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Created August 29, 2021 22:43
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randoms ts
import * as getRandomWord from "random-words";
export const getRandomFloat = <T extends number = number>(min = 0, max = 1): T => {
return (Math.random() * (max - min) + min) as T;
export const getRandomInt = <T extends number = number>(min = 0, max = 1): T => {
if (min === max) return min as T;
return Math.round(getRandomFloat(min, max)) as T;
export const getRandomChoice = <O extends unknown>(
...choices: ((choiceIndex: number) => O)[]
): O => {
const randomChoice = getRandomInt(0, choices.length - 1);
return choices[randomChoice](randomChoice);
export const getRandomBunchOfWords = () => {
return `${getRandomWord()}_${getRandomWord()}`;
export const getRandomSizeArray = (min = 0, max = 10) => Array(getRandomInt(min, max)).fill(null);
export const getMajorRandomBool = () => {
return getRandomInt(0, 10) <= 6;
export const getMinorRandomBool = () => {
return !getMajorRandomBool();
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