations = Annotation{String}[] | |
for (uuid, recording) in raw_recordings | |
recording_uuid = UUID(uuid) | |
for (type, signal) in recording["signals"] | |
push!(signals, Signal(; recording_uuid, type, | |
file_path=Onda.samples_path(dataset_path, recording_uuid, type, signal["file_extension"]), | |
file_metadata=signal["file_options"], | |
channel_names=signal["channel_names"], | |
start_nanosecond=signal["start_nanosecond"], | |
stop_nanosecond=signal["stop_nanosecond"], | |
sample_unit=signal["sample_unit"], | |
sample_resolution_in_unit=signal["sample_resolution_in_unit"], | |
sample_offset_in_unit=signal["sample_offset_in_unit"], | |
sample_type=signal["sample_type"], | |
sample_rate=signal["sample_rate"])) | |
end | |
for ann in recording["annotations"] | |
ann_uuid = uuid_from_annotation(ann) | |
push!(annotations, Annotation(; recording_uuid, uuid=ann_uuid, | |
start_nanosecond=ann["start_nanosecond"], | |
stop_nanosecond=ann["stop_nanosecond"], | |
value=ann["value"])) | |
end | |
end | |
return Signals(Tables.columntable(signals)), Annotations(Tables.columntable(annotations)) | |
end | |
I might be missing something obvious, but the methods here seem to be referring to the
struct with a single_row
field defined later in the file, not theSignal
struct with a bunch of fields defined right above, right?
This is just a dumping ground/playground for some ideas (mainly for myself to ensure that certain things were reasonable performance-wise)
In general I wouldn't even spend too much time looking at this at this point - I'd much rather get eyes on beacon-biosignals/Onda.jl#59
Ok, sounds good
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I might be missing something obvious, but the methods here seem to be referring to the
struct with a single_row
field defined later in the file, not theSignal
struct with a bunch of fields defined right above, right?