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Last active May 23, 2018 22:21
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module Record
import Data.List
%default total
data HList : List Type -> Type where
Nil : HList []
(::) : a -> HList xs -> HList (a :: xs)
infix 5 :=
data Field : lbl -> Type -> Type where
(:=) : (label : lbl) ->
(value : b) -> Field label b
labelsOf : List (lbl, Type) -> List lbl
labelsOf [] = []
labelsOf ((label, _) :: xs) = label :: labelsOf xs
toFields : List (lbl, Type) -> List Type
toFields [] = []
toFields ((l, t) :: xs) = (Field l t) :: toFields xs
data IsSet : List t -> Type where
IsSetNil : IsSet []
IsSetCons : Not (Elem x xs) -> IsSet xs -> IsSet (x :: xs)
data Record : List (lty, Type) -> Type where
MkRecord : IsSet (labelsOf ts) -> HList (toFields ts) ->
Record ts
infixr 6 +:
rnil : Record []
rnil = MkRecord IsSetNil []
prepend : { label : lbl,
xs : List (lbl, Type),
prf : Not (Elem label (labelsOf xs))
} ->
Field label t ->
Record xs ->
Record ((label, t) :: xs)
prepend {prf} f (MkRecord isSet fs) = MkRecord (IsSetCons prf isSet) (f :: fs)
unitOrVoid : DecEq lbl => lbl -> List (lbl, Type) -> Type
unitOrVoid label ts with (isElem label $ labelsOf ts)
| (Yes prf) = Void
| (No no) = Unit
(+:) : DecEq lbl =>
{ label : lbl, xs : List (lbl, Type) } ->
{ default () witness : (unitOrVoid label xs) } ->
Field label t ->
Record xs ->
Record ((label, t) :: xs)
(+:) {witness} {label} {xs} f r with (isElem label $ labelsOf xs)
| (Yes prf) = absurd witness
| (No no) = prepend {prf = no} f r
foo : Record [("Book", String), ("Year", Integer)]
foo = ("Book" := "yolo") +: ("Year" := 1234) +: rnil
-- Valid and compiles
-- ("Book" := "yolo") +: ("Year" := 1234) +: rnil
-- Wont compile
-- ("Year" := "yolo") +: ("Year" := 1234) +: rnil
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