Maybe you styled a map in illustrator to look a certain way - the markers all have nice unique colors, opacity, etc etc. And then you plugged it into your scrollytelling piece: looking good so far.
On step 2 of your piece you want to change those markers: make them all yellow! Highlight them! #FFF880 is my favorite yellow highlight color. That's fine, normally you'd just do this to transition to the highlight color:
d3.selectAll("[data-name='africa'] path")
.attr('fill', '#FFF880')
There's a problem, though: when you get to step 3 (or if you scroll back up) you want to change the markers back to their original color. Since of the markers weren't originally all the same color you can't just do .attr('fill', 'blue')
. How can you get the original colors back?
When you load the page, create a new attribute called data-original-fill
on each of the circles, setting it to the value of fill
(the current color of the circle). This is me targeting all of the paths inside of the africa
group, like from the original ai2html scrollytelling tutorial.
d3.selectAll("[data-name='africa'] path")
.attr('data-original-fill', d => this.getAttribute('fill'))
Then in a step somewhere, I'll make them all yellow to highlight them.
d3.selectAll("[data-name='africa' path")
.attr('fill', '#FFF880')
Then when I leave the step, I'll return their fill to the original color. We're updating the fill
attribute with whatever was in the data-original-fill
d3.selectAll("[data-name='africa' path")
.attr('fill', d => this.getAttribute('data-original-fill'))
The markers return to their original color, everything works, rainbows shoot out of the computer, unicorns bless you from the heavens, etc.