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Created December 9, 2022 18:38
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CA certificate verification
var caCert = X509Certificate2.CreateFromPem(options.CaCertificate!);
clientSettings.CreateHttpMessageHandler = () =>
var httpSettings = new SocketsHttpHandler()
// This is taken from the default implementation.
KeepAlivePingDelay = clientSettings.ConnectivitySettings.KeepAliveInterval,
KeepAlivePingTimeout = clientSettings.ConnectivitySettings.KeepAliveTimeout,
httpSettings.SslOptions.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback = (
errors) =>
if (errors == SslPolicyErrors.None)
return true;
if (errors != SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateChainErrors)
logger.LogInformation("got SSL policy errors {Errors}", errors);
return false;
if (certificate == null)
logger.LogInformation("unable to validate eventstore cert: missing certificate");
return false;
if (chain == null)
"unable to validate eventstore cert: missing chain");
return false;
chain.ChainPolicy.TrustMode = X509ChainTrustMode.CustomRootTrust;
var valid = chain.Build(new X509Certificate2(certificate!));
if (!valid)
logger.LogInformation("certificate failed validation");
return valid;
return httpSettings;
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