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Created January 19, 2014 12:26
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Save jsleeio/8504181 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
void GPS_Switch_Mode_To_NMEA(void)
int checkSum;
const byte magicHead[] = {
0xA0, 0xA2, // start sequence
0x00, 0x18 // payload length 0x18 = 24
const byte magicPayload[] = {
0x81, // Message ID for "switch to NMEA"
0x02, // means "do not change NMEA debug message mode"
// the next bunch of fields work in pairs, first the time between messages, "period", then whether or
// not to send checksum on that message
// "period" is the number of seconds between times that the GPS repeats the message
// zero period is "do not send message
// then 0x00 for checksum off or 0x01 for checksum on
0x01, // GGA period
0x01, // checksum = on
0x01, // GLL period
0x01, // checksum = on
0x00, // GSA period
0x01, // checksum = on
0x05, // GSV period
0x01, // checksum = on
0x00, // RMC period
0x01, // checksum = on
0x00, // VTG period
0x01, // checksum = on
0x00, // MSS period
0x01, // checksum = on
0x00, // unused (future message)
0x01, // unused (checksum = on)
0x00, // ZDA period
0x01, // checksum = on
0x00, // unused (future message)
0x01, // unused (checksum = on)
// baud rate in 2 bytes (9600 = 0x2580; 19200 = 0x4B00; etc. )
0x12, // baud rate high byte
0xC0 // baud rate low byte
const byte magicTail[] = {
0xB0, 0xB3 // end sequence
// send 4 byte header
for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
// send message body, calculating checksum as we go
checkSum = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < 24; index++) {
checkSum = checkSum + magicPayload[index];
checkSum = checkSum & (0x7FFF);
// send the 2 byte checksum
Serial1.print(byte(checkSum >> 8));
Serial1.print(byte(checkSum & 0xff));
// send the 2 byte tail
for (int index = 0; index < 2; index++) {
void setup()
Serial.println("turning on GPS...");
Serial1.begin(4800); // set this to the baud rate that (you hope) your "stuck in binary" GPS is set for
// if your GPS is really wonked, you may need to repeat this trying different baud rates
Serial.println("attempting switch from SiRF->NMEA in 3 seconds...");
Serial.println("turning off GPS");
Serial.println("reconfiguring for 4800 baud");
Serial.println("turning GPS back on");
Serial.println("dumping GPS data");
void loop() {
while (Serial1.available())
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