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Created January 28, 2018 18:25
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Check integrity of JSON config files and remove entries for loading contrib extensions
"""Cleanup nbconfig files from notebook extension configurations
Gets list of notebook extensions from jupyter_contrib_nbextensions and removes the 'require' entry for
each found extension from the 'load_extensions' dict entry.
import sys
import glob
import os
import json
import copy
from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_config_path
import jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
extensions = jupyter_contrib_nbextensions._jupyter_nbextension_paths()
require_list = [ext['require'] for ext in extensions]
def do_cleanup(config):
"""Remove configuration entries"""
new_config = copy.deepcopy(config)
for key in config.keys():
if key == 'load_extensions':
for ext_name in config[key].keys():
if ext_name in require_list:
print('Config entry for {0} found, loading is {1}'.format(ext_name, config[key][ext_name] ))
del new_config[key][ext_name]
return new_config
def printinfo():
print(' [cleanup|nobackup]')
print('Check integrity of JSON config files')
print(' cleanup - additionally remove all entries that load contrib extensions')
print(' nobackup - do not generate a *.backup file of the JSON config file')
def main(argv):
if 'help' in argv:
cleanup = 'cleanup' in argv
nobackup = 'nobackup' in argv
for d in jupyter_config_path():
print('Checking path {0}'.format(d))
for p in glob.glob(os.path.join(d, 'nbconfig', '*.json')):
print('Checking JSON config file {0}'.format(p))
with open(p, 'r') as f:
config = json.load(f)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
print('JSONDecodeError when reading file {0}'.format(p))
new_config = do_cleanup(config)
if cleanup:
pnew = p + '.new'
if not nobackup:
print('Backing up JSON config file {0} to {1}'.format(p, pnew))
os.rename(p, os.path.join(d, '.backup'))
print('Updating JSON config file {0}'.format(p))
with open(p, 'w') as f:
json.dump(new_config, f)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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