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Created August 12, 2023 22:29
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Simple AVar-based Debouncer
module Debouncer
( Debouncer
, Task
, new
, defaultDelay
, run
) where
import Control.Applicative as Applicative
import Control.Bind (bind, discard, pure)
import Control.Bind as Bind
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Eq ((==))
import Data.Function (($))
import Data.Unit (Unit, unit)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.AVar (AVar)
import Effect.AVar as AVar
import Effect.Aff (Aff, Milliseconds(..))
import Effect.Aff as Aff
import Effect.Aff.AVar as AffAVar
import Effect.Console as Console
import Effect.Exception (Error)
import Effect.Exception as Exception
newtype Debouncer :: Type -> Type
newtype Debouncer a = Debouncer
{ ref :: AVar (Aff Unit)
, delayMillis :: Milliseconds
type Task :: Type -> Type
type Task a =
{ action :: Aff a
, callback :: a -> Effect Unit
new :: forall a. Milliseconds -> Effect (Debouncer a)
new delayMillis = do
ref <- $ pure unit
pure $ Debouncer { ref, delayMillis }
defaultDelay :: Milliseconds
defaultDelay = Milliseconds 1200.0
run :: forall a. Debouncer a -> Task a -> Effect Unit
run (Debouncer { ref, delayMillis }) { action, callback } = do
Aff.runAff_ (handler callback) do
-- 1. Kill the previous task instance if it's still queued.
Bind.join $ AffAVar.take ref
-- 2. Fork the current task instance.
fiber <- Aff.forkAff do
Aff.delay delayMillis
-- 3. Store an effect that, when called, will kill the current task instance.
AffAVar.put (Aff.killFiber killedByDebouncer fiber) ref
-- 4. Wait until the task completes or was killed.
Aff.joinFiber fiber
:: forall a
. (a -> Effect Unit)
-> Either Error a
-> Effect Unit
handler callback = case _ of
Left err -> do
Applicative.unless (isKilledByDebouncerError err) do
Console.error "Debounced action failed with unexpected error"
Exception.throwException err
Right x -> callback x
isKilledByDebouncerError :: Error -> Boolean
isKilledByDebouncerError err = Exception.message err == killedByDebouncerMsg
killedByDebouncer :: Error
killedByDebouncer = Exception.error killedByDebouncerMsg
killedByDebouncerMsg :: String
killedByDebouncerMsg = "Killed by debouncer"
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