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forked from js418's block: Educational Attainment of the Population over Ages
forked from js418's block: Educational Attainment of the Population over Ages
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Built with blockbuilder.org
forked from js418's block: Educational Attainment of the Population over Ages
forked from js418's block: Educational Attainment of the Population over Ages
x | 18 to 24 years | 25 to 29 years | 30 to 34 years | 35 to 39 years | 40 to 44 years | 45 to 49 years | 50 to 54 years | 55 to 59 years | 60 to 64 years | 65 to 69 years | 70 to 74 years | 75 years and over | |
None | 68 | 38 | 46 | 86 | 71 | 78 | 71 | 58 | 49 | 92 | 40 | 178 | |
1st - 4th grade | 85 | 70 | 137 | 122 | 135 | 105 | 193 | 169 | 174 | 171 | 137 | 377 | |
5th - 6th grade | 103 | 189 | 237 | 422 | 376 | 351 | 322 | 326 | 274 | 248 | 220 | 439 | |
7th - 8th grade | 201 | 199 | 238 | 292 | 356 | 306 | 316 | 362 | 293 | 306 | 302 | 920 | |
9th grade | 318 | 265 | 398 | 401 | 317 | 345 | 325 | 266 | 247 | 192 | 203 | 475 | |
10th grade | 632 | 324 | 335 | 305 | 287 | 352 | 401 | 344 | 300 | 279 | 355 | 617 | |
11th grade /2 | 3670 | 844 | 773 | 698 | 631 | 644 | 765 | 779 | 564 | 450 | 412 | 793 | |
High school graduate | 9079 | 5690 | 5275 | 5134 | 5201 | 5947 | 6872 | 6710 | 5832 | 4867 | 3829 | 7219 | |
Some college, no degree | 11049 | 4259 | 3683 | 3228 | 3202 | 3163 | 3500 | 3613 | 3308 | 2743 | 1860 | 2604 | |
Associate's degree, occupational | 701 | 949 | 953 | 856 | 927 | 951 | 1053 | 1035 | 864 | 660 | 390 | 526 | |
Associate's degree, academic | 969 | 1248 | 1327 | 1194 | 1197 | 1183 | 1373 | 1264 | 1096 | 792 | 451 | 580 | |
Bachelor's degree | 3016 | 5889 | 4970 | 4457 | 4523 | 4499 | 4594 | 3948 | 3537 | 2801 | 1716 | 2565 | |
Master's degree | 212 | 1492 | 2068 | 2002 | 1995 | 1982 | 1783 | 1841 | 1770 | 1477 | 907 | 1155 | |
Professional degree | 12 | 214 | 371 | 316 | 382 | 347 | 309 | 325 | 361 | 278 | 174 | 288 | |
Doctoral degree | 2 | 198 | 327 | 404 | 402 | 309 | 354 | 380 | 329 | 371 | 215 | 320 |
<!DOCTYPE html> | |
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