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Joyce Robbins jtr13

  • Columbia University
  • New York, NY
  • 05:48 (UTC -05:00)
  • X @jtrnyc
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jtr13 / head.list.R
Created January 9, 2018 22:14 — forked from pimentel/head.list.R
Slightly more sane head() for lists in R
catDf <- data.frame(meow = rnorm(100), purr = rpois(100, 3))
aList <- list(aVector = 1:20, aDf = catDf, anotherList = list(1:200, 1:20))
# annoying as hell, right?
#' Return the first or last part of a list
#' Returns the first or last part of a list. Instead of returning the first
#' n entries as the standard head() does, it attempts to call head()