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Last active August 13, 2017 12:51
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Facial recognition and training with node js
// Starkflow comments + github project node js
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I believe that you're using the node-opencv library ? You will need some more steps. You have to train your opencv system which than allows you to use the method "predictSync" from FaceRecongizer().
The node-opencv library has a FaceRecognizer Object which you first initialize.
Initialize FaceRecognizer: var FaceRecognizer = new cv.FaceRecognizer();
You have to read all the images, create a specific array and train your FaceRecognizer with that. For my purpose, I'm saving each user in a DB and they get a unique ID which I'm using to create a specific subfolder and this is later used. Here is my code:
//Cold start training for opencv
var uploadDir = path.join(global.appRoot, "/uploads");
fs.readdir(uploadDir, function(err, files){
if(err) throw new Error(err);
if(files.length > 0){ //There are some user related image folders
files.forEach(function(subfolder, index, array){
if(subfolder != ".DS_Store" ){ //Issue with Mac, test on Linux-VM
//We are now iterating over each subfolder
var subFolderDir = path.join(uploadDir, "/"+subfolder);
var images = fs.readdirSync(subFolderDir);
images.forEach(function(image, index, array){//Get Matrix Objekt for each image to train OpenCV
if(image != ".DS_Store"){
var imageDir = path.join(subFolderDir, "/"+image);
cv.readImage(imageDir, function(err, im){
var channels = im.channels();
if(channels >=3){
var labelNumber = parseInt(subfolder); //Create labelnumber; Account-Id starts by 1, labels for openCV start with 0
cvImages.push(new Array(labelNumber,im)); //Add image to Array
if(cvImages.length > 3){
console.log("Training images (we have at least 3 images)", cvImages);
console.log("Not enough images uploaded yet", cvImages);
console.log("There are no images uploaded yet!");
I'm sure, that you can optimize it but for a private project it's good enough.
After training your system, if you want to know the person on the image:
cv.readImage(fileDir, function(err, im){
if(err) res.send(err);
var whoisit = FaceRecognizer.predictSync(im);
console.log("Identified image", whoisit);
The "whoisit" object containts, in my case, the ID of the user and the "confidence" value, means how "sure" openCV is about the person on the image. Hope it helps.
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dunklesToast commented Aug 3, 2017

is it possible to save the trained images? So we dont have to train them every time we restart the software?


Found it.

let FaceRecognizer = new cv.FaceRecognizer();

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