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Last active June 5, 2017 12:11
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R Build Script
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# Simple R pkg build script with logging posted to Slack. Output gets copied to
# a pkg repository under `/usr/share/nginx/R`.
# Wrap with *sh to background script and save as git hook.
# Requires:
# 1. Slack API Test Token
# 2. Slack Webhook URL
# Replace args as appropriate
slackr_setup(api_token = "API_TOKEN",
channel = "CHANNEL",
username = "USERNAME",
icon_emoji = ":snowman:",
incoming_webhook_url = "WEBHOOK_URL")
repo <- repository()
ll <- commits(repo)
latest <- ll[[1]]
s <- sprintf("(%s) [%s] %s: %s",
substring(latest@sha, 1, 7),
substring(when(latest), 1, 10),
DIR <- file.path(tempdir(), basename(repo@path))
dir.create(DIR, recursive = T)
clone(getwd(), DIR)
dir.create("/tmp/.rlibs", showWarnings = F)
install_deps(threads = parallel::detectCores() - 1, quiet = F, upgrade = T)
# For internal packages, I only care about running the unit tests
slackr(out <- test())
out <-
if (any(out$failed > 0) | any(out$error)) {
# For my purposes git users = slack users
text_slackr(sprintf("@%s: :warning: tests failed!", latest@author@name),
preformatted = F)
stop("Failed test!")
# Let's append the commit count since the last tag for better versioning
# in R. Ideally, we'd like to append the SHA of the latest commit but R...
n <- ahead_behind(tags(repo)[[1]], latest)[2]
system(sprintf("sed -i '/^Version/ s/$/-%d/' DESCRIPTION", n))
build(path = ".", quiet = T)
pkg <- list.files(pattern = ".*[.]tar[.]gz$")
if (length(pkg) > 1)
stop("Multiple packages found!")
insertPackage(pkg, "/usr/share/nginx/R/")
text_slackr("<!channel> build finished! :champagne:", preformatted = F)
}, finally = function() unlink(DIR, recursive = T))
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