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Last active September 19, 2022 13:52
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Small and reasonably grounded example of -XQuantifiedConstraints
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
module QuantifiedConstraintsExample
( Stuff(..)
, Things
, getThingsIO
, getThings
) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Data.Monoid (Sum(..))
import Prelude
newtype Stuff = Stuff
{ unStuff :: Int
-- | Dummy type that has a 'Monoid' instance.
newtype Things = Things
{ unThings :: Sum Int
} deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via (Sum Int)
-- | Given a bunch of 'Stuff', get a bunch of (combined) 'Things' in 'IO'. This
-- leverages the facts that the type 'Things' has a 'Monoid' instance and that
-- there is also a @Monoid a => Monoid (IO a)@ instance.
getThingsIO :: [Stuff] -> IO Things
getThingsIO stuffs = do
fmap Things $ flip foldMap stuffs \stuff ->
pure $ Sum $ unStuff stuff
-- | But when we try to generalize this function, we get a compiler error:
-- > getThings :: (MonadIO m) => [Stuff] -> m Things
-- > getThings stuffs = do
-- > fmap Things $ flip foldMap stuffs \stuff ->
-- > pure $ Sum $ unStuff stuff
-- > • Could not deduce (Monoid (m (Sum Int)))
-- > arising from a use of ‘foldMap’
-- > from the context: MonadIO m
-- > bound by the type signature for:
-- > getThings :: forall (m :: * -> *). MonadIO m => [Stuff] -> m Things
-- We don't want to directly put this missing constraint as GHC reports it into
-- our type signature, as that would leak the underlying type 'Things' wraps to
-- the user.
-- Instead, we can use the 'QuantifiedConstraints' extension to express the
-- requirement that @m a@ has a 'Monoid' instance.
:: (MonadIO m, forall x. Monoid x => Monoid (m x))
=> [Stuff]
-> m Things
getThings stuffs = do
fmap Things $ flip foldMap stuffs \stuff ->
pure $ Sum $ unStuff stuff
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