I've been storing articles about speaking and giving talks in Pocket for a while. Most of the articles I haven't read (or have only skimmed) and I make no promises about their quality. They are presented in no particular order. I'm just sharing it in case anyone is interested.
Have other interesting articles? Let me know. Corrections welcome too.
Beth Tucker Long: (@e3betht)
Emma Jane Hogbin Westby (@emmajanehw)
The Eloquent Woman
- What if the audience already knows everything I have to say?
- Use a script or transcript to manage your speaking speed
- 4 risks when you assume your audience knows what you know
Susan Ritchie
Laura Bell
Jackson Chung
Brett and Kate McCay (The Art of Manliness)
Lorna Mitchell (@lornajane)
Paul Hallett (@phalt_)
Troy Hunt (@troyhunt)
- Dissecting a tech talk: How I topped the charts at NDC
- Speaker style bingo: 10 presentation anti-patterns
Kristina Schneider (CSSCONF.EU)
Zach Holman
Ross Tuck (@rosstuck)
Gina Barnett (Article by Kate Torgovnick May and Emily Ludolph)
Vladimir Agafonkin
Mike Moore
Brian Teeman
Matthew Setter
Meri Williams (@Geek_Manager)
Technically Speaking (@techspeakdigest)
Jaimee Newberry (@jaimeejaimee)
Cal Evans (@calevans)
Giacomo "Peldi" Guilizzoni (@peldi)
Corey Latislaw
Jeff Carouth (@jcarouth)
Camile Fournier
NJL Heavy Industries
Eric A Meyer
Hannes Stiebitzhofer(@stiebitzhofer)
Erica McGillivray(@emcgillivray)
Matthew P Jones(@ExceptionFound)
Kendra Little (@Kendra_Little)
Tobias Zander (@airbone42)
Wendy Nather (@wendynather)
Vicky Brasseur (@vmbrasseur) Public Speaking Resources
Toastmaster International http://www.toastmasters.org/
An international organization with local clubs everywhere whose mission is helping people improve their public speaking.