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Forked from santaklouse/
Created November 24, 2023 21:44
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unlimited CrossOver trial (MacOS)

Run it in console for permanent install :

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL$(date +%s))"

After install script will fix crossover as well as expired bottles (Thanks to @djsmax).

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# checck if pidof exists
PIDOF="$(which pidof)"
# and if not - install it
(test "${PIDOF}" && test -f "${PIDOF}") || brew install pidof
# find app in default paths
test -d "${CO_PWD}" || CO_PWD=/Applications/
test -d "${CO_PWD}" || (echo 'unable to detect app path. exiting...' && exit)
cd "${PWD}"
# get all pids of CrossOver
pids=(`pgrep "${PROC_NAME}"`, `pidof "${PROC_NAME}"`, `ps -Ac | grep -m1 "${PROC_NAME}" | awk '{print $1}'`)
pids=`echo ${pids[*]}|tr ',' ' '`
# kills CrossOver process if it is running
[ "${pids}" ] && kill -9 `echo "${pids}"` > /dev/null 2>&1
# wait until app finish
sleep 3
# make the current date RFC3339-encoded string representation in UTC time zone
DATETIME=`date -u -v -3H '+%Y-%m-%dT%TZ'`
# modify time in order to reset trial
plutil -replace FirstRunDate -date "${DATETIME}" ~/Library/Preferences/com.codeweavers.CrossOver.plist
plutil -replace SULastCheckTime -date "${DATETIME}" ~/Library/Preferences/com.codeweavers.CrossOver.plist
# show tooltip notification
/usr/bin/osascript -e "display notification \"trial fixed: date changed to ${DATETIME}\""
# reset all bottles
for file in ~/Library/Application\ Support/CrossOver/Bottles/*/.{eval,update-timestamp}; do rm -rf "${file}";done
# and after this execute original crossover
echo "${PWD}" > /tmp/co_log.log
"$($PWD/CrossOver.origin)" >> /tmp/co_log.log
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# find app in default paths
test -d "${CO_PWD}" || CO_PWD=/Applications/
test -d "${CO_PWD}" || (echo 'unable to detect app path. exiting...' && exit)
cd "${PWD}"
# get all pids of CrossOver
pids=(`pgrep "${PROC_NAME}"`, `pidof "${PROC_NAME}"`, `ps -Ac | grep -m1 "${PROC_NAME}" | awk '{print $1}'`)
pids=`echo ${pids[*]}|tr ',' ' '`
# kills CrossOver process if it is running
[ "${pids}" ] && kill -9 `echo "${pids}"` > /dev/null 2>&1
TIMESTAMP=$(date +%s)
if [ -f CrossOver.origin ]; then
echo 'already installed. update and exit.'
echo "$(curl -fsSL ${FIX_FILE_LINK})" > CrossOver
test -f CrossOver.origin || mv CrossOver CrossOver.origin
echo "$(curl -fsSL ${FIX_FILE_LINK})" > CrossOver
chmod +x CrossOver
echo 'Done. Please open CrossOver '
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# find app in default paths
test -d "${CO_PWD}" || CO_PWD=/Applications/
test -d "${CO_PWD}" || (echo 'unable to detect app path. exiting...' && exit)
cd "${PWD}"
# get all pids of CrossOver
pids=(`pgrep "${PROC_NAME}"`, `pidof "${PROC_NAME}"`, `ps -Ac | grep -m1 "${PROC_NAME}" | awk '{print $1}'`)
pids=`echo ${pids[*]}|tr ',' ' '`
# kills CrossOver process if it is running
[ "${pids}" ] && kill -9 `echo "${pids}"` > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ -f CrossOver.origin ]; then
echo 'original file found. Roll it back and exit.'
mv CrossOver.origin CrossOver
echo 'original file not found.'
Copy link

jtokoph commented Dec 27, 2023

Locate [Software\\CodeWeavers\\CrossOver\\cxoffice] in /Users/jtokoph/Library/Application\ Support/CrossOver/Bottles/Steam/system.reg and delete the block

cd ~/Library/Preferences && plutil -convert xml1 com.codeweavers.CrossOver.plist


for file in ~/library/Application\ Support/Crossover/Bottles/*/system.reg;do perl -pi -e 'BEGIN {undef $/;} s/\[Software\\\\CodeWeavers\\\\CrossOver\\\\cxoffice\].*\n.*\n.*\n.*\n.*\n\n//g' $file; done

# make the current date RFC3339-encoded string representation in UTC time zone
DATETIME=`date -u -v -3H  '+%Y-%m-%dT%TZ'`

# modify time in order to reset trial
plutil -replace FirstRunDate -date "${DATETIME}" ~/Library/Preferences/com.codeweavers.CrossOver.plist
plutil -replace SULastCheckTime -date "${DATETIME}" ~/Library/Preferences/com.codeweavers.CrossOver.plist

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