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Last active July 29, 2021 18:08
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The Modified Price Equation for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning

The Modified Price Equation

The following is a modified form of the Price equation which allows for a more fair comparison of the richness and composition terms.


# Create example community-by-species matrix
mat <- runif(100, 0, 10)

mat[sample(1:100, 30, replace = F)] <- 0

mat <- matrix(mat, nrow = 10, ncol = 10)

# Apply Price equation

#' price2 : Alternative decomposition of Price equation
#' Last updated: 09 August 2018
#' @param mat a species-by-community biomass matrix
#' @param standardize whether output should be scaled by maximum observed value
#' @baseline whether the best site should be used as the baseline, or a user-supplied rownumber
#' @return a data.frame with components
price2 <- function(mat, baseline = "best", standardize = TRUE) {
mat <- as.matrix(mat)
if(is.null(rownames(mat))) rownames(mat) <- 1:nrow(mat)
# remove colSums == 0
mat <- mat[, colSums(mat) != 0]
# identify the baseline community
if(baseline == "best") b <- which.max(rowSums(mat)) else b <- as.numeric(baseline)
# get vectors of baseline biomass
base <- mat[b, ]
# loop over comparisons(
ret <-, lapply((1:nrow(mat))[-b], function(j) {
# get vectors of comparison biomass
comp <- mat[j, ]
# get vector of shared species
shared <- apply(rbind(base, comp), 2, function(x) ifelse(all(x > 0), 1, 0) )
# number of species in common
sc <- sum(shared)
# number of species unique to baseline
suB <- sum(base[!shared] > 0)
# number of species unique to comparison
suD <- sum(comp[!shared] > 0)
# average value across species unique to the baseline
zbaruB <- sum(base[!shared])/suB
if( zbaruB <- 0
# average value across species unique to the comparison
zbaruD <- sum(comp[!shared])/suD
if( zbaruD <- 0
# average value across shared species in the baseline
zbarcB <- mean(base[shared > 0])
if( zbarcB <- 0
# average value across shared species in the comparison
zbarcD <- mean(comp[shared > 0])
if( zbarcD <- 0
# return data.frame
ret <- data.frame(
baseline = rownames(mat)[b],
comparison = rownames(mat)[j],
baselineS = sum(base > 0),
comparisonS = sum(comp > 0),
sharedS = sc,
deltaFunc = sum(comp) - sum(base),
RICH_L = -suB * zbarcB,
COMP_L = -suB * (zbaruB - zbarcB),
RICH_G = suD * zbarcD,
COMP_G = suD * (zbaruD - zbarcD),
CDE = sc * (zbarcD - zbarcB)
} ) )
# get total diversity effect
ret$TOTAL_DIV <- rowSums(ret[, 7:10])
if(standardize == TRUE) ret[, 7:12] <- ret[, 7:12] / rowSums(abs(ret[, 7:11]), na.rm = TRUE)
#' randomizeMat: a function to generate random permutations of a species-biomass matrix
#' @param amat a community (rows)-by-species (columns) abundance matrix
#' @param bmat a community (rows)-by-species (columns) biomass matrix
#' @return a matrix object with the same dimensions as mat
randomizeMat <- function(amat, bmat) {
# Get per capita biomass matrix
pcmat <- bmat / amat
pcmat[] <- 0
# Get average per capita contribution by species
species.means <- apply(pcmat, 2, function(x) mean(x[x > 0]))
# Create random communities
newmat <-, lapply(1:nrow(amat), function(k) {
# Get vector of new abundances
newabund <- sapply(1:ncol(amat), function(l) sample(min(amat[, l]):max(amat[, l]), 1) )
# Get vector of new biomasses
newbiom <- newabund * species.means
# Get number of species absent from the original community
s <- sum(amat[k, ] == 0)
# Randomly set s species' biomasses to zero
newbiom[sample(1:length(newbiom), s)] <- 0
} ) )
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