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Created September 26, 2010 18:59
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Imports sender addresses from a Mail mailbox into AddressBook
Author: @ancientbuho
Asks you for:
- An Account and Mailbox where emails will be searched
- An Address Book Group name where the accounts will be imported (creates it if doesn't exists)
This can potentially take a long time depending your number of messages
tell application "Mail"
set theAccountNames to the name of accounts
choose from list theAccountNames with prompt "Choose from what account to retrieve contacts:"
set theSelectedAccount to result as text
if theSelectedAccount is false then return
set theMailboxNames to the name of (mailboxes of account named theSelectedAccount)
choose from list theMailboxNames with prompt "Choose a mailbox in that account:"
set theSelectedMailbox to result as text
if theSelectedMailbox is false then return
set theImportedGroup to none
-- Choose a group to where to import contacts
tell application "Address Book"
set theResult to display dialog "Choose an Address Book group in which the accounts will be imported" default answer "Imported from " & theSelectedMailbox
if button returned of theResult is "CANCEL" then return
set theInputGroupName to text returned of theResult
if not (group named theInputGroupName exists) then
set theImportedGroup to make new group with properties {name:theInputGroupName}
set theImportedGroup to group named theInputGroupName
end if
end tell
-- Do the import
tell application "Mail"
set theSelectedMessages to messages of mailbox theSelectedMailbox of account theSelectedAccount
set theMessageCount to count theSelectedMessages
set i to 0
repeat with theMessage in theSelectedMessages
set thePerson to sender of theMessage
set theEmail to extract address from thePerson
set theName to extract name from thePerson
tell application "Address Book"
if not (person theName exists) then
set thePerson to make new person with properties {first name:theName}
(make new email at end of addresses of thePerson with properties {label:"work", value:theEmail})
add thePerson to theImportedGroup
tell application "Address Book" to save
set i to i + 1
end if
end tell
end repeat
if i = 0 then
tell application "Address Book" to display dialog "Did not find any new contacts to import from " & theSelectedMailbox
tell application "Address Book" to display dialog "Imported " & i & " contacts from " & theMessageCount & " messages"
end if
end tell
end tell
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