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Jose Ruzafa jruzafa

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subfuzion /
Last active February 26, 2025 20:07
curl POST examples

Common Options

-#, --progress-bar Make curl display a simple progress bar instead of the more informational standard meter.

-b, --cookie <name=data> Supply cookie with request. If no =, then specifies the cookie file to use (see -c).

-c, --cookie-jar <file name> File to save response cookies to.

rglastra / gist:3ef9582c6292470a1743
Last active September 2, 2022 16:23
Check available certs in ca-certificates.crt by subject.
echo "All certificates in ca-certificates.crt, listed by subject:"
awk -v cmd='openssl x509 -noout -subject' '/BEGIN/{close(cmd)};{print | cmd}' < /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
echo "All certificates in ca-certificates.crt, listed by subject, check for presence of VeriSign's 'Class 3 Public Primary - G5':"
awk -v cmd='openssl x509 -noout -subject' '/BEGIN/{close(cmd)};{print | cmd}' < /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt | grep "G5"

Magento Scaling Hypotheses

Magento’s checkout throughput can increase to at least 8 times its current capacity and up to 26 times more in ideal conditions.

  1. The current checkouts per hour limit for large, real-world Magento stores is 4,500
  2. This limit cannot effectively be increased with more and/or better hardware
  3. The improper type handling in Magento’s SQL code is the cause of the current limit
  4. If one SQL query is fixed, large Magento stores can scale to a new, real-world limit of 120,000 checkouts per hour
  5. For commodity hardware, this new limit might be 36,000 checkouts per hour
KartikTalwar /
Last active February 28, 2025 10:57
Rsync over SSH - (40MB/s over 1GB NICs)

The fastest remote directory rsync over ssh archival I can muster (40MB/s over 1gb NICs)

This creates an archive that does the following:

rsync (Everyone seems to like -z, but it is much slower for me)

  • a: archive mode - rescursive, preserves owner, preserves permissions, preserves modification times, preserves group, copies symlinks as symlinks, preserves device files.
  • H: preserves hard-links
  • A: preserves ACLs
gsong / net.damacy.releasemem.plist
Created March 17, 2012 18:02
LaunchAgent to release inactive memory on OS X 10.7
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">