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Created April 18, 2014 16:32
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data = {"_identifier" => spree_order.number,
"_entityName" => "Order",
"salesTransaction" => true,
"transactionDocument" => "466AF4B0136A4A3F9F84129711DA8BD3",
"transactionDocument$_identifier" => "Standard Order",
"orderDate" => spree_order.completed_at,
"currency$_identifier" => spree_order.currency,
"summedLineAmount" => spree_order.item_total.to_f,
"grandTotalAmount" =>,
"documentType" => "466AF4B0136A4A3F9F84129711DA8BD3",
"documentType$_identifier" => "Standard Order",
"active" => true,
"salesTransaction" => true,
"documentStatus" => "CO",
"documentAction" => "--",
"processNow" => false,
"processed" => true,
"documentType" => "466AF4B0136A4A3F9F84129711DA8BD3",
"documentType$_identifier" => "Standard Order",
"transactionDocument" => "466AF4B0136A4A3F9F84129711DA8BD3",
"transactionDocument$_identifier" => "Standard Order",
"description" => nil,
"delivered" => false,
"reinvoice" => false,
"print" => false,
"selected" => false,
"salesRepresentative" => nil,
"datePrinted" => nil,
"printDiscount" => false,
"formOfPayment" => "P",
"invoiceTerms" => "D",
"deliveryTerms" => "A",
"freightCostRule" => "I",
"freightAmount" => 0,
"deliveryMethod" => "P",
"shippingCompany" => nil,
"charge" => nil,
"chargeAmount" => 0,
"priority" => "5",
"salesCampaign" => nil,
"project" => nil,
"activity" => nil,
"posted" => "N",
"copyFrom" => false,
"dropShipPartner" => nil,
"dropShipLocation" => nil,
"dropShipContact" => nil,
"selfService" => false,
"trxOrganization" => nil,
"stDimension" => nil,
"ndDimension" => nil,
"deliveryNotes" => nil,
"incoterms" => nil,
"iNCOTERMSDescription" => nil,
"generateTemplate" => false,
"deliveryLocation" => nil,
"copyFromPO" => false,
"fINPaymentPriority" => nil,
"pickFromShipment" => false,
"receiveMaterials" => false,
"createInvoice" => false,
"returnReason" => nil,
"addOrphanLine" => false,
"asset" => nil,
"calculatePromotions" => false,
"costcenter" => nil,
"createOrder" => false,
"rejectReason" => nil,
"validUntil" => nil,
"quotation" => nil,
"reservationStatus" => nil,
"createPOLines" => false,
"cashVAT" => false
OpenbravoSyncher.put(OpenbravoSyncher::REST_APP_PATH + "Order", {:body => { :data => data }.to_json, :basic_auth => {:username => 'Openbravo', :password => 'openbravo'}})
=> {
"response" => {
"status" => -1,
"error" => {
"message" => "Document posted/processed",
"messageType" => "Error",
"title" => ""
"totalRows" => 0
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