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Created April 6, 2012 08:18
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angry words snippet
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from heapq import merge
from requests import async
import itertools
import requests
import json
possible_words = lambda y: list(itertools.chain(*[[''.join(p) for p in itertools.permutations(y, i)] for i in range(1, len(y) + 1)]))
merge_sort = lambda w: sorted(set(merge(*w)), key=lambda x: len(x))[::-1]
generate_req = lambda c: requests.get('', params={'words': ','.join(c)}, prefetch=True, return_response=False)
def check_valid_words(words):
print 'Checking %d words' % len(words)
valid_words = []
chunks = [words[i:i + 100] for i in range(0, len(words), 100)]
for req in[generate_req(chunk) for chunk in chunks], size=10):
return merge_sort((valid_words,))
def angry_words(letters, prepend='', append='', max_length=None):
if isinstance(prepend, tuple):
return merge_sort([angry_words(letters, append=append, prepend=p, max_length=max_length) for p in prepend])
if isinstance(append, tuple):
return merge_sort([angry_words(letters, append=a, prepend=prepend, max_length=max_length) for a in append])
print 'Generating words containing "%s", prepending "%s", appending "%s" with a maximum length of %s.' % (letters, prepend, append, max_length or '-')
words = ['%s%s%s' % (prepend, p, append) for p in possible_words(letters)]
if max_length:
words = filter(lambda e: len(e) <= max_length, words)
return check_valid_words(words)
print angry_words('gdssool', prepend=('hola', 'j', 'q', ''), append=('a', 'b', ''), max_length=6)
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Generating words containing "gdssool", prepending "hola", appending "a" with a maximum length of 6.
Checking 7 words
Generating words containing "gdssool", prepending "hola", appending "b" with a maximum length of 6.
Checking 7 words
Generating words containing "gdssool", prepending "hola", appending "" with a maximum length of 6.
Checking 49 words
Generating words containing "gdssool", prepending "j", appending "a" with a maximum length of 6.
Checking 1099 words
Generating words containing "gdssool", prepending "j", appending "b" with a maximum length of 6.
Checking 1099 words
Generating words containing "gdssool", prepending "j", appending "" with a maximum length of 6.
Checking 3619 words
Generating words containing "gdssool", prepending "q", appending "a" with a maximum length of 6.
Checking 1099 words
Generating words containing "gdssool", prepending "q", appending "b" with a maximum length of 6.
Checking 1099 words
Generating words containing "gdssool", prepending "q", appending "" with a maximum length of 6.
Checking 3619 words
Generating words containing "gdssool", prepending "", appending "a" with a maximum length of 6.
Checking 3619 words
Generating words containing "gdssool", prepending "", appending "b" with a maximum length of 6.
Checking 3619 words
Generating words containing "gdssool", prepending "", appending "" with a maximum length of 6.
Checking 8659 words
[u'dolosa', u'lodosa', u'golosa', u'solos', u'dolos', u'logos', u'dogos', u'ososa', u'glosa', u'gloso', u'lodos', u'solda', u'godos', u'soldo', u'loso', u'soda', u'losa', u'sola', u'lodo', u'solo', u'doga', u'jodo', u'soga', u'josa', u'dogo', u'joda', u'goda', u'soso', u'loga', u'sosa', u'godo', u'dola', u'osos', u'dolo', u'gola', u'oso', u'dos', u'gol', u'los', u'loo', u'loa', u'oda', u'sos', u'osa', u'sol', u'ola', u'os', u'so', u'oa', u'da', u'jo', u'lo', u'la', u'do']

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