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Created February 16, 2014 11:12
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# Salve em csv ou use o pacote gdata
dados <- read.csv2('atlas2013_dados_brutos.csv',
bd <- select(dados, ANO, pesotot, Município, IDHM, UFN, RDPC) %.%
filter(ANO==2010) %.%
arrange(desc(pesotot)) %.%
mutate(porc_acu = cumsum(pesotot),
porc_prop = porc_acu / sum(pesotot),
id_prop=1:nrow(bd) / nrow(bd))
ggplot(bd, aes(x=id_prop, y=porc_prop)) +
geom_line() +
geom_point() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=0:10*10/100, limits=c(0,1), labels=percent) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=0:10*10/100, limits=c(0,1), labels=percent) +
labs(x='Percentual de municípios', y='Percentual to total da população') +
geom_text(data=head(bd,10), aes(x=id_prop, y=porc_prop, label=toupper(Município)), hjust=0, size=3) +
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