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denji /
Last active March 7, 2025 01:12
NGINX tuning for best performance

NGINX Tuning For Best Performance

For this configuration you can use web server you like, i decided, because i work mostly with it to use nginx.

Generally, properly configured nginx can handle up to 400K to 500K requests per second (clustered), most what i saw is 50K to 80K (non-clustered) requests per second and 30% CPU load, course, this was 2 x Intel Xeon with HyperThreading enabled, but it can work without problem on slower machines.

You must understand that this config is used in testing environment and not in production so you will need to find a way to implement most of those features best possible for your servers.

#Provided by @mrlesmithjr
# Graylog2 upgrade script for Ubuntu
set -e
# Setup logging
# Logs stderr and stdout to separate files.
exec 2> >(tee "./graylog2/upgrade_graylog2.err")
bengarrett /
Last active April 30, 2020 06:38
Installing and using Percona XtraBackup on Ubuntu 14.04 for MySQL backups.

Installing and using Percona XtraBackup

For MySQL/MariaDB database servers on Ubuntu.

Set-up and Install

Add Percona to your repository.

Backup your sources.

sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup

Edit your sources.
stephen-puiszis / elasticsearch-cheatsheet.txt
Last active June 7, 2024 11:53
Elasticsearch Cheatsheet - An Overview of Commonly Used Elasticsearch API Endpoints and What They Do
# Elasticsearch Cheatsheet - an overview of commonly used Elasticsearch API commands
# cat paths
ruanbekker /
Last active December 16, 2024 18:41
Elasticsearch Cheatsheet : Example API usage of using Elasticsearch with curl