#' Generate species-by-site matrix with prespecified degree of across-site correlation |
#' between community richness and total community biomass |
#' |
#' @param rho = the bivariate correlation between the rowSums and the rowSums > 0 |
#' @param nspecies = the number of species in the simulated data (ncol) |
#' @param ncomms = the number of communities in the simulated data (nrow) |
#' @param propzero = the proportion of the matrix that is zeros (default is 0.5) |
#' |
simulateComm <- function(rho, nspecies, ncomms, propzero = 0.5) { |
# Create vector of 1s and replace with the specified proprtion of 0s |
mat <- rep(1, ncomms * nspecies) |
remove <- sample(sum(mat), sum(mat) * propzero) |
mat[remove] <- 0 |
# Convert vector to matrix |
mat <- matrix(mat, ncomms, nspecies) |
# For each row select random number of species (columns) to populate |
richness <- rowSums(mat > 0) |
# Get vector of biomasses with predefined correlation |
theta <- acos(rho) |
x <- runif(nrow(mat)) |
X <- cbind(richness, x) |
Xctr <- scale(X) |
Id <- diag(nrow(mat)) |
Q <- qr.Q(qr(Xctr[, 1, drop = FALSE])) |
P <- tcrossprod(Q) |
x2o <- (Id - P) %*% Xctr[, 2] |
Xc2 <- cbind(Xctr[, 1], x2o) |
Y <- Xc2 %*% diag(1 / sqrt(colSums(Xc2^2))) |
biomass <- Y[, 2] + (1 / tan(theta)) * Y[, 1] |
# Add minimum to biomass to set lower bound at zero |
biomass <- (biomass + abs(min(biomass)) + 0.1) * 1000 |
# Randomly apportion biomass to species |
for(j in 1:nrow(mat)) { |
# Get columns to populate |
bcols <- richness[j] |
# Get biomass sum |
bsum <- biomass[j] |
# Divide biomass into random bins corresponding to the number of columns |
bvec <- bsum * (sample(1:bcols) / sum(sample(1:bcols))) |
# Assign to community matrix |
mat[j, mat[j,] == 1] <- bvec |
} |
# print(cor(rowSums(mat), apply(mat, 1, function(x) sum(x > 0)), use = "complete.obs")) |
return(mat) |
} |