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Last active August 16, 2024 00:32
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Hyperscript modal behavior
behavior Modal
set my focusRing to (<a, button, input:not([type=hidden]), textarea, select, details/> in me) as Array
on open
remove .hide
add { overflow: 'hidden' } to the <body/>
transition <[data-backdrop], [data-content]/> in me opacity from 0 to 1 over 0.3s
focus() the first <input/> in me
on close or keyup[key is 'Escape'] from <body/>
transition <[data-backdrop], [data-content]/> in me opacity from 1 to 0 over 0.2s
add { overflow: 'visible' } to the <body/>
add .hide
on keydown(shiftKey)[key is 'Tab']
halt the event
if shiftKey call focusPrevious()
else call focusNext()
on click from <[data-close]/> in me
trigger close
def focusNext()
set nextIndex to me.focusRing.indexOf(activeElement of the document) + 1
set next to me.focusRing[nextIndex] or first in me.focusRing
focus() next
def focusPrevious()
set previousIndex to me.focusRing.indexOf(activeElement of the document) - 1
set previous to me.focusRing[previousIndex] or last in me.focusRing
focus() previous
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Amazing! Thanks for sharing

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