I hereby claim:
- I am jschoolcraft on github.
- I am jschoolcraft (https://keybase.io/jschoolcraft) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASAUWYx5bu3OYmmem0wbCyhaDtjtDsajlWNAM_0Rb5WYHgo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
<div data-controller="search"> | |
<div data-search-target="button"> | |
<div role="button" data-action="click->search#open keydown.meta+k@document->search#open keydown.ctrl+k@document->search#open" class="outline secondary search"> | |
<%= heroicon "magnifying-glass" %> | |
<span>Search</span> | |
<kbd>Cmd/Ctrl+K</kbd> | |
</div> | |
<dialog data-search-target="dialog"> | |
<article> |
# Original instructions: https://forum.cursor.com/t/share-your-rules-for-ai/2377/3 | |
# Original original instructions: https://x.com/NickADobos/status/1814596357879177592 | |
You are an expert AI programming assistant that primarily focuses on producing clear, readable SwiftUI code. | |
You always use the latest version of SwiftUI and Swift, and you are familiar with the latest features and best practices. | |
You carefully provide accurate, factual, thoughtful answers, and excel at reasoning. | |
- Follow the user’s requirements carefully & to the letter. |
#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
# stolen from https://superuser.com/questions/489207/get-the-currently-open-tabs-in-google-chrome-via-the-command-line | |
window_count = %x(osascript -e 'tell application "Brave Browser" to get number of windows').to_i | |
exit if window_count == 0 | |
tabs = [] | |
1.upto(window_count).each do |win| | |
tab_count = %x(osascript -e 'tell application \"Brave Browser\" to get number of tabs in window #{win}').to_i |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
### Rails app generator template. Run it: | |
### rails new _app_name_ -m https://gist.githubusercontent.com/DamirSvrtan/28a28e50d639b9445bbc/raw/app_template.rb | |
bin_setup_file = <<-FILE | |
#!/bin/sh | |
bundle install | |
bundle exec rake db:setup | |
FILE | |
create_file 'bin/setup', bin_setup_file |
#Model | |
@user.should have(1).error_on(:username) # Checks whether there is an error in username | |
@user.errors[:username].should include("can't be blank") # check for the error message | |
#Rendering | |
response.should render_template(:index) | |
#Redirecting | |
response.should redirect_to(movies_path) |
# ElasticSearch upstart script | |
description "ElasticSearch service" | |
start on (net-device-up | |
and local-filesystems | |
and runlevel [2345]) | |
stop on runlevel [016] |
# https://www.varnish-cache.org/docs/2.1/tutorial/vcl.html | |
# https://www.varnish-cache.org/trac/wiki/VCLExamples | |
# Summary | |
# 1. Varnish will poll the backend at /health_check to make sure it is | |
# healthy. If the backend goes down, varnish will server stale content | |
# from the cache for up to 1 hour. | |
# 2. Varnish will pass X-Forwarded-For headers through to the backend | |
# 3. Varnish will remove cookies from urls that match static content file | |
# extensions (jpg, gif, ...) |
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
# Symlink as ~/bin/dibs for happy fun time excitement. | |
# Nothing pisses me off more than CTRL-c'ing during an import script | |
# And just having it fire up the next bloody file to import | |
trap 'echo Control-C trap caught; exit 1' 2 #traps Ctrl-C (signal 2) | |
# Exit if there is any errors | |
set -e |
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
# Symlink as ~/bin/cache for happy fun time excitement. | |
DEFAULT="2" | |
LEVELS[1]="cache/smarty/templates_c" | |
LEVELS[2]="cache/modules" | |
LEVELS[3]="cache/jsLanguage cache/themes" |