For the coordinator:
- Delete old cosmos folder if neccesary:
rm -rf /provider
- Init new genesis and other state:
interchain-securityd init --chain-id provider <your moniker> --home /provider
- Make the keys:
interchain-securityd keys add <your key name> --home /provider
- Add to the genesis:
interchain-securityd add-genesis-account <your address, e.g. cosmos18dnla...> 1000000000stake --home /provider
- Add your gentx, bonding half of the coins:
interchain-securityd gentx <your key name> 500000000stake --chain-id provider --home /provider
- Collect your gentx:
interchain-securityd collect-gentxs --home /provider
- Get the genesis out:
cat /provider/config/genesis.json
- Modify genesis if needed (e.g. shorten unbonding period, voting period, and jailing period), and distribute to other validators
- start the chain
interchain-securityd start --home /provider --p2p.laddr tcp://<your IP>:26656 --address tcp://<your IP>:26655 --grpc.address <your IP>:9091 --rpc.laddr tcp://<your IP>:26658 --grpc-web.enable=false
For other validators:
- Copy in the genesis from the coordinator:
vi /provider/config/genesis.json
- start the chain
interchain-securityd start --home /provider --p2p.laddr tcp://<your IP>:26656 --address tcp://<your IP>:26655 --grpc.address <your IP>:9091 --rpc.laddr tcp://<your IP>:26658 --grpc-web.enable=false