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Last active November 22, 2016 15:34
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final class Compose1[T1, R] private (val fs: Vector[(Any => Any, Int)]) extends (T1 => R) {
val MAX_DEPTH = 1000
private def append(gs: Vector[(Any => Any, Int)], fd: (Any => Any, Int)) = {
val (fl, dl) = gs.last
val (f, d) = fd
if(d + dl > MAX_DEPTH) {
fd +: gs
} else {
val nf = (a: Any) => f(fl(a))
gs.init :+ ((nf, d + dl))
private def prepend(fd: (Any => Any, Int), gs: Vector[(Any => Any, Int)]) = {
val (fl, dl) = gs.head
val (f, d) = fd
if(d + dl > MAX_DEPTH) {
gs :+ fd
} else {
val nf = (a: Any) => fl(f(a))
((nf, d + dl)) +: gs.init
private def concat(hs: Vector[(Any => Any, Int)], ts: Vector[(Any => Any, Int)]) =
hs.init ++ prepend(hs.last, ts)
@inline private def build = (i0: T1) => {
var i = i0.asInstanceOf[Any]
var j = fs.length - 1
while(j >= 0) {
val (f, _) = fs(j)
i = f(i)
j -= 1
override def compose[A](g: A => T1): A => R =
g match {
case Compose1(gfs) =>
new Compose1(concat(gfs, fs))
case _ =>
val fd = (g.asInstanceOf[Any => Any], 1)
new Compose1(prepend(fd, fs))
override def andThen[A](g: R => A): T1 => A =
g match {
case Compose1(gfs) =>
new Compose1(concat(fs, gfs))
case _ =>
val fd = (g.asInstanceOf[Any => Any], 1)
new Compose1(append(fs, fd))
def apply(a: T1): R = build(a)
object Compose1 {
def apply[T1, R](f0: T1 => R): T1 => R =
f0 match {
case Compose1(_) => f0
case f => new Compose1(Vector((f.asInstanceOf[Any => Any], 1)))
def unapply[T1, R](c: Compose1[T1, R]) =
@ val f0 = (1 to 100000).foldLeft(identity[Int] _){ (f, _) => f.andThen(_ + 1) }
f0: Int => Int = <function1>
@ f0(0)
// $'[31mjava.lang.StackOverflowError
// scala.Function1$$anonfun$andThen$1.apply(Function1.scala:52)
// scala.Function1$$anonfun$andThen$1.apply(Function1.scala:52)
// scala.Function1$$anonfun$andThen$1.apply(Function1.scala:52)
// scala.Function1$$anonfun$andThen$1.apply(Function1.scala:52)
// scala.Function1$$anonfun$andThen$1.apply(Function1.scala:52)
// scala.Function1$$anonfun$andThen$1.apply(Function1.scala:52)
@ val f1 = (1 to 100000).foldLeft(Compose1(identity[Int])){ (f, _) => f.andThen(_ + 1) }
f1: Int => Int = <function1>
@ f1(0)
res4: Int = 100000
@ val f2 = (1 to 10000000).foldLeft(Compose1(identity[Int])){ (f, _) => f.andThen(_ + 1) }
f2: Int => Int = <function1>
@ f2(0)
res6: Int = 10000000
@ val f3 = (1 to 10000000).foldLeft(Compose1(identity[Int])){ (f, _) => f.compose(_ + 1) }
f3: Int => Int = <function1>
@ f3(0)
res8: Int = 10000000
@ Compose1(toS).andThen(yolo)(3)
res11: String = "3 yolo"
@ Compose1(yolo).compose(toS)(3)
res12: String = "3 yolo"
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