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Created October 18, 2018 22:15
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const test = require("firebase-functions-test")(
databaseURL: "",
storageBucket: "",
projectId: "my-project",
const functions = require("../index") // NOTE: This has to be called after `require("firebase-functions-test")(...)`
export { functions }
export const wrap = test.wrap
export const makeDocumentSnapshot = test.firestore.makeDocumentSnapshot
import * as admin from "firebase-admin"
export const db = admin.firestore()
const deleteDoc = async (doc: admin.firestore.DocumentReference | admin.firestore.Firestore) => {
if (doc instanceof admin.firestore.DocumentReference) {
console.debug("Deleting doc: " + doc.path)
await doc.delete()
const collections = await doc.getCollections()
await Promise.all( collection => {
const collectionSnapshot = await collection.get()
const docRefs = [] => docRefs.push(documentSnapshot.ref))
await Promise.all( docRef => await deleteDoc(docRef)))
const cleanupFirestore = async () => {
await deleteDoc(db)
export { cleanupFirestore }
after(() => {
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jugyo commented Oct 18, 2018


import { assert } from "chai"
import "mocha"
import { wrap, db, functions, cleanupFirestore } from "./firebase-test-helpers"

describe("onUserCreate", () => {
  afterEach( async () => {
    await cleanupFirestore()

  it("add data into /users", async () => {
    const uid = "123"
    const email = "[email protected]"
    await wrap(functions.onUserCreate)({ email, uid })

    const user = (await db.doc(`_users/${uid}`).get()).data()
    assert.equal(user["email"], email)

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