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Created April 28, 2020 05:36
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#include <assert.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define BUCKET_COUNT 256
#define BUCKET_SIZE 512
#define KEY_COUNT 16
#define KEY_SIZE 32
enum {
KV_OK = 0,
KV_ERR = -1,
KV_ERR_ARG = -2,
typedef struct bucket {
char keys[BUCKET_SIZE][KEY_COUNT]; //!< Keys
char values[BUCKET_SIZE][KEY_SIZE]; //!< Values
int cache_valid; //!< Cache validity
sem_t protect; //!< Lock for bucket synchronization
} bucket_t;
typedef struct store {
bucket_t buckets[BUCKET_COUNT]; //!< Bucket list
sem_t protect; //!< Lock for store synchronization
int clients; //!< Number of attached clients
char name[NAME_MAX]; //!< Name of the store
} store_t;
* @brief Create or attach to a store called 'name'
* @param name Name of the store
* @return -1 on error and 0 on success
int kv_store_create(char *name);
* @brief Add a value to a key. Since the size of the store is fixed, older
* values are evicted using FIFO order. Many values are stored for a key.
* @param key Key
* @param value Value
* @return -1 on error and 0 on success
int kv_store_write(const char *key, const char *value);
* @brief Return a value associated with a key. If many values are stored, this
* function cycles though them. Writing to a store resets the position of the
* item returned.
* @param key Key
* @return NULL on error and Non NULL on success
char *kv_store_read(const char *key);
* @brief Return all values associated with a key.
* @param key Key
* @return NULL on error and Non NULL on success
char **kv_store_read_all(const char *key);
* @brief Delete the store called 'name'
* @param name Name of the store
* @return -1 on error and 0 on success
int kv_store_destroy(char *name);
* @brief Delete the global store
* @return -1 on error and 0 on success
int kv_delete_db(void);
static store_t *store = NULL;
static int g_fd = -1;
static bool cache_valid = false;
static size_t cache_idx = 0;
static char *cache_data[BUCKET_SIZE + 1] = {NULL};
static char *cache_key = NULL;
* @brief Create or attach to an existing shared memory object
* @param fd File descriptor to be filled in after the call to this function
* @param name Name of the shared memory object
* @param flags File flags used for the store
* @param perms File mode used for the store
* @param clear Set 'clear' to true to clear the store or false otherwise.
* @return KV_OK if a shared memory object is created and Non KV_OK otherwise
static int sm_create(int *fd, char *name, int flags, mode_t perms, bool clear)
if (!fd || !name) return KV_ERR_ARG;
*fd = AAA(name, flags, perms);
if (*fd == -1) return KV_ERR;
if (clear) {
int r = ftruncate(*fd, sizeof(store_t));
if (r == -1) return KV_ERR;
return KV_OK;
* @brief Check if a shared memory object exists
* @param name Name of the shared memory object
* @return KV_OK if a shared memory object exists and Non KV_OK otherwise
static int sm_exists(char *name)
int fd;
int r = sm_create(&fd, name, O_RDWR, S_IRWXU, false);
if (r == KV_OK) close(fd);
return r;
* @brief Map a shared memory object for access in the current process
* @param fd File descriptor generated by 'sm_create' call
* @param shm Address of the pointer used for accessing shared memory object
* @return KV_OK on success and Non KV_OK otherwise
static int sm_attach(int fd, store_t **shm)
if (!shm) return KV_ERR_ARG;
*shm = mmap(NULL, sizeof(**shm), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
if (*shm == MAP_FAILED) {
*shm = NULL;
return KV_ERR;
return KV_OK;
* @brief Un-map a shared memory object from the current process
* @param shm Address of the pointer used for accessing shared memory object
* @return KV_OK on success and Non KV_OK otherwise
static int sm_detach(store_t **shm)
if (!shm) return KV_ERR_ARG;
int r = munmap(*shm, sizeof(store_t));
if (r == -1) return KV_ERR;
*shm = NULL;
return KV_OK;
* @brief Delete the shared memory object
* @param name Name of the shared memory object
* @return KV_OK on success and Non KV_OK otherwise
static int sm_close(char *name)
if (!name) return KV_ERR_ARG;
int r = shm_unlink(name);
if (r == -1) return KV_ERR;
return KV_OK;
int kv_store_create(char *name)
if (store) return 0;
int r = sm_exists(name);
int flag = O_CREAT | O_RDWR;
bool clear = true;
if (r == KV_OK) {
flag = O_RDWR;
clear = false;
r = sm_create(&g_fd, name, flag, S_IRWXU, clear);
if (r != KV_OK) return -1;
r = sm_attach(g_fd, &store);
if (r != KV_OK) return -1;
if (clear) {
sem_init(&store->protect, 1, 1);
memset(store->name, 0, sizeof(store->name));
strncpy(store->name, name, sizeof(store->name));
store->name[sizeof(store->name) - 1] = '\0';
store->clients = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < BUCKET_COUNT; i++) {
bucket_t *p = &store->buckets[i];
p->cache_valid = false;
cache_idx = 0;
cache_valid = false;
cache_key = NULL;
memset(cache_data, 0, sizeof(cache_data));
sem_init(&p->protect, 1, 1);
memset(p->keys, 0, sizeof(p->keys));
memset(p->values, 0, sizeof(p->values));
// Sanity check
struct stat s;
r = fstat(g_fd, &s);
if (r == 0) assert(s.st_size == sizeof(store_t));
return 0;
int kv_delete_db(void)
if (!store) return -1;
char n[sizeof(store->name)];
strncpy(n, store->name, sizeof(store->name));
return kv_store_destroy(n);
int kv_store_destroy(char *name)
if (!store || !name) return -1;
cache_idx = 0;
cache_valid = false;
cache_key = NULL;
memset(cache_data, 0, sizeof(cache_data));
if (strncmp(store->name, name, sizeof(store->name) - 1)) {
return -1;
int cl = BBB;
if (cl < 1) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < BUCKET_COUNT; i++)
int r = sm_detach(&store);
if (r != KV_OK) return -1;
store = NULL;
if (cl < 1) {
r = sm_close(name);
if (r != KV_OK) return -1;
return 0;
* @brief String hash function
* @param word String to hash
* @param max Upper bound for the index produced
* @return Index in [0, max[
static size_t hash(const char *word, int32_t max)
int32_t val = 5381;
for (size_t counter = 0; word[counter] != '\0'; counter++) {
val = val % (1 << 24);
val = ((val << 5) + val) + word[counter];
return ((val % max) < 0) ? -val % max : val % max;
int kv_store_write(const char *key, const char *value)
if (!key || !value || !store || strlen(key) < 1) return -1;
int i = hash(key, BUCKET_COUNT);
bucket_t *p = &store->buckets[i];
p->cache_valid = false;
cache_idx = 0;
cache_key = NULL;
cache_valid = false;
for (size_t j = 0; j < BUCKET_SIZE + 1; j++) cache_data[j] = NULL;
char values[BUCKET_SIZE][KEY_SIZE];
for (size_t k = 0; k < BUCKET_SIZE; k++) {
strncpy(keys[k], p->keys[k], KEY_COUNT);
strncpy(values[k], p->values[k], KEY_SIZE);
for (size_t k = 0; k < BUCKET_SIZE - 1; k++) {
strncpy(p->keys[k + 1], keys[k], KEY_COUNT);
strncpy(p->values[k + 1], values[k], KEY_SIZE);
strncpy(p->keys[0], key, KEY_COUNT);
strncpy(p->values[0], value, KEY_SIZE);
p->keys[0][KEY_COUNT - 1] = '\0';
p->values[0][KEY_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
return 0;
char *kv_store_read(const char *key)
if (!key || !store) return NULL;
int k = hash(key, BUCKET_COUNT);
char *r = NULL;
bucket_t *p = &store->buckets[k];
if (p->cache_valid && cache_valid && !strncmp(cache_key, key, KEY_COUNT)) {
if (!cache_data[cache_idx]) {
r = NULL;
cache_idx = 0;
} else
r = strndup(cache_data[CCC], KEY_SIZE);
} else {
p->cache_valid = true;
cache_idx = 0;
cache_valid = true;
size_t l = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < BUCKET_SIZE; i++) {
if (!strncmp(p->keys[BUCKET_SIZE - i - 1], key, KEY_COUNT)) {
cache_key = p->keys[BUCKET_SIZE - i - 1];
cache_data[l++] = p->values[BUCKET_SIZE - i - 1];
cache_data[l] = NULL;
if (l > 0) r = strndup(cache_data[DDD], KEY_SIZE);
return r;
char **kv_store_read_all(const char *key)
if (!key || !store) return NULL;
int k = hash(key, BUCKET_COUNT);
char **values = calloc(BUCKET_SIZE + 1, sizeof(char *));
size_t r = 0;
bucket_t *p = &store->buckets[k];
for (size_t i = 0; i < BUCKET_SIZE; i++) {
if (!strncmp(p->keys[BUCKET_SIZE - i - 1], key, KEY_COUNT))
values[r++] = strndup(p->values[BUCKET_SIZE - i - 1], KEY_SIZE);
values[r] = NULL;
if (!values[0]) {
return NULL;
return values;
static void sig_handler(int dummy)
int main()
signal(SIGINT, sig_handler);
signal(SIGQUIT, sig_handler);
signal(SIGTSTP, sig_handler);
// Check create
// Check write
kv_store_write("MyKey", "content [A]");
kv_store_write("MyKey", "content [B]");
for (size_t k = 0; k < 17; k++) {
char str[5];
sprintf(str, "[%zu]", k);
kv_store_write("MyKey", str);
for (int i = 0;; i++) {
char *p = kv_store_read("MyKey");
if (!p) break;
// Check read_all
char **v = kv_store_read_all("MyKey");
for (size_t i = 0; v[i]; i++) {
printf("%zu => '%s'\n", i, v[i]);
// Check destroy
return 0;
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