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Created January 25, 2022 15:27
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Manifest that causes kubernetes provider to break
resource "kubernetes_manifest" "ratelimit_http_filter" {
manifest = {
"apiVersion" = ""
"kind" = "EnvoyFilter"
"metadata" = {
"name" = "ratelimit-http"
"namespace" = "namespace"
"spec" = {
"configPatches" = [
"applyTo" = "CLUSTER"
"match" = {
"cluster" = {
"service" = "envoy-limitsvc.namespace.svc.cluster.local"
"patch" = {
"operation" = "ADD"
"value" = {
"connect_timeout" = "10s"
"http2_protocol_options" = {}
"lb_policy" = "ROUND_ROBIN"
"load_assignment" = {
"cluster_name" = "rate_limit_cluster"
"endpoints" = [
"lb_endpoints" = [
"endpoint" = {
"address" = {
"socket_address" = {
"address" = "envoy-limitsvc.namespace.svc.cluster.local"
"port_value" = 42081
"name" = "rate_limit_cluster"
"type" = "STRICT_DNS"
"applyTo" = "HTTP_FILTER"
"match" = {
"context" = "GATEWAY"
"listener" = {
"filterChain" = {
"filter" = {
"name" = ""
"subFilter" = {
"name" = "envoy.filters.http.router"
"patch" = {
"operation" = "INSERT_BEFORE"
"value" = {
"name" = "envoy.filters.http.router"
"typed_config" = {
"@type" = ""
"domain" = "domain"
"failure_mode_deny" = false
"rate_limit_service" = {
"grpc_service" = {
"envoy_grpc" = {
"cluster_name" = "rate_limit_cluster"
"timeout" = "10s"
"transport_api_version" = "V3"
"workloadSelector" = {
"labels" = {
"istio" = "ingressgateway"
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