This is a little trick I use to spin up the packages instalation on Debian/Ubuntu boxes in Vagrant.
I add a simple function that checks if a directory named something similar to ~/.vagrant.d/cache/apt/opscode-ubuntu-12.04/partial
(it may have another path in Windows or MacOS) and create the directory if it doesn't already exist.
def local_cache(basebox_name)
cache_dir ='cache', 'apt', basebox_name)
partial_dir = cache_dir.join('partial')
partial_dir.mkdir unless partial_dir.exist?
I put this funcion in my Vagrantfile
so I can use it like this: do |config| = "opscode-ubuntu-12.04"
config.vm.box_url = ""
cache_dir = local_cache(
config.vm.share_folder "v-cache",
The result is that the apt cache inside the VM (/var/cache/apt/archives/
) is always mounted on the same directory on the host (~/.vagrant.d/cache/apt/opscode-ubuntu-12.04/
in this case) and apt just download the packages the first time or if the package has been updated.
This save me a lot of time while I'm developing or debuging Chef cookbooks. Mostly when my recipes need to install many packages.
If you are using a mac, ~/Library/Caches/ already exists for this purpose. Please don't make life harder for those who maintain backup script exclude paths.