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Last active August 17, 2020 14:34
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Pencil Project Shortcuts
# Pencil Project Shortcuts
## General Shortcuts
+ New Document: Ctrl + n
+ Open: Ctrl + o
+ Save: Ctrl + s
+ Save as: Ctrl + Shift + s
+ Export: Ctrl + Shift + e
+ Print: Ctrl + p
+ Close Document: Ctrl + Shift + w
+ Quit Pencil: Ctrl + q
+ Copy: Ctrl + c
+ Paste: Ctrl + v
+ Cut: Ctrl + x
+ Select All: Ctrl + a
+ Undo: Ctrl + z
+ Redo: Ctrl + y
+ Delete: del
+ Zoom
+ Zoom In: Ctrl + [+]
+ Zoom Out: Ctrl + [-]
+ Zoom In/Out: Ctrl + Wheel mouse
+ Zoom 100%: Ctrl + 0
## Elements Shortcuts
+ Duplicate elements: SHIFT + drag
+ Group / Ungoup
+ Group elements: Ctrl + g
+ Ungroup elements: Ctrl + SHIFT + g
+ Layers
+ Bring to Front: SHIFT + PgUp
+ Bring Forward: PgUp
+ Send Backward: PgDn
+ Send to Back: SHIFT + PgDn
+ Alignment
+ Align Left: l
+ Align Center: c
+ Align Right: r
+ Align Top: t
+ Align Middle Vertically: m
+ Align Bottom: b
+ Sizes
+ Make Same Width: w
+ Make Same Height: h
+ Spaces
+ Make Same Horizontal Gap: o
+ Make Same Vertical Gap: v
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