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# Sometimes I make functions that can either allow an object or a list of objects.
# To do this I check if an input is an object and, if so, wrap it in a list.
# Here's a simple way to do that.
def _isArrayLike(obj):
return hasattr(obj, '__iter__') and hasattr(obj, '__len__')
objs = objs if _isArrayLike(objs) else [objs]
#Another option is to do the opposite check:
import mimetypes
image_extensions = set(k for k, v in mimetypes.types_map.items() if v.startswith('image'))
jss367 /
Last active July 4, 2023 07:48
Download coco dataset for detectron2
# if you want to change the path
# you'll need to:
# export DETECTRON2_DATASETS=/home/jsimonelli/data/detectron2
# or
# import os
# os.environ['DETECTRON2_DATASETS'] = '/home/jsimonelli/data/detectron2'
# detectron2 expects it to be in a folder called coco
mkdir coco
cd coco
# Find the internal structure of a list or numpy array
def shape(lst):
ob_type = type(lst)
if ob_type == np.ndarray:
print("The size is " + str(lst.shape))
length = len(lst)
shp = tuple(shape(sub) if isinstance(sub, list) else 0 for sub in lst)
if any(x != 0 for x in shp):
return length, shp
jss367 / DateRegex
Created May 2, 2018 07:26
Converting different date types to a standard
import re
test_cases = ['04/30/2009', '06/20/95', '8/2/69', '1/25/2011', '9/3/2002', '4-13-82', 'Mar-02-2009', 'Jan 20, 1974',
'March 20, 1990', 'Dec. 21, 2001', 'May 25 2009', '01 Mar 2002', '2 April 2003', '20 Aug. 2004',
'20 November, 1993', 'Aug 10th, 1994', 'Sept 1st, 2005', 'Feb. 22nd, 1988', 'Sept 2002', 'Sep 2002',
'December, 1998', 'Oct. 2000', '6/2008', '12/2001', '1998', '2002']
# Create a dictionary to convert from month names to numbers (e.g. Jan = 01)
month_dict = dict(jan='01', feb='02', mar='03', apr='04', may='05', jun='06', jul='07', aug='08', sep='09',
oct='10', nov='11', dec='12')
jss367 / grayscale
Created October 24, 2017 15:36
Convert an RGB image to grayscale
def grayscale(image, algorithm='luminosity'):
The algorithms are based on those used in GIMP. They are 'lightness', 'average', and 'luminosity'. Luminosity is the default
l, w, color_space = image.shape
num_pxls = l*w
assert (color_space == 3), "The image must have three dimensions of color: red, green, and blue"
# Extract the individual colors
red = image[:,:,0]
green = image[:,:,1]
# Let's make a single function to determine the parts of speech
import re
import nltk
import os
#from collections import Counter # Is this used?
# First we break the text into tokens
def tokinze_text(raw_text):
tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(raw_text)
jss367 /
Created August 22, 2017 07:39
Sort dictionary by count of values
def dict_sort(dictionary, descending=False):
dict_to_list = [(dictionary[key], key) for key in dictionary]
return dict_to_list
import re
from urllib import request
# Now let's grab some text from Great Expectations
url = ''
response = request.urlopen(url)
raw ='utf8')
# Here is some text we'll start with
text = raw[886:1091]
jss367 / 0_reuse_code.js
Created March 28, 2017 10:07
Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console