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Created March 17, 2015 21:27
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vim challenge
import java.util.*;
* challenge 0: motions
* hjkl - move in all directions
* www - move to next word
* bbb - move to prev word,
* eee - move to next word,
* $ - move to end of line
* _ - move to beginning of line
* gg - move to top of file,
* G - move to end of file
* f<char> - move to next <char> in line
* t<char> - move to char before <char>
* F<char> - move to prev <char> in line
* T<char> - move to char ahead of <char> previously <- confusing
* x - delete character under cursor
* r<char> - replace character under cursor with <char> stay in normal mode
* :<line_num> - jump to line num
* } - jump to next paragraph
* { - jump to previous paragraph
* challenge 1: make it right - motion with www, delete with x, replace with r
* The ccow iumpedd ovverr thhe mooon.
* <esc> - move out of insert mode
* i - move into insert mode left of cursor
* a - move into insert mode right of cursor
* A - move into insert mode at end of line
* challenge 2: Insert
* ---> There is text misng this .
* ---> There is some text missing from this line.
* challenge 3: Append
* ---> There is some text missing from th
* There is some text missing from this line.
* ---> There is also some text miss
* There is also some text missing here.
* challenge 4: Delete - wwww, dw
* ---> There are a some words fun that don't belong paper in this sentence.
* challenge 5: Delete rest of this line - d$
* ---> There are some fun words. I like turtles.
* What is this magic: OPERATORS AND MOTIONS!
* Okay we have some primitives `d`, and a bunch of movements
* We can combine delete `d` with any motion.
* d$ - delete from current cursor position until end of line
* dw - delete up until next word
* db - delete backward until beginning of prev word
* What if we want to move 5 words forward?
* 5w <- move 5
* 5j <- 5 lines down
* What if you want to delete 5 words? prefix your command with a number
* 5dw <- delete the next 5 words
* ---> This is just a line with words you can move around in.
* So often we need to operate on lines, vim is excellent at this
* in insert mode. Double up on any command to apply it to a line
* dd <- delete the whole line
* -----> DELETE ME
* of course multipliers work
* 2dd <- delete 2 lines
* -----> DELETE ME
* -----> ME TOO
* `p` | `P` - vim does cool stuff when you delete. It puts it in your paste buffer.
* p - pastes last deleted or yanked thing below cursor
* P - pastes last deleted or yanked thing above cursor
* Put these in order using `p`
* -----> 1st
* -----> 3nd
* -----> 2nd
* Put these in order using `P`
* -----> 1st
* -----> 3nd
* -----> 2nd
* yy - copys line
* p - pastes below
* P - pastes above
* Challenge: yank and paste this 10 times.
* -----> I will not use the arrow keys
* Challenge: yank and paste this 100 times.
* you can use multipliers
* -----> I will not use the arrow keys
* Favourites:
* ciw - delete word and move into insert mode
* diw - delete whol word, stay in normal mode
* ci( - delete up until surrounding parens
* ci{ - delete up until braces
* /<term>
* n -> move to next
* N -> move to prev (like less)
public class Bst {
public Bst left;
public Bst right;
public int value;
/* try and search up until `,` */
/* try ciw inside of the params */
public Bst(int value, Bst left, Bst right) {
this.value = value;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
* Given a list of numbers create a balanced bst
* First sort the list, then choose the median
* and set its left and right child as the
* median of the left and right half recursively.
* Running time: O(nlgn) from comparison-sort
//TODO: f( lciw int <esc>
public static Bst createBalancedBst(String[] arr) { //<- fix this int[] ci( challenge
return createBalancedBstHelper(arr, 0, arr.length - 1);
private static Bst createBalancedBstHelper(int[] arr, int lo, int hi) {
if(hi < lo) return null;
int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
//TODO: fix indentation 2<< . to repeat
Bst left = createBalancedBstHelper(arr, lo, mid-1);
Bst right = createBalancedBstHelper(arr, mid+1, hi);
return new Bst(arr[mid], left, right);
public boolean isBalanced() {
//TODO add semi colons: A ;
int leftHeight = (left == null) ? 0 : left.height()
int rightHeight = (right == null) ? 0 : right.height()
return Math.abs(left.height() - right.height()) <= 1;
public int height() {
int leftHeight = (left == null) ? 0 : 1 + left.height();
//TODO Fix the ordering: dd p
return Math.max(leftHeight, rightHeight);
int rightHeight = (right == null) ? 0 : 1 + right.height();
//rename to `root` `head`
//TODO: :170, dt) b ciw head <esc> j 2f( l ciw head <esc> f( l ciw head <esc>
public static boolean isBalanced(Bst root) {
return Math.abs(height(root.left) - height(root.right)) <= 1;
public static int height(Bst root) {
if(root == null) return 0;
int leftHeight = 1 + height(root.left);
int rightHeight = 1 + height(root.right);
return Math.max(leftHeight, rightHeight);
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
if(left != null) {
if(right != null) {
return buff.toString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
Bst balanced = new Bst(10,
new Bst(5, null, null), new Bst(15, null, null));
Bst unbalanced = new Bst(10,
new Bst(5, null, null), new Bst(15, null,
new Bst(20, null,
new Bst(25, null, null))));
System.out.println(String.format("balanced bst: %b", isBalanced(balanced)));
System.out.println(String.format("unbalanced bst: %b", isBalanced(unbalanced)));
System.out.println(String.format("balanced OOP bst: %b", balanced.isBalanced()));
System.out.println(String.format("unbalanced OOP bst: %b", unbalanced.isBalanced()));
Bst balancedBst = Bst.createBalancedBst(new int[] { 5, 4, 2, 3, 8 });
System.out.println(String.format("Balanced bst is balanced? %b", balancedBst.isBalanced()));
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