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Jon Roelofs jroelofs

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jroelofs /
Created February 19, 2016 13:12 — forked from g-k/
test transparent git encryption with smudge clean filters using gpg

Generate a GPG Key and revocation cert per

gpg --key-gen
gpg --output revoke.asc --gen-revoke <my user ID or email>

Once gpg key in keyring we can encrypt and decrypt files.

Index: CMakeLists.txt
--- CMakeLists.txt (revision 244611)
+++ CMakeLists.txt (working copy)
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
# Setup Compiler Flags
-include(HandleLibCXXABI) # Steup the ABI library flags
+include(HandleLibCXXABI) # Setup the ABI library flags