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Last active July 1, 2023 18:46
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Bash script to convert a simple CSV file into an HTML table
# Script to convert a *simple* CSV file into an HTML table
# Will fail if field data contains comma or newlines
usage (){
echo "Examples:"
echo "$0 /tmp/input.csv > /tmp/output.html"
echo "$0 /tmp/input.csv 1 > /tmp/output.html # add a border"
[[ $# -lt 1 ]] && usage && exit 1
[[ $1 == "-h" ]] || [[ $1 == "--help" ]] && usage && exit 1
if [[ $# -eq 2 ]]; then
echo "<table border=\"$2\">"
echo '<table>'
head -n 1 "$CSV_FN" | \
sed -e 's/^/<tr><th>/' -e 's/,/<\/th><th>/g' -e 's/$/<\/th><\/tr>/'
tail -n +2 "$CSV_FN" | \
sed -e 's/^/<tr><td>/' -e 's/,/<\/td><td>/g' -e 's/$/<\/td><\/tr>/'
echo "</table>"
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Hi The above script works as advertised on large, complex csv files. Even in KSH on unix.... What I need next is a way to set or modify column widths. I thought by default, column widths in html tables were automatically adjusted ( to each field in between the '',"s in a csv file). Do I need to add a 'width auto' or 'width 100' right after the echo "

", above the "head -1" in the script above ? Once I get the syntax of this add I can test either 'auto' or '100' for width . Alan Wilcox [email protected]

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jikuja commented Aug 10, 2018

Does not work with complex CSV files. Will fail if field data contains comma or newlines.

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how can we add border

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go2amp commented Jun 27, 2023

I'm not following the usage. Can you give an example?

Supposed I have a csv at /tmp/fw30.csv and I want output to the finished product to /tmp/fw30.html


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Apologies to all for not responding sooner and thanks for the comments and questions. I've just updated the script based on all of your feedback.

@alanwilcox862 I tested it on my system (Mac + Brave browser) and the column widths are indeed automatically adjusted.

@jikuja correct. I've added this to the comments at the top of the script.

@jatinbamel9696. I added the ability to create a simple border with the 2nd argument to the script.

@go2amp ,

./ /tmp/fw30.csv > /tmp/fw30.html


bash /tmp/fw30.csv > /tmp/fw30.html

should do it. I also added this to the example usage.

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