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Created December 16, 2022 18:06
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Puzzle at:
Part 2 could be brute-forced with the use of "part1" in less
than 10 minutes, I guess.
I opted for a rectangle-splitting approach, and checking if
all rectangle corners where covered by at least one sensor
or per none.
This was not very fast either - took more than 2 min
but got there right.
I was delayed by "off-by-ones" : as I built on top
of the excelent terminedia.Rect class - but it is
"python-slice-like" open-ended on right and botton -
I had to work with closed ends, and took a lot of
time to realize this is what was wrong there.
That said, terminedia.V2 and Rect classes are really awesome
(I should update the later with some of what I learned here)
And as far as part1 is concerned, I have the feeling that I left a
way simpler method sleep by - but it worked fast enough
from terminedia import V2, Rect
class R2(Rect):
In [344]: a = R2(10,10)
In [345]: a
Out[345]: R2((0, 0), (10, 10))
In [346]: b = list(a.split())
In [347]: b
[R2((0, 0), (5.0, 5.0)),
R2((5.0, 0), (10, 5.0)),
R2((5.0, 5.0), (10, 10)),
R2((0, 5.0), (5.0, 10))]
c3 = property(lambda s: V2(s.right,
c4 = property(lambda s: V2(s.left, s.bottom))
corners = property(lambda s: (s.c1, s.c3, s.c2, s.c4))
def inside_corners(self):
"""yield the coordinates at right, bottm that are actually inside the rect -"""
yield self.c1
yield self.c3 - (1, 0)
yield self.c2 - (1, 1)
yield self.c4 - (0, 1)
def split(self):
cls = type(self)
center =
for c in self.corners:
if c.x - center.x != 0 and c.y - center.y != 0:
# terminedia.Rect accepts corners in any relative position
yield cls(c, center)
def manh(p1, p2):
return abs(p1[0] - p2[0])+ abs(p1[1] - p2[1])
class Map:
def __init__(self, data):
self.sensors = {}
self.beacons = {}
def _pt(self, token):
return int(token.strip(" ,:").split("=")[1])
def parse(self, data):
for line in data.splitlines():
_, _, xs, ys, _,_,_,_,xb,yb = line.split()
xs, ys = self._pt(xs), self._pt(ys)
xb, yb = self._pt(xb), self._pt(yb)
poss = V2(xs, ys)
posb = V2(xb, yb)
self.sensors[poss] = posb
self.beacons.setdefault(posb, []).append(poss)
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.sensors)
def free_space(self, row):
distances_from_row = {}
occupancy = Discontiguous()
for sensor, beacon in self.sensors.items():
radius = manh(sensor, beacon)
remaining = radius - abs(sensor.y - row)
if remaining <= 0:
range_ = (sensor.x - remaining, sensor.x + remaining )
beacons_in_row = sum(beacon.y == row and beacon.x in occupancy for beacon in self.beacons)
return len(occupancy) - beacons_in_row
def rectangle_covered(self, rect: R2) -> list[R2]:
"""returns a list of all unconvered areas
in the initial rectangle, if any.
in the problem input, should return a single 1x1 rect
at the missing beacon coordinates
all_complete = False
all_empty = []
for sensor, beacon in self.sensors.items():
radius = manh(sensor, beacon)
corners_status = [manh(corner, sensor) <= radius for corner in rect.inside_corners]
if all(corners_status) or ((rect.height <= 1 and rect.width <= 1) and corners_status[0]):
all_complete = True
if rect.width >= 1 and rect.height >= 1:
all_empty.append(not any(corners_status) and sensor not in rect)
elif sensor != rect.c1 and not corners_status[0]:
if all_complete:
return []
if all_empty and all(all_empty):
return [rect]
res = []
for part in rect.split():
return res
class Discontiguous:
def __init__(self, ranges=()):
self.ranges = []
for range_ in ranges:
def add_range(self, range_: tuple[int, int]):
range_ = range_[0], range_[1] + 1
insort(self.ranges, range_)
def __contains__(self, pos):
for range_ in self.ranges:
if pos >= range_[0] and pos < range_[1]:
return True
if range_[1] >= pos:
return False
def __len__(self):
inside = []
occupied = 0
for r in self.ranges:
start, stop = r
tokill = []
for i, r2 in enumerate(inside):
if start > r2[1]:
for i in reversed(tokill):
del inside[i]
xx = max([start, *(r3[1] for r3 in inside)])
occupied += (stop - xx) if stop > xx else 0
return occupied
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.ranges)
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