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Last active October 23, 2019 15:55
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Edgar Equations

Edgar Equations for Estimating Invertebrate Biomass from Size Structured Abundances

Generates estimates of ash-free dry weight from size-fractionated abundances of epifaunal invertebrates.


Edgar, Graham J. "The use of the size structure of benthic macrofaunal communities to estimate faunal biomass
and secondary production." Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 137.3 (1990): 195-214.


set.seed(1) =
    sample = 1:40,
    temperature = runif(40, 20, 30),
    group = sample(c("Crustacean", "Mollusc", "Polychaete", "Caprellid"), 40, replace = TRUE)
  matrix(rpois(40*9, 10), ncol = 9, dimnames = list(NULL, c(8, 5.6, 4, 2.8, 2, 1.4, 1, 0.71, 0.5)))
# Default settings
edgarMethod(, group.colname = "group") 

# Remove sieve size < 1 mm from dataset
edgarMethod([, -(11:12)], "group")

# Use min.size argument instead of subsetting
edgarMethod(, "group", min.size = 1)
#' `edgarMethod` an R function for calculating the ash-free dry weight of epifaunal invertebrate samples
#' Author: Jon Lefcheck
#' Last updated: 31 August 2017
#' @param x = a sample-by-sieve size abundance matrix,
#' @param group.colname = the name of the column containing the taxonomic classification (i.e., "Crustacean", "Mollusc", etc.)
#' @param min.size = the minimum sieve size to consider and return, default is the length of the dataset
#' @return a `data.frame` containing the original abundances, dry weight (mg), and production (mg d-1) if temperature is provided
edgarMethod = function(x, group.colname = "group", min.size = NULL) {
x <-
x[, group.colname] <- as.character(x[, group.colname])
# If groups are not capitalized, capitalize them
capitalize <- function(y) {
x <- as.character(y)
paste0(toupper(substr(y, 1, 1)), tolower(substring(y, 2)))
x[, group.colname] <- apply(x[group.colname], 1, capitalize)
# Stop function if none the groups appear
if(!all(unique(x[, group.colname]) %in% c("Crustacean", "Mollusc", "Polychaete", "Caprellid")))
paste0(" Unknown groups: ",
paste0(unique(x[, group.colname])[!unique(x[, group.colname]) %in% c("Crustacean", "Mollusc", "Polychaete", "Caprellid")], collapse = ", "),
"\n Re-specify only as: Crustacean, Mollusc, Polychaete, or Caprellid"),
call. = FALSE
# Determine sieve size classes
sieves <- c(8, 5.6, 4, 2.8, 2, 1.4, 1, 0.71, 0.5)
if(!is.null(min.size)) if(!all(min.size %in% sieves)) stop("Minimum size must be: 8, 5.6, 4, 2.8, 2, 1.4, 1, 0.71, 0.5")
# Identify columns for sieve sizes
sieve.colnums <- which(colnames(x) %in% colnames(x)[grepl(paste0(sieves, collapse = "|"), colnames(x))])
# Order column index based on sieve size
sieve.order <- as.numeric(
gregexpr("[[:digit:]]+\\.*[[:digit:]]*", colnames(x)[sieve.colnums]))
names(sieve.order) <- sieve.colnums
sieve.colnums <- as.numeric(names(sieve.order)[order(sieve.order, decreasing = TRUE)])
# If min.size != 0.5, reduce to minimum size
if(!is.null(min.size)) {
if(!min.size %in% sieves) stop(paste0("Argument 'min.size = ", min.size, "' is not a recognized sieve size!"))
sieve.grepl <- sieve.colnums[1:which(sieves == min.size)]
message(paste0("Only computing abundance and biomass for sieve sizes >=", min.size, " mm!"))
} else
sieve.grepl <- sieve.colnums
# Convert NA abundances to 0
x[, sieve.grepl][[, sieve.grepl])] <- 0
# Create vector of multipliers representing estimated biomass for a single individual in each size class
multiples <-
outer(x[, group.colname] == "Crustacean", c(36.1267, 14.6591, 5.8067, 2.3001, 0.9111, 0.3609, 0.143, 0.0577, 0.0229)[1:length(sieve.grepl)]) +
outer(x[, group.colname] == "Mollusc", c(45.8608, 18.0764, 6.9501, 2.6722, 1.0274, 0.395, 0.1519, 0.0596, 0.0229)[1:length(sieve.grepl)]) +
outer(x[, group.colname] == "Polychaete", c(27.3382, 11.78, 4.9632, 2.0911, 0.881, 0.3712, 0.1564, 0.0671, 0.0283)[1:length(sieve.grepl)]) +
outer(x[, group.colname] == "Platyhelminth", c(40.2429, 16.5011, 6.607, 2.6454, 1.0592, 0.4241, 0.1698, 0.0693, 0.0277)[1:length(sieve.grepl)]) +
outer(x[, group.colname] == "Caprellid", c(4.3076, 2.2675, 1.1733, 0.6071, 0.3142, 0.1626, 0.0841, 0.0441, 0.0228)[1:length(sieve.grepl)])
# Add additional columns for estimated biomass in each sieve size class
if(length(sieve.colnums) == length(sieve.grepl))
x <- cbind(x, (x[, sieve.grepl] * multiples)) else
x <- cbind(x[, -(sieve.colnums[!sieve.colnums %in% sieve.grepl])], x[, sieve.grepl] * multiples)
# Append names
colnames(x)[sieve.grepl] <- paste(colnames(x)[sieve.grepl], "_abund", sep = "")
colnames(x)[(ncol(x) - length(sieve.grepl) + 1):ncol(x)] <-
paste(colnames(x)[(ncol(x) - length(sieve.grepl) + 1):ncol(x)], "_biomass", sep = "")
# Obtain total abundance
x$total.abund <- rowSums(x[, grepl("_abund", colnames(x))], na.rm = TRUE)
# Obtain total biomass in mg
x$total.biomass <- rowSums(x[, grepl("_biomass", colnames(x))], na.rm = TRUE)
# If there is a column for temperature, obtain secondary production in mg AFDM day-1
temp.colnum <- ifelse(any(grepl("temp|Temp|T\\.|t\\.", colnames(x))), which(grepl("temp|Temp|T\\.|t\\.", colnames(x))), NA)
x$ <-
(0.0049 * ((x$total.biomass * 1000) ^ 0.80) *
(x[, temp.colnum] ^ 0.89)
# Return dataframe
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