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Created September 13, 2023 01:29
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Sender Message Channel Type Channel Name Recipient Date Time Time Spent Total Messages
Outlook Calendar *Today*-<!date^1693807200^{date_long}|Monday, September 4, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-04 09:00:09.615479 4.25
Outlook Calendar *Today*-<!date^1693807200^{date_long}|Monday, September 4, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-04 09:00:09.615479 4.25
Unknown User Direct Message UHULANG2C Garrett Glick 2023-09-04 13:08:01.858999
Unknown User Direct Message UHULANG2C Garrett Glick 2023-09-04 13:17:05.562399 -4.0
Outlook Calendar *Today*-<!date^1693893600^{date_long}|Tuesday, September 5, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-05 09:00:11.529399
Outlook Calendar *Today*-<!date^1693893600^{date_long}|Tuesday, September 5, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-05 11:16:29.081839 2.5
Garrett Glick I can't make CX. I'm on the hook for performing end to end tests for bivigamhcp, <|> and <|> all EODs. Crunching to power through all of these. All good, most of the stuff I need to discuss is mainly with Akisia Private Channel mpdm-agrigsby--vcerpa--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-05 11:28:56.291669
Vinny Cerpa I can't make CX. I'm on the hook for performing end to end tests for bivigamhcp, <|> and <|> all EODs. Crunching to power through all of these. All good, most of the stuff I need to discuss is mainly with Akisia Private Channel mpdm-agrigsby--vcerpa--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-05 11:30:17.751509 0.5
Outlook Calendar *Today*-<!date^1693893600^{date_long}|Tuesday, September 5, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-05 11:48:56.410279 1.0
Outlook Calendar *Today*-<!date^1693893600^{date_long}|Tuesday, September 5, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-05 11:48:56.410279 1.0
Vinny Cerpa lol I hear you, this site has been sitting for weeks, and yet these tests get run now yeah, it's kind of stupid. they just let me know about it Friday. part of my concern is at some point, the site will go dark while we they transfer over the DNS, so I don’t want to make any changes that close to that happening if we had these a week ago, I’d be like sure, but, I think you understand any sort of dev stuff I’m just not confident with this close i still don't know how anything will be affected by going into the media manager and renaming 3 files. before they transfer the DNS I haven’t tested this in Hubspot, so I don’t know if I change something in the media library how it impacts what’s on the site if it was in parallel, absolutely, but there's no implication doing it before hand basically I feel like anything filename related (I think that’s what you’re referring to) I don’t want to make with having no dev time to fix if something goes wrong, kinda like what was done with Illuccix or am I mis-reading the report and you’re referring to something else i can double verify, but working with HubSpot thus far I have seen that when you change something within the CRM or media library, it shows you everywhere it appears across your site and it dynamically changes it in the places. Things like images and CRM properties are imported into pages as variables and pulled from the library, know what I mean? yeah, my gut tells me that’s what should and probably will happen, but in the slim chance it doesn’t, I don’t want to risk breaking anything 24 hours to launch it was like the same thing with Illuccix. I felt 99% confident I could have fixed that one line on the live site, but just can’t risk it for that 1% chance something breaks would it be easier to slack chat? understood that a gut feeling isn't enough to confidently change something and I don't blame your reluctancy especially if based on a comparison with the illuccix site, which was built in silos without UX/QA/MOPs visibility and thus the site's architecture and file directory structure was an afterthought. outside of ted and C&amp;D and Dave no one at this company trusts my knowledge of HubSpot even though I did build the loan integration and half of the CRM, so I'm okay w/the the risk i presented in the channel and think it provides me at least enough to keep me out of any issues the client or Google Search Console brings up related to the site. The time to fix this would be now in staging and definitely not post live for obvious reasons, but there's not enough at stake to continue deliberation on it. yeah, totally get it, You’re doing your job, I think problem is someone else asking you to do it way after you probably should have done it, and now we’re stuck with we probably should fix, but it’s a little to risky so close to launch yep, agreed we are kicking off some new projects which will update these sites, so perhaps we can have addressing all of these filenames as part of it hope i reflected that accurately in the channel just now yup yep, agreed, even better would be to solidify early testing within our templated website lifecycle process and beat it into PM/AM heads. I remember back at my first UX job, someone created this locator tool without UX, and then the art director came to me like a week before submission and asked me if like a button should be like left or right aligned, something stupid. And I’m like there are so many more quirks and issue I see that we should have resolved way long ago, and in the grand scheme, I don’t really have much of an opinion if it’s left or right aligned so I get where you’re coming from, totally been on your side. Just feels weird now to be on the other side lol i hear that, but don't really understand what you mean by being on the other side exactly. are you suggesting that i hold a subordinate position where my recommendations are subjectively voted up or down? considering that I built this to lighten your workload, that's pretty unjust, but ridiculously enough, its a depressingly accurate statement. honestly i should just give up all together. i've already proven that nothing i do for this company inspires trust and confidence even to those that it benefits and i'll always be placed in a role where i'm overqualified so that others can stifle recommendations and still take advantage of my intellectual property at the cheapest rates from here to Bogota. I'm sure that it's giving folks the false sense of cutting costs, but in the long run our clients won't benefit and juice hasn't either considering 2023 revenue dropped 45% year to year. won't mention how being taken advantage of and treated as a subordinate is stifling any future career growth, self-confidence and happiness in and outside of work out of respect for keeping things professional and objective. This is just my general disposition, and not a personal callout, just want to throw that out there. granted a lot of that had to do w/the biogen flop I know you’ve been frustrated, and I appreciate what you do, I always have, never doubt that. Never actually had a QA person at any of my past agencies, so it’s awesome what we can verify so much with what you do. Not only that, but your reports do save so much time. And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done And I don’t take it personally. Totally cool to vent. I know you want more and deserve more appreciation across the board. And we’ve become a reactive agency instead of a proactive agency, which is just making messes across the board. But I do want you to be valued more. You and just QA in general Thanks, I appreciate that feedback. The QA role is unfortunately entirely too narrow to encompass the automation tools, backend integrations, analytics work, data reporting competitive analysis tools and current figma plugin utility I'm building. Those fall under a much broader category and job title (eg Product Engineer, Technology Director, etc.) that is refused to me on the premise that i'll continue under a much cheaper salary and won't have the pull to push back. I actually came here from a QA Director role, was given a QA Lead role w/a heightened salary to offset renegotiation on my end.. The problem with that is that it not only affects my role at this agency, but greatly limits my ability to advance in my next role given that everything i just said is just my word and not reflected on my resume. it's effective for business, but unforgiving from a company to employee relationship perspective. Gotcha, yeah, QA director does sound much narrower than Product Engineer or Technology Director i appreciate that affirmation, <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> and appreciate you being thoughtful enough to let me vent. I mean that w/all sincerity and warmest regard. At the end of the day I can't blame anybody for misunderstanding what I bring to the table or for dismissing my reco's as my title doesn't prop them up at all. Honestly its a disservice to JUICE as an agency as well when you think about it. > And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done Especially appreciate this. Thank you for clarifying and really appreciate your support and POV on this one. All good, sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone about it, and in the past, we’d just do it around the lunch table, but we’re all remote now so slack it is heck, my wife sometimes listens into meetings and says it sounds like I’m speaking another language. So I could vent to her, but she doesn’t get it cause she’s not in that. it’s different when you understand the situation, but harder when those same people aren’t people you see everyday EXACTLY. i tried explaining some work stuff to my best friend and I could see his mind going adrift LOL. Good call! Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-05 12:44:21.353609
Garrett Glick lol I hear you, this site has been sitting for weeks, and yet these tests get run now yeah, it's kind of stupid. they just let me know about it Friday. part of my concern is at some point, the site will go dark while we they transfer over the DNS, so I don’t want to make any changes that close to that happening if we had these a week ago, I’d be like sure, but, I think you understand any sort of dev stuff I’m just not confident with this close i still don't know how anything will be affected by going into the media manager and renaming 3 files. before they transfer the DNS I haven’t tested this in Hubspot, so I don’t know if I change something in the media library how it impacts what’s on the site if it was in parallel, absolutely, but there's no implication doing it before hand basically I feel like anything filename related (I think that’s what you’re referring to) I don’t want to make with having no dev time to fix if something goes wrong, kinda like what was done with Illuccix or am I mis-reading the report and you’re referring to something else i can double verify, but working with HubSpot thus far I have seen that when you change something within the CRM or media library, it shows you everywhere it appears across your site and it dynamically changes it in the places. Things like images and CRM properties are imported into pages as variables and pulled from the library, know what I mean? yeah, my gut tells me that’s what should and probably will happen, but in the slim chance it doesn’t, I don’t want to risk breaking anything 24 hours to launch it was like the same thing with Illuccix. I felt 99% confident I could have fixed that one line on the live site, but just can’t risk it for that 1% chance something breaks would it be easier to slack chat? understood that a gut feeling isn't enough to confidently change something and I don't blame your reluctancy especially if based on a comparison with the illuccix site, which was built in silos without UX/QA/MOPs visibility and thus the site's architecture and file directory structure was an afterthought. outside of ted and C&amp;D and Dave no one at this company trusts my knowledge of HubSpot even though I did build the loan integration and half of the CRM, so I'm okay w/the the risk i presented in the channel and think it provides me at least enough to keep me out of any issues the client or Google Search Console brings up related to the site. The time to fix this would be now in staging and definitely not post live for obvious reasons, but there's not enough at stake to continue deliberation on it. yeah, totally get it, You’re doing your job, I think problem is someone else asking you to do it way after you probably should have done it, and now we’re stuck with we probably should fix, but it’s a little to risky so close to launch yep, agreed we are kicking off some new projects which will update these sites, so perhaps we can have addressing all of these filenames as part of it hope i reflected that accurately in the channel just now yup yep, agreed, even better would be to solidify early testing within our templated website lifecycle process and beat it into PM/AM heads. I remember back at my first UX job, someone created this locator tool without UX, and then the art director came to me like a week before submission and asked me if like a button should be like left or right aligned, something stupid. And I’m like there are so many more quirks and issue I see that we should have resolved way long ago, and in the grand scheme, I don’t really have much of an opinion if it’s left or right aligned so I get where you’re coming from, totally been on your side. Just feels weird now to be on the other side lol i hear that, but don't really understand what you mean by being on the other side exactly. are you suggesting that i hold a subordinate position where my recommendations are subjectively voted up or down? considering that I built this to lighten your workload, that's pretty unjust, but ridiculously enough, its a depressingly accurate statement. honestly i should just give up all together. i've already proven that nothing i do for this company inspires trust and confidence even to those that it benefits and i'll always be placed in a role where i'm overqualified so that others can stifle recommendations and still take advantage of my intellectual property at the cheapest rates from here to Bogota. I'm sure that it's giving folks the false sense of cutting costs, but in the long run our clients won't benefit and juice hasn't either considering 2023 revenue dropped 45% year to year. won't mention how being taken advantage of and treated as a subordinate is stifling any future career growth, self-confidence and happiness in and outside of work out of respect for keeping things professional and objective. This is just my general disposition, and not a personal callout, just want to throw that out there. granted a lot of that had to do w/the biogen flop I know you’ve been frustrated, and I appreciate what you do, I always have, never doubt that. Never actually had a QA person at any of my past agencies, so it’s awesome what we can verify so much with what you do. Not only that, but your reports do save so much time. And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done And I don’t take it personally. Totally cool to vent. I know you want more and deserve more appreciation across the board. And we’ve become a reactive agency instead of a proactive agency, which is just making messes across the board. But I do want you to be valued more. You and just QA in general Thanks, I appreciate that feedback. The QA role is unfortunately entirely too narrow to encompass the automation tools, backend integrations, analytics work, data reporting competitive analysis tools and current figma plugin utility I'm building. Those fall under a much broader category and job title (eg Product Engineer, Technology Director, etc.) that is refused to me on the premise that i'll continue under a much cheaper salary and won't have the pull to push back. I actually came here from a QA Director role, was given a QA Lead role w/a heightened salary to offset renegotiation on my end.. The problem with that is that it not only affects my role at this agency, but greatly limits my ability to advance in my next role given that everything i just said is just my word and not reflected on my resume. it's effective for business, but unforgiving from a company to employee relationship perspective. Gotcha, yeah, QA director does sound much narrower than Product Engineer or Technology Director i appreciate that affirmation, <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> and appreciate you being thoughtful enough to let me vent. I mean that w/all sincerity and warmest regard. At the end of the day I can't blame anybody for misunderstanding what I bring to the table or for dismissing my reco's as my title doesn't prop them up at all. Honestly its a disservice to JUICE as an agency as well when you think about it. > And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done Especially appreciate this. Thank you for clarifying and really appreciate your support and POV on this one. All good, sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone about it, and in the past, we’d just do it around the lunch table, but we’re all remote now so slack it is heck, my wife sometimes listens into meetings and says it sounds like I’m speaking another language. So I could vent to her, but she doesn’t get it cause she’s not in that. it’s different when you understand the situation, but harder when those same people aren’t people you see everyday EXACTLY. i tried explaining some work stuff to my best friend and I could see his mind going adrift LOL. Good call! Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-05 13:02:53.645249 0.5
Outlook Calendar *Today*-<!date^1693893600^{date_long}|Tuesday, September 5, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-05 13:03:09.760619
Outlook Calendar *Today*-<!date^1693893600^{date_long}|Tuesday, September 5, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-05 13:03:41.597709 0.25
Vinny Cerpa lol I hear you, this site has been sitting for weeks, and yet these tests get run now yeah, it's kind of stupid. they just let me know about it Friday. part of my concern is at some point, the site will go dark while we they transfer over the DNS, so I don’t want to make any changes that close to that happening if we had these a week ago, I’d be like sure, but, I think you understand any sort of dev stuff I’m just not confident with this close i still don't know how anything will be affected by going into the media manager and renaming 3 files. before they transfer the DNS I haven’t tested this in Hubspot, so I don’t know if I change something in the media library how it impacts what’s on the site if it was in parallel, absolutely, but there's no implication doing it before hand basically I feel like anything filename related (I think that’s what you’re referring to) I don’t want to make with having no dev time to fix if something goes wrong, kinda like what was done with Illuccix or am I mis-reading the report and you’re referring to something else i can double verify, but working with HubSpot thus far I have seen that when you change something within the CRM or media library, it shows you everywhere it appears across your site and it dynamically changes it in the places. Things like images and CRM properties are imported into pages as variables and pulled from the library, know what I mean? yeah, my gut tells me that’s what should and probably will happen, but in the slim chance it doesn’t, I don’t want to risk breaking anything 24 hours to launch it was like the same thing with Illuccix. I felt 99% confident I could have fixed that one line on the live site, but just can’t risk it for that 1% chance something breaks would it be easier to slack chat? understood that a gut feeling isn't enough to confidently change something and I don't blame your reluctancy especially if based on a comparison with the illuccix site, which was built in silos without UX/QA/MOPs visibility and thus the site's architecture and file directory structure was an afterthought. outside of ted and C&amp;D and Dave no one at this company trusts my knowledge of HubSpot even though I did build the loan integration and half of the CRM, so I'm okay w/the the risk i presented in the channel and think it provides me at least enough to keep me out of any issues the client or Google Search Console brings up related to the site. The time to fix this would be now in staging and definitely not post live for obvious reasons, but there's not enough at stake to continue deliberation on it. yeah, totally get it, You’re doing your job, I think problem is someone else asking you to do it way after you probably should have done it, and now we’re stuck with we probably should fix, but it’s a little to risky so close to launch yep, agreed we are kicking off some new projects which will update these sites, so perhaps we can have addressing all of these filenames as part of it hope i reflected that accurately in the channel just now yup yep, agreed, even better would be to solidify early testing within our templated website lifecycle process and beat it into PM/AM heads. I remember back at my first UX job, someone created this locator tool without UX, and then the art director came to me like a week before submission and asked me if like a button should be like left or right aligned, something stupid. And I’m like there are so many more quirks and issue I see that we should have resolved way long ago, and in the grand scheme, I don’t really have much of an opinion if it’s left or right aligned so I get where you’re coming from, totally been on your side. Just feels weird now to be on the other side lol i hear that, but don't really understand what you mean by being on the other side exactly. are you suggesting that i hold a subordinate position where my recommendations are subjectively voted up or down? considering that I built this to lighten your workload, that's pretty unjust, but ridiculously enough, its a depressingly accurate statement. honestly i should just give up all together. i've already proven that nothing i do for this company inspires trust and confidence even to those that it benefits and i'll always be placed in a role where i'm overqualified so that others can stifle recommendations and still take advantage of my intellectual property at the cheapest rates from here to Bogota. I'm sure that it's giving folks the false sense of cutting costs, but in the long run our clients won't benefit and juice hasn't either considering 2023 revenue dropped 45% year to year. won't mention how being taken advantage of and treated as a subordinate is stifling any future career growth, self-confidence and happiness in and outside of work out of respect for keeping things professional and objective. This is just my general disposition, and not a personal callout, just want to throw that out there. granted a lot of that had to do w/the biogen flop I know you’ve been frustrated, and I appreciate what you do, I always have, never doubt that. Never actually had a QA person at any of my past agencies, so it’s awesome what we can verify so much with what you do. Not only that, but your reports do save so much time. And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done And I don’t take it personally. Totally cool to vent. I know you want more and deserve more appreciation across the board. And we’ve become a reactive agency instead of a proactive agency, which is just making messes across the board. But I do want you to be valued more. You and just QA in general Thanks, I appreciate that feedback. The QA role is unfortunately entirely too narrow to encompass the automation tools, backend integrations, analytics work, data reporting competitive analysis tools and current figma plugin utility I'm building. Those fall under a much broader category and job title (eg Product Engineer, Technology Director, etc.) that is refused to me on the premise that i'll continue under a much cheaper salary and won't have the pull to push back. I actually came here from a QA Director role, was given a QA Lead role w/a heightened salary to offset renegotiation on my end.. The problem with that is that it not only affects my role at this agency, but greatly limits my ability to advance in my next role given that everything i just said is just my word and not reflected on my resume. it's effective for business, but unforgiving from a company to employee relationship perspective. Gotcha, yeah, QA director does sound much narrower than Product Engineer or Technology Director i appreciate that affirmation, <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> and appreciate you being thoughtful enough to let me vent. I mean that w/all sincerity and warmest regard. At the end of the day I can't blame anybody for misunderstanding what I bring to the table or for dismissing my reco's as my title doesn't prop them up at all. Honestly its a disservice to JUICE as an agency as well when you think about it. > And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done Especially appreciate this. Thank you for clarifying and really appreciate your support and POV on this one. All good, sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone about it, and in the past, we’d just do it around the lunch table, but we’re all remote now so slack it is heck, my wife sometimes listens into meetings and says it sounds like I’m speaking another language. So I could vent to her, but she doesn’t get it cause she’s not in that. it’s different when you understand the situation, but harder when those same people aren’t people you see everyday EXACTLY. i tried explaining some work stuff to my best friend and I could see his mind going adrift LOL. Good call! Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-05 13:05:20.406579 0.25
Vinny Cerpa lol I hear you, this site has been sitting for weeks, and yet these tests get run now yeah, it's kind of stupid. they just let me know about it Friday. part of my concern is at some point, the site will go dark while we they transfer over the DNS, so I don’t want to make any changes that close to that happening if we had these a week ago, I’d be like sure, but, I think you understand any sort of dev stuff I’m just not confident with this close i still don't know how anything will be affected by going into the media manager and renaming 3 files. before they transfer the DNS I haven’t tested this in Hubspot, so I don’t know if I change something in the media library how it impacts what’s on the site if it was in parallel, absolutely, but there's no implication doing it before hand basically I feel like anything filename related (I think that’s what you’re referring to) I don’t want to make with having no dev time to fix if something goes wrong, kinda like what was done with Illuccix or am I mis-reading the report and you’re referring to something else i can double verify, but working with HubSpot thus far I have seen that when you change something within the CRM or media library, it shows you everywhere it appears across your site and it dynamically changes it in the places. Things like images and CRM properties are imported into pages as variables and pulled from the library, know what I mean? yeah, my gut tells me that’s what should and probably will happen, but in the slim chance it doesn’t, I don’t want to risk breaking anything 24 hours to launch it was like the same thing with Illuccix. I felt 99% confident I could have fixed that one line on the live site, but just can’t risk it for that 1% chance something breaks would it be easier to slack chat? understood that a gut feeling isn't enough to confidently change something and I don't blame your reluctancy especially if based on a comparison with the illuccix site, which was built in silos without UX/QA/MOPs visibility and thus the site's architecture and file directory structure was an afterthought. outside of ted and C&amp;D and Dave no one at this company trusts my knowledge of HubSpot even though I did build the loan integration and half of the CRM, so I'm okay w/the the risk i presented in the channel and think it provides me at least enough to keep me out of any issues the client or Google Search Console brings up related to the site. The time to fix this would be now in staging and definitely not post live for obvious reasons, but there's not enough at stake to continue deliberation on it. yeah, totally get it, You’re doing your job, I think problem is someone else asking you to do it way after you probably should have done it, and now we’re stuck with we probably should fix, but it’s a little to risky so close to launch yep, agreed we are kicking off some new projects which will update these sites, so perhaps we can have addressing all of these filenames as part of it hope i reflected that accurately in the channel just now yup yep, agreed, even better would be to solidify early testing within our templated website lifecycle process and beat it into PM/AM heads. I remember back at my first UX job, someone created this locator tool without UX, and then the art director came to me like a week before submission and asked me if like a button should be like left or right aligned, something stupid. And I’m like there are so many more quirks and issue I see that we should have resolved way long ago, and in the grand scheme, I don’t really have much of an opinion if it’s left or right aligned so I get where you’re coming from, totally been on your side. Just feels weird now to be on the other side lol i hear that, but don't really understand what you mean by being on the other side exactly. are you suggesting that i hold a subordinate position where my recommendations are subjectively voted up or down? considering that I built this to lighten your workload, that's pretty unjust, but ridiculously enough, its a depressingly accurate statement. honestly i should just give up all together. i've already proven that nothing i do for this company inspires trust and confidence even to those that it benefits and i'll always be placed in a role where i'm overqualified so that others can stifle recommendations and still take advantage of my intellectual property at the cheapest rates from here to Bogota. I'm sure that it's giving folks the false sense of cutting costs, but in the long run our clients won't benefit and juice hasn't either considering 2023 revenue dropped 45% year to year. won't mention how being taken advantage of and treated as a subordinate is stifling any future career growth, self-confidence and happiness in and outside of work out of respect for keeping things professional and objective. This is just my general disposition, and not a personal callout, just want to throw that out there. granted a lot of that had to do w/the biogen flop I know you’ve been frustrated, and I appreciate what you do, I always have, never doubt that. Never actually had a QA person at any of my past agencies, so it’s awesome what we can verify so much with what you do. Not only that, but your reports do save so much time. And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done And I don’t take it personally. Totally cool to vent. I know you want more and deserve more appreciation across the board. And we’ve become a reactive agency instead of a proactive agency, which is just making messes across the board. But I do want you to be valued more. You and just QA in general Thanks, I appreciate that feedback. The QA role is unfortunately entirely too narrow to encompass the automation tools, backend integrations, analytics work, data reporting competitive analysis tools and current figma plugin utility I'm building. Those fall under a much broader category and job title (eg Product Engineer, Technology Director, etc.) that is refused to me on the premise that i'll continue under a much cheaper salary and won't have the pull to push back. I actually came here from a QA Director role, was given a QA Lead role w/a heightened salary to offset renegotiation on my end.. The problem with that is that it not only affects my role at this agency, but greatly limits my ability to advance in my next role given that everything i just said is just my word and not reflected on my resume. it's effective for business, but unforgiving from a company to employee relationship perspective. Gotcha, yeah, QA director does sound much narrower than Product Engineer or Technology Director i appreciate that affirmation, <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> and appreciate you being thoughtful enough to let me vent. I mean that w/all sincerity and warmest regard. At the end of the day I can't blame anybody for misunderstanding what I bring to the table or for dismissing my reco's as my title doesn't prop them up at all. Honestly its a disservice to JUICE as an agency as well when you think about it. > And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done Especially appreciate this. Thank you for clarifying and really appreciate your support and POV on this one. All good, sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone about it, and in the past, we’d just do it around the lunch table, but we’re all remote now so slack it is heck, my wife sometimes listens into meetings and says it sounds like I’m speaking another language. So I could vent to her, but she doesn’t get it cause she’s not in that. it’s different when you understand the situation, but harder when those same people aren’t people you see everyday EXACTLY. i tried explaining some work stuff to my best friend and I could see his mind going adrift LOL. Good call! Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-05 13:05:20.406579 0.25
Javier Hernandez Thank you of course! Critical ADA compliance violations across <|> (also related to image issues) <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> Urgent + Critical Step for Go-Live: Next Steps to Verify Ownership of <|> with Google Search Console: 1. send this text record to send to DEV to drop into DNS config for <|>: google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE 2. detailed instructions via Google: Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=cozJJg4pqPV_UKOr2MH0bEzBdfzpZc5hZl_Wmlr8wrs Weird <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> I don’t actually know how to fix this within HS. It’s a CSS background class, not an image on page which I can manually add the alt text Weirder that this is only showing up on these pages but not all the pages That makes sense. In that case this is best remedied with either of these attributes: • an ARIA ignore attribute or • null alt text value This prevents screen readers from placing it within the hierarchy of page elements when the user is navigating the page. In other words, preventing VoiceOver from announcing it calling it out. See below: > In these cases, a null (empty) alt text should be provided (alt="") so that they can be ignored by assistive technologies, such as screen readers. Text values for these types of images would add audible clutter to screen reader output or could distract users if the topic is different from that in adjacent text. Leaving out the alt attribute is also not an option because when it is not provided, some screen readers will announce the file name of the image instead. <> in this particular case the code would look like: ```<img class="banner-angle__background-image" alt="">``` @here this very simple fix will easily boost the site's current accessibility rating up from a 90% to at least 95% and be a huge win for JUICE w/our client considering his compliancy concerns. <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> confirmed to have DEV update the alt text now, while they are updating with the GooGle Search Counsel as well sent :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel pm-mops-team Channel Members 2023-09-05 13:05:32.192559
Garrett Glick Thank you of course! Critical ADA compliance violations across <|> (also related to image issues) <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> Urgent + Critical Step for Go-Live: Next Steps to Verify Ownership of <|> with Google Search Console: 1. send this text record to send to DEV to drop into DNS config for <|>: google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE 2. detailed instructions via Google: Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=cozJJg4pqPV_UKOr2MH0bEzBdfzpZc5hZl_Wmlr8wrs Weird <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> I don’t actually know how to fix this within HS. It’s a CSS background class, not an image on page which I can manually add the alt text Weirder that this is only showing up on these pages but not all the pages That makes sense. In that case this is best remedied with either of these attributes: • an ARIA ignore attribute or • null alt text value This prevents screen readers from placing it within the hierarchy of page elements when the user is navigating the page. In other words, preventing VoiceOver from announcing it calling it out. See below: > In these cases, a null (empty) alt text should be provided (alt="") so that they can be ignored by assistive technologies, such as screen readers. Text values for these types of images would add audible clutter to screen reader output or could distract users if the topic is different from that in adjacent text. Leaving out the alt attribute is also not an option because when it is not provided, some screen readers will announce the file name of the image instead. <> in this particular case the code would look like: ```<img class="banner-angle__background-image" alt="">``` @here this very simple fix will easily boost the site's current accessibility rating up from a 90% to at least 95% and be a huge win for JUICE w/our client considering his compliancy concerns. <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> confirmed to have DEV update the alt text now, while they are updating with the GooGle Search Counsel as well sent :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel pm-mops-team Channel Members 2023-09-05 13:07:12.521099 0.25
Garrett Glick lol I hear you, this site has been sitting for weeks, and yet these tests get run now yeah, it's kind of stupid. they just let me know about it Friday. part of my concern is at some point, the site will go dark while we they transfer over the DNS, so I don’t want to make any changes that close to that happening if we had these a week ago, I’d be like sure, but, I think you understand any sort of dev stuff I’m just not confident with this close i still don't know how anything will be affected by going into the media manager and renaming 3 files. before they transfer the DNS I haven’t tested this in Hubspot, so I don’t know if I change something in the media library how it impacts what’s on the site if it was in parallel, absolutely, but there's no implication doing it before hand basically I feel like anything filename related (I think that’s what you’re referring to) I don’t want to make with having no dev time to fix if something goes wrong, kinda like what was done with Illuccix or am I mis-reading the report and you’re referring to something else i can double verify, but working with HubSpot thus far I have seen that when you change something within the CRM or media library, it shows you everywhere it appears across your site and it dynamically changes it in the places. Things like images and CRM properties are imported into pages as variables and pulled from the library, know what I mean? yeah, my gut tells me that’s what should and probably will happen, but in the slim chance it doesn’t, I don’t want to risk breaking anything 24 hours to launch it was like the same thing with Illuccix. I felt 99% confident I could have fixed that one line on the live site, but just can’t risk it for that 1% chance something breaks would it be easier to slack chat? understood that a gut feeling isn't enough to confidently change something and I don't blame your reluctancy especially if based on a comparison with the illuccix site, which was built in silos without UX/QA/MOPs visibility and thus the site's architecture and file directory structure was an afterthought. outside of ted and C&amp;D and Dave no one at this company trusts my knowledge of HubSpot even though I did build the loan integration and half of the CRM, so I'm okay w/the the risk i presented in the channel and think it provides me at least enough to keep me out of any issues the client or Google Search Console brings up related to the site. The time to fix this would be now in staging and definitely not post live for obvious reasons, but there's not enough at stake to continue deliberation on it. yeah, totally get it, You’re doing your job, I think problem is someone else asking you to do it way after you probably should have done it, and now we’re stuck with we probably should fix, but it’s a little to risky so close to launch yep, agreed we are kicking off some new projects which will update these sites, so perhaps we can have addressing all of these filenames as part of it hope i reflected that accurately in the channel just now yup yep, agreed, even better would be to solidify early testing within our templated website lifecycle process and beat it into PM/AM heads. I remember back at my first UX job, someone created this locator tool without UX, and then the art director came to me like a week before submission and asked me if like a button should be like left or right aligned, something stupid. And I’m like there are so many more quirks and issue I see that we should have resolved way long ago, and in the grand scheme, I don’t really have much of an opinion if it’s left or right aligned so I get where you’re coming from, totally been on your side. Just feels weird now to be on the other side lol i hear that, but don't really understand what you mean by being on the other side exactly. are you suggesting that i hold a subordinate position where my recommendations are subjectively voted up or down? considering that I built this to lighten your workload, that's pretty unjust, but ridiculously enough, its a depressingly accurate statement. honestly i should just give up all together. i've already proven that nothing i do for this company inspires trust and confidence even to those that it benefits and i'll always be placed in a role where i'm overqualified so that others can stifle recommendations and still take advantage of my intellectual property at the cheapest rates from here to Bogota. I'm sure that it's giving folks the false sense of cutting costs, but in the long run our clients won't benefit and juice hasn't either considering 2023 revenue dropped 45% year to year. won't mention how being taken advantage of and treated as a subordinate is stifling any future career growth, self-confidence and happiness in and outside of work out of respect for keeping things professional and objective. This is just my general disposition, and not a personal callout, just want to throw that out there. granted a lot of that had to do w/the biogen flop I know you’ve been frustrated, and I appreciate what you do, I always have, never doubt that. Never actually had a QA person at any of my past agencies, so it’s awesome what we can verify so much with what you do. Not only that, but your reports do save so much time. And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done And I don’t take it personally. Totally cool to vent. I know you want more and deserve more appreciation across the board. And we’ve become a reactive agency instead of a proactive agency, which is just making messes across the board. But I do want you to be valued more. You and just QA in general Thanks, I appreciate that feedback. The QA role is unfortunately entirely too narrow to encompass the automation tools, backend integrations, analytics work, data reporting competitive analysis tools and current figma plugin utility I'm building. Those fall under a much broader category and job title (eg Product Engineer, Technology Director, etc.) that is refused to me on the premise that i'll continue under a much cheaper salary and won't have the pull to push back. I actually came here from a QA Director role, was given a QA Lead role w/a heightened salary to offset renegotiation on my end.. The problem with that is that it not only affects my role at this agency, but greatly limits my ability to advance in my next role given that everything i just said is just my word and not reflected on my resume. it's effective for business, but unforgiving from a company to employee relationship perspective. Gotcha, yeah, QA director does sound much narrower than Product Engineer or Technology Director i appreciate that affirmation, <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> and appreciate you being thoughtful enough to let me vent. I mean that w/all sincerity and warmest regard. At the end of the day I can't blame anybody for misunderstanding what I bring to the table or for dismissing my reco's as my title doesn't prop them up at all. Honestly its a disservice to JUICE as an agency as well when you think about it. > And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done Especially appreciate this. Thank you for clarifying and really appreciate your support and POV on this one. All good, sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone about it, and in the past, we’d just do it around the lunch table, but we’re all remote now so slack it is heck, my wife sometimes listens into meetings and says it sounds like I’m speaking another language. So I could vent to her, but she doesn’t get it cause she’s not in that. it’s different when you understand the situation, but harder when those same people aren’t people you see everyday EXACTLY. i tried explaining some work stuff to my best friend and I could see his mind going adrift LOL. Good call! Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-05 13:07:31.526319
Garrett Glick lol I hear you, this site has been sitting for weeks, and yet these tests get run now yeah, it's kind of stupid. they just let me know about it Friday. part of my concern is at some point, the site will go dark while we they transfer over the DNS, so I don’t want to make any changes that close to that happening if we had these a week ago, I’d be like sure, but, I think you understand any sort of dev stuff I’m just not confident with this close i still don't know how anything will be affected by going into the media manager and renaming 3 files. before they transfer the DNS I haven’t tested this in Hubspot, so I don’t know if I change something in the media library how it impacts what’s on the site if it was in parallel, absolutely, but there's no implication doing it before hand basically I feel like anything filename related (I think that’s what you’re referring to) I don’t want to make with having no dev time to fix if something goes wrong, kinda like what was done with Illuccix or am I mis-reading the report and you’re referring to something else i can double verify, but working with HubSpot thus far I have seen that when you change something within the CRM or media library, it shows you everywhere it appears across your site and it dynamically changes it in the places. Things like images and CRM properties are imported into pages as variables and pulled from the library, know what I mean? yeah, my gut tells me that’s what should and probably will happen, but in the slim chance it doesn’t, I don’t want to risk breaking anything 24 hours to launch it was like the same thing with Illuccix. I felt 99% confident I could have fixed that one line on the live site, but just can’t risk it for that 1% chance something breaks would it be easier to slack chat? understood that a gut feeling isn't enough to confidently change something and I don't blame your reluctancy especially if based on a comparison with the illuccix site, which was built in silos without UX/QA/MOPs visibility and thus the site's architecture and file directory structure was an afterthought. outside of ted and C&amp;D and Dave no one at this company trusts my knowledge of HubSpot even though I did build the loan integration and half of the CRM, so I'm okay w/the the risk i presented in the channel and think it provides me at least enough to keep me out of any issues the client or Google Search Console brings up related to the site. The time to fix this would be now in staging and definitely not post live for obvious reasons, but there's not enough at stake to continue deliberation on it. yeah, totally get it, You’re doing your job, I think problem is someone else asking you to do it way after you probably should have done it, and now we’re stuck with we probably should fix, but it’s a little to risky so close to launch yep, agreed we are kicking off some new projects which will update these sites, so perhaps we can have addressing all of these filenames as part of it hope i reflected that accurately in the channel just now yup yep, agreed, even better would be to solidify early testing within our templated website lifecycle process and beat it into PM/AM heads. I remember back at my first UX job, someone created this locator tool without UX, and then the art director came to me like a week before submission and asked me if like a button should be like left or right aligned, something stupid. And I’m like there are so many more quirks and issue I see that we should have resolved way long ago, and in the grand scheme, I don’t really have much of an opinion if it’s left or right aligned so I get where you’re coming from, totally been on your side. Just feels weird now to be on the other side lol i hear that, but don't really understand what you mean by being on the other side exactly. are you suggesting that i hold a subordinate position where my recommendations are subjectively voted up or down? considering that I built this to lighten your workload, that's pretty unjust, but ridiculously enough, its a depressingly accurate statement. honestly i should just give up all together. i've already proven that nothing i do for this company inspires trust and confidence even to those that it benefits and i'll always be placed in a role where i'm overqualified so that others can stifle recommendations and still take advantage of my intellectual property at the cheapest rates from here to Bogota. I'm sure that it's giving folks the false sense of cutting costs, but in the long run our clients won't benefit and juice hasn't either considering 2023 revenue dropped 45% year to year. won't mention how being taken advantage of and treated as a subordinate is stifling any future career growth, self-confidence and happiness in and outside of work out of respect for keeping things professional and objective. This is just my general disposition, and not a personal callout, just want to throw that out there. granted a lot of that had to do w/the biogen flop I know you’ve been frustrated, and I appreciate what you do, I always have, never doubt that. Never actually had a QA person at any of my past agencies, so it’s awesome what we can verify so much with what you do. Not only that, but your reports do save so much time. And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done And I don’t take it personally. Totally cool to vent. I know you want more and deserve more appreciation across the board. And we’ve become a reactive agency instead of a proactive agency, which is just making messes across the board. But I do want you to be valued more. You and just QA in general Thanks, I appreciate that feedback. The QA role is unfortunately entirely too narrow to encompass the automation tools, backend integrations, analytics work, data reporting competitive analysis tools and current figma plugin utility I'm building. Those fall under a much broader category and job title (eg Product Engineer, Technology Director, etc.) that is refused to me on the premise that i'll continue under a much cheaper salary and won't have the pull to push back. I actually came here from a QA Director role, was given a QA Lead role w/a heightened salary to offset renegotiation on my end.. The problem with that is that it not only affects my role at this agency, but greatly limits my ability to advance in my next role given that everything i just said is just my word and not reflected on my resume. it's effective for business, but unforgiving from a company to employee relationship perspective. Gotcha, yeah, QA director does sound much narrower than Product Engineer or Technology Director i appreciate that affirmation, <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> and appreciate you being thoughtful enough to let me vent. I mean that w/all sincerity and warmest regard. At the end of the day I can't blame anybody for misunderstanding what I bring to the table or for dismissing my reco's as my title doesn't prop them up at all. Honestly its a disservice to JUICE as an agency as well when you think about it. > And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done Especially appreciate this. Thank you for clarifying and really appreciate your support and POV on this one. All good, sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone about it, and in the past, we’d just do it around the lunch table, but we’re all remote now so slack it is heck, my wife sometimes listens into meetings and says it sounds like I’m speaking another language. So I could vent to her, but she doesn’t get it cause she’s not in that. it’s different when you understand the situation, but harder when those same people aren’t people you see everyday EXACTLY. i tried explaining some work stuff to my best friend and I could see his mind going adrift LOL. Good call! Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-05 14:06:08.868089 1.75
Garrett Glick Thank you of course! Critical ADA compliance violations across <|> (also related to image issues) <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> Urgent + Critical Step for Go-Live: Next Steps to Verify Ownership of <|> with Google Search Console: 1. send this text record to send to DEV to drop into DNS config for <|>: google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE 2. detailed instructions via Google: Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=cozJJg4pqPV_UKOr2MH0bEzBdfzpZc5hZl_Wmlr8wrs Weird <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> I don’t actually know how to fix this within HS. It’s a CSS background class, not an image on page which I can manually add the alt text Weirder that this is only showing up on these pages but not all the pages That makes sense. In that case this is best remedied with either of these attributes: • an ARIA ignore attribute or • null alt text value This prevents screen readers from placing it within the hierarchy of page elements when the user is navigating the page. In other words, preventing VoiceOver from announcing it calling it out. See below: > In these cases, a null (empty) alt text should be provided (alt="") so that they can be ignored by assistive technologies, such as screen readers. Text values for these types of images would add audible clutter to screen reader output or could distract users if the topic is different from that in adjacent text. Leaving out the alt attribute is also not an option because when it is not provided, some screen readers will announce the file name of the image instead. <> in this particular case the code would look like: ```<img class="banner-angle__background-image" alt="">``` @here this very simple fix will easily boost the site's current accessibility rating up from a 90% to at least 95% and be a huge win for JUICE w/our client considering his compliancy concerns. <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> confirmed to have DEV update the alt text now, while they are updating with the GooGle Search Counsel as well sent :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel pm-mops-team Channel Members 2023-09-05 14:39:47.267829 0.25
Garrett Glick Thank you of course! Critical ADA compliance violations across <|> (also related to image issues) <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> Urgent + Critical Step for Go-Live: Next Steps to Verify Ownership of <|> with Google Search Console: 1. send this text record to send to DEV to drop into DNS config for <|>: google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE 2. detailed instructions via Google: Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=cozJJg4pqPV_UKOr2MH0bEzBdfzpZc5hZl_Wmlr8wrs Weird <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> I don’t actually know how to fix this within HS. It’s a CSS background class, not an image on page which I can manually add the alt text Weirder that this is only showing up on these pages but not all the pages That makes sense. In that case this is best remedied with either of these attributes: • an ARIA ignore attribute or • null alt text value This prevents screen readers from placing it within the hierarchy of page elements when the user is navigating the page. In other words, preventing VoiceOver from announcing it calling it out. See below: > In these cases, a null (empty) alt text should be provided (alt="") so that they can be ignored by assistive technologies, such as screen readers. Text values for these types of images would add audible clutter to screen reader output or could distract users if the topic is different from that in adjacent text. Leaving out the alt attribute is also not an option because when it is not provided, some screen readers will announce the file name of the image instead. <> in this particular case the code would look like: ```<img class="banner-angle__background-image" alt="">``` @here this very simple fix will easily boost the site's current accessibility rating up from a 90% to at least 95% and be a huge win for JUICE w/our client considering his compliancy concerns. <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> confirmed to have DEV update the alt text now, while they are updating with the GooGle Search Counsel as well sent :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel pm-mops-team Channel Members 2023-09-05 14:39:47.267829 0.25
Vinny Cerpa lol I hear you, this site has been sitting for weeks, and yet these tests get run now yeah, it's kind of stupid. they just let me know about it Friday. part of my concern is at some point, the site will go dark while we they transfer over the DNS, so I don’t want to make any changes that close to that happening if we had these a week ago, I’d be like sure, but, I think you understand any sort of dev stuff I’m just not confident with this close i still don't know how anything will be affected by going into the media manager and renaming 3 files. before they transfer the DNS I haven’t tested this in Hubspot, so I don’t know if I change something in the media library how it impacts what’s on the site if it was in parallel, absolutely, but there's no implication doing it before hand basically I feel like anything filename related (I think that’s what you’re referring to) I don’t want to make with having no dev time to fix if something goes wrong, kinda like what was done with Illuccix or am I mis-reading the report and you’re referring to something else i can double verify, but working with HubSpot thus far I have seen that when you change something within the CRM or media library, it shows you everywhere it appears across your site and it dynamically changes it in the places. Things like images and CRM properties are imported into pages as variables and pulled from the library, know what I mean? yeah, my gut tells me that’s what should and probably will happen, but in the slim chance it doesn’t, I don’t want to risk breaking anything 24 hours to launch it was like the same thing with Illuccix. I felt 99% confident I could have fixed that one line on the live site, but just can’t risk it for that 1% chance something breaks would it be easier to slack chat? understood that a gut feeling isn't enough to confidently change something and I don't blame your reluctancy especially if based on a comparison with the illuccix site, which was built in silos without UX/QA/MOPs visibility and thus the site's architecture and file directory structure was an afterthought. outside of ted and C&amp;D and Dave no one at this company trusts my knowledge of HubSpot even though I did build the loan integration and half of the CRM, so I'm okay w/the the risk i presented in the channel and think it provides me at least enough to keep me out of any issues the client or Google Search Console brings up related to the site. The time to fix this would be now in staging and definitely not post live for obvious reasons, but there's not enough at stake to continue deliberation on it. yeah, totally get it, You’re doing your job, I think problem is someone else asking you to do it way after you probably should have done it, and now we’re stuck with we probably should fix, but it’s a little to risky so close to launch yep, agreed we are kicking off some new projects which will update these sites, so perhaps we can have addressing all of these filenames as part of it hope i reflected that accurately in the channel just now yup yep, agreed, even better would be to solidify early testing within our templated website lifecycle process and beat it into PM/AM heads. I remember back at my first UX job, someone created this locator tool without UX, and then the art director came to me like a week before submission and asked me if like a button should be like left or right aligned, something stupid. And I’m like there are so many more quirks and issue I see that we should have resolved way long ago, and in the grand scheme, I don’t really have much of an opinion if it’s left or right aligned so I get where you’re coming from, totally been on your side. Just feels weird now to be on the other side lol i hear that, but don't really understand what you mean by being on the other side exactly. are you suggesting that i hold a subordinate position where my recommendations are subjectively voted up or down? considering that I built this to lighten your workload, that's pretty unjust, but ridiculously enough, its a depressingly accurate statement. honestly i should just give up all together. i've already proven that nothing i do for this company inspires trust and confidence even to those that it benefits and i'll always be placed in a role where i'm overqualified so that others can stifle recommendations and still take advantage of my intellectual property at the cheapest rates from here to Bogota. I'm sure that it's giving folks the false sense of cutting costs, but in the long run our clients won't benefit and juice hasn't either considering 2023 revenue dropped 45% year to year. won't mention how being taken advantage of and treated as a subordinate is stifling any future career growth, self-confidence and happiness in and outside of work out of respect for keeping things professional and objective. This is just my general disposition, and not a personal callout, just want to throw that out there. granted a lot of that had to do w/the biogen flop I know you’ve been frustrated, and I appreciate what you do, I always have, never doubt that. Never actually had a QA person at any of my past agencies, so it’s awesome what we can verify so much with what you do. Not only that, but your reports do save so much time. And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done And I don’t take it personally. Totally cool to vent. I know you want more and deserve more appreciation across the board. And we’ve become a reactive agency instead of a proactive agency, which is just making messes across the board. But I do want you to be valued more. You and just QA in general Thanks, I appreciate that feedback. The QA role is unfortunately entirely too narrow to encompass the automation tools, backend integrations, analytics work, data reporting competitive analysis tools and current figma plugin utility I'm building. Those fall under a much broader category and job title (eg Product Engineer, Technology Director, etc.) that is refused to me on the premise that i'll continue under a much cheaper salary and won't have the pull to push back. I actually came here from a QA Director role, was given a QA Lead role w/a heightened salary to offset renegotiation on my end.. The problem with that is that it not only affects my role at this agency, but greatly limits my ability to advance in my next role given that everything i just said is just my word and not reflected on my resume. it's effective for business, but unforgiving from a company to employee relationship perspective. Gotcha, yeah, QA director does sound much narrower than Product Engineer or Technology Director i appreciate that affirmation, <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> and appreciate you being thoughtful enough to let me vent. I mean that w/all sincerity and warmest regard. At the end of the day I can't blame anybody for misunderstanding what I bring to the table or for dismissing my reco's as my title doesn't prop them up at all. Honestly its a disservice to JUICE as an agency as well when you think about it. > And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done Especially appreciate this. Thank you for clarifying and really appreciate your support and POV on this one. All good, sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone about it, and in the past, we’d just do it around the lunch table, but we’re all remote now so slack it is heck, my wife sometimes listens into meetings and says it sounds like I’m speaking another language. So I could vent to her, but she doesn’t get it cause she’s not in that. it’s different when you understand the situation, but harder when those same people aren’t people you see everyday EXACTLY. i tried explaining some work stuff to my best friend and I could see his mind going adrift LOL. Good call! Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-05 14:51:28.040659 0.25
Vinny Cerpa lol I hear you, this site has been sitting for weeks, and yet these tests get run now yeah, it's kind of stupid. they just let me know about it Friday. part of my concern is at some point, the site will go dark while we they transfer over the DNS, so I don’t want to make any changes that close to that happening if we had these a week ago, I’d be like sure, but, I think you understand any sort of dev stuff I’m just not confident with this close i still don't know how anything will be affected by going into the media manager and renaming 3 files. before they transfer the DNS I haven’t tested this in Hubspot, so I don’t know if I change something in the media library how it impacts what’s on the site if it was in parallel, absolutely, but there's no implication doing it before hand basically I feel like anything filename related (I think that’s what you’re referring to) I don’t want to make with having no dev time to fix if something goes wrong, kinda like what was done with Illuccix or am I mis-reading the report and you’re referring to something else i can double verify, but working with HubSpot thus far I have seen that when you change something within the CRM or media library, it shows you everywhere it appears across your site and it dynamically changes it in the places. Things like images and CRM properties are imported into pages as variables and pulled from the library, know what I mean? yeah, my gut tells me that’s what should and probably will happen, but in the slim chance it doesn’t, I don’t want to risk breaking anything 24 hours to launch it was like the same thing with Illuccix. I felt 99% confident I could have fixed that one line on the live site, but just can’t risk it for that 1% chance something breaks would it be easier to slack chat? understood that a gut feeling isn't enough to confidently change something and I don't blame your reluctancy especially if based on a comparison with the illuccix site, which was built in silos without UX/QA/MOPs visibility and thus the site's architecture and file directory structure was an afterthought. outside of ted and C&amp;D and Dave no one at this company trusts my knowledge of HubSpot even though I did build the loan integration and half of the CRM, so I'm okay w/the the risk i presented in the channel and think it provides me at least enough to keep me out of any issues the client or Google Search Console brings up related to the site. The time to fix this would be now in staging and definitely not post live for obvious reasons, but there's not enough at stake to continue deliberation on it. yeah, totally get it, You’re doing your job, I think problem is someone else asking you to do it way after you probably should have done it, and now we’re stuck with we probably should fix, but it’s a little to risky so close to launch yep, agreed we are kicking off some new projects which will update these sites, so perhaps we can have addressing all of these filenames as part of it hope i reflected that accurately in the channel just now yup yep, agreed, even better would be to solidify early testing within our templated website lifecycle process and beat it into PM/AM heads. I remember back at my first UX job, someone created this locator tool without UX, and then the art director came to me like a week before submission and asked me if like a button should be like left or right aligned, something stupid. And I’m like there are so many more quirks and issue I see that we should have resolved way long ago, and in the grand scheme, I don’t really have much of an opinion if it’s left or right aligned so I get where you’re coming from, totally been on your side. Just feels weird now to be on the other side lol i hear that, but don't really understand what you mean by being on the other side exactly. are you suggesting that i hold a subordinate position where my recommendations are subjectively voted up or down? considering that I built this to lighten your workload, that's pretty unjust, but ridiculously enough, its a depressingly accurate statement. honestly i should just give up all together. i've already proven that nothing i do for this company inspires trust and confidence even to those that it benefits and i'll always be placed in a role where i'm overqualified so that others can stifle recommendations and still take advantage of my intellectual property at the cheapest rates from here to Bogota. I'm sure that it's giving folks the false sense of cutting costs, but in the long run our clients won't benefit and juice hasn't either considering 2023 revenue dropped 45% year to year. won't mention how being taken advantage of and treated as a subordinate is stifling any future career growth, self-confidence and happiness in and outside of work out of respect for keeping things professional and objective. This is just my general disposition, and not a personal callout, just want to throw that out there. granted a lot of that had to do w/the biogen flop I know you’ve been frustrated, and I appreciate what you do, I always have, never doubt that. Never actually had a QA person at any of my past agencies, so it’s awesome what we can verify so much with what you do. Not only that, but your reports do save so much time. And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done And I don’t take it personally. Totally cool to vent. I know you want more and deserve more appreciation across the board. And we’ve become a reactive agency instead of a proactive agency, which is just making messes across the board. But I do want you to be valued more. You and just QA in general Thanks, I appreciate that feedback. The QA role is unfortunately entirely too narrow to encompass the automation tools, backend integrations, analytics work, data reporting competitive analysis tools and current figma plugin utility I'm building. Those fall under a much broader category and job title (eg Product Engineer, Technology Director, etc.) that is refused to me on the premise that i'll continue under a much cheaper salary and won't have the pull to push back. I actually came here from a QA Director role, was given a QA Lead role w/a heightened salary to offset renegotiation on my end.. The problem with that is that it not only affects my role at this agency, but greatly limits my ability to advance in my next role given that everything i just said is just my word and not reflected on my resume. it's effective for business, but unforgiving from a company to employee relationship perspective. Gotcha, yeah, QA director does sound much narrower than Product Engineer or Technology Director i appreciate that affirmation, <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> and appreciate you being thoughtful enough to let me vent. I mean that w/all sincerity and warmest regard. At the end of the day I can't blame anybody for misunderstanding what I bring to the table or for dismissing my reco's as my title doesn't prop them up at all. Honestly its a disservice to JUICE as an agency as well when you think about it. > And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done Especially appreciate this. Thank you for clarifying and really appreciate your support and POV on this one. All good, sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone about it, and in the past, we’d just do it around the lunch table, but we’re all remote now so slack it is heck, my wife sometimes listens into meetings and says it sounds like I’m speaking another language. So I could vent to her, but she doesn’t get it cause she’s not in that. it’s different when you understand the situation, but harder when those same people aren’t people you see everyday EXACTLY. i tried explaining some work stuff to my best friend and I could see his mind going adrift LOL. Good call! Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-05 14:51:28.040659 0.25
Garrett Glick Thank you of course! Critical ADA compliance violations across <|> (also related to image issues) <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> Urgent + Critical Step for Go-Live: Next Steps to Verify Ownership of <|> with Google Search Console: 1. send this text record to send to DEV to drop into DNS config for <|>: google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE 2. detailed instructions via Google: Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=cozJJg4pqPV_UKOr2MH0bEzBdfzpZc5hZl_Wmlr8wrs Weird <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> I don’t actually know how to fix this within HS. It’s a CSS background class, not an image on page which I can manually add the alt text Weirder that this is only showing up on these pages but not all the pages That makes sense. In that case this is best remedied with either of these attributes: • an ARIA ignore attribute or • null alt text value This prevents screen readers from placing it within the hierarchy of page elements when the user is navigating the page. In other words, preventing VoiceOver from announcing it calling it out. See below: > In these cases, a null (empty) alt text should be provided (alt="") so that they can be ignored by assistive technologies, such as screen readers. Text values for these types of images would add audible clutter to screen reader output or could distract users if the topic is different from that in adjacent text. Leaving out the alt attribute is also not an option because when it is not provided, some screen readers will announce the file name of the image instead. <> in this particular case the code would look like: ```<img class="banner-angle__background-image" alt="">``` @here this very simple fix will easily boost the site's current accessibility rating up from a 90% to at least 95% and be a huge win for JUICE w/our client considering his compliancy concerns. <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> confirmed to have DEV update the alt text now, while they are updating with the GooGle Search Counsel as well sent :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel pm-mops-team Channel Members 2023-09-05 14:56:11.183399
Vinny Cerpa Thank you of course! Critical ADA compliance violations across <|> (also related to image issues) <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> Urgent + Critical Step for Go-Live: Next Steps to Verify Ownership of <|> with Google Search Console: 1. send this text record to send to DEV to drop into DNS config for <|>: google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE 2. detailed instructions via Google: Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=cozJJg4pqPV_UKOr2MH0bEzBdfzpZc5hZl_Wmlr8wrs Weird <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> I don’t actually know how to fix this within HS. It’s a CSS background class, not an image on page which I can manually add the alt text Weirder that this is only showing up on these pages but not all the pages That makes sense. In that case this is best remedied with either of these attributes: • an ARIA ignore attribute or • null alt text value This prevents screen readers from placing it within the hierarchy of page elements when the user is navigating the page. In other words, preventing VoiceOver from announcing it calling it out. See below: > In these cases, a null (empty) alt text should be provided (alt="") so that they can be ignored by assistive technologies, such as screen readers. Text values for these types of images would add audible clutter to screen reader output or could distract users if the topic is different from that in adjacent text. Leaving out the alt attribute is also not an option because when it is not provided, some screen readers will announce the file name of the image instead. <> in this particular case the code would look like: ```<img class="banner-angle__background-image" alt="">``` @here this very simple fix will easily boost the site's current accessibility rating up from a 90% to at least 95% and be a huge win for JUICE w/our client considering his compliancy concerns. <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> confirmed to have DEV update the alt text now, while they are updating with the GooGle Search Counsel as well sent :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel pm-mops-team Channel Members 2023-09-05 15:02:44.146779 0.5
Garrett Glick lol I hear you, this site has been sitting for weeks, and yet these tests get run now yeah, it's kind of stupid. they just let me know about it Friday. part of my concern is at some point, the site will go dark while we they transfer over the DNS, so I don’t want to make any changes that close to that happening if we had these a week ago, I’d be like sure, but, I think you understand any sort of dev stuff I’m just not confident with this close i still don't know how anything will be affected by going into the media manager and renaming 3 files. before they transfer the DNS I haven’t tested this in Hubspot, so I don’t know if I change something in the media library how it impacts what’s on the site if it was in parallel, absolutely, but there's no implication doing it before hand basically I feel like anything filename related (I think that’s what you’re referring to) I don’t want to make with having no dev time to fix if something goes wrong, kinda like what was done with Illuccix or am I mis-reading the report and you’re referring to something else i can double verify, but working with HubSpot thus far I have seen that when you change something within the CRM or media library, it shows you everywhere it appears across your site and it dynamically changes it in the places. Things like images and CRM properties are imported into pages as variables and pulled from the library, know what I mean? yeah, my gut tells me that’s what should and probably will happen, but in the slim chance it doesn’t, I don’t want to risk breaking anything 24 hours to launch it was like the same thing with Illuccix. I felt 99% confident I could have fixed that one line on the live site, but just can’t risk it for that 1% chance something breaks would it be easier to slack chat? understood that a gut feeling isn't enough to confidently change something and I don't blame your reluctancy especially if based on a comparison with the illuccix site, which was built in silos without UX/QA/MOPs visibility and thus the site's architecture and file directory structure was an afterthought. outside of ted and C&amp;D and Dave no one at this company trusts my knowledge of HubSpot even though I did build the loan integration and half of the CRM, so I'm okay w/the the risk i presented in the channel and think it provides me at least enough to keep me out of any issues the client or Google Search Console brings up related to the site. The time to fix this would be now in staging and definitely not post live for obvious reasons, but there's not enough at stake to continue deliberation on it. yeah, totally get it, You’re doing your job, I think problem is someone else asking you to do it way after you probably should have done it, and now we’re stuck with we probably should fix, but it’s a little to risky so close to launch yep, agreed we are kicking off some new projects which will update these sites, so perhaps we can have addressing all of these filenames as part of it hope i reflected that accurately in the channel just now yup yep, agreed, even better would be to solidify early testing within our templated website lifecycle process and beat it into PM/AM heads. I remember back at my first UX job, someone created this locator tool without UX, and then the art director came to me like a week before submission and asked me if like a button should be like left or right aligned, something stupid. And I’m like there are so many more quirks and issue I see that we should have resolved way long ago, and in the grand scheme, I don’t really have much of an opinion if it’s left or right aligned so I get where you’re coming from, totally been on your side. Just feels weird now to be on the other side lol i hear that, but don't really understand what you mean by being on the other side exactly. are you suggesting that i hold a subordinate position where my recommendations are subjectively voted up or down? considering that I built this to lighten your workload, that's pretty unjust, but ridiculously enough, its a depressingly accurate statement. honestly i should just give up all together. i've already proven that nothing i do for this company inspires trust and confidence even to those that it benefits and i'll always be placed in a role where i'm overqualified so that others can stifle recommendations and still take advantage of my intellectual property at the cheapest rates from here to Bogota. I'm sure that it's giving folks the false sense of cutting costs, but in the long run our clients won't benefit and juice hasn't either considering 2023 revenue dropped 45% year to year. won't mention how being taken advantage of and treated as a subordinate is stifling any future career growth, self-confidence and happiness in and outside of work out of respect for keeping things professional and objective. This is just my general disposition, and not a personal callout, just want to throw that out there. granted a lot of that had to do w/the biogen flop I know you’ve been frustrated, and I appreciate what you do, I always have, never doubt that. Never actually had a QA person at any of my past agencies, so it’s awesome what we can verify so much with what you do. Not only that, but your reports do save so much time. And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done And I don’t take it personally. Totally cool to vent. I know you want more and deserve more appreciation across the board. And we’ve become a reactive agency instead of a proactive agency, which is just making messes across the board. But I do want you to be valued more. You and just QA in general Thanks, I appreciate that feedback. The QA role is unfortunately entirely too narrow to encompass the automation tools, backend integrations, analytics work, data reporting competitive analysis tools and current figma plugin utility I'm building. Those fall under a much broader category and job title (eg Product Engineer, Technology Director, etc.) that is refused to me on the premise that i'll continue under a much cheaper salary and won't have the pull to push back. I actually came here from a QA Director role, was given a QA Lead role w/a heightened salary to offset renegotiation on my end.. The problem with that is that it not only affects my role at this agency, but greatly limits my ability to advance in my next role given that everything i just said is just my word and not reflected on my resume. it's effective for business, but unforgiving from a company to employee relationship perspective. Gotcha, yeah, QA director does sound much narrower than Product Engineer or Technology Director i appreciate that affirmation, <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> and appreciate you being thoughtful enough to let me vent. I mean that w/all sincerity and warmest regard. At the end of the day I can't blame anybody for misunderstanding what I bring to the table or for dismissing my reco's as my title doesn't prop them up at all. Honestly its a disservice to JUICE as an agency as well when you think about it. > And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done Especially appreciate this. Thank you for clarifying and really appreciate your support and POV on this one. All good, sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone about it, and in the past, we’d just do it around the lunch table, but we’re all remote now so slack it is heck, my wife sometimes listens into meetings and says it sounds like I’m speaking another language. So I could vent to her, but she doesn’t get it cause she’s not in that. it’s different when you understand the situation, but harder when those same people aren’t people you see everyday EXACTLY. i tried explaining some work stuff to my best friend and I could see his mind going adrift LOL. Good call! Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-05 15:16:50.321079
Vinny Cerpa lol I hear you, this site has been sitting for weeks, and yet these tests get run now yeah, it's kind of stupid. they just let me know about it Friday. part of my concern is at some point, the site will go dark while we they transfer over the DNS, so I don’t want to make any changes that close to that happening if we had these a week ago, I’d be like sure, but, I think you understand any sort of dev stuff I’m just not confident with this close i still don't know how anything will be affected by going into the media manager and renaming 3 files. before they transfer the DNS I haven’t tested this in Hubspot, so I don’t know if I change something in the media library how it impacts what’s on the site if it was in parallel, absolutely, but there's no implication doing it before hand basically I feel like anything filename related (I think that’s what you’re referring to) I don’t want to make with having no dev time to fix if something goes wrong, kinda like what was done with Illuccix or am I mis-reading the report and you’re referring to something else i can double verify, but working with HubSpot thus far I have seen that when you change something within the CRM or media library, it shows you everywhere it appears across your site and it dynamically changes it in the places. Things like images and CRM properties are imported into pages as variables and pulled from the library, know what I mean? yeah, my gut tells me that’s what should and probably will happen, but in the slim chance it doesn’t, I don’t want to risk breaking anything 24 hours to launch it was like the same thing with Illuccix. I felt 99% confident I could have fixed that one line on the live site, but just can’t risk it for that 1% chance something breaks would it be easier to slack chat? understood that a gut feeling isn't enough to confidently change something and I don't blame your reluctancy especially if based on a comparison with the illuccix site, which was built in silos without UX/QA/MOPs visibility and thus the site's architecture and file directory structure was an afterthought. outside of ted and C&amp;D and Dave no one at this company trusts my knowledge of HubSpot even though I did build the loan integration and half of the CRM, so I'm okay w/the the risk i presented in the channel and think it provides me at least enough to keep me out of any issues the client or Google Search Console brings up related to the site. The time to fix this would be now in staging and definitely not post live for obvious reasons, but there's not enough at stake to continue deliberation on it. yeah, totally get it, You’re doing your job, I think problem is someone else asking you to do it way after you probably should have done it, and now we’re stuck with we probably should fix, but it’s a little to risky so close to launch yep, agreed we are kicking off some new projects which will update these sites, so perhaps we can have addressing all of these filenames as part of it hope i reflected that accurately in the channel just now yup yep, agreed, even better would be to solidify early testing within our templated website lifecycle process and beat it into PM/AM heads. I remember back at my first UX job, someone created this locator tool without UX, and then the art director came to me like a week before submission and asked me if like a button should be like left or right aligned, something stupid. And I’m like there are so many more quirks and issue I see that we should have resolved way long ago, and in the grand scheme, I don’t really have much of an opinion if it’s left or right aligned so I get where you’re coming from, totally been on your side. Just feels weird now to be on the other side lol i hear that, but don't really understand what you mean by being on the other side exactly. are you suggesting that i hold a subordinate position where my recommendations are subjectively voted up or down? considering that I built this to lighten your workload, that's pretty unjust, but ridiculously enough, its a depressingly accurate statement. honestly i should just give up all together. i've already proven that nothing i do for this company inspires trust and confidence even to those that it benefits and i'll always be placed in a role where i'm overqualified so that others can stifle recommendations and still take advantage of my intellectual property at the cheapest rates from here to Bogota. I'm sure that it's giving folks the false sense of cutting costs, but in the long run our clients won't benefit and juice hasn't either considering 2023 revenue dropped 45% year to year. won't mention how being taken advantage of and treated as a subordinate is stifling any future career growth, self-confidence and happiness in and outside of work out of respect for keeping things professional and objective. This is just my general disposition, and not a personal callout, just want to throw that out there. granted a lot of that had to do w/the biogen flop I know you’ve been frustrated, and I appreciate what you do, I always have, never doubt that. Never actually had a QA person at any of my past agencies, so it’s awesome what we can verify so much with what you do. Not only that, but your reports do save so much time. And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done And I don’t take it personally. Totally cool to vent. I know you want more and deserve more appreciation across the board. And we’ve become a reactive agency instead of a proactive agency, which is just making messes across the board. But I do want you to be valued more. You and just QA in general Thanks, I appreciate that feedback. The QA role is unfortunately entirely too narrow to encompass the automation tools, backend integrations, analytics work, data reporting competitive analysis tools and current figma plugin utility I'm building. Those fall under a much broader category and job title (eg Product Engineer, Technology Director, etc.) that is refused to me on the premise that i'll continue under a much cheaper salary and won't have the pull to push back. I actually came here from a QA Director role, was given a QA Lead role w/a heightened salary to offset renegotiation on my end.. The problem with that is that it not only affects my role at this agency, but greatly limits my ability to advance in my next role given that everything i just said is just my word and not reflected on my resume. it's effective for business, but unforgiving from a company to employee relationship perspective. Gotcha, yeah, QA director does sound much narrower than Product Engineer or Technology Director i appreciate that affirmation, <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> and appreciate you being thoughtful enough to let me vent. I mean that w/all sincerity and warmest regard. At the end of the day I can't blame anybody for misunderstanding what I bring to the table or for dismissing my reco's as my title doesn't prop them up at all. Honestly its a disservice to JUICE as an agency as well when you think about it. > And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done Especially appreciate this. Thank you for clarifying and really appreciate your support and POV on this one. All good, sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone about it, and in the past, we’d just do it around the lunch table, but we’re all remote now so slack it is heck, my wife sometimes listens into meetings and says it sounds like I’m speaking another language. So I could vent to her, but she doesn’t get it cause she’s not in that. it’s different when you understand the situation, but harder when those same people aren’t people you see everyday EXACTLY. i tried explaining some work stuff to my best friend and I could see his mind going adrift LOL. Good call! Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-05 15:23:45.169159 0.25
Garrett Glick Thank you of course! Critical ADA compliance violations across <|> (also related to image issues) <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> Urgent + Critical Step for Go-Live: Next Steps to Verify Ownership of <|> with Google Search Console: 1. send this text record to send to DEV to drop into DNS config for <|>: google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE 2. detailed instructions via Google: Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=cozJJg4pqPV_UKOr2MH0bEzBdfzpZc5hZl_Wmlr8wrs Weird <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> I don’t actually know how to fix this within HS. It’s a CSS background class, not an image on page which I can manually add the alt text Weirder that this is only showing up on these pages but not all the pages That makes sense. In that case this is best remedied with either of these attributes: • an ARIA ignore attribute or • null alt text value This prevents screen readers from placing it within the hierarchy of page elements when the user is navigating the page. In other words, preventing VoiceOver from announcing it calling it out. See below: > In these cases, a null (empty) alt text should be provided (alt="") so that they can be ignored by assistive technologies, such as screen readers. Text values for these types of images would add audible clutter to screen reader output or could distract users if the topic is different from that in adjacent text. Leaving out the alt attribute is also not an option because when it is not provided, some screen readers will announce the file name of the image instead. <> in this particular case the code would look like: ```<img class="banner-angle__background-image" alt="">``` @here this very simple fix will easily boost the site's current accessibility rating up from a 90% to at least 95% and be a huge win for JUICE w/our client considering his compliancy concerns. <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> confirmed to have DEV update the alt text now, while they are updating with the GooGle Search Counsel as well sent :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel pm-mops-team Channel Members 2023-09-05 15:24:56.924079
Garrett Glick Thank you of course! Critical ADA compliance violations across <|> (also related to image issues) <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> Urgent + Critical Step for Go-Live: Next Steps to Verify Ownership of <|> with Google Search Console: 1. send this text record to send to DEV to drop into DNS config for <|>: google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE 2. detailed instructions via Google: Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=cozJJg4pqPV_UKOr2MH0bEzBdfzpZc5hZl_Wmlr8wrs Weird <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> I don’t actually know how to fix this within HS. It’s a CSS background class, not an image on page which I can manually add the alt text Weirder that this is only showing up on these pages but not all the pages That makes sense. In that case this is best remedied with either of these attributes: • an ARIA ignore attribute or • null alt text value This prevents screen readers from placing it within the hierarchy of page elements when the user is navigating the page. In other words, preventing VoiceOver from announcing it calling it out. See below: > In these cases, a null (empty) alt text should be provided (alt="") so that they can be ignored by assistive technologies, such as screen readers. Text values for these types of images would add audible clutter to screen reader output or could distract users if the topic is different from that in adjacent text. Leaving out the alt attribute is also not an option because when it is not provided, some screen readers will announce the file name of the image instead. <> in this particular case the code would look like: ```<img class="banner-angle__background-image" alt="">``` @here this very simple fix will easily boost the site's current accessibility rating up from a 90% to at least 95% and be a huge win for JUICE w/our client considering his compliancy concerns. <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> confirmed to have DEV update the alt text now, while they are updating with the GooGle Search Counsel as well sent :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel pm-mops-team Channel Members 2023-09-05 15:32:55.033149 0.25
Garrett Glick lol I hear you, this site has been sitting for weeks, and yet these tests get run now yeah, it's kind of stupid. they just let me know about it Friday. part of my concern is at some point, the site will go dark while we they transfer over the DNS, so I don’t want to make any changes that close to that happening if we had these a week ago, I’d be like sure, but, I think you understand any sort of dev stuff I’m just not confident with this close i still don't know how anything will be affected by going into the media manager and renaming 3 files. before they transfer the DNS I haven’t tested this in Hubspot, so I don’t know if I change something in the media library how it impacts what’s on the site if it was in parallel, absolutely, but there's no implication doing it before hand basically I feel like anything filename related (I think that’s what you’re referring to) I don’t want to make with having no dev time to fix if something goes wrong, kinda like what was done with Illuccix or am I mis-reading the report and you’re referring to something else i can double verify, but working with HubSpot thus far I have seen that when you change something within the CRM or media library, it shows you everywhere it appears across your site and it dynamically changes it in the places. Things like images and CRM properties are imported into pages as variables and pulled from the library, know what I mean? yeah, my gut tells me that’s what should and probably will happen, but in the slim chance it doesn’t, I don’t want to risk breaking anything 24 hours to launch it was like the same thing with Illuccix. I felt 99% confident I could have fixed that one line on the live site, but just can’t risk it for that 1% chance something breaks would it be easier to slack chat? understood that a gut feeling isn't enough to confidently change something and I don't blame your reluctancy especially if based on a comparison with the illuccix site, which was built in silos without UX/QA/MOPs visibility and thus the site's architecture and file directory structure was an afterthought. outside of ted and C&amp;D and Dave no one at this company trusts my knowledge of HubSpot even though I did build the loan integration and half of the CRM, so I'm okay w/the the risk i presented in the channel and think it provides me at least enough to keep me out of any issues the client or Google Search Console brings up related to the site. The time to fix this would be now in staging and definitely not post live for obvious reasons, but there's not enough at stake to continue deliberation on it. yeah, totally get it, You’re doing your job, I think problem is someone else asking you to do it way after you probably should have done it, and now we’re stuck with we probably should fix, but it’s a little to risky so close to launch yep, agreed we are kicking off some new projects which will update these sites, so perhaps we can have addressing all of these filenames as part of it hope i reflected that accurately in the channel just now yup yep, agreed, even better would be to solidify early testing within our templated website lifecycle process and beat it into PM/AM heads. I remember back at my first UX job, someone created this locator tool without UX, and then the art director came to me like a week before submission and asked me if like a button should be like left or right aligned, something stupid. And I’m like there are so many more quirks and issue I see that we should have resolved way long ago, and in the grand scheme, I don’t really have much of an opinion if it’s left or right aligned so I get where you’re coming from, totally been on your side. Just feels weird now to be on the other side lol i hear that, but don't really understand what you mean by being on the other side exactly. are you suggesting that i hold a subordinate position where my recommendations are subjectively voted up or down? considering that I built this to lighten your workload, that's pretty unjust, but ridiculously enough, its a depressingly accurate statement. honestly i should just give up all together. i've already proven that nothing i do for this company inspires trust and confidence even to those that it benefits and i'll always be placed in a role where i'm overqualified so that others can stifle recommendations and still take advantage of my intellectual property at the cheapest rates from here to Bogota. I'm sure that it's giving folks the false sense of cutting costs, but in the long run our clients won't benefit and juice hasn't either considering 2023 revenue dropped 45% year to year. won't mention how being taken advantage of and treated as a subordinate is stifling any future career growth, self-confidence and happiness in and outside of work out of respect for keeping things professional and objective. This is just my general disposition, and not a personal callout, just want to throw that out there. granted a lot of that had to do w/the biogen flop I know you’ve been frustrated, and I appreciate what you do, I always have, never doubt that. Never actually had a QA person at any of my past agencies, so it’s awesome what we can verify so much with what you do. Not only that, but your reports do save so much time. And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done And I don’t take it personally. Totally cool to vent. I know you want more and deserve more appreciation across the board. And we’ve become a reactive agency instead of a proactive agency, which is just making messes across the board. But I do want you to be valued more. You and just QA in general Thanks, I appreciate that feedback. The QA role is unfortunately entirely too narrow to encompass the automation tools, backend integrations, analytics work, data reporting competitive analysis tools and current figma plugin utility I'm building. Those fall under a much broader category and job title (eg Product Engineer, Technology Director, etc.) that is refused to me on the premise that i'll continue under a much cheaper salary and won't have the pull to push back. I actually came here from a QA Director role, was given a QA Lead role w/a heightened salary to offset renegotiation on my end.. The problem with that is that it not only affects my role at this agency, but greatly limits my ability to advance in my next role given that everything i just said is just my word and not reflected on my resume. it's effective for business, but unforgiving from a company to employee relationship perspective. Gotcha, yeah, QA director does sound much narrower than Product Engineer or Technology Director i appreciate that affirmation, <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> and appreciate you being thoughtful enough to let me vent. I mean that w/all sincerity and warmest regard. At the end of the day I can't blame anybody for misunderstanding what I bring to the table or for dismissing my reco's as my title doesn't prop them up at all. Honestly its a disservice to JUICE as an agency as well when you think about it. > And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done Especially appreciate this. Thank you for clarifying and really appreciate your support and POV on this one. All good, sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone about it, and in the past, we’d just do it around the lunch table, but we’re all remote now so slack it is heck, my wife sometimes listens into meetings and says it sounds like I’m speaking another language. So I could vent to her, but she doesn’t get it cause she’s not in that. it’s different when you understand the situation, but harder when those same people aren’t people you see everyday EXACTLY. i tried explaining some work stuff to my best friend and I could see his mind going adrift LOL. Good call! Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-05 15:34:01.269339 0.5
Garrett Glick lol I hear you, this site has been sitting for weeks, and yet these tests get run now yeah, it's kind of stupid. they just let me know about it Friday. part of my concern is at some point, the site will go dark while we they transfer over the DNS, so I don’t want to make any changes that close to that happening if we had these a week ago, I’d be like sure, but, I think you understand any sort of dev stuff I’m just not confident with this close i still don't know how anything will be affected by going into the media manager and renaming 3 files. before they transfer the DNS I haven’t tested this in Hubspot, so I don’t know if I change something in the media library how it impacts what’s on the site if it was in parallel, absolutely, but there's no implication doing it before hand basically I feel like anything filename related (I think that’s what you’re referring to) I don’t want to make with having no dev time to fix if something goes wrong, kinda like what was done with Illuccix or am I mis-reading the report and you’re referring to something else i can double verify, but working with HubSpot thus far I have seen that when you change something within the CRM or media library, it shows you everywhere it appears across your site and it dynamically changes it in the places. Things like images and CRM properties are imported into pages as variables and pulled from the library, know what I mean? yeah, my gut tells me that’s what should and probably will happen, but in the slim chance it doesn’t, I don’t want to risk breaking anything 24 hours to launch it was like the same thing with Illuccix. I felt 99% confident I could have fixed that one line on the live site, but just can’t risk it for that 1% chance something breaks would it be easier to slack chat? understood that a gut feeling isn't enough to confidently change something and I don't blame your reluctancy especially if based on a comparison with the illuccix site, which was built in silos without UX/QA/MOPs visibility and thus the site's architecture and file directory structure was an afterthought. outside of ted and C&amp;D and Dave no one at this company trusts my knowledge of HubSpot even though I did build the loan integration and half of the CRM, so I'm okay w/the the risk i presented in the channel and think it provides me at least enough to keep me out of any issues the client or Google Search Console brings up related to the site. The time to fix this would be now in staging and definitely not post live for obvious reasons, but there's not enough at stake to continue deliberation on it. yeah, totally get it, You’re doing your job, I think problem is someone else asking you to do it way after you probably should have done it, and now we’re stuck with we probably should fix, but it’s a little to risky so close to launch yep, agreed we are kicking off some new projects which will update these sites, so perhaps we can have addressing all of these filenames as part of it hope i reflected that accurately in the channel just now yup yep, agreed, even better would be to solidify early testing within our templated website lifecycle process and beat it into PM/AM heads. I remember back at my first UX job, someone created this locator tool without UX, and then the art director came to me like a week before submission and asked me if like a button should be like left or right aligned, something stupid. And I’m like there are so many more quirks and issue I see that we should have resolved way long ago, and in the grand scheme, I don’t really have much of an opinion if it’s left or right aligned so I get where you’re coming from, totally been on your side. Just feels weird now to be on the other side lol i hear that, but don't really understand what you mean by being on the other side exactly. are you suggesting that i hold a subordinate position where my recommendations are subjectively voted up or down? considering that I built this to lighten your workload, that's pretty unjust, but ridiculously enough, its a depressingly accurate statement. honestly i should just give up all together. i've already proven that nothing i do for this company inspires trust and confidence even to those that it benefits and i'll always be placed in a role where i'm overqualified so that others can stifle recommendations and still take advantage of my intellectual property at the cheapest rates from here to Bogota. I'm sure that it's giving folks the false sense of cutting costs, but in the long run our clients won't benefit and juice hasn't either considering 2023 revenue dropped 45% year to year. won't mention how being taken advantage of and treated as a subordinate is stifling any future career growth, self-confidence and happiness in and outside of work out of respect for keeping things professional and objective. This is just my general disposition, and not a personal callout, just want to throw that out there. granted a lot of that had to do w/the biogen flop I know you’ve been frustrated, and I appreciate what you do, I always have, never doubt that. Never actually had a QA person at any of my past agencies, so it’s awesome what we can verify so much with what you do. Not only that, but your reports do save so much time. And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done And I don’t take it personally. Totally cool to vent. I know you want more and deserve more appreciation across the board. And we’ve become a reactive agency instead of a proactive agency, which is just making messes across the board. But I do want you to be valued more. You and just QA in general Thanks, I appreciate that feedback. The QA role is unfortunately entirely too narrow to encompass the automation tools, backend integrations, analytics work, data reporting competitive analysis tools and current figma plugin utility I'm building. Those fall under a much broader category and job title (eg Product Engineer, Technology Director, etc.) that is refused to me on the premise that i'll continue under a much cheaper salary and won't have the pull to push back. I actually came here from a QA Director role, was given a QA Lead role w/a heightened salary to offset renegotiation on my end.. The problem with that is that it not only affects my role at this agency, but greatly limits my ability to advance in my next role given that everything i just said is just my word and not reflected on my resume. it's effective for business, but unforgiving from a company to employee relationship perspective. Gotcha, yeah, QA director does sound much narrower than Product Engineer or Technology Director i appreciate that affirmation, <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> and appreciate you being thoughtful enough to let me vent. I mean that w/all sincerity and warmest regard. At the end of the day I can't blame anybody for misunderstanding what I bring to the table or for dismissing my reco's as my title doesn't prop them up at all. Honestly its a disservice to JUICE as an agency as well when you think about it. > And sorry if my example came off incorrectly. I more meant to say I know what it’s like to be asked something so late that it doesn’t really matter what I say if the changes aren’t going to happen. It’s frustrating, and it could have been resolved no questions asked a month ago, or even a week ago. And I feel weird now being the person to say we should hold cause it’s too late/risky when I agree it’s something that should be done Especially appreciate this. Thank you for clarifying and really appreciate your support and POV on this one. All good, sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone about it, and in the past, we’d just do it around the lunch table, but we’re all remote now so slack it is heck, my wife sometimes listens into meetings and says it sounds like I’m speaking another language. So I could vent to her, but she doesn’t get it cause she’s not in that. it’s different when you understand the situation, but harder when those same people aren’t people you see everyday EXACTLY. i tried explaining some work stuff to my best friend and I could see his mind going adrift LOL. Good call! Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-05 15:34:01.269339 0.5
Dawn Whitelaw can you give me access to the documentation that Ted Left? <> thanks Private Channel mpdm-gglick--vcerpa--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-05 15:53:09.400199
Dawn Whitelaw can you give me access to the documentation that Ted Left? <> thanks Private Channel mpdm-gglick--vcerpa--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-05 15:59:07.889289 0.5
Javier Hernandez yoooo can you join me and vinny <> shit, i missed this just tried joining. lol all good whew, okay cool you all good? you already sent the email, and it made more sense than then feed here on slack lol oh perfect, glad to hear that! to that note: slack'd that to Holland: ok good she will figure it out on her end. perfect as for the null alt text, shall we ask dev to implement post-go-live ? it will take all of 2 seconds i promise lol yes update it now. might as well now or after the push along w/those image filenames? do it now will have to be implemented by WAV, just FYI if their doing work, might as well have them do it all yup good call will send email add it to the list in the email to Holland got it and keep in mind, to keep John G or client out of the emails unless we absolutly need too i had to split the email chain lol shit, was he on the last? yup thought they had juice email addresses lmao do they not have juice emails? all good its not the email address im worried about its just having JG from ADMA in our business. but it happens. no worries bro thx for calling out and being cool about the last one won't happen again anytime bro. im not trying to stress so much anymore lol on another topic how is your mom doing? i think i'll follow suit she's good! no more spots and the ones they found were removed :pray: thank you for asking about it. that is good to hear bro im glad she is better thx man, i really appreciate that coming from you, my brother should Ed Hudson be on the thread? yeah Ed works for WAV ahhh got it thx :slightly_smiling_face: hey just FYI, didn't get a reply about the DNS or alt text callouts from Holland via slack or email lets give her some time, slack for people who dont work on slack takes a long time and if no response tomorrow, shoot her a one off email with me and vinny for her to work on it Perfect, that sounds good man. I'm aligned with that! Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-05 16:09:41.715559
Javier Hernandez yoooo can you join me and vinny <> shit, i missed this just tried joining. lol all good whew, okay cool you all good? you already sent the email, and it made more sense than then feed here on slack lol oh perfect, glad to hear that! to that note: slack'd that to Holland: ok good she will figure it out on her end. perfect as for the null alt text, shall we ask dev to implement post-go-live ? it will take all of 2 seconds i promise lol yes update it now. might as well now or after the push along w/those image filenames? do it now will have to be implemented by WAV, just FYI if their doing work, might as well have them do it all yup good call will send email add it to the list in the email to Holland got it and keep in mind, to keep John G or client out of the emails unless we absolutly need too i had to split the email chain lol shit, was he on the last? yup thought they had juice email addresses lmao do they not have juice emails? all good its not the email address im worried about its just having JG from ADMA in our business. but it happens. no worries bro thx for calling out and being cool about the last one won't happen again anytime bro. im not trying to stress so much anymore lol on another topic how is your mom doing? i think i'll follow suit she's good! no more spots and the ones they found were removed :pray: thank you for asking about it. that is good to hear bro im glad she is better thx man, i really appreciate that coming from you, my brother should Ed Hudson be on the thread? yeah Ed works for WAV ahhh got it thx :slightly_smiling_face: hey just FYI, didn't get a reply about the DNS or alt text callouts from Holland via slack or email lets give her some time, slack for people who dont work on slack takes a long time and if no response tomorrow, shoot her a one off email with me and vinny for her to work on it Perfect, that sounds good man. I'm aligned with that! Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-05 16:09:56.293019 0.5
Garrett Glick hello and a big thanks to you and the rest of the WAV team! Just sent an email to confirm txt records were dropped into the DNS config for the ADMA sites to verify site ownership with Google and my attachments are failing to display, so thought I'd send here: 1. <|>: google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE 2. <|>: google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw 3. <|>: google-site-verification=cozJJg4pqPV_UKOr2MH0bEzBdfzpZc5hZl_Wmlr8wrs sent over one last request in our ADMA Pre-Launch email thread, confirming here that you received everything. also wanted to reassure you that Javier and Vinny approved the requests see below: Direct Message UR8ASL0QY Unknown User 2023-09-05 16:32:03.866309
Garrett Glick hello and a big thanks to you and the rest of the WAV team! Just sent an email to confirm txt records were dropped into the DNS config for the ADMA sites to verify site ownership with Google and my attachments are failing to display, so thought I'd send here: 1. <|>: google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE 2. <|>: google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw 3. <|>: google-site-verification=cozJJg4pqPV_UKOr2MH0bEzBdfzpZc5hZl_Wmlr8wrs sent over one last request in our ADMA Pre-Launch email thread, confirming here that you received everything. also wanted to reassure you that Javier and Vinny approved the requests see below: Direct Message UR8ASL0QY Unknown User 2023-09-05 16:32:38.167759 0.25
Garrett Glick yoooo can you join me and vinny <> shit, i missed this just tried joining. lol all good whew, okay cool you all good? you already sent the email, and it made more sense than then feed here on slack lol oh perfect, glad to hear that! to that note: slack'd that to Holland: ok good she will figure it out on her end. perfect as for the null alt text, shall we ask dev to implement post-go-live ? it will take all of 2 seconds i promise lol yes update it now. might as well now or after the push along w/those image filenames? do it now will have to be implemented by WAV, just FYI if their doing work, might as well have them do it all yup good call will send email add it to the list in the email to Holland got it and keep in mind, to keep John G or client out of the emails unless we absolutly need too i had to split the email chain lol shit, was he on the last? yup thought they had juice email addresses lmao do they not have juice emails? all good its not the email address im worried about its just having JG from ADMA in our business. but it happens. no worries bro thx for calling out and being cool about the last one won't happen again anytime bro. im not trying to stress so much anymore lol on another topic how is your mom doing? i think i'll follow suit she's good! no more spots and the ones they found were removed :pray: thank you for asking about it. that is good to hear bro im glad she is better thx man, i really appreciate that coming from you, my brother should Ed Hudson be on the thread? yeah Ed works for WAV ahhh got it thx :slightly_smiling_face: hey just FYI, didn't get a reply about the DNS or alt text callouts from Holland via slack or email lets give her some time, slack for people who dont work on slack takes a long time and if no response tomorrow, shoot her a one off email with me and vinny for her to work on it Perfect, that sounds good man. I'm aligned with that! Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-05 16:34:46.344199
Garrett Glick yoooo can you join me and vinny <> shit, i missed this just tried joining. lol all good whew, okay cool you all good? you already sent the email, and it made more sense than then feed here on slack lol oh perfect, glad to hear that! to that note: slack'd that to Holland: ok good she will figure it out on her end. perfect as for the null alt text, shall we ask dev to implement post-go-live ? it will take all of 2 seconds i promise lol yes update it now. might as well now or after the push along w/those image filenames? do it now will have to be implemented by WAV, just FYI if their doing work, might as well have them do it all yup good call will send email add it to the list in the email to Holland got it and keep in mind, to keep John G or client out of the emails unless we absolutly need too i had to split the email chain lol shit, was he on the last? yup thought they had juice email addresses lmao do they not have juice emails? all good its not the email address im worried about its just having JG from ADMA in our business. but it happens. no worries bro thx for calling out and being cool about the last one won't happen again anytime bro. im not trying to stress so much anymore lol on another topic how is your mom doing? i think i'll follow suit she's good! no more spots and the ones they found were removed :pray: thank you for asking about it. that is good to hear bro im glad she is better thx man, i really appreciate that coming from you, my brother should Ed Hudson be on the thread? yeah Ed works for WAV ahhh got it thx :slightly_smiling_face: hey just FYI, didn't get a reply about the DNS or alt text callouts from Holland via slack or email lets give her some time, slack for people who dont work on slack takes a long time and if no response tomorrow, shoot her a one off email with me and vinny for her to work on it Perfect, that sounds good man. I'm aligned with that! Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-05 16:38:56.921939 0.25
Javier Hernandez Thank you of course! Critical ADA compliance violations across <|> (also related to image issues) <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> Urgent + Critical Step for Go-Live: Next Steps to Verify Ownership of <|> with Google Search Console: 1. send this text record to send to DEV to drop into DNS config for <|>: google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE 2. detailed instructions via Google: Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=cozJJg4pqPV_UKOr2MH0bEzBdfzpZc5hZl_Wmlr8wrs Weird <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> I don’t actually know how to fix this within HS. It’s a CSS background class, not an image on page which I can manually add the alt text Weirder that this is only showing up on these pages but not all the pages That makes sense. In that case this is best remedied with either of these attributes: • an ARIA ignore attribute or • null alt text value This prevents screen readers from placing it within the hierarchy of page elements when the user is navigating the page. In other words, preventing VoiceOver from announcing it calling it out. See below: > In these cases, a null (empty) alt text should be provided (alt="") so that they can be ignored by assistive technologies, such as screen readers. Text values for these types of images would add audible clutter to screen reader output or could distract users if the topic is different from that in adjacent text. Leaving out the alt attribute is also not an option because when it is not provided, some screen readers will announce the file name of the image instead. <> in this particular case the code would look like: ```<img class="banner-angle__background-image" alt="">``` @here this very simple fix will easily boost the site's current accessibility rating up from a 90% to at least 95% and be a huge win for JUICE w/our client considering his compliancy concerns. <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> confirmed to have DEV update the alt text now, while they are updating with the GooGle Search Counsel as well sent :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel pm-mops-team Channel Members 2023-09-05 16:39:10.310299 0.25
Javier Hernandez Thank you of course! Critical ADA compliance violations across <|> (also related to image issues) <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> Urgent + Critical Step for Go-Live: Next Steps to Verify Ownership of <|> with Google Search Console: 1. send this text record to send to DEV to drop into DNS config for <|>: google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE 2. detailed instructions via Google: Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=cozJJg4pqPV_UKOr2MH0bEzBdfzpZc5hZl_Wmlr8wrs Weird <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> I don’t actually know how to fix this within HS. It’s a CSS background class, not an image on page which I can manually add the alt text Weirder that this is only showing up on these pages but not all the pages That makes sense. In that case this is best remedied with either of these attributes: • an ARIA ignore attribute or • null alt text value This prevents screen readers from placing it within the hierarchy of page elements when the user is navigating the page. In other words, preventing VoiceOver from announcing it calling it out. See below: > In these cases, a null (empty) alt text should be provided (alt="") so that they can be ignored by assistive technologies, such as screen readers. Text values for these types of images would add audible clutter to screen reader output or could distract users if the topic is different from that in adjacent text. Leaving out the alt attribute is also not an option because when it is not provided, some screen readers will announce the file name of the image instead. <> in this particular case the code would look like: ```<img class="banner-angle__background-image" alt="">``` @here this very simple fix will easily boost the site's current accessibility rating up from a 90% to at least 95% and be a huge win for JUICE w/our client considering his compliancy concerns. <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> confirmed to have DEV update the alt text now, while they are updating with the GooGle Search Counsel as well sent :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel pm-mops-team Channel Members 2023-09-05 16:39:10.310299 0.25
Javier Hernandez yoooo can you join me and vinny <> shit, i missed this just tried joining. lol all good whew, okay cool you all good? you already sent the email, and it made more sense than then feed here on slack lol oh perfect, glad to hear that! to that note: slack'd that to Holland: ok good she will figure it out on her end. perfect as for the null alt text, shall we ask dev to implement post-go-live ? it will take all of 2 seconds i promise lol yes update it now. might as well now or after the push along w/those image filenames? do it now will have to be implemented by WAV, just FYI if their doing work, might as well have them do it all yup good call will send email add it to the list in the email to Holland got it and keep in mind, to keep John G or client out of the emails unless we absolutly need too i had to split the email chain lol shit, was he on the last? yup thought they had juice email addresses lmao do they not have juice emails? all good its not the email address im worried about its just having JG from ADMA in our business. but it happens. no worries bro thx for calling out and being cool about the last one won't happen again anytime bro. im not trying to stress so much anymore lol on another topic how is your mom doing? i think i'll follow suit she's good! no more spots and the ones they found were removed :pray: thank you for asking about it. that is good to hear bro im glad she is better thx man, i really appreciate that coming from you, my brother should Ed Hudson be on the thread? yeah Ed works for WAV ahhh got it thx :slightly_smiling_face: hey just FYI, didn't get a reply about the DNS or alt text callouts from Holland via slack or email lets give her some time, slack for people who dont work on slack takes a long time and if no response tomorrow, shoot her a one off email with me and vinny for her to work on it Perfect, that sounds good man. I'm aligned with that! Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-05 16:39:24.265059
Garrett Glick yoooo can you join me and vinny <> shit, i missed this just tried joining. lol all good whew, okay cool you all good? you already sent the email, and it made more sense than then feed here on slack lol oh perfect, glad to hear that! to that note: slack'd that to Holland: ok good she will figure it out on her end. perfect as for the null alt text, shall we ask dev to implement post-go-live ? it will take all of 2 seconds i promise lol yes update it now. might as well now or after the push along w/those image filenames? do it now will have to be implemented by WAV, just FYI if their doing work, might as well have them do it all yup good call will send email add it to the list in the email to Holland got it and keep in mind, to keep John G or client out of the emails unless we absolutly need too i had to split the email chain lol shit, was he on the last? yup thought they had juice email addresses lmao do they not have juice emails? all good its not the email address im worried about its just having JG from ADMA in our business. but it happens. no worries bro thx for calling out and being cool about the last one won't happen again anytime bro. im not trying to stress so much anymore lol on another topic how is your mom doing? i think i'll follow suit she's good! no more spots and the ones they found were removed :pray: thank you for asking about it. that is good to hear bro im glad she is better thx man, i really appreciate that coming from you, my brother should Ed Hudson be on the thread? yeah Ed works for WAV ahhh got it thx :slightly_smiling_face: hey just FYI, didn't get a reply about the DNS or alt text callouts from Holland via slack or email lets give her some time, slack for people who dont work on slack takes a long time and if no response tomorrow, shoot her a one off email with me and vinny for her to work on it Perfect, that sounds good man. I'm aligned with that! Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-05 16:46:48.791559 0.5
Garrett Glick Thank you of course! Critical ADA compliance violations across <|> (also related to image issues) <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> Urgent + Critical Step for Go-Live: Next Steps to Verify Ownership of <|> with Google Search Console: 1. send this text record to send to DEV to drop into DNS config for <|>: google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE 2. detailed instructions via Google: Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=cozJJg4pqPV_UKOr2MH0bEzBdfzpZc5hZl_Wmlr8wrs Weird <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> I don’t actually know how to fix this within HS. It’s a CSS background class, not an image on page which I can manually add the alt text Weirder that this is only showing up on these pages but not all the pages That makes sense. In that case this is best remedied with either of these attributes: • an ARIA ignore attribute or • null alt text value This prevents screen readers from placing it within the hierarchy of page elements when the user is navigating the page. In other words, preventing VoiceOver from announcing it calling it out. See below: > In these cases, a null (empty) alt text should be provided (alt="") so that they can be ignored by assistive technologies, such as screen readers. Text values for these types of images would add audible clutter to screen reader output or could distract users if the topic is different from that in adjacent text. Leaving out the alt attribute is also not an option because when it is not provided, some screen readers will announce the file name of the image instead. <> in this particular case the code would look like: ```<img class="banner-angle__background-image" alt="">``` @here this very simple fix will easily boost the site's current accessibility rating up from a 90% to at least 95% and be a huge win for JUICE w/our client considering his compliancy concerns. <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> confirmed to have DEV update the alt text now, while they are updating with the GooGle Search Counsel as well sent :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel pm-mops-team Channel Members 2023-09-05 17:07:38.453149 0.25
Garrett Glick Thank you of course! Critical ADA compliance violations across <|> (also related to image issues) <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> Urgent + Critical Step for Go-Live: Next Steps to Verify Ownership of <|> with Google Search Console: 1. send this text record to send to DEV to drop into DNS config for <|>: google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE 2. detailed instructions via Google: Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw Steps for <|>: Text record: google-site-verification=cozJJg4pqPV_UKOr2MH0bEzBdfzpZc5hZl_Wmlr8wrs Weird <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> I don’t actually know how to fix this within HS. It’s a CSS background class, not an image on page which I can manually add the alt text Weirder that this is only showing up on these pages but not all the pages That makes sense. In that case this is best remedied with either of these attributes: • an ARIA ignore attribute or • null alt text value This prevents screen readers from placing it within the hierarchy of page elements when the user is navigating the page. In other words, preventing VoiceOver from announcing it calling it out. See below: > In these cases, a null (empty) alt text should be provided (alt="") so that they can be ignored by assistive technologies, such as screen readers. Text values for these types of images would add audible clutter to screen reader output or could distract users if the topic is different from that in adjacent text. Leaving out the alt attribute is also not an option because when it is not provided, some screen readers will announce the file name of the image instead. <> in this particular case the code would look like: ```<img class="banner-angle__background-image" alt="">``` @here this very simple fix will easily boost the site's current accessibility rating up from a 90% to at least 95% and be a huge win for JUICE w/our client considering his compliancy concerns. <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> confirmed to have DEV update the alt text now, while they are updating with the GooGle Search Counsel as well sent :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel pm-mops-team Channel Members 2023-09-05 17:07:38.453149 0.25
Garrett Glick hello and a big thanks to you and the rest of the WAV team! Just sent an email to confirm txt records were dropped into the DNS config for the ADMA sites to verify site ownership with Google and my attachments are failing to display, so thought I'd send here: 1. <|>: google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE 2. <|>: google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw 3. <|>: google-site-verification=cozJJg4pqPV_UKOr2MH0bEzBdfzpZc5hZl_Wmlr8wrs sent over one last request in our ADMA Pre-Launch email thread, confirming here that you received everything. also wanted to reassure you that Javier and Vinny approved the requests see below: Direct Message UR8ASL0QY Unknown User 2023-09-05 17:15:28.563539 0.25
Garrett Glick hello and a big thanks to you and the rest of the WAV team! Just sent an email to confirm txt records were dropped into the DNS config for the ADMA sites to verify site ownership with Google and my attachments are failing to display, so thought I'd send here: 1. <|>: google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE 2. <|>: google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw 3. <|>: google-site-verification=cozJJg4pqPV_UKOr2MH0bEzBdfzpZc5hZl_Wmlr8wrs sent over one last request in our ADMA Pre-Launch email thread, confirming here that you received everything. also wanted to reassure you that Javier and Vinny approved the requests see below: Direct Message UR8ASL0QY Unknown User 2023-09-05 17:15:28.563539 0.25
Garrett Glick yoooo can you join me and vinny <> shit, i missed this just tried joining. lol all good whew, okay cool you all good? you already sent the email, and it made more sense than then feed here on slack lol oh perfect, glad to hear that! to that note: slack'd that to Holland: ok good she will figure it out on her end. perfect as for the null alt text, shall we ask dev to implement post-go-live ? it will take all of 2 seconds i promise lol yes update it now. might as well now or after the push along w/those image filenames? do it now will have to be implemented by WAV, just FYI if their doing work, might as well have them do it all yup good call will send email add it to the list in the email to Holland got it and keep in mind, to keep John G or client out of the emails unless we absolutly need too i had to split the email chain lol shit, was he on the last? yup thought they had juice email addresses lmao do they not have juice emails? all good its not the email address im worried about its just having JG from ADMA in our business. but it happens. no worries bro thx for calling out and being cool about the last one won't happen again anytime bro. im not trying to stress so much anymore lol on another topic how is your mom doing? i think i'll follow suit she's good! no more spots and the ones they found were removed :pray: thank you for asking about it. that is good to hear bro im glad she is better thx man, i really appreciate that coming from you, my brother should Ed Hudson be on the thread? yeah Ed works for WAV ahhh got it thx :slightly_smiling_face: hey just FYI, didn't get a reply about the DNS or alt text callouts from Holland via slack or email lets give her some time, slack for people who dont work on slack takes a long time and if no response tomorrow, shoot her a one off email with me and vinny for her to work on it Perfect, that sounds good man. I'm aligned with that! Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-05 17:16:16.882549
Garrett Glick yoooo can you join me and vinny <> shit, i missed this just tried joining. lol all good whew, okay cool you all good? you already sent the email, and it made more sense than then feed here on slack lol oh perfect, glad to hear that! to that note: slack'd that to Holland: ok good she will figure it out on her end. perfect as for the null alt text, shall we ask dev to implement post-go-live ? it will take all of 2 seconds i promise lol yes update it now. might as well now or after the push along w/those image filenames? do it now will have to be implemented by WAV, just FYI if their doing work, might as well have them do it all yup good call will send email add it to the list in the email to Holland got it and keep in mind, to keep John G or client out of the emails unless we absolutly need too i had to split the email chain lol shit, was he on the last? yup thought they had juice email addresses lmao do they not have juice emails? all good its not the email address im worried about its just having JG from ADMA in our business. but it happens. no worries bro thx for calling out and being cool about the last one won't happen again anytime bro. im not trying to stress so much anymore lol on another topic how is your mom doing? i think i'll follow suit she's good! no more spots and the ones they found were removed :pray: thank you for asking about it. that is good to hear bro im glad she is better thx man, i really appreciate that coming from you, my brother should Ed Hudson be on the thread? yeah Ed works for WAV ahhh got it thx :slightly_smiling_face: hey just FYI, didn't get a reply about the DNS or alt text callouts from Holland via slack or email lets give her some time, slack for people who dont work on slack takes a long time and if no response tomorrow, shoot her a one off email with me and vinny for her to work on it Perfect, that sounds good man. I'm aligned with that! Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-05 17:48:25.860309 -9.25
Garrett Glick timesheet is coming after juice juice, apologies for delay I was in the portal entering time and got booted. If you don't mind sending the code, I'll jump back in and knock it out. <!here> Thanks all! Confirming I'm back in and in the portal Hi <!here>, when i try and submit my time for 8/29 I enter in everything, click Save, but nothing saves and then the Save button to Start Stopwatch. See the gif: Hi Garrett: can you send me your comments? I would like to test this on my end for you yes most definitely: ```Work on visual comparison and word for word automation utilities. Slack correspondence below: Date: 2023-08-29 14:52:56 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: thanks! yeah the banner isn't necessarily a deal breaker to have on staging, just wanted to show you so that you can get a feel for the capabilities and strength of the tool. it has the potential to significantly reduce both dev time for fixes and routing in PHQ. Date: 2023-08-29 14:23:49 Channel: juice-qa, User: vcerpa, Message: <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> good find. I think when they pushed the site, there were a few quirks which included the banner that Dev resolved, but it may have not been applied to staging Date: 2023-08-29 14:11:59 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> Don't take my word for it though! Here's a very simple example calling out a difference between <<>|> live site vs illuccixhcp's staging site: The difference shown here is the Now Approved banner present on the live site, but not on staging. It not only highlights the differences, the sidebar includes these details as well _(not all shown in the screenshot):_ • exact code for the banner so Dev can drop it right into the code • code for the element parallel to the banner in staging environment _( in this case it would be the illuccix logo)_ • High level summary of the error (to include in PHQ) • The CSS bounding box differences • CSS Rules for each and differences • Attributes for each and differences: ◦ SRC ◦ Alt Text ◦ Class ◦ Width ◦ Height • The differences in styling (padding, margin, etc.) between the two environments ◦ Rolling over any section will highlight the area of it is comparing and also displays a tooltip with the element's name. (see 2nd screenshot) Date: 2023-08-29 13:51:07 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> - also, I've been thinking about our manuscript vs figma design vs dev implementation word for word automation tool and have a new strategy on how to best accomplish the task. will DM you. Date: 2023-08-29 13:45:52 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver>, haven't gotten back to you regarding the visual regressions tests for illuccixhcp yet, bc I've just created something brilliant that can also be repurposed for the upcoming Site Locator tool project. It runs the following visual checks to compare the production env w/staging by using a Visual AI tool (Applitools Eyes) alongside my automated script: • Layout Comparison: ◦ High Level ◦ Highlights only user facing differences between environments ◦ Catches anything visible to the human eye • Strict Comparison: ◦ Word for word comparison ◦ Font, font styling and any other CSS related comparison ▪︎ Cuts dev debugging time into nothing as it provides the exact CSS code before and after the change occurred ▪︎ Resolves all false positive call outs in PHQ as it definitively points to both the visual difference and the underlying code that caused it. CC: <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador>``` is it because the function is set as Development? <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi> I was able to push/save the 4 hours with the function development (no notes), I'm still testing but I'm thinking there might be a characters/letters limit or one the characters isn't recognized by Advantage. was thinking it might have been a character limit thing, let me remove special characters and shorten it up. thank you for testing, <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi>! I got most of it in, it could be the @ symbol or <> i really appreciate that. ah good call actually! sweet!thx! I think we are good now, advantage accepted. No problem! will continue on :slightly_smiling_face: Hi Garrett! just checking in to see if you ran into any more issues with your timesheets apologies, no, i just got pulled in to the ADMA launches, jumping back over now had to answer some critical technical issues got it, thanks! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-06 07:56:42.379259 0.25
Garrett Glick timesheet is coming after juice juice, apologies for delay I was in the portal entering time and got booted. If you don't mind sending the code, I'll jump back in and knock it out. <!here> Thanks all! Confirming I'm back in and in the portal Hi <!here>, when i try and submit my time for 8/29 I enter in everything, click Save, but nothing saves and then the Save button to Start Stopwatch. See the gif: Hi Garrett: can you send me your comments? I would like to test this on my end for you yes most definitely: ```Work on visual comparison and word for word automation utilities. Slack correspondence below: Date: 2023-08-29 14:52:56 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: thanks! yeah the banner isn't necessarily a deal breaker to have on staging, just wanted to show you so that you can get a feel for the capabilities and strength of the tool. it has the potential to significantly reduce both dev time for fixes and routing in PHQ. Date: 2023-08-29 14:23:49 Channel: juice-qa, User: vcerpa, Message: <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> good find. I think when they pushed the site, there were a few quirks which included the banner that Dev resolved, but it may have not been applied to staging Date: 2023-08-29 14:11:59 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> Don't take my word for it though! Here's a very simple example calling out a difference between <<>|> live site vs illuccixhcp's staging site: The difference shown here is the Now Approved banner present on the live site, but not on staging. It not only highlights the differences, the sidebar includes these details as well _(not all shown in the screenshot):_ • exact code for the banner so Dev can drop it right into the code • code for the element parallel to the banner in staging environment _( in this case it would be the illuccix logo)_ • High level summary of the error (to include in PHQ) • The CSS bounding box differences • CSS Rules for each and differences • Attributes for each and differences: ◦ SRC ◦ Alt Text ◦ Class ◦ Width ◦ Height • The differences in styling (padding, margin, etc.) between the two environments ◦ Rolling over any section will highlight the area of it is comparing and also displays a tooltip with the element's name. (see 2nd screenshot) Date: 2023-08-29 13:51:07 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> - also, I've been thinking about our manuscript vs figma design vs dev implementation word for word automation tool and have a new strategy on how to best accomplish the task. will DM you. Date: 2023-08-29 13:45:52 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver>, haven't gotten back to you regarding the visual regressions tests for illuccixhcp yet, bc I've just created something brilliant that can also be repurposed for the upcoming Site Locator tool project. It runs the following visual checks to compare the production env w/staging by using a Visual AI tool (Applitools Eyes) alongside my automated script: • Layout Comparison: ◦ High Level ◦ Highlights only user facing differences between environments ◦ Catches anything visible to the human eye • Strict Comparison: ◦ Word for word comparison ◦ Font, font styling and any other CSS related comparison ▪︎ Cuts dev debugging time into nothing as it provides the exact CSS code before and after the change occurred ▪︎ Resolves all false positive call outs in PHQ as it definitively points to both the visual difference and the underlying code that caused it. CC: <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador>``` is it because the function is set as Development? <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi> I was able to push/save the 4 hours with the function development (no notes), I'm still testing but I'm thinking there might be a characters/letters limit or one the characters isn't recognized by Advantage. was thinking it might have been a character limit thing, let me remove special characters and shorten it up. thank you for testing, <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi>! I got most of it in, it could be the @ symbol or <> i really appreciate that. ah good call actually! sweet!thx! I think we are good now, advantage accepted. No problem! will continue on :slightly_smiling_face: Hi Garrett! just checking in to see if you ran into any more issues with your timesheets apologies, no, i just got pulled in to the ADMA launches, jumping back over now had to answer some critical technical issues got it, thanks! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-06 07:56:42.379259 0.25
Garrett Glick here's the latest version of the prez i shared with our partners. juice clarification is the process of making juice more attractive before bottling it and sending out into the market. was having fun with metaphors in the prez :slightly_smiling_face: LOL - thanks! anytime! and don't worry about rushing through it. i'm not in a hurry as we still have a pay period at my current rate, so there's still time to deliberate/negotiate. :+1: Direct Message U04M1TZE4JU Lynda Meador (She/her) 2023-09-06 08:03:04.247609
Garrett Glick here's the latest version of the prez i shared with our partners. juice clarification is the process of making juice more attractive before bottling it and sending out into the market. was having fun with metaphors in the prez :slightly_smiling_face: LOL - thanks! anytime! and don't worry about rushing through it. i'm not in a hurry as we still have a pay period at my current rate, so there's still time to deliberate/negotiate. :+1: Direct Message U04M1TZE4JU Lynda Meador (She/her) 2023-09-06 08:07:34.084539 0.25
Outlook Calendar *Today*-<!date^1693980000^{date_long}|Wednesday, September 6, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-06 08:08:34.608079 0.25
Outlook Calendar *Today*-<!date^1693980000^{date_long}|Wednesday, September 6, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-06 08:08:34.608079 0.25
Lynda Meador (She/her) here's the latest version of the prez i shared with our partners. juice clarification is the process of making juice more attractive before bottling it and sending out into the market. was having fun with metaphors in the prez :slightly_smiling_face: LOL - thanks! anytime! and don't worry about rushing through it. i'm not in a hurry as we still have a pay period at my current rate, so there's still time to deliberate/negotiate. :+1: Direct Message U04M1TZE4JU Lynda Meador (She/her) 2023-09-06 08:08:36.701779
Garrett Glick here's the latest version of the prez i shared with our partners. juice clarification is the process of making juice more attractive before bottling it and sending out into the market. was having fun with metaphors in the prez :slightly_smiling_face: LOL - thanks! anytime! and don't worry about rushing through it. i'm not in a hurry as we still have a pay period at my current rate, so there's still time to deliberate/negotiate. :+1: Direct Message U04M1TZE4JU Lynda Meador (She/her) 2023-09-06 08:11:33.604619 0.25
Garrett Glick timesheet is coming after juice juice, apologies for delay I was in the portal entering time and got booted. If you don't mind sending the code, I'll jump back in and knock it out. <!here> Thanks all! Confirming I'm back in and in the portal Hi <!here>, when i try and submit my time for 8/29 I enter in everything, click Save, but nothing saves and then the Save button to Start Stopwatch. See the gif: Hi Garrett: can you send me your comments? I would like to test this on my end for you yes most definitely: ```Work on visual comparison and word for word automation utilities. Slack correspondence below: Date: 2023-08-29 14:52:56 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: thanks! yeah the banner isn't necessarily a deal breaker to have on staging, just wanted to show you so that you can get a feel for the capabilities and strength of the tool. it has the potential to significantly reduce both dev time for fixes and routing in PHQ. Date: 2023-08-29 14:23:49 Channel: juice-qa, User: vcerpa, Message: <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> good find. I think when they pushed the site, there were a few quirks which included the banner that Dev resolved, but it may have not been applied to staging Date: 2023-08-29 14:11:59 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> Don't take my word for it though! Here's a very simple example calling out a difference between <<>|> live site vs illuccixhcp's staging site: The difference shown here is the Now Approved banner present on the live site, but not on staging. It not only highlights the differences, the sidebar includes these details as well _(not all shown in the screenshot):_ • exact code for the banner so Dev can drop it right into the code • code for the element parallel to the banner in staging environment _( in this case it would be the illuccix logo)_ • High level summary of the error (to include in PHQ) • The CSS bounding box differences • CSS Rules for each and differences • Attributes for each and differences: ◦ SRC ◦ Alt Text ◦ Class ◦ Width ◦ Height • The differences in styling (padding, margin, etc.) between the two environments ◦ Rolling over any section will highlight the area of it is comparing and also displays a tooltip with the element's name. (see 2nd screenshot) Date: 2023-08-29 13:51:07 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> - also, I've been thinking about our manuscript vs figma design vs dev implementation word for word automation tool and have a new strategy on how to best accomplish the task. will DM you. Date: 2023-08-29 13:45:52 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver>, haven't gotten back to you regarding the visual regressions tests for illuccixhcp yet, bc I've just created something brilliant that can also be repurposed for the upcoming Site Locator tool project. It runs the following visual checks to compare the production env w/staging by using a Visual AI tool (Applitools Eyes) alongside my automated script: • Layout Comparison: ◦ High Level ◦ Highlights only user facing differences between environments ◦ Catches anything visible to the human eye • Strict Comparison: ◦ Word for word comparison ◦ Font, font styling and any other CSS related comparison ▪︎ Cuts dev debugging time into nothing as it provides the exact CSS code before and after the change occurred ▪︎ Resolves all false positive call outs in PHQ as it definitively points to both the visual difference and the underlying code that caused it. CC: <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador>``` is it because the function is set as Development? <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi> I was able to push/save the 4 hours with the function development (no notes), I'm still testing but I'm thinking there might be a characters/letters limit or one the characters isn't recognized by Advantage. was thinking it might have been a character limit thing, let me remove special characters and shorten it up. thank you for testing, <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi>! I got most of it in, it could be the @ symbol or <> i really appreciate that. ah good call actually! sweet!thx! I think we are good now, advantage accepted. No problem! will continue on :slightly_smiling_face: Hi Garrett! just checking in to see if you ran into any more issues with your timesheets apologies, no, i just got pulled in to the ADMA launches, jumping back over now had to answer some critical technical issues got it, thanks! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-06 08:20:07.678299
Garrett Glick timesheet is coming after juice juice, apologies for delay I was in the portal entering time and got booted. If you don't mind sending the code, I'll jump back in and knock it out. <!here> Thanks all! Confirming I'm back in and in the portal Hi <!here>, when i try and submit my time for 8/29 I enter in everything, click Save, but nothing saves and then the Save button to Start Stopwatch. See the gif: Hi Garrett: can you send me your comments? I would like to test this on my end for you yes most definitely: ```Work on visual comparison and word for word automation utilities. Slack correspondence below: Date: 2023-08-29 14:52:56 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: thanks! yeah the banner isn't necessarily a deal breaker to have on staging, just wanted to show you so that you can get a feel for the capabilities and strength of the tool. it has the potential to significantly reduce both dev time for fixes and routing in PHQ. Date: 2023-08-29 14:23:49 Channel: juice-qa, User: vcerpa, Message: <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> good find. I think when they pushed the site, there were a few quirks which included the banner that Dev resolved, but it may have not been applied to staging Date: 2023-08-29 14:11:59 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> Don't take my word for it though! Here's a very simple example calling out a difference between <<>|> live site vs illuccixhcp's staging site: The difference shown here is the Now Approved banner present on the live site, but not on staging. It not only highlights the differences, the sidebar includes these details as well _(not all shown in the screenshot):_ • exact code for the banner so Dev can drop it right into the code • code for the element parallel to the banner in staging environment _( in this case it would be the illuccix logo)_ • High level summary of the error (to include in PHQ) • The CSS bounding box differences • CSS Rules for each and differences • Attributes for each and differences: ◦ SRC ◦ Alt Text ◦ Class ◦ Width ◦ Height • The differences in styling (padding, margin, etc.) between the two environments ◦ Rolling over any section will highlight the area of it is comparing and also displays a tooltip with the element's name. (see 2nd screenshot) Date: 2023-08-29 13:51:07 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> - also, I've been thinking about our manuscript vs figma design vs dev implementation word for word automation tool and have a new strategy on how to best accomplish the task. will DM you. Date: 2023-08-29 13:45:52 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver>, haven't gotten back to you regarding the visual regressions tests for illuccixhcp yet, bc I've just created something brilliant that can also be repurposed for the upcoming Site Locator tool project. It runs the following visual checks to compare the production env w/staging by using a Visual AI tool (Applitools Eyes) alongside my automated script: • Layout Comparison: ◦ High Level ◦ Highlights only user facing differences between environments ◦ Catches anything visible to the human eye • Strict Comparison: ◦ Word for word comparison ◦ Font, font styling and any other CSS related comparison ▪︎ Cuts dev debugging time into nothing as it provides the exact CSS code before and after the change occurred ▪︎ Resolves all false positive call outs in PHQ as it definitively points to both the visual difference and the underlying code that caused it. CC: <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador>``` is it because the function is set as Development? <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi> I was able to push/save the 4 hours with the function development (no notes), I'm still testing but I'm thinking there might be a characters/letters limit or one the characters isn't recognized by Advantage. was thinking it might have been a character limit thing, let me remove special characters and shorten it up. thank you for testing, <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi>! I got most of it in, it could be the @ symbol or <> i really appreciate that. ah good call actually! sweet!thx! I think we are good now, advantage accepted. No problem! will continue on :slightly_smiling_face: Hi Garrett! just checking in to see if you ran into any more issues with your timesheets apologies, no, i just got pulled in to the ADMA launches, jumping back over now had to answer some critical technical issues got it, thanks! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-06 08:20:18.579799 0.25
Kenneth Woo 648648 Thx! Direct Message UE36D8EKS Kenneth Woo 2023-09-06 08:20:52.693969
Garrett Glick 648648 Thx! Direct Message UE36D8EKS Kenneth Woo 2023-09-06 08:21:46.414659 0.25
Garrett Glick timesheet is coming after juice juice, apologies for delay I was in the portal entering time and got booted. If you don't mind sending the code, I'll jump back in and knock it out. <!here> Thanks all! Confirming I'm back in and in the portal Hi <!here>, when i try and submit my time for 8/29 I enter in everything, click Save, but nothing saves and then the Save button to Start Stopwatch. See the gif: Hi Garrett: can you send me your comments? I would like to test this on my end for you yes most definitely: ```Work on visual comparison and word for word automation utilities. Slack correspondence below: Date: 2023-08-29 14:52:56 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: thanks! yeah the banner isn't necessarily a deal breaker to have on staging, just wanted to show you so that you can get a feel for the capabilities and strength of the tool. it has the potential to significantly reduce both dev time for fixes and routing in PHQ. Date: 2023-08-29 14:23:49 Channel: juice-qa, User: vcerpa, Message: <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> good find. I think when they pushed the site, there were a few quirks which included the banner that Dev resolved, but it may have not been applied to staging Date: 2023-08-29 14:11:59 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> Don't take my word for it though! Here's a very simple example calling out a difference between <<>|> live site vs illuccixhcp's staging site: The difference shown here is the Now Approved banner present on the live site, but not on staging. It not only highlights the differences, the sidebar includes these details as well _(not all shown in the screenshot):_ • exact code for the banner so Dev can drop it right into the code • code for the element parallel to the banner in staging environment _( in this case it would be the illuccix logo)_ • High level summary of the error (to include in PHQ) • The CSS bounding box differences • CSS Rules for each and differences • Attributes for each and differences: ◦ SRC ◦ Alt Text ◦ Class ◦ Width ◦ Height • The differences in styling (padding, margin, etc.) between the two environments ◦ Rolling over any section will highlight the area of it is comparing and also displays a tooltip with the element's name. (see 2nd screenshot) Date: 2023-08-29 13:51:07 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> - also, I've been thinking about our manuscript vs figma design vs dev implementation word for word automation tool and have a new strategy on how to best accomplish the task. will DM you. Date: 2023-08-29 13:45:52 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver>, haven't gotten back to you regarding the visual regressions tests for illuccixhcp yet, bc I've just created something brilliant that can also be repurposed for the upcoming Site Locator tool project. It runs the following visual checks to compare the production env w/staging by using a Visual AI tool (Applitools Eyes) alongside my automated script: • Layout Comparison: ◦ High Level ◦ Highlights only user facing differences between environments ◦ Catches anything visible to the human eye • Strict Comparison: ◦ Word for word comparison ◦ Font, font styling and any other CSS related comparison ▪︎ Cuts dev debugging time into nothing as it provides the exact CSS code before and after the change occurred ▪︎ Resolves all false positive call outs in PHQ as it definitively points to both the visual difference and the underlying code that caused it. CC: <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador>``` is it because the function is set as Development? <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi> I was able to push/save the 4 hours with the function development (no notes), I'm still testing but I'm thinking there might be a characters/letters limit or one the characters isn't recognized by Advantage. was thinking it might have been a character limit thing, let me remove special characters and shorten it up. thank you for testing, <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi>! I got most of it in, it could be the @ symbol or <> i really appreciate that. ah good call actually! sweet!thx! I think we are good now, advantage accepted. No problem! will continue on :slightly_smiling_face: Hi Garrett! just checking in to see if you ran into any more issues with your timesheets apologies, no, i just got pulled in to the ADMA launches, jumping back over now had to answer some critical technical issues got it, thanks! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-06 08:23:53.418849 0.75
Garrett Glick timesheet is coming after juice juice, apologies for delay I was in the portal entering time and got booted. If you don't mind sending the code, I'll jump back in and knock it out. <!here> Thanks all! Confirming I'm back in and in the portal Hi <!here>, when i try and submit my time for 8/29 I enter in everything, click Save, but nothing saves and then the Save button to Start Stopwatch. See the gif: Hi Garrett: can you send me your comments? I would like to test this on my end for you yes most definitely: ```Work on visual comparison and word for word automation utilities. Slack correspondence below: Date: 2023-08-29 14:52:56 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: thanks! yeah the banner isn't necessarily a deal breaker to have on staging, just wanted to show you so that you can get a feel for the capabilities and strength of the tool. it has the potential to significantly reduce both dev time for fixes and routing in PHQ. Date: 2023-08-29 14:23:49 Channel: juice-qa, User: vcerpa, Message: <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> good find. I think when they pushed the site, there were a few quirks which included the banner that Dev resolved, but it may have not been applied to staging Date: 2023-08-29 14:11:59 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> Don't take my word for it though! Here's a very simple example calling out a difference between <<>|> live site vs illuccixhcp's staging site: The difference shown here is the Now Approved banner present on the live site, but not on staging. It not only highlights the differences, the sidebar includes these details as well _(not all shown in the screenshot):_ • exact code for the banner so Dev can drop it right into the code • code for the element parallel to the banner in staging environment _( in this case it would be the illuccix logo)_ • High level summary of the error (to include in PHQ) • The CSS bounding box differences • CSS Rules for each and differences • Attributes for each and differences: ◦ SRC ◦ Alt Text ◦ Class ◦ Width ◦ Height • The differences in styling (padding, margin, etc.) between the two environments ◦ Rolling over any section will highlight the area of it is comparing and also displays a tooltip with the element's name. (see 2nd screenshot) Date: 2023-08-29 13:51:07 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> - also, I've been thinking about our manuscript vs figma design vs dev implementation word for word automation tool and have a new strategy on how to best accomplish the task. will DM you. Date: 2023-08-29 13:45:52 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver>, haven't gotten back to you regarding the visual regressions tests for illuccixhcp yet, bc I've just created something brilliant that can also be repurposed for the upcoming Site Locator tool project. It runs the following visual checks to compare the production env w/staging by using a Visual AI tool (Applitools Eyes) alongside my automated script: • Layout Comparison: ◦ High Level ◦ Highlights only user facing differences between environments ◦ Catches anything visible to the human eye • Strict Comparison: ◦ Word for word comparison ◦ Font, font styling and any other CSS related comparison ▪︎ Cuts dev debugging time into nothing as it provides the exact CSS code before and after the change occurred ▪︎ Resolves all false positive call outs in PHQ as it definitively points to both the visual difference and the underlying code that caused it. CC: <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador>``` is it because the function is set as Development? <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi> I was able to push/save the 4 hours with the function development (no notes), I'm still testing but I'm thinking there might be a characters/letters limit or one the characters isn't recognized by Advantage. was thinking it might have been a character limit thing, let me remove special characters and shorten it up. thank you for testing, <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi>! I got most of it in, it could be the @ symbol or <> i really appreciate that. ah good call actually! sweet!thx! I think we are good now, advantage accepted. No problem! will continue on :slightly_smiling_face: Hi Garrett! just checking in to see if you ran into any more issues with your timesheets apologies, no, i just got pulled in to the ADMA launches, jumping back over now had to answer some critical technical issues got it, thanks! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-06 08:23:53.418849 0.75
Outlook Calendar *Today*-<!date^1693980000^{date_long}|Wednesday, September 6, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-06 09:00:33.406789
Outlook Calendar *Today*-<!date^1693980000^{date_long}|Wednesday, September 6, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-06 09:27:40.297199 0.5
Garrett Glick timesheet is coming after juice juice, apologies for delay I was in the portal entering time and got booted. If you don't mind sending the code, I'll jump back in and knock it out. <!here> Thanks all! Confirming I'm back in and in the portal Hi <!here>, when i try and submit my time for 8/29 I enter in everything, click Save, but nothing saves and then the Save button to Start Stopwatch. See the gif: Hi Garrett: can you send me your comments? I would like to test this on my end for you yes most definitely: ```Work on visual comparison and word for word automation utilities. Slack correspondence below: Date: 2023-08-29 14:52:56 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: thanks! yeah the banner isn't necessarily a deal breaker to have on staging, just wanted to show you so that you can get a feel for the capabilities and strength of the tool. it has the potential to significantly reduce both dev time for fixes and routing in PHQ. Date: 2023-08-29 14:23:49 Channel: juice-qa, User: vcerpa, Message: <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> good find. I think when they pushed the site, there were a few quirks which included the banner that Dev resolved, but it may have not been applied to staging Date: 2023-08-29 14:11:59 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> Don't take my word for it though! Here's a very simple example calling out a difference between <<>|> live site vs illuccixhcp's staging site: The difference shown here is the Now Approved banner present on the live site, but not on staging. It not only highlights the differences, the sidebar includes these details as well _(not all shown in the screenshot):_ • exact code for the banner so Dev can drop it right into the code • code for the element parallel to the banner in staging environment _( in this case it would be the illuccix logo)_ • High level summary of the error (to include in PHQ) • The CSS bounding box differences • CSS Rules for each and differences • Attributes for each and differences: ◦ SRC ◦ Alt Text ◦ Class ◦ Width ◦ Height • The differences in styling (padding, margin, etc.) between the two environments ◦ Rolling over any section will highlight the area of it is comparing and also displays a tooltip with the element's name. (see 2nd screenshot) Date: 2023-08-29 13:51:07 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> - also, I've been thinking about our manuscript vs figma design vs dev implementation word for word automation tool and have a new strategy on how to best accomplish the task. will DM you. Date: 2023-08-29 13:45:52 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver>, haven't gotten back to you regarding the visual regressions tests for illuccixhcp yet, bc I've just created something brilliant that can also be repurposed for the upcoming Site Locator tool project. It runs the following visual checks to compare the production env w/staging by using a Visual AI tool (Applitools Eyes) alongside my automated script: • Layout Comparison: ◦ High Level ◦ Highlights only user facing differences between environments ◦ Catches anything visible to the human eye • Strict Comparison: ◦ Word for word comparison ◦ Font, font styling and any other CSS related comparison ▪︎ Cuts dev debugging time into nothing as it provides the exact CSS code before and after the change occurred ▪︎ Resolves all false positive call outs in PHQ as it definitively points to both the visual difference and the underlying code that caused it. CC: <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador>``` is it because the function is set as Development? <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi> I was able to push/save the 4 hours with the function development (no notes), I'm still testing but I'm thinking there might be a characters/letters limit or one the characters isn't recognized by Advantage. was thinking it might have been a character limit thing, let me remove special characters and shorten it up. thank you for testing, <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi>! I got most of it in, it could be the @ symbol or <> i really appreciate that. ah good call actually! sweet!thx! I think we are good now, advantage accepted. No problem! will continue on :slightly_smiling_face: Hi Garrett! just checking in to see if you ran into any more issues with your timesheets apologies, no, i just got pulled in to the ADMA launches, jumping back over now had to answer some critical technical issues got it, thanks! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-06 09:30:13.612309
Garrett Glick timesheet is coming after juice juice, apologies for delay I was in the portal entering time and got booted. If you don't mind sending the code, I'll jump back in and knock it out. <!here> Thanks all! Confirming I'm back in and in the portal Hi <!here>, when i try and submit my time for 8/29 I enter in everything, click Save, but nothing saves and then the Save button to Start Stopwatch. See the gif: Hi Garrett: can you send me your comments? I would like to test this on my end for you yes most definitely: ```Work on visual comparison and word for word automation utilities. Slack correspondence below: Date: 2023-08-29 14:52:56 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: thanks! yeah the banner isn't necessarily a deal breaker to have on staging, just wanted to show you so that you can get a feel for the capabilities and strength of the tool. it has the potential to significantly reduce both dev time for fixes and routing in PHQ. Date: 2023-08-29 14:23:49 Channel: juice-qa, User: vcerpa, Message: <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> good find. I think when they pushed the site, there were a few quirks which included the banner that Dev resolved, but it may have not been applied to staging Date: 2023-08-29 14:11:59 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> Don't take my word for it though! Here's a very simple example calling out a difference between <<>|> live site vs illuccixhcp's staging site: The difference shown here is the Now Approved banner present on the live site, but not on staging. It not only highlights the differences, the sidebar includes these details as well _(not all shown in the screenshot):_ • exact code for the banner so Dev can drop it right into the code • code for the element parallel to the banner in staging environment _( in this case it would be the illuccix logo)_ • High level summary of the error (to include in PHQ) • The CSS bounding box differences • CSS Rules for each and differences • Attributes for each and differences: ◦ SRC ◦ Alt Text ◦ Class ◦ Width ◦ Height • The differences in styling (padding, margin, etc.) between the two environments ◦ Rolling over any section will highlight the area of it is comparing and also displays a tooltip with the element's name. (see 2nd screenshot) Date: 2023-08-29 13:51:07 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> - also, I've been thinking about our manuscript vs figma design vs dev implementation word for word automation tool and have a new strategy on how to best accomplish the task. will DM you. Date: 2023-08-29 13:45:52 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver>, haven't gotten back to you regarding the visual regressions tests for illuccixhcp yet, bc I've just created something brilliant that can also be repurposed for the upcoming Site Locator tool project. It runs the following visual checks to compare the production env w/staging by using a Visual AI tool (Applitools Eyes) alongside my automated script: • Layout Comparison: ◦ High Level ◦ Highlights only user facing differences between environments ◦ Catches anything visible to the human eye • Strict Comparison: ◦ Word for word comparison ◦ Font, font styling and any other CSS related comparison ▪︎ Cuts dev debugging time into nothing as it provides the exact CSS code before and after the change occurred ▪︎ Resolves all false positive call outs in PHQ as it definitively points to both the visual difference and the underlying code that caused it. CC: <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador>``` is it because the function is set as Development? <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi> I was able to push/save the 4 hours with the function development (no notes), I'm still testing but I'm thinking there might be a characters/letters limit or one the characters isn't recognized by Advantage. was thinking it might have been a character limit thing, let me remove special characters and shorten it up. thank you for testing, <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi>! I got most of it in, it could be the @ symbol or <> i really appreciate that. ah good call actually! sweet!thx! I think we are good now, advantage accepted. No problem! will continue on :slightly_smiling_face: Hi Garrett! just checking in to see if you ran into any more issues with your timesheets apologies, no, i just got pulled in to the ADMA launches, jumping back over now had to answer some critical technical issues got it, thanks! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-06 09:43:12.552449 0.5
Javier Hernandez can you respond to Holland please absolutely, sorry was on timesheets No worries. actually wait, can you call? i see one from john but not from holland Hold on. k Give me 15 no prob so just repeat everything i sent over?: ```Hi Garrett - apologies, your email didn't come through before I sent mine! Checking in with the dev team, stand by. ``` that's what i received from Holland I just responded and @ you on it I’ll be at my desk in 15 min And I’ll call you then kk Ok. Good So we can ignore her email? lemme see, she just sent something else here in slack we're ready to retest doing it now Thank you i thought there wasn't an <|> as we discussed on our call? There is not Hold on k I was wrong. it just redirects to <|> though It’s two for Asceniv. Only one for Biv. Look at the staging sites. that's not right though, go to <|> and select I'm a HCP hop on, can you? i need to send this out with you on the line, it appears to be all on the same thread Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-06 09:59:25.823999
Garrett Glick can you respond to Holland please absolutely, sorry was on timesheets No worries. actually wait, can you call? i see one from john but not from holland Hold on. k Give me 15 no prob so just repeat everything i sent over?: ```Hi Garrett - apologies, your email didn't come through before I sent mine! Checking in with the dev team, stand by. ``` that's what i received from Holland I just responded and @ you on it I’ll be at my desk in 15 min And I’ll call you then kk Ok. Good So we can ignore her email? lemme see, she just sent something else here in slack we're ready to retest doing it now Thank you i thought there wasn't an <|> as we discussed on our call? There is not Hold on k I was wrong. it just redirects to <|> though It’s two for Asceniv. Only one for Biv. Look at the staging sites. that's not right though, go to <|> and select I'm a HCP hop on, can you? i need to send this out with you on the line, it appears to be all on the same thread Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-06 10:25:57.204709 0.5
Garrett Glick did you have any questions about the alt text or the txt records that i sent in my email? hi! sorry for the delay i think we're set we're just trying to drill down some stuff on WAV end for the HCP versus patient sites gotcha, okay awesome! no worries! If you would just ping me when the accessibility fix is in and I'll go and run my audit again to make sure everything looks good. :slightly_smiling_face: that should be in as well oh perfect, will run it now Direct Message UR8ASL0QY Unknown User 2023-09-06 10:28:16.610949 0.25
Garrett Glick did you have any questions about the alt text or the txt records that i sent in my email? hi! sorry for the delay i think we're set we're just trying to drill down some stuff on WAV end for the HCP versus patient sites gotcha, okay awesome! no worries! If you would just ping me when the accessibility fix is in and I'll go and run my audit again to make sure everything looks good. :slightly_smiling_face: that should be in as well oh perfect, will run it now Direct Message UR8ASL0QY Unknown User 2023-09-06 10:28:16.610949 0.25
Garrett Glick can you respond to Holland please absolutely, sorry was on timesheets No worries. actually wait, can you call? i see one from john but not from holland Hold on. k Give me 15 no prob so just repeat everything i sent over?: ```Hi Garrett - apologies, your email didn't come through before I sent mine! Checking in with the dev team, stand by. ``` that's what i received from Holland I just responded and @ you on it I’ll be at my desk in 15 min And I’ll call you then kk Ok. Good So we can ignore her email? lemme see, she just sent something else here in slack we're ready to retest doing it now Thank you i thought there wasn't an <|> as we discussed on our call? There is not Hold on k I was wrong. it just redirects to <|> though It’s two for Asceniv. Only one for Biv. Look at the staging sites. that's not right though, go to <|> and select I'm a HCP hop on, can you? i need to send this out with you on the line, it appears to be all on the same thread Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-06 10:29:47.510899
Garrett Glick can you respond to Holland please absolutely, sorry was on timesheets No worries. actually wait, can you call? i see one from john but not from holland Hold on. k Give me 15 no prob so just repeat everything i sent over?: ```Hi Garrett - apologies, your email didn't come through before I sent mine! Checking in with the dev team, stand by. ``` that's what i received from Holland I just responded and @ you on it I’ll be at my desk in 15 min And I’ll call you then kk Ok. Good So we can ignore her email? lemme see, she just sent something else here in slack we're ready to retest doing it now Thank you i thought there wasn't an <|> as we discussed on our call? There is not Hold on k I was wrong. it just redirects to <|> though It’s two for Asceniv. Only one for Biv. Look at the staging sites. that's not right though, go to <|> and select I'm a HCP hop on, can you? i need to send this out with you on the line, it appears to be all on the same thread Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-06 10:32:22.806159 0.75
Chi timesheet is coming after juice juice, apologies for delay I was in the portal entering time and got booted. If you don't mind sending the code, I'll jump back in and knock it out. <!here> Thanks all! Confirming I'm back in and in the portal Hi <!here>, when i try and submit my time for 8/29 I enter in everything, click Save, but nothing saves and then the Save button to Start Stopwatch. See the gif: Hi Garrett: can you send me your comments? I would like to test this on my end for you yes most definitely: ```Work on visual comparison and word for word automation utilities. Slack correspondence below: Date: 2023-08-29 14:52:56 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: thanks! yeah the banner isn't necessarily a deal breaker to have on staging, just wanted to show you so that you can get a feel for the capabilities and strength of the tool. it has the potential to significantly reduce both dev time for fixes and routing in PHQ. Date: 2023-08-29 14:23:49 Channel: juice-qa, User: vcerpa, Message: <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> good find. I think when they pushed the site, there were a few quirks which included the banner that Dev resolved, but it may have not been applied to staging Date: 2023-08-29 14:11:59 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> Don't take my word for it though! Here's a very simple example calling out a difference between <<>|> live site vs illuccixhcp's staging site: The difference shown here is the Now Approved banner present on the live site, but not on staging. It not only highlights the differences, the sidebar includes these details as well _(not all shown in the screenshot):_ • exact code for the banner so Dev can drop it right into the code • code for the element parallel to the banner in staging environment _( in this case it would be the illuccix logo)_ • High level summary of the error (to include in PHQ) • The CSS bounding box differences • CSS Rules for each and differences • Attributes for each and differences: ◦ SRC ◦ Alt Text ◦ Class ◦ Width ◦ Height • The differences in styling (padding, margin, etc.) between the two environments ◦ Rolling over any section will highlight the area of it is comparing and also displays a tooltip with the element's name. (see 2nd screenshot) Date: 2023-08-29 13:51:07 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> - also, I've been thinking about our manuscript vs figma design vs dev implementation word for word automation tool and have a new strategy on how to best accomplish the task. will DM you. Date: 2023-08-29 13:45:52 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver>, haven't gotten back to you regarding the visual regressions tests for illuccixhcp yet, bc I've just created something brilliant that can also be repurposed for the upcoming Site Locator tool project. It runs the following visual checks to compare the production env w/staging by using a Visual AI tool (Applitools Eyes) alongside my automated script: • Layout Comparison: ◦ High Level ◦ Highlights only user facing differences between environments ◦ Catches anything visible to the human eye • Strict Comparison: ◦ Word for word comparison ◦ Font, font styling and any other CSS related comparison ▪︎ Cuts dev debugging time into nothing as it provides the exact CSS code before and after the change occurred ▪︎ Resolves all false positive call outs in PHQ as it definitively points to both the visual difference and the underlying code that caused it. CC: <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador>``` is it because the function is set as Development? <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi> I was able to push/save the 4 hours with the function development (no notes), I'm still testing but I'm thinking there might be a characters/letters limit or one the characters isn't recognized by Advantage. was thinking it might have been a character limit thing, let me remove special characters and shorten it up. thank you for testing, <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi>! I got most of it in, it could be the @ symbol or <> i really appreciate that. ah good call actually! sweet!thx! I think we are good now, advantage accepted. No problem! will continue on :slightly_smiling_face: Hi Garrett! just checking in to see if you ran into any more issues with your timesheets apologies, no, i just got pulled in to the ADMA launches, jumping back over now had to answer some critical technical issues got it, thanks! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-06 11:03:40.138159 0.25
Chi timesheet is coming after juice juice, apologies for delay I was in the portal entering time and got booted. If you don't mind sending the code, I'll jump back in and knock it out. <!here> Thanks all! Confirming I'm back in and in the portal Hi <!here>, when i try and submit my time for 8/29 I enter in everything, click Save, but nothing saves and then the Save button to Start Stopwatch. See the gif: Hi Garrett: can you send me your comments? I would like to test this on my end for you yes most definitely: ```Work on visual comparison and word for word automation utilities. Slack correspondence below: Date: 2023-08-29 14:52:56 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: thanks! yeah the banner isn't necessarily a deal breaker to have on staging, just wanted to show you so that you can get a feel for the capabilities and strength of the tool. it has the potential to significantly reduce both dev time for fixes and routing in PHQ. Date: 2023-08-29 14:23:49 Channel: juice-qa, User: vcerpa, Message: <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> good find. I think when they pushed the site, there were a few quirks which included the banner that Dev resolved, but it may have not been applied to staging Date: 2023-08-29 14:11:59 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> Don't take my word for it though! Here's a very simple example calling out a difference between <<>|> live site vs illuccixhcp's staging site: The difference shown here is the Now Approved banner present on the live site, but not on staging. It not only highlights the differences, the sidebar includes these details as well _(not all shown in the screenshot):_ • exact code for the banner so Dev can drop it right into the code • code for the element parallel to the banner in staging environment _( in this case it would be the illuccix logo)_ • High level summary of the error (to include in PHQ) • The CSS bounding box differences • CSS Rules for each and differences • Attributes for each and differences: ◦ SRC ◦ Alt Text ◦ Class ◦ Width ◦ Height • The differences in styling (padding, margin, etc.) between the two environments ◦ Rolling over any section will highlight the area of it is comparing and also displays a tooltip with the element's name. (see 2nd screenshot) Date: 2023-08-29 13:51:07 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> - also, I've been thinking about our manuscript vs figma design vs dev implementation word for word automation tool and have a new strategy on how to best accomplish the task. will DM you. Date: 2023-08-29 13:45:52 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver>, haven't gotten back to you regarding the visual regressions tests for illuccixhcp yet, bc I've just created something brilliant that can also be repurposed for the upcoming Site Locator tool project. It runs the following visual checks to compare the production env w/staging by using a Visual AI tool (Applitools Eyes) alongside my automated script: • Layout Comparison: ◦ High Level ◦ Highlights only user facing differences between environments ◦ Catches anything visible to the human eye • Strict Comparison: ◦ Word for word comparison ◦ Font, font styling and any other CSS related comparison ▪︎ Cuts dev debugging time into nothing as it provides the exact CSS code before and after the change occurred ▪︎ Resolves all false positive call outs in PHQ as it definitively points to both the visual difference and the underlying code that caused it. CC: <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador>``` is it because the function is set as Development? <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi> I was able to push/save the 4 hours with the function development (no notes), I'm still testing but I'm thinking there might be a characters/letters limit or one the characters isn't recognized by Advantage. was thinking it might have been a character limit thing, let me remove special characters and shorten it up. thank you for testing, <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi>! I got most of it in, it could be the @ symbol or <> i really appreciate that. ah good call actually! sweet!thx! I think we are good now, advantage accepted. No problem! will continue on :slightly_smiling_face: Hi Garrett! just checking in to see if you ran into any more issues with your timesheets apologies, no, i just got pulled in to the ADMA launches, jumping back over now had to answer some critical technical issues got it, thanks! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-06 11:03:40.138159 0.25
Garrett Glick thx Vinny! I just want you to know that i appreciate the props you gave on the call. you're a great friend :slightly_smiling_face: sorry, in back to back to backs ah gotcha Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-06 11:09:17.651309 0.25
Garrett Glick thx Vinny! I just want you to know that i appreciate the props you gave on the call. you're a great friend :slightly_smiling_face: sorry, in back to back to backs ah gotcha Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-06 11:09:17.651309 0.25
Garrett Glick timesheet is coming after juice juice, apologies for delay I was in the portal entering time and got booted. If you don't mind sending the code, I'll jump back in and knock it out. <!here> Thanks all! Confirming I'm back in and in the portal Hi <!here>, when i try and submit my time for 8/29 I enter in everything, click Save, but nothing saves and then the Save button to Start Stopwatch. See the gif: Hi Garrett: can you send me your comments? I would like to test this on my end for you yes most definitely: ```Work on visual comparison and word for word automation utilities. Slack correspondence below: Date: 2023-08-29 14:52:56 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: thanks! yeah the banner isn't necessarily a deal breaker to have on staging, just wanted to show you so that you can get a feel for the capabilities and strength of the tool. it has the potential to significantly reduce both dev time for fixes and routing in PHQ. Date: 2023-08-29 14:23:49 Channel: juice-qa, User: vcerpa, Message: <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> good find. I think when they pushed the site, there were a few quirks which included the banner that Dev resolved, but it may have not been applied to staging Date: 2023-08-29 14:11:59 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> Don't take my word for it though! Here's a very simple example calling out a difference between <<>|> live site vs illuccixhcp's staging site: The difference shown here is the Now Approved banner present on the live site, but not on staging. It not only highlights the differences, the sidebar includes these details as well _(not all shown in the screenshot):_ • exact code for the banner so Dev can drop it right into the code • code for the element parallel to the banner in staging environment _( in this case it would be the illuccix logo)_ • High level summary of the error (to include in PHQ) • The CSS bounding box differences • CSS Rules for each and differences • Attributes for each and differences: ◦ SRC ◦ Alt Text ◦ Class ◦ Width ◦ Height • The differences in styling (padding, margin, etc.) between the two environments ◦ Rolling over any section will highlight the area of it is comparing and also displays a tooltip with the element's name. (see 2nd screenshot) Date: 2023-08-29 13:51:07 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> - also, I've been thinking about our manuscript vs figma design vs dev implementation word for word automation tool and have a new strategy on how to best accomplish the task. will DM you. Date: 2023-08-29 13:45:52 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver>, haven't gotten back to you regarding the visual regressions tests for illuccixhcp yet, bc I've just created something brilliant that can also be repurposed for the upcoming Site Locator tool project. It runs the following visual checks to compare the production env w/staging by using a Visual AI tool (Applitools Eyes) alongside my automated script: • Layout Comparison: ◦ High Level ◦ Highlights only user facing differences between environments ◦ Catches anything visible to the human eye • Strict Comparison: ◦ Word for word comparison ◦ Font, font styling and any other CSS related comparison ▪︎ Cuts dev debugging time into nothing as it provides the exact CSS code before and after the change occurred ▪︎ Resolves all false positive call outs in PHQ as it definitively points to both the visual difference and the underlying code that caused it. CC: <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador>``` is it because the function is set as Development? <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi> I was able to push/save the 4 hours with the function development (no notes), I'm still testing but I'm thinking there might be a characters/letters limit or one the characters isn't recognized by Advantage. was thinking it might have been a character limit thing, let me remove special characters and shorten it up. thank you for testing, <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi>! I got most of it in, it could be the @ symbol or <> i really appreciate that. ah good call actually! sweet!thx! I think we are good now, advantage accepted. No problem! will continue on :slightly_smiling_face: Hi Garrett! just checking in to see if you ran into any more issues with your timesheets apologies, no, i just got pulled in to the ADMA launches, jumping back over now had to answer some critical technical issues got it, thanks! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-06 11:10:19.092149
Chi timesheet is coming after juice juice, apologies for delay I was in the portal entering time and got booted. If you don't mind sending the code, I'll jump back in and knock it out. <!here> Thanks all! Confirming I'm back in and in the portal Hi <!here>, when i try and submit my time for 8/29 I enter in everything, click Save, but nothing saves and then the Save button to Start Stopwatch. See the gif: Hi Garrett: can you send me your comments? I would like to test this on my end for you yes most definitely: ```Work on visual comparison and word for word automation utilities. Slack correspondence below: Date: 2023-08-29 14:52:56 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: thanks! yeah the banner isn't necessarily a deal breaker to have on staging, just wanted to show you so that you can get a feel for the capabilities and strength of the tool. it has the potential to significantly reduce both dev time for fixes and routing in PHQ. Date: 2023-08-29 14:23:49 Channel: juice-qa, User: vcerpa, Message: <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> good find. I think when they pushed the site, there were a few quirks which included the banner that Dev resolved, but it may have not been applied to staging Date: 2023-08-29 14:11:59 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U04MNRYKR29|dawnwhitelaw> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> Don't take my word for it though! Here's a very simple example calling out a difference between <<>|> live site vs illuccixhcp's staging site: The difference shown here is the Now Approved banner present on the live site, but not on staging. It not only highlights the differences, the sidebar includes these details as well _(not all shown in the screenshot):_ • exact code for the banner so Dev can drop it right into the code • code for the element parallel to the banner in staging environment _( in this case it would be the illuccix logo)_ • High level summary of the error (to include in PHQ) • The CSS bounding box differences • CSS Rules for each and differences • Attributes for each and differences: ◦ SRC ◦ Alt Text ◦ Class ◦ Width ◦ Height • The differences in styling (padding, margin, etc.) between the two environments ◦ Rolling over any section will highlight the area of it is comparing and also displays a tooltip with the element's name. (see 2nd screenshot) Date: 2023-08-29 13:51:07 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> - also, I've been thinking about our manuscript vs figma design vs dev implementation word for word automation tool and have a new strategy on how to best accomplish the task. will DM you. Date: 2023-08-29 13:45:52 Channel: juice-qa, User: gglick, Message: <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver>, haven't gotten back to you regarding the visual regressions tests for illuccixhcp yet, bc I've just created something brilliant that can also be repurposed for the upcoming Site Locator tool project. It runs the following visual checks to compare the production env w/staging by using a Visual AI tool (Applitools Eyes) alongside my automated script: • Layout Comparison: ◦ High Level ◦ Highlights only user facing differences between environments ◦ Catches anything visible to the human eye • Strict Comparison: ◦ Word for word comparison ◦ Font, font styling and any other CSS related comparison ▪︎ Cuts dev debugging time into nothing as it provides the exact CSS code before and after the change occurred ▪︎ Resolves all false positive call outs in PHQ as it definitively points to both the visual difference and the underlying code that caused it. CC: <@UEGNDMSHX|Forrest King> <@U6ASWMKND|Tom McMeekin (they/them)> <@UEJNKBLG6|Lynn Macrone> <@U03VCSSFLSD|kpetrova> <@U04M1TZE4JU|lmeador>``` is it because the function is set as Development? <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi> I was able to push/save the 4 hours with the function development (no notes), I'm still testing but I'm thinking there might be a characters/letters limit or one the characters isn't recognized by Advantage. was thinking it might have been a character limit thing, let me remove special characters and shorten it up. thank you for testing, <@UEGN4NC9F|Chi>! I got most of it in, it could be the @ symbol or <> i really appreciate that. ah good call actually! sweet!thx! I think we are good now, advantage accepted. No problem! will continue on :slightly_smiling_face: Hi Garrett! just checking in to see if you ran into any more issues with your timesheets apologies, no, i just got pulled in to the ADMA launches, jumping back over now had to answer some critical technical issues got it, thanks! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-06 11:10:59.754959 1.5
Unknown User did you have any questions about the alt text or the txt records that i sent in my email? hi! sorry for the delay i think we're set we're just trying to drill down some stuff on WAV end for the HCP versus patient sites gotcha, okay awesome! no worries! If you would just ping me when the accessibility fix is in and I'll go and run my audit again to make sure everything looks good. :slightly_smiling_face: that should be in as well oh perfect, will run it now Direct Message UR8ASL0QY Unknown User 2023-09-06 12:27:10.496929
Garrett Glick did you have any questions about the alt text or the txt records that i sent in my email? hi! sorry for the delay i think we're set we're just trying to drill down some stuff on WAV end for the HCP versus patient sites gotcha, okay awesome! no worries! If you would just ping me when the accessibility fix is in and I'll go and run my audit again to make sure everything looks good. :slightly_smiling_face: that should be in as well oh perfect, will run it now Direct Message UR8ASL0QY Unknown User 2023-09-06 12:55:33.924819 0.5
Garrett Glick can you respond to Holland please absolutely, sorry was on timesheets No worries. actually wait, can you call? i see one from john but not from holland Hold on. k Give me 15 no prob so just repeat everything i sent over?: ```Hi Garrett - apologies, your email didn't come through before I sent mine! Checking in with the dev team, stand by. ``` that's what i received from Holland I just responded and @ you on it I’ll be at my desk in 15 min And I’ll call you then kk Ok. Good So we can ignore her email? lemme see, she just sent something else here in slack we're ready to retest doing it now Thank you i thought there wasn't an <|> as we discussed on our call? There is not Hold on k I was wrong. it just redirects to <|> though It’s two for Asceniv. Only one for Biv. Look at the staging sites. that's not right though, go to <|> and select I'm a HCP hop on, can you? i need to send this out with you on the line, it appears to be all on the same thread Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-06 12:55:49.949419 0.25
Garrett Glick can you respond to Holland please absolutely, sorry was on timesheets No worries. actually wait, can you call? i see one from john but not from holland Hold on. k Give me 15 no prob so just repeat everything i sent over?: ```Hi Garrett - apologies, your email didn't come through before I sent mine! Checking in with the dev team, stand by. ``` that's what i received from Holland I just responded and @ you on it I’ll be at my desk in 15 min And I’ll call you then kk Ok. Good So we can ignore her email? lemme see, she just sent something else here in slack we're ready to retest doing it now Thank you i thought there wasn't an <|> as we discussed on our call? There is not Hold on k I was wrong. it just redirects to <|> though It’s two for Asceniv. Only one for Biv. Look at the staging sites. that's not right though, go to <|> and select I'm a HCP hop on, can you? i need to send this out with you on the line, it appears to be all on the same thread Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-06 12:55:49.949419 0.25
Unknown User did you have any questions about the alt text or the txt records that i sent in my email? hi! sorry for the delay i think we're set we're just trying to drill down some stuff on WAV end for the HCP versus patient sites gotcha, okay awesome! no worries! If you would just ping me when the accessibility fix is in and I'll go and run my audit again to make sure everything looks good. :slightly_smiling_face: that should be in as well oh perfect, will run it now Direct Message UR8ASL0QY Unknown User 2023-09-06 13:00:21.516959 0.25
Unknown User did you have any questions about the alt text or the txt records that i sent in my email? hi! sorry for the delay i think we're set we're just trying to drill down some stuff on WAV end for the HCP versus patient sites gotcha, okay awesome! no worries! If you would just ping me when the accessibility fix is in and I'll go and run my audit again to make sure everything looks good. :slightly_smiling_face: that should be in as well oh perfect, will run it now Direct Message UR8ASL0QY Unknown User 2023-09-06 13:00:21.516959 0.25
Javier Hernandez can you respond to Holland please absolutely, sorry was on timesheets No worries. actually wait, can you call? i see one from john but not from holland Hold on. k Give me 15 no prob so just repeat everything i sent over?: ```Hi Garrett - apologies, your email didn't come through before I sent mine! Checking in with the dev team, stand by. ``` that's what i received from Holland I just responded and @ you on it I’ll be at my desk in 15 min And I’ll call you then kk Ok. Good So we can ignore her email? lemme see, she just sent something else here in slack we're ready to retest doing it now Thank you i thought there wasn't an <|> as we discussed on our call? There is not Hold on k I was wrong. it just redirects to <|> though It’s two for Asceniv. Only one for Biv. Look at the staging sites. that's not right though, go to <|> and select I'm a HCP hop on, can you? i need to send this out with you on the line, it appears to be all on the same thread Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-06 13:00:32.956699
Garrett Glick can you respond to Holland please absolutely, sorry was on timesheets No worries. actually wait, can you call? i see one from john but not from holland Hold on. k Give me 15 no prob so just repeat everything i sent over?: ```Hi Garrett - apologies, your email didn't come through before I sent mine! Checking in with the dev team, stand by. ``` that's what i received from Holland I just responded and @ you on it I’ll be at my desk in 15 min And I’ll call you then kk Ok. Good So we can ignore her email? lemme see, she just sent something else here in slack we're ready to retest doing it now Thank you i thought there wasn't an <|> as we discussed on our call? There is not Hold on k I was wrong. it just redirects to <|> though It’s two for Asceniv. Only one for Biv. Look at the staging sites. that's not right though, go to <|> and select I'm a HCP hop on, can you? i need to send this out with you on the line, it appears to be all on the same thread Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-06 13:08:35.421739 0.25
Garrett Glick did you have any questions about the alt text or the txt records that i sent in my email? hi! sorry for the delay i think we're set we're just trying to drill down some stuff on WAV end for the HCP versus patient sites gotcha, okay awesome! no worries! If you would just ping me when the accessibility fix is in and I'll go and run my audit again to make sure everything looks good. :slightly_smiling_face: that should be in as well oh perfect, will run it now Direct Message UR8ASL0QY Unknown User 2023-09-06 13:08:46.962169 0.25
Garrett Glick did you have any questions about the alt text or the txt records that i sent in my email? hi! sorry for the delay i think we're set we're just trying to drill down some stuff on WAV end for the HCP versus patient sites gotcha, okay awesome! no worries! If you would just ping me when the accessibility fix is in and I'll go and run my audit again to make sure everything looks good. :slightly_smiling_face: that should be in as well oh perfect, will run it now Direct Message UR8ASL0QY Unknown User 2023-09-06 13:08:46.962169 0.25
Garrett Glick i'm so sorry, i've been pulled into these ADMA launches all day, have 20-30 more minutes of work on it and then going into timesheets. apologies, haven't even had a chance to use the bathroom or eat either. Direct Message UEGN4NC9F Chi 2023-09-06 13:09:50.039959 0.25
Garrett Glick i'm so sorry, i've been pulled into these ADMA launches all day, have 20-30 more minutes of work on it and then going into timesheets. apologies, haven't even had a chance to use the bathroom or eat either. Direct Message UEGN4NC9F Chi 2023-09-06 13:09:50.039959 0.25
Garrett Glick can you respond to Holland please absolutely, sorry was on timesheets No worries. actually wait, can you call? i see one from john but not from holland Hold on. k Give me 15 no prob so just repeat everything i sent over?: ```Hi Garrett - apologies, your email didn't come through before I sent mine! Checking in with the dev team, stand by. ``` that's what i received from Holland I just responded and @ you on it I’ll be at my desk in 15 min And I’ll call you then kk Ok. Good So we can ignore her email? lemme see, she just sent something else here in slack we're ready to retest doing it now Thank you i thought there wasn't an <|> as we discussed on our call? There is not Hold on k I was wrong. it just redirects to <|> though It’s two for Asceniv. Only one for Biv. Look at the staging sites. that's not right though, go to <|> and select I'm a HCP hop on, can you? i need to send this out with you on the line, it appears to be all on the same thread Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-06 13:10:33.819549
Garrett Glick can you respond to Holland please absolutely, sorry was on timesheets No worries. actually wait, can you call? i see one from john but not from holland Hold on. k Give me 15 no prob so just repeat everything i sent over?: ```Hi Garrett - apologies, your email didn't come through before I sent mine! Checking in with the dev team, stand by. ``` that's what i received from Holland I just responded and @ you on it I’ll be at my desk in 15 min And I’ll call you then kk Ok. Good So we can ignore her email? lemme see, she just sent something else here in slack we're ready to retest doing it now Thank you i thought there wasn't an <|> as we discussed on our call? There is not Hold on k I was wrong. it just redirects to <|> though It’s two for Asceniv. Only one for Biv. Look at the staging sites. that's not right though, go to <|> and select I'm a HCP hop on, can you? i need to send this out with you on the line, it appears to be all on the same thread Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-06 13:13:55.107289 0.25
Vinny Cerpa thx Vinny! I just want you to know that i appreciate the props you gave on the call. you're a great friend :slightly_smiling_face: sorry, in back to back to backs ah gotcha Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-06 13:16:08.456549 0.25
Vinny Cerpa thx Vinny! I just want you to know that i appreciate the props you gave on the call. you're a great friend :slightly_smiling_face: sorry, in back to back to backs ah gotcha Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-06 13:16:08.456549 0.25
Garrett Glick can we huddle? <!here> I’m in another meeting at the moment Can you drop that meeting :joy: Sorry bud. This is priority. for real though its actually very important concerning site launch for ADMA sites Can you talk in 15? gimme 2 mins kk i'll jump back on in 2 so we ran bivigam only, asceniv still needs to run we don't need to tell WAV this Lol ok i'll run them both and we can decide if we wanna fix before i start the email. Sounds good likely we can just hold till postlaunch. ok perfect! brb w/results so i reran biv. All of the previous accessibility issues ever been resolved. However, there is one new issue. That's kind of strange check out the code below for the homepage.: ```<img class="hs-cta-img" id="hs-cta-img-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9" style="border-width:0px;" src="<>" alt="View Support"></a></span><script charset="utf-8" src="/hs/cta/cta/current.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(23624991, '72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); </script></span><!-- end HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --></span></div> <div class="row-fluid-wrapper row-depth-1 row-number-17 dnd-row"> <div class="row-fluid "> <div class="span12 widget-span widget-type-custom_widget widget_1685379469857-hidden widget_1685379469857-flexbox-positioning widget_1685379469857-padding dnd-module" style="" data-widget-type="custom_widget" data-x="0" data-w="12"> <div id="hs_cos_wrapper_widget_1685379469857" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_module widget-type-cta" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="module"><span id="hs_cos_wrapper_widget_1685379469857_" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_cta" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="cta"><!--HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --><span class="hs-cta-wrapper" id="hs-cta-wrapper-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9"><span class="hs-cta-node hs-cta-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9" id="hs-cta-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9"><!--[if lte IE 8]><div id="hs-cta-ie-element"></div><![endif]--><a href="<>"><img class="hs-cta-img" id="hs-cta-img-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9" style="border-width:0px;" src="<>" alt="View Support"></a></span><script charset="utf-8" src="/hs/cta/cta/current.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(23624991, '72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); </script></span><!-- end HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --></span></div> </div><!--end widget-span --> </div><!--end row--> </div><!--end row-wrapper -->``` this appears two times it's the code for the "View Support" button. It's marked as serious rather than a critical issue here's the report. running asceniv now view-source:<> lets note this for QA bug for after go live fix agreed SHIT 1 passing (51s) 15 failing for ADA violations checking to see how many are critical and how many serious now ok looks scarry lol all serious, none critical there are a lot, but the beauty is that it contains the answer to fix all im ok with non critical, fix after go live? so this list should take dev 30mins yes running reg smoke ones now that makes me feel better whew, me too! here they are for post-launch: thank you ok. get that email out to WAV and get us the DNS's running smoke, 2 mins almost there done, compiling report now done need to review quickly Is it good? I’m on my phone. So can’t open fully ignore all the fails on the image tab, we're good, a few things to fix post launch, will send over the email Ok thank you. Can the sites go live without updated DNS? Just a question. <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> no they can't but hey, just sent the email out <!here>! we still have to wait for Bobby @ WAVE to answer a question before we reply to ADMA. I'll still go ahead and draft it now Good catch thx man! just so you guys can see, this is what i drafted: ```Hi John, We've completed the pre-launch QA and SEO updates. We're ready for you to implement the update your DNS configs with the following records: TXT _acme-challenge.www KB5o_Qf_aQJgQGrgrAs4vZd2eNsDZdtH_Kc3IdmrcJs TXT _cf-custom-hostname.www 8ee111c2-6a8c-4e94-af4f-9091b38e6f9f TXT google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE CNAME www ---- TXT _acme-challenge.www zC6eunva8fC6QHqkwtixb0d72m4a39zXZVKmH2REhNs TXT _cf-custom-hostname.www ba20dda3-4023-40a8-960e-3a72d3919ef1 TXT google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw CNAME www Can you confirm that you'll be able to drop in these updates tonight? If yes, we'll be all set to go live tomorrow morning as planned. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon! Kindly, Garrett Glick``` Awesome. Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-06 13:16:11.321759
Garrett Glick can we huddle? <!here> I’m in another meeting at the moment Can you drop that meeting :joy: Sorry bud. This is priority. for real though its actually very important concerning site launch for ADMA sites Can you talk in 15? gimme 2 mins kk i'll jump back on in 2 so we ran bivigam only, asceniv still needs to run we don't need to tell WAV this Lol ok i'll run them both and we can decide if we wanna fix before i start the email. Sounds good likely we can just hold till postlaunch. ok perfect! brb w/results so i reran biv. All of the previous accessibility issues ever been resolved. However, there is one new issue. That's kind of strange check out the code below for the homepage.: ```<img class="hs-cta-img" id="hs-cta-img-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9" style="border-width:0px;" src="<>" alt="View Support"></a></span><script charset="utf-8" src="/hs/cta/cta/current.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(23624991, '72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); </script></span><!-- end HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --></span></div> <div class="row-fluid-wrapper row-depth-1 row-number-17 dnd-row"> <div class="row-fluid "> <div class="span12 widget-span widget-type-custom_widget widget_1685379469857-hidden widget_1685379469857-flexbox-positioning widget_1685379469857-padding dnd-module" style="" data-widget-type="custom_widget" data-x="0" data-w="12"> <div id="hs_cos_wrapper_widget_1685379469857" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_module widget-type-cta" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="module"><span id="hs_cos_wrapper_widget_1685379469857_" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_cta" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="cta"><!--HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --><span class="hs-cta-wrapper" id="hs-cta-wrapper-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9"><span class="hs-cta-node hs-cta-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9" id="hs-cta-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9"><!--[if lte IE 8]><div id="hs-cta-ie-element"></div><![endif]--><a href="<>"><img class="hs-cta-img" id="hs-cta-img-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9" style="border-width:0px;" src="<>" alt="View Support"></a></span><script charset="utf-8" src="/hs/cta/cta/current.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(23624991, '72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); </script></span><!-- end HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --></span></div> </div><!--end widget-span --> </div><!--end row--> </div><!--end row-wrapper -->``` this appears two times it's the code for the "View Support" button. It's marked as serious rather than a critical issue here's the report. running asceniv now view-source:<> lets note this for QA bug for after go live fix agreed SHIT 1 passing (51s) 15 failing for ADA violations checking to see how many are critical and how many serious now ok looks scarry lol all serious, none critical there are a lot, but the beauty is that it contains the answer to fix all im ok with non critical, fix after go live? so this list should take dev 30mins yes running reg smoke ones now that makes me feel better whew, me too! here they are for post-launch: thank you ok. get that email out to WAV and get us the DNS's running smoke, 2 mins almost there done, compiling report now done need to review quickly Is it good? I’m on my phone. So can’t open fully ignore all the fails on the image tab, we're good, a few things to fix post launch, will send over the email Ok thank you. Can the sites go live without updated DNS? Just a question. <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> no they can't but hey, just sent the email out <!here>! we still have to wait for Bobby @ WAVE to answer a question before we reply to ADMA. I'll still go ahead and draft it now Good catch thx man! just so you guys can see, this is what i drafted: ```Hi John, We've completed the pre-launch QA and SEO updates. We're ready for you to implement the update your DNS configs with the following records: TXT _acme-challenge.www KB5o_Qf_aQJgQGrgrAs4vZd2eNsDZdtH_Kc3IdmrcJs TXT _cf-custom-hostname.www 8ee111c2-6a8c-4e94-af4f-9091b38e6f9f TXT google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE CNAME www ---- TXT _acme-challenge.www zC6eunva8fC6QHqkwtixb0d72m4a39zXZVKmH2REhNs TXT _cf-custom-hostname.www ba20dda3-4023-40a8-960e-3a72d3919ef1 TXT google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw CNAME www Can you confirm that you'll be able to drop in these updates tonight? If yes, we'll be all set to go live tomorrow morning as planned. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon! Kindly, Garrett Glick``` Awesome. Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-06 13:18:10.865909 0.25
Garrett Glick thx Vinny! I just want you to know that i appreciate the props you gave on the call. you're a great friend :slightly_smiling_face: sorry, in back to back to backs ah gotcha Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-06 13:18:49.907889 0.25
Garrett Glick thx Vinny! I just want you to know that i appreciate the props you gave on the call. you're a great friend :slightly_smiling_face: sorry, in back to back to backs ah gotcha Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-06 13:18:49.907889 0.25
Garrett Glick can we huddle? <!here> I’m in another meeting at the moment Can you drop that meeting :joy: Sorry bud. This is priority. for real though its actually very important concerning site launch for ADMA sites Can you talk in 15? gimme 2 mins kk i'll jump back on in 2 so we ran bivigam only, asceniv still needs to run we don't need to tell WAV this Lol ok i'll run them both and we can decide if we wanna fix before i start the email. Sounds good likely we can just hold till postlaunch. ok perfect! brb w/results so i reran biv. All of the previous accessibility issues ever been resolved. However, there is one new issue. That's kind of strange check out the code below for the homepage.: ```<img class="hs-cta-img" id="hs-cta-img-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9" style="border-width:0px;" src="<>" alt="View Support"></a></span><script charset="utf-8" src="/hs/cta/cta/current.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(23624991, '72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); </script></span><!-- end HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --></span></div> <div class="row-fluid-wrapper row-depth-1 row-number-17 dnd-row"> <div class="row-fluid "> <div class="span12 widget-span widget-type-custom_widget widget_1685379469857-hidden widget_1685379469857-flexbox-positioning widget_1685379469857-padding dnd-module" style="" data-widget-type="custom_widget" data-x="0" data-w="12"> <div id="hs_cos_wrapper_widget_1685379469857" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_module widget-type-cta" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="module"><span id="hs_cos_wrapper_widget_1685379469857_" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_cta" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="cta"><!--HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --><span class="hs-cta-wrapper" id="hs-cta-wrapper-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9"><span class="hs-cta-node hs-cta-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9" id="hs-cta-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9"><!--[if lte IE 8]><div id="hs-cta-ie-element"></div><![endif]--><a href="<>"><img class="hs-cta-img" id="hs-cta-img-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9" style="border-width:0px;" src="<>" alt="View Support"></a></span><script charset="utf-8" src="/hs/cta/cta/current.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(23624991, '72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); </script></span><!-- end HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --></span></div> </div><!--end widget-span --> </div><!--end row--> </div><!--end row-wrapper -->``` this appears two times it's the code for the "View Support" button. It's marked as serious rather than a critical issue here's the report. running asceniv now view-source:<> lets note this for QA bug for after go live fix agreed SHIT 1 passing (51s) 15 failing for ADA violations checking to see how many are critical and how many serious now ok looks scarry lol all serious, none critical there are a lot, but the beauty is that it contains the answer to fix all im ok with non critical, fix after go live? so this list should take dev 30mins yes running reg smoke ones now that makes me feel better whew, me too! here they are for post-launch: thank you ok. get that email out to WAV and get us the DNS's running smoke, 2 mins almost there done, compiling report now done need to review quickly Is it good? I’m on my phone. So can’t open fully ignore all the fails on the image tab, we're good, a few things to fix post launch, will send over the email Ok thank you. Can the sites go live without updated DNS? Just a question. <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> no they can't but hey, just sent the email out <!here>! we still have to wait for Bobby @ WAVE to answer a question before we reply to ADMA. I'll still go ahead and draft it now Good catch thx man! just so you guys can see, this is what i drafted: ```Hi John, We've completed the pre-launch QA and SEO updates. We're ready for you to implement the update your DNS configs with the following records: TXT _acme-challenge.www KB5o_Qf_aQJgQGrgrAs4vZd2eNsDZdtH_Kc3IdmrcJs TXT _cf-custom-hostname.www 8ee111c2-6a8c-4e94-af4f-9091b38e6f9f TXT google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE CNAME www ---- TXT _acme-challenge.www zC6eunva8fC6QHqkwtixb0d72m4a39zXZVKmH2REhNs TXT _cf-custom-hostname.www ba20dda3-4023-40a8-960e-3a72d3919ef1 TXT google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw CNAME www Can you confirm that you'll be able to drop in these updates tonight? If yes, we'll be all set to go live tomorrow morning as planned. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon! Kindly, Garrett Glick``` Awesome. Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-06 13:28:11.283859
Garrett Glick can we huddle? <!here> I’m in another meeting at the moment Can you drop that meeting :joy: Sorry bud. This is priority. for real though its actually very important concerning site launch for ADMA sites Can you talk in 15? gimme 2 mins kk i'll jump back on in 2 so we ran bivigam only, asceniv still needs to run we don't need to tell WAV this Lol ok i'll run them both and we can decide if we wanna fix before i start the email. Sounds good likely we can just hold till postlaunch. ok perfect! brb w/results so i reran biv. All of the previous accessibility issues ever been resolved. However, there is one new issue. That's kind of strange check out the code below for the homepage.: ```<img class="hs-cta-img" id="hs-cta-img-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9" style="border-width:0px;" src="<>" alt="View Support"></a></span><script charset="utf-8" src="/hs/cta/cta/current.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(23624991, '72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); </script></span><!-- end HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --></span></div> <div class="row-fluid-wrapper row-depth-1 row-number-17 dnd-row"> <div class="row-fluid "> <div class="span12 widget-span widget-type-custom_widget widget_1685379469857-hidden widget_1685379469857-flexbox-positioning widget_1685379469857-padding dnd-module" style="" data-widget-type="custom_widget" data-x="0" data-w="12"> <div id="hs_cos_wrapper_widget_1685379469857" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_module widget-type-cta" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="module"><span id="hs_cos_wrapper_widget_1685379469857_" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_cta" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="cta"><!--HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --><span class="hs-cta-wrapper" id="hs-cta-wrapper-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9"><span class="hs-cta-node hs-cta-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9" id="hs-cta-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9"><!--[if lte IE 8]><div id="hs-cta-ie-element"></div><![endif]--><a href="<>"><img class="hs-cta-img" id="hs-cta-img-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9" style="border-width:0px;" src="<>" alt="View Support"></a></span><script charset="utf-8" src="/hs/cta/cta/current.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(23624991, '72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); </script></span><!-- end HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --></span></div> </div><!--end widget-span --> </div><!--end row--> </div><!--end row-wrapper -->``` this appears two times it's the code for the "View Support" button. It's marked as serious rather than a critical issue here's the report. running asceniv now view-source:<> lets note this for QA bug for after go live fix agreed SHIT 1 passing (51s) 15 failing for ADA violations checking to see how many are critical and how many serious now ok looks scarry lol all serious, none critical there are a lot, but the beauty is that it contains the answer to fix all im ok with non critical, fix after go live? so this list should take dev 30mins yes running reg smoke ones now that makes me feel better whew, me too! here they are for post-launch: thank you ok. get that email out to WAV and get us the DNS's running smoke, 2 mins almost there done, compiling report now done need to review quickly Is it good? I’m on my phone. So can’t open fully ignore all the fails on the image tab, we're good, a few things to fix post launch, will send over the email Ok thank you. Can the sites go live without updated DNS? Just a question. <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> no they can't but hey, just sent the email out <!here>! we still have to wait for Bobby @ WAVE to answer a question before we reply to ADMA. I'll still go ahead and draft it now Good catch thx man! just so you guys can see, this is what i drafted: ```Hi John, We've completed the pre-launch QA and SEO updates. We're ready for you to implement the update your DNS configs with the following records: TXT _acme-challenge.www KB5o_Qf_aQJgQGrgrAs4vZd2eNsDZdtH_Kc3IdmrcJs TXT _cf-custom-hostname.www 8ee111c2-6a8c-4e94-af4f-9091b38e6f9f TXT google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE CNAME www ---- TXT _acme-challenge.www zC6eunva8fC6QHqkwtixb0d72m4a39zXZVKmH2REhNs TXT _cf-custom-hostname.www ba20dda3-4023-40a8-960e-3a72d3919ef1 TXT google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw CNAME www Can you confirm that you'll be able to drop in these updates tonight? If yes, we'll be all set to go live tomorrow morning as planned. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon! Kindly, Garrett Glick``` Awesome. Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-06 14:43:46.275119 1.75
Garrett Glick can you respond to Holland please absolutely, sorry was on timesheets No worries. actually wait, can you call? i see one from john but not from holland Hold on. k Give me 15 no prob so just repeat everything i sent over?: ```Hi Garrett - apologies, your email didn't come through before I sent mine! Checking in with the dev team, stand by. ``` that's what i received from Holland I just responded and @ you on it I’ll be at my desk in 15 min And I’ll call you then kk Ok. Good So we can ignore her email? lemme see, she just sent something else here in slack we're ready to retest doing it now Thank you i thought there wasn't an <|> as we discussed on our call? There is not Hold on k I was wrong. it just redirects to <|> though It’s two for Asceniv. Only one for Biv. Look at the staging sites. that's not right though, go to <|> and select I'm a HCP hop on, can you? i need to send this out with you on the line, it appears to be all on the same thread Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-06 15:10:35.132519
Garrett Glick can you respond to Holland please absolutely, sorry was on timesheets No worries. actually wait, can you call? i see one from john but not from holland Hold on. k Give me 15 no prob so just repeat everything i sent over?: ```Hi Garrett - apologies, your email didn't come through before I sent mine! Checking in with the dev team, stand by. ``` that's what i received from Holland I just responded and @ you on it I’ll be at my desk in 15 min And I’ll call you then kk Ok. Good So we can ignore her email? lemme see, she just sent something else here in slack we're ready to retest doing it now Thank you i thought there wasn't an <|> as we discussed on our call? There is not Hold on k I was wrong. it just redirects to <|> though It’s two for Asceniv. Only one for Biv. Look at the staging sites. that's not right though, go to <|> and select I'm a HCP hop on, can you? i need to send this out with you on the line, it appears to be all on the same thread Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-06 16:06:06.474409 1.5
Garrett Glick can we huddle? <!here> I’m in another meeting at the moment Can you drop that meeting :joy: Sorry bud. This is priority. for real though its actually very important concerning site launch for ADMA sites Can you talk in 15? gimme 2 mins kk i'll jump back on in 2 so we ran bivigam only, asceniv still needs to run we don't need to tell WAV this Lol ok i'll run them both and we can decide if we wanna fix before i start the email. Sounds good likely we can just hold till postlaunch. ok perfect! brb w/results so i reran biv. All of the previous accessibility issues ever been resolved. However, there is one new issue. That's kind of strange check out the code below for the homepage.: ```<img class="hs-cta-img" id="hs-cta-img-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9" style="border-width:0px;" src="<>" alt="View Support"></a></span><script charset="utf-8" src="/hs/cta/cta/current.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(23624991, '72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); </script></span><!-- end HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --></span></div> <div class="row-fluid-wrapper row-depth-1 row-number-17 dnd-row"> <div class="row-fluid "> <div class="span12 widget-span widget-type-custom_widget widget_1685379469857-hidden widget_1685379469857-flexbox-positioning widget_1685379469857-padding dnd-module" style="" data-widget-type="custom_widget" data-x="0" data-w="12"> <div id="hs_cos_wrapper_widget_1685379469857" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_module widget-type-cta" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="module"><span id="hs_cos_wrapper_widget_1685379469857_" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_cta" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="cta"><!--HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --><span class="hs-cta-wrapper" id="hs-cta-wrapper-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9"><span class="hs-cta-node hs-cta-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9" id="hs-cta-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9"><!--[if lte IE 8]><div id="hs-cta-ie-element"></div><![endif]--><a href="<>"><img class="hs-cta-img" id="hs-cta-img-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9" style="border-width:0px;" src="<>" alt="View Support"></a></span><script charset="utf-8" src="/hs/cta/cta/current.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(23624991, '72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); </script></span><!-- end HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --></span></div> </div><!--end widget-span --> </div><!--end row--> </div><!--end row-wrapper -->``` this appears two times it's the code for the "View Support" button. It's marked as serious rather than a critical issue here's the report. running asceniv now view-source:<> lets note this for QA bug for after go live fix agreed SHIT 1 passing (51s) 15 failing for ADA violations checking to see how many are critical and how many serious now ok looks scarry lol all serious, none critical there are a lot, but the beauty is that it contains the answer to fix all im ok with non critical, fix after go live? so this list should take dev 30mins yes running reg smoke ones now that makes me feel better whew, me too! here they are for post-launch: thank you ok. get that email out to WAV and get us the DNS's running smoke, 2 mins almost there done, compiling report now done need to review quickly Is it good? I’m on my phone. So can’t open fully ignore all the fails on the image tab, we're good, a few things to fix post launch, will send over the email Ok thank you. Can the sites go live without updated DNS? Just a question. <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> no they can't but hey, just sent the email out <!here>! we still have to wait for Bobby @ WAVE to answer a question before we reply to ADMA. I'll still go ahead and draft it now Good catch thx man! just so you guys can see, this is what i drafted: ```Hi John, We've completed the pre-launch QA and SEO updates. We're ready for you to implement the update your DNS configs with the following records: TXT _acme-challenge.www KB5o_Qf_aQJgQGrgrAs4vZd2eNsDZdtH_Kc3IdmrcJs TXT _cf-custom-hostname.www 8ee111c2-6a8c-4e94-af4f-9091b38e6f9f TXT google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE CNAME www ---- TXT _acme-challenge.www zC6eunva8fC6QHqkwtixb0d72m4a39zXZVKmH2REhNs TXT _cf-custom-hostname.www ba20dda3-4023-40a8-960e-3a72d3919ef1 TXT google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw CNAME www Can you confirm that you'll be able to drop in these updates tonight? If yes, we'll be all set to go live tomorrow morning as planned. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon! Kindly, Garrett Glick``` Awesome. Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-06 16:27:24.720129
Javier Hernandez can we huddle? <!here> I’m in another meeting at the moment Can you drop that meeting :joy: Sorry bud. This is priority. for real though its actually very important concerning site launch for ADMA sites Can you talk in 15? gimme 2 mins kk i'll jump back on in 2 so we ran bivigam only, asceniv still needs to run we don't need to tell WAV this Lol ok i'll run them both and we can decide if we wanna fix before i start the email. Sounds good likely we can just hold till postlaunch. ok perfect! brb w/results so i reran biv. All of the previous accessibility issues ever been resolved. However, there is one new issue. That's kind of strange check out the code below for the homepage.: ```<img class="hs-cta-img" id="hs-cta-img-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9" style="border-width:0px;" src="<>" alt="View Support"></a></span><script charset="utf-8" src="/hs/cta/cta/current.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(23624991, '72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); </script></span><!-- end HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --></span></div> <div class="row-fluid-wrapper row-depth-1 row-number-17 dnd-row"> <div class="row-fluid "> <div class="span12 widget-span widget-type-custom_widget widget_1685379469857-hidden widget_1685379469857-flexbox-positioning widget_1685379469857-padding dnd-module" style="" data-widget-type="custom_widget" data-x="0" data-w="12"> <div id="hs_cos_wrapper_widget_1685379469857" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_module widget-type-cta" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="module"><span id="hs_cos_wrapper_widget_1685379469857_" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_cta" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="cta"><!--HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --><span class="hs-cta-wrapper" id="hs-cta-wrapper-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9"><span class="hs-cta-node hs-cta-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9" id="hs-cta-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9"><!--[if lte IE 8]><div id="hs-cta-ie-element"></div><![endif]--><a href="<>"><img class="hs-cta-img" id="hs-cta-img-72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9" style="border-width:0px;" src="<>" alt="View Support"></a></span><script charset="utf-8" src="/hs/cta/cta/current.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(23624991, '72f63233-f62e-4323-8763-7572f23c1ba9', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); </script></span><!-- end HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --></span></div> </div><!--end widget-span --> </div><!--end row--> </div><!--end row-wrapper -->``` this appears two times it's the code for the "View Support" button. It's marked as serious rather than a critical issue here's the report. running asceniv now view-source:<> lets note this for QA bug for after go live fix agreed SHIT 1 passing (51s) 15 failing for ADA violations checking to see how many are critical and how many serious now ok looks scarry lol all serious, none critical there are a lot, but the beauty is that it contains the answer to fix all im ok with non critical, fix after go live? so this list should take dev 30mins yes running reg smoke ones now that makes me feel better whew, me too! here they are for post-launch: thank you ok. get that email out to WAV and get us the DNS's running smoke, 2 mins almost there done, compiling report now done need to review quickly Is it good? I’m on my phone. So can’t open fully ignore all the fails on the image tab, we're good, a few things to fix post launch, will send over the email Ok thank you. Can the sites go live without updated DNS? Just a question. <@UHULANG2C|Garrett Glick> <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> no they can't but hey, just sent the email out <!here>! we still have to wait for Bobby @ WAVE to answer a question before we reply to ADMA. I'll still go ahead and draft it now Good catch thx man! just so you guys can see, this is what i drafted: ```Hi John, We've completed the pre-launch QA and SEO updates. We're ready for you to implement the update your DNS configs with the following records: TXT _acme-challenge.www KB5o_Qf_aQJgQGrgrAs4vZd2eNsDZdtH_Kc3IdmrcJs TXT _cf-custom-hostname.www 8ee111c2-6a8c-4e94-af4f-9091b38e6f9f TXT google-site-verification=JrAKi0wvvg-ZeGzs1UXR7OY-RzchEj61VblXflJF-WE CNAME www ---- TXT _acme-challenge.www zC6eunva8fC6QHqkwtixb0d72m4a39zXZVKmH2REhNs TXT _cf-custom-hostname.www ba20dda3-4023-40a8-960e-3a72d3919ef1 TXT google-site-verification=RK4kLUS0TzKoyAy4PY2hIK5OFjKVtR4v1CVg78KA0lw CNAME www Can you confirm that you'll be able to drop in these updates tonight? If yes, we'll be all set to go live tomorrow morning as planned. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon! Kindly, Garrett Glick``` Awesome. Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-06 17:05:41.075869 -9.25
Outlook Calendar :warning: Error responding to event. You are organizer or the event is either cancelled or no longer on your calendar. :warning: Error responding to event. You are organizer or the event is either cancelled or no longer on your calendar. *Today*-<!date^1694066400^{date_long}|Thursday, September 7, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-07 07:07:33.925229
Outlook Calendar :warning: Error responding to event. You are organizer or the event is either cancelled or no longer on your calendar. :warning: Error responding to event. You are organizer or the event is either cancelled or no longer on your calendar. *Today*-<!date^1694066400^{date_long}|Thursday, September 7, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-07 07:09:02.434729 0.25
Garrett Glick Omg, can't believe that email didn't make it to John. Was that timing we were pushing or the client? Super sorry about that. :pensive: lol all good bro no worries we got it handled this morning Cool cool just confirm what he is asking for As far as the A records go, we need to ask Matt and i dont think their are any new A records ok. ask mat about the A records ill handle John G. Okay cool, can do! I sent it. yup i see it thank you Sweet :) looping in vinny No worries Kk gotta get out of this goodfella's jumpsuit and splash some water in my face lol thank you again for walking me through that. def a big gamechanger. I'll be ready to roll once the site propagates. :100: yup man, i really didn't like that shit on the call. that's 100% for a process meeting. we should all be keeping each other in check, but wrong medium for it. sorry you had to deal with that man. we don't have to go further with it, but just wanted you to know i saw it too and wasn't a big fan. *in reference to the discovery mtg thing on hotsheet. but yeah, just wanted you to know that you weren't the only one thrown by how inappropriate of a time and place that was to bring that up. i was'nt wrong was i not at all like damn. stop shooting the messenger my thoughts exactly. she fucking pisses me off. im not making the call on this in a silo, i consult with account all day about shit figured i'd let you know, bc we get into it sometimes, so if i'm seeing it too, then it def ain't cool. i believe that! i just saw your inbox!! holy fuckballs. LOL yeah she needs to bring it to its own meeting and start devising a plan to implement change rather than being fire marshall bill in hotsheet calling shit out. lol, anyways getting in that timesheet bro. will test the site in 15. thank you for letting me know, cuz sometimes i feel like its just me every call every day with her, its a battle and just bitching. i fucking hate it Nope, definitely not. You're killing it. and have to keep being nice its the worst Hey bro 7205877153 Anytime you need to vent off slack, I got you Loose lips sink ships lol lol thanks bro I feel like that all the time, and definitely got your back if you need to get the stress off. Problem is we don't have a lot of time, but I'm here if you need anything bro. :pray: Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-07 07:17:35.460559
Garrett Glick Omg, can't believe that email didn't make it to John. Was that timing we were pushing or the client? Super sorry about that. :pensive: lol all good bro no worries we got it handled this morning Cool cool just confirm what he is asking for As far as the A records go, we need to ask Matt and i dont think their are any new A records ok. ask mat about the A records ill handle John G. Okay cool, can do! I sent it. yup i see it thank you Sweet :) looping in vinny No worries Kk gotta get out of this goodfella's jumpsuit and splash some water in my face lol thank you again for walking me through that. def a big gamechanger. I'll be ready to roll once the site propagates. :100: yup man, i really didn't like that shit on the call. that's 100% for a process meeting. we should all be keeping each other in check, but wrong medium for it. sorry you had to deal with that man. we don't have to go further with it, but just wanted you to know i saw it too and wasn't a big fan. *in reference to the discovery mtg thing on hotsheet. but yeah, just wanted you to know that you weren't the only one thrown by how inappropriate of a time and place that was to bring that up. i was'nt wrong was i not at all like damn. stop shooting the messenger my thoughts exactly. she fucking pisses me off. im not making the call on this in a silo, i consult with account all day about shit figured i'd let you know, bc we get into it sometimes, so if i'm seeing it too, then it def ain't cool. i believe that! i just saw your inbox!! holy fuckballs. LOL yeah she needs to bring it to its own meeting and start devising a plan to implement change rather than being fire marshall bill in hotsheet calling shit out. lol, anyways getting in that timesheet bro. will test the site in 15. thank you for letting me know, cuz sometimes i feel like its just me every call every day with her, its a battle and just bitching. i fucking hate it Nope, definitely not. You're killing it. and have to keep being nice its the worst Hey bro 7205877153 Anytime you need to vent off slack, I got you Loose lips sink ships lol lol thanks bro I feel like that all the time, and definitely got your back if you need to get the stress off. Problem is we don't have a lot of time, but I'm here if you need anything bro. :pray: Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-07 07:28:12.263839 0.25
Garrett Glick Hi guys, I need the code to login, I was orchestrating the ADMA launches with Javier, wav and ADMA IT all day yesterday and continuing this morning, but currently that's blocked because I can't get on my machine. We're about to update the DNS and was working on this until 9p last night Can't perform post launch QA against the sites if I can't log in. ADMA IT is making DNS changes as we speak and I can't perform my post launch duties without access to my machine. I can do the timesheet after post launch QA and tried to finish yesterday but this consumed my whole day and evening. This is serious. We are launching 2 sites. I need the code to login please. Very urgent. Thanks! <!here> in the future, please just DM me Will do. Apologies for that. Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 07:30:06.163569 0.25
Garrett Glick Hi guys, I need the code to login, I was orchestrating the ADMA launches with Javier, wav and ADMA IT all day yesterday and continuing this morning, but currently that's blocked because I can't get on my machine. We're about to update the DNS and was working on this until 9p last night Can't perform post launch QA against the sites if I can't log in. ADMA IT is making DNS changes as we speak and I can't perform my post launch duties without access to my machine. I can do the timesheet after post launch QA and tried to finish yesterday but this consumed my whole day and evening. This is serious. We are launching 2 sites. I need the code to login please. Very urgent. Thanks! <!here> in the future, please just DM me Will do. Apologies for that. Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 07:30:06.163569 0.25
Garrett Glick Omg, can't believe that email didn't make it to John. Was that timing we were pushing or the client? Super sorry about that. :pensive: lol all good bro no worries we got it handled this morning Cool cool just confirm what he is asking for As far as the A records go, we need to ask Matt and i dont think their are any new A records ok. ask mat about the A records ill handle John G. Okay cool, can do! I sent it. yup i see it thank you Sweet :) looping in vinny No worries Kk gotta get out of this goodfella's jumpsuit and splash some water in my face lol thank you again for walking me through that. def a big gamechanger. I'll be ready to roll once the site propagates. :100: yup man, i really didn't like that shit on the call. that's 100% for a process meeting. we should all be keeping each other in check, but wrong medium for it. sorry you had to deal with that man. we don't have to go further with it, but just wanted you to know i saw it too and wasn't a big fan. *in reference to the discovery mtg thing on hotsheet. but yeah, just wanted you to know that you weren't the only one thrown by how inappropriate of a time and place that was to bring that up. i was'nt wrong was i not at all like damn. stop shooting the messenger my thoughts exactly. she fucking pisses me off. im not making the call on this in a silo, i consult with account all day about shit figured i'd let you know, bc we get into it sometimes, so if i'm seeing it too, then it def ain't cool. i believe that! i just saw your inbox!! holy fuckballs. LOL yeah she needs to bring it to its own meeting and start devising a plan to implement change rather than being fire marshall bill in hotsheet calling shit out. lol, anyways getting in that timesheet bro. will test the site in 15. thank you for letting me know, cuz sometimes i feel like its just me every call every day with her, its a battle and just bitching. i fucking hate it Nope, definitely not. You're killing it. and have to keep being nice its the worst Hey bro 7205877153 Anytime you need to vent off slack, I got you Loose lips sink ships lol lol thanks bro I feel like that all the time, and definitely got your back if you need to get the stress off. Problem is we don't have a lot of time, but I'm here if you need anything bro. :pray: Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-07 07:35:13.706219
Garrett Glick Omg, can't believe that email didn't make it to John. Was that timing we were pushing or the client? Super sorry about that. :pensive: lol all good bro no worries we got it handled this morning Cool cool just confirm what he is asking for As far as the A records go, we need to ask Matt and i dont think their are any new A records ok. ask mat about the A records ill handle John G. Okay cool, can do! I sent it. yup i see it thank you Sweet :) looping in vinny No worries Kk gotta get out of this goodfella's jumpsuit and splash some water in my face lol thank you again for walking me through that. def a big gamechanger. I'll be ready to roll once the site propagates. :100: yup man, i really didn't like that shit on the call. that's 100% for a process meeting. we should all be keeping each other in check, but wrong medium for it. sorry you had to deal with that man. we don't have to go further with it, but just wanted you to know i saw it too and wasn't a big fan. *in reference to the discovery mtg thing on hotsheet. but yeah, just wanted you to know that you weren't the only one thrown by how inappropriate of a time and place that was to bring that up. i was'nt wrong was i not at all like damn. stop shooting the messenger my thoughts exactly. she fucking pisses me off. im not making the call on this in a silo, i consult with account all day about shit figured i'd let you know, bc we get into it sometimes, so if i'm seeing it too, then it def ain't cool. i believe that! i just saw your inbox!! holy fuckballs. LOL yeah she needs to bring it to its own meeting and start devising a plan to implement change rather than being fire marshall bill in hotsheet calling shit out. lol, anyways getting in that timesheet bro. will test the site in 15. thank you for letting me know, cuz sometimes i feel like its just me every call every day with her, its a battle and just bitching. i fucking hate it Nope, definitely not. You're killing it. and have to keep being nice its the worst Hey bro 7205877153 Anytime you need to vent off slack, I got you Loose lips sink ships lol lol thanks bro I feel like that all the time, and definitely got your back if you need to get the stress off. Problem is we don't have a lot of time, but I'm here if you need anything bro. :pray: Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-07 07:35:36.481609 0.25
Garrett Glick Hi guys, I need the code to login, I was orchestrating the ADMA launches with Javier, wav and ADMA IT all day yesterday and continuing this morning, but currently that's blocked because I can't get on my machine. We're about to update the DNS and was working on this until 9p last night Can't perform post launch QA against the sites if I can't log in. ADMA IT is making DNS changes as we speak and I can't perform my post launch duties without access to my machine. I can do the timesheet after post launch QA and tried to finish yesterday but this consumed my whole day and evening. This is serious. We are launching 2 sites. I need the code to login please. Very urgent. Thanks! <!here> in the future, please just DM me Will do. Apologies for that. Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 07:36:25.398189
Garrett Glick Hi guys, I need the code to login, I was orchestrating the ADMA launches with Javier, wav and ADMA IT all day yesterday and continuing this morning, but currently that's blocked because I can't get on my machine. We're about to update the DNS and was working on this until 9p last night Can't perform post launch QA against the sites if I can't log in. ADMA IT is making DNS changes as we speak and I can't perform my post launch duties without access to my machine. I can do the timesheet after post launch QA and tried to finish yesterday but this consumed my whole day and evening. This is serious. We are launching 2 sites. I need the code to login please. Very urgent. Thanks! <!here> in the future, please just DM me Will do. Apologies for that. Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 07:55:27.702379 0.5
Garrett Glick Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 07:55:48.340609 0.25
Garrett Glick Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 07:55:48.340609 0.25
Garrett Glick Hi guys, I need the code to login, I was orchestrating the ADMA launches with Javier, wav and ADMA IT all day yesterday and continuing this morning, but currently that's blocked because I can't get on my machine. We're about to update the DNS and was working on this until 9p last night Can't perform post launch QA against the sites if I can't log in. ADMA IT is making DNS changes as we speak and I can't perform my post launch duties without access to my machine. I can do the timesheet after post launch QA and tried to finish yesterday but this consumed my whole day and evening. This is serious. We are launching 2 sites. I need the code to login please. Very urgent. Thanks! <!here> in the future, please just DM me Will do. Apologies for that. Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 07:59:06.436049 0.25
Garrett Glick Hi guys, I need the code to login, I was orchestrating the ADMA launches with Javier, wav and ADMA IT all day yesterday and continuing this morning, but currently that's blocked because I can't get on my machine. We're about to update the DNS and was working on this until 9p last night Can't perform post launch QA against the sites if I can't log in. ADMA IT is making DNS changes as we speak and I can't perform my post launch duties without access to my machine. I can do the timesheet after post launch QA and tried to finish yesterday but this consumed my whole day and evening. This is serious. We are launching 2 sites. I need the code to login please. Very urgent. Thanks! <!here> in the future, please just DM me Will do. Apologies for that. Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 07:59:06.436049 0.25
Outlook Calendar :warning: Error responding to event. You are organizer or the event is either cancelled or no longer on your calendar. :warning: Error responding to event. You are organizer or the event is either cancelled or no longer on your calendar. *Today*-<!date^1694066400^{date_long}|Thursday, September 7, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-07 08:00:45.221369 0.25
Outlook Calendar :warning: Error responding to event. You are organizer or the event is either cancelled or no longer on your calendar. :warning: Error responding to event. You are organizer or the event is either cancelled or no longer on your calendar. *Today*-<!date^1694066400^{date_long}|Thursday, September 7, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-07 08:00:45.221369 0.25
Garrett Glick Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 08:00:50.070759
Javier Hernandez Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 08:01:09.727419 0.25
Kenneth Woo 939939 FYI, finance told me that the server will reissue the lock command at noon if timesheets are still not submitted I can't submit timesheet if I'm managing the launch of both brand sites. It's impossible to do both. I'll let them know that. It's a big priority, but can't drop the ball on the client. Thx for the code and for relaying the message. hey garrett, question for you i am gathering receipts for the company card and noticed a number of Google charges GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS do you happen to know anything about them? that is really odd. what are the last four of the card? I can check through my accounts and make sure we don't have any crossed wires. Can't imagine how that would be possible though considering that I just used it for the purchase of the machine. will definitely have a look in any case.; 8/7/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/7/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/14/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/14/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/21/23 GOOGLE *GOOGLE STORAGE $0.51 8/21/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/21/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/28/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/28/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 those are the charges 2789 are the last 4 digits of the company card got it, will have a look now that was me, somehow the card got stuck on my account and ended up paying for a fax sending app that I was using. if you tell me where to send it, i can repay those fees ASAP. I've removed it from the account. Really sorry about that, definitely an oversight on my part. i will let finance know someone from their department will contact you i also switched the payment method just now just an fyi got it, will be on the lookout and happy to pay it back sorry for the headache on that one no worries, just glad i didn't have to ask the entire agency HA. good point. Direct Message UE36D8EKS Kenneth Woo 2023-09-07 08:02:07.322519
Kenneth Woo 939939 FYI, finance told me that the server will reissue the lock command at noon if timesheets are still not submitted I can't submit timesheet if I'm managing the launch of both brand sites. It's impossible to do both. I'll let them know that. It's a big priority, but can't drop the ball on the client. Thx for the code and for relaying the message. hey garrett, question for you i am gathering receipts for the company card and noticed a number of Google charges GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS do you happen to know anything about them? that is really odd. what are the last four of the card? I can check through my accounts and make sure we don't have any crossed wires. Can't imagine how that would be possible though considering that I just used it for the purchase of the machine. will definitely have a look in any case.; 8/7/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/7/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/14/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/14/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/21/23 GOOGLE *GOOGLE STORAGE $0.51 8/21/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/21/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/28/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/28/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 those are the charges 2789 are the last 4 digits of the company card got it, will have a look now that was me, somehow the card got stuck on my account and ended up paying for a fax sending app that I was using. if you tell me where to send it, i can repay those fees ASAP. I've removed it from the account. Really sorry about that, definitely an oversight on my part. i will let finance know someone from their department will contact you i also switched the payment method just now just an fyi got it, will be on the lookout and happy to pay it back sorry for the headache on that one no worries, just glad i didn't have to ask the entire agency HA. good point. Direct Message UE36D8EKS Kenneth Woo 2023-09-07 08:02:23.754119 0.25
Kenneth Woo Hi guys, I need the code to login, I was orchestrating the ADMA launches with Javier, wav and ADMA IT all day yesterday and continuing this morning, but currently that's blocked because I can't get on my machine. We're about to update the DNS and was working on this until 9p last night Can't perform post launch QA against the sites if I can't log in. ADMA IT is making DNS changes as we speak and I can't perform my post launch duties without access to my machine. I can do the timesheet after post launch QA and tried to finish yesterday but this consumed my whole day and evening. This is serious. We are launching 2 sites. I need the code to login please. Very urgent. Thanks! <!here> in the future, please just DM me Will do. Apologies for that. Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 08:02:43.535629 0.25
Kenneth Woo Hi guys, I need the code to login, I was orchestrating the ADMA launches with Javier, wav and ADMA IT all day yesterday and continuing this morning, but currently that's blocked because I can't get on my machine. We're about to update the DNS and was working on this until 9p last night Can't perform post launch QA against the sites if I can't log in. ADMA IT is making DNS changes as we speak and I can't perform my post launch duties without access to my machine. I can do the timesheet after post launch QA and tried to finish yesterday but this consumed my whole day and evening. This is serious. We are launching 2 sites. I need the code to login please. Very urgent. Thanks! <!here> in the future, please just DM me Will do. Apologies for that. Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 08:02:43.535629 0.25
Garrett Glick 939939 FYI, finance told me that the server will reissue the lock command at noon if timesheets are still not submitted I can't submit timesheet if I'm managing the launch of both brand sites. It's impossible to do both. I'll let them know that. It's a big priority, but can't drop the ball on the client. Thx for the code and for relaying the message. hey garrett, question for you i am gathering receipts for the company card and noticed a number of Google charges GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS do you happen to know anything about them? that is really odd. what are the last four of the card? I can check through my accounts and make sure we don't have any crossed wires. Can't imagine how that would be possible though considering that I just used it for the purchase of the machine. will definitely have a look in any case.; 8/7/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/7/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/14/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/14/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/21/23 GOOGLE *GOOGLE STORAGE $0.51 8/21/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/21/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/28/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/28/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 those are the charges 2789 are the last 4 digits of the company card got it, will have a look now that was me, somehow the card got stuck on my account and ended up paying for a fax sending app that I was using. if you tell me where to send it, i can repay those fees ASAP. I've removed it from the account. Really sorry about that, definitely an oversight on my part. i will let finance know someone from their department will contact you i also switched the payment method just now just an fyi got it, will be on the lookout and happy to pay it back sorry for the headache on that one no worries, just glad i didn't have to ask the entire agency HA. good point. Direct Message UE36D8EKS Kenneth Woo 2023-09-07 08:06:34.633229 0.25
Garrett Glick 939939 FYI, finance told me that the server will reissue the lock command at noon if timesheets are still not submitted I can't submit timesheet if I'm managing the launch of both brand sites. It's impossible to do both. I'll let them know that. It's a big priority, but can't drop the ball on the client. Thx for the code and for relaying the message. hey garrett, question for you i am gathering receipts for the company card and noticed a number of Google charges GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS do you happen to know anything about them? that is really odd. what are the last four of the card? I can check through my accounts and make sure we don't have any crossed wires. Can't imagine how that would be possible though considering that I just used it for the purchase of the machine. will definitely have a look in any case.; 8/7/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/7/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/14/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/14/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/21/23 GOOGLE *GOOGLE STORAGE $0.51 8/21/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/21/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/28/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/28/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 those are the charges 2789 are the last 4 digits of the company card got it, will have a look now that was me, somehow the card got stuck on my account and ended up paying for a fax sending app that I was using. if you tell me where to send it, i can repay those fees ASAP. I've removed it from the account. Really sorry about that, definitely an oversight on my part. i will let finance know someone from their department will contact you i also switched the payment method just now just an fyi got it, will be on the lookout and happy to pay it back sorry for the headache on that one no worries, just glad i didn't have to ask the entire agency HA. good point. Direct Message UE36D8EKS Kenneth Woo 2023-09-07 08:06:34.633229 0.25
Garrett Glick Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 08:07:01.681929
Javier Hernandez Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 08:07:35.094159 0.25
Garrett Glick Hi guys, I need the code to login, I was orchestrating the ADMA launches with Javier, wav and ADMA IT all day yesterday and continuing this morning, but currently that's blocked because I can't get on my machine. We're about to update the DNS and was working on this until 9p last night Can't perform post launch QA against the sites if I can't log in. ADMA IT is making DNS changes as we speak and I can't perform my post launch duties without access to my machine. I can do the timesheet after post launch QA and tried to finish yesterday but this consumed my whole day and evening. This is serious. We are launching 2 sites. I need the code to login please. Very urgent. Thanks! <!here> in the future, please just DM me Will do. Apologies for that. Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 08:07:41.667289 0.25
Garrett Glick Hi guys, I need the code to login, I was orchestrating the ADMA launches with Javier, wav and ADMA IT all day yesterday and continuing this morning, but currently that's blocked because I can't get on my machine. We're about to update the DNS and was working on this until 9p last night Can't perform post launch QA against the sites if I can't log in. ADMA IT is making DNS changes as we speak and I can't perform my post launch duties without access to my machine. I can do the timesheet after post launch QA and tried to finish yesterday but this consumed my whole day and evening. This is serious. We are launching 2 sites. I need the code to login please. Very urgent. Thanks! <!here> in the future, please just DM me Will do. Apologies for that. Private Channel mpdm-gglick--kwoo--ccheung--dwhitelaw-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 08:07:41.667289 0.25
Javier Hernandez Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 08:07:47.038379
Garrett Glick Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 08:08:41.990219 0.25
Garrett Glick Hey guys, sent this over to Ken. Have been head to ground working on ADMA Patient and HCP launches for both Bivigam and Asceniv yesterday until 9pm and we're launching literally as we speak. I can jump in to Advantage after the launch of the sites but I have my hands tied until then. If we shut me off again in 2 hours it puts all of the launches at risk. Just want to be completely transparent about the current situation. When do you expect to be able to enter your timesheets? I respect the need to deliver on the client websites, but we are now a week into September and I'm unable to provide Forrest, Lynn &amp; Katya any financial analysis related to August because of the missing time. We also need to be able to bill for all hours worked in August so we can get paid by our clients, this is holding up invoicing on Chi's side as well. Please give me an ETA on when I can expect your timesheets to be submitted so I can manage Leadership's expectations. we are on pause now w/asceniv and i'm in there now i expect to be done within 30 minutes Thank you! I appreciate it. absolutely! and i'm sorry for the stress this has caused. will check in as soon as its complete <!here> timesheet has been submitted Thanks Garrett, good luck with the rest of launches. my pleasure, and apologies that it took longer than 30. Thanks, <@U04AM5Z9SM7|John Kenny>! I really appreciate that! Hey guys, working on a little something timesheet related as a token of appreciation for your team and as an apology for always being late. It's a script in the form of a Slack app that will help both expedite the timesheet process for staff and help folks enter their time more accurately. Basic concept: 1. User inputs the following: a. username b. start_date c. end_date 2. The app searches direct messages and channels for: a. @mentions b. msgs received by the user c. msges sent from the user 3. It then captures the following data: a. Channel Name / Direct Message ID b. Sender c. Message d. Date e. Timestamp f. Time Spent 4. App outputs XLSX containing that data Time Spent is the big money maker and differentiator from other time tracking apps. The way it works is after retrieving all of the data above the app then groups messages that fall on the same date within the channel or DM they appear in. It then sorts them in ascending order based on the timestamp. Finally it iteratively loops every pair of messages and calculates the difference between each timestamp and totals them up once it's reached the end of the day. This value is used in the Time Spent column which provides users with a pretty accurate reading of the time spent on that project to use for entry in Advantage. The user can also use the data in the message column of the spreadsheet to give context to the entry in the notes section of the timesheet and use the job code from the channel name value in the Job field! Pretty neat, right? Definitely need to work out some bugs w/the Time Spent output (it's not correct yet. -- so don't judge me lol), but I was able to generate output as of just a second ago. Check it out when you get a sec! Have a good night! Wow, thank you so much. I will dive into this tonight/tomorrow morning but this sounds amazing. you're very welcome, <@U04AM5Z9SM7|John Kenny>, happy to help! take your time too, its not quite ready for consumption yet, but I'm on a roll so I'll let you know when it is. :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel mpdm-gglick--ccheung--tcolucci--jkenny-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 08:11:31.858449 0.5
Garrett Glick Hey guys, sent this over to Ken. Have been head to ground working on ADMA Patient and HCP launches for both Bivigam and Asceniv yesterday until 9pm and we're launching literally as we speak. I can jump in to Advantage after the launch of the sites but I have my hands tied until then. If we shut me off again in 2 hours it puts all of the launches at risk. Just want to be completely transparent about the current situation. When do you expect to be able to enter your timesheets? I respect the need to deliver on the client websites, but we are now a week into September and I'm unable to provide Forrest, Lynn &amp; Katya any financial analysis related to August because of the missing time. We also need to be able to bill for all hours worked in August so we can get paid by our clients, this is holding up invoicing on Chi's side as well. Please give me an ETA on when I can expect your timesheets to be submitted so I can manage Leadership's expectations. we are on pause now w/asceniv and i'm in there now i expect to be done within 30 minutes Thank you! I appreciate it. absolutely! and i'm sorry for the stress this has caused. will check in as soon as its complete <!here> timesheet has been submitted Thanks Garrett, good luck with the rest of launches. my pleasure, and apologies that it took longer than 30. Thanks, <@U04AM5Z9SM7|John Kenny>! I really appreciate that! Hey guys, working on a little something timesheet related as a token of appreciation for your team and as an apology for always being late. It's a script in the form of a Slack app that will help both expedite the timesheet process for staff and help folks enter their time more accurately. Basic concept: 1. User inputs the following: a. username b. start_date c. end_date 2. The app searches direct messages and channels for: a. @mentions b. msgs received by the user c. msges sent from the user 3. It then captures the following data: a. Channel Name / Direct Message ID b. Sender c. Message d. Date e. Timestamp f. Time Spent 4. App outputs XLSX containing that data Time Spent is the big money maker and differentiator from other time tracking apps. The way it works is after retrieving all of the data above the app then groups messages that fall on the same date within the channel or DM they appear in. It then sorts them in ascending order based on the timestamp. Finally it iteratively loops every pair of messages and calculates the difference between each timestamp and totals them up once it's reached the end of the day. This value is used in the Time Spent column which provides users with a pretty accurate reading of the time spent on that project to use for entry in Advantage. The user can also use the data in the message column of the spreadsheet to give context to the entry in the notes section of the timesheet and use the job code from the channel name value in the Job field! Pretty neat, right? Definitely need to work out some bugs w/the Time Spent output (it's not correct yet. -- so don't judge me lol), but I was able to generate output as of just a second ago. Check it out when you get a sec! Have a good night! Wow, thank you so much. I will dive into this tonight/tomorrow morning but this sounds amazing. you're very welcome, <@U04AM5Z9SM7|John Kenny>, happy to help! take your time too, its not quite ready for consumption yet, but I'm on a roll so I'll let you know when it is. :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel mpdm-gglick--ccheung--tcolucci--jkenny-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 08:11:31.858449 0.5
Vinny Cerpa Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 08:30:47.055389 0.25
Vinny Cerpa Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 08:30:47.055389 0.25
Garrett Glick Omg, can't believe that email didn't make it to John. Was that timing we were pushing or the client? Super sorry about that. :pensive: lol all good bro no worries we got it handled this morning Cool cool just confirm what he is asking for As far as the A records go, we need to ask Matt and i dont think their are any new A records ok. ask mat about the A records ill handle John G. Okay cool, can do! I sent it. yup i see it thank you Sweet :) looping in vinny No worries Kk gotta get out of this goodfella's jumpsuit and splash some water in my face lol thank you again for walking me through that. def a big gamechanger. I'll be ready to roll once the site propagates. :100: yup man, i really didn't like that shit on the call. that's 100% for a process meeting. we should all be keeping each other in check, but wrong medium for it. sorry you had to deal with that man. we don't have to go further with it, but just wanted you to know i saw it too and wasn't a big fan. *in reference to the discovery mtg thing on hotsheet. but yeah, just wanted you to know that you weren't the only one thrown by how inappropriate of a time and place that was to bring that up. i was'nt wrong was i not at all like damn. stop shooting the messenger my thoughts exactly. she fucking pisses me off. im not making the call on this in a silo, i consult with account all day about shit figured i'd let you know, bc we get into it sometimes, so if i'm seeing it too, then it def ain't cool. i believe that! i just saw your inbox!! holy fuckballs. LOL yeah she needs to bring it to its own meeting and start devising a plan to implement change rather than being fire marshall bill in hotsheet calling shit out. lol, anyways getting in that timesheet bro. will test the site in 15. thank you for letting me know, cuz sometimes i feel like its just me every call every day with her, its a battle and just bitching. i fucking hate it Nope, definitely not. You're killing it. and have to keep being nice its the worst Hey bro 7205877153 Anytime you need to vent off slack, I got you Loose lips sink ships lol lol thanks bro I feel like that all the time, and definitely got your back if you need to get the stress off. Problem is we don't have a lot of time, but I'm here if you need anything bro. :pray: Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-07 08:39:55.503599
Garrett Glick Omg, can't believe that email didn't make it to John. Was that timing we were pushing or the client? Super sorry about that. :pensive: lol all good bro no worries we got it handled this morning Cool cool just confirm what he is asking for As far as the A records go, we need to ask Matt and i dont think their are any new A records ok. ask mat about the A records ill handle John G. Okay cool, can do! I sent it. yup i see it thank you Sweet :) looping in vinny No worries Kk gotta get out of this goodfella's jumpsuit and splash some water in my face lol thank you again for walking me through that. def a big gamechanger. I'll be ready to roll once the site propagates. :100: yup man, i really didn't like that shit on the call. that's 100% for a process meeting. we should all be keeping each other in check, but wrong medium for it. sorry you had to deal with that man. we don't have to go further with it, but just wanted you to know i saw it too and wasn't a big fan. *in reference to the discovery mtg thing on hotsheet. but yeah, just wanted you to know that you weren't the only one thrown by how inappropriate of a time and place that was to bring that up. i was'nt wrong was i not at all like damn. stop shooting the messenger my thoughts exactly. she fucking pisses me off. im not making the call on this in a silo, i consult with account all day about shit figured i'd let you know, bc we get into it sometimes, so if i'm seeing it too, then it def ain't cool. i believe that! i just saw your inbox!! holy fuckballs. LOL yeah she needs to bring it to its own meeting and start devising a plan to implement change rather than being fire marshall bill in hotsheet calling shit out. lol, anyways getting in that timesheet bro. will test the site in 15. thank you for letting me know, cuz sometimes i feel like its just me every call every day with her, its a battle and just bitching. i fucking hate it Nope, definitely not. You're killing it. and have to keep being nice its the worst Hey bro 7205877153 Anytime you need to vent off slack, I got you Loose lips sink ships lol lol thanks bro I feel like that all the time, and definitely got your back if you need to get the stress off. Problem is we don't have a lot of time, but I'm here if you need anything bro. :pray: Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-07 08:40:35.237659 0.25
Javier Hernandez Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 08:40:46.045849 0.25
Javier Hernandez Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 08:40:46.045849 0.25
Javier Hernandez Omg, can't believe that email didn't make it to John. Was that timing we were pushing or the client? Super sorry about that. :pensive: lol all good bro no worries we got it handled this morning Cool cool just confirm what he is asking for As far as the A records go, we need to ask Matt and i dont think their are any new A records ok. ask mat about the A records ill handle John G. Okay cool, can do! I sent it. yup i see it thank you Sweet :) looping in vinny No worries Kk gotta get out of this goodfella's jumpsuit and splash some water in my face lol thank you again for walking me through that. def a big gamechanger. I'll be ready to roll once the site propagates. :100: yup man, i really didn't like that shit on the call. that's 100% for a process meeting. we should all be keeping each other in check, but wrong medium for it. sorry you had to deal with that man. we don't have to go further with it, but just wanted you to know i saw it too and wasn't a big fan. *in reference to the discovery mtg thing on hotsheet. but yeah, just wanted you to know that you weren't the only one thrown by how inappropriate of a time and place that was to bring that up. i was'nt wrong was i not at all like damn. stop shooting the messenger my thoughts exactly. she fucking pisses me off. im not making the call on this in a silo, i consult with account all day about shit figured i'd let you know, bc we get into it sometimes, so if i'm seeing it too, then it def ain't cool. i believe that! i just saw your inbox!! holy fuckballs. LOL yeah she needs to bring it to its own meeting and start devising a plan to implement change rather than being fire marshall bill in hotsheet calling shit out. lol, anyways getting in that timesheet bro. will test the site in 15. thank you for letting me know, cuz sometimes i feel like its just me every call every day with her, its a battle and just bitching. i fucking hate it Nope, definitely not. You're killing it. and have to keep being nice its the worst Hey bro 7205877153 Anytime you need to vent off slack, I got you Loose lips sink ships lol lol thanks bro I feel like that all the time, and definitely got your back if you need to get the stress off. Problem is we don't have a lot of time, but I'm here if you need anything bro. :pray: Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-07 08:41:03.219019 0.25
Javier Hernandez Omg, can't believe that email didn't make it to John. Was that timing we were pushing or the client? Super sorry about that. :pensive: lol all good bro no worries we got it handled this morning Cool cool just confirm what he is asking for As far as the A records go, we need to ask Matt and i dont think their are any new A records ok. ask mat about the A records ill handle John G. Okay cool, can do! I sent it. yup i see it thank you Sweet :) looping in vinny No worries Kk gotta get out of this goodfella's jumpsuit and splash some water in my face lol thank you again for walking me through that. def a big gamechanger. I'll be ready to roll once the site propagates. :100: yup man, i really didn't like that shit on the call. that's 100% for a process meeting. we should all be keeping each other in check, but wrong medium for it. sorry you had to deal with that man. we don't have to go further with it, but just wanted you to know i saw it too and wasn't a big fan. *in reference to the discovery mtg thing on hotsheet. but yeah, just wanted you to know that you weren't the only one thrown by how inappropriate of a time and place that was to bring that up. i was'nt wrong was i not at all like damn. stop shooting the messenger my thoughts exactly. she fucking pisses me off. im not making the call on this in a silo, i consult with account all day about shit figured i'd let you know, bc we get into it sometimes, so if i'm seeing it too, then it def ain't cool. i believe that! i just saw your inbox!! holy fuckballs. LOL yeah she needs to bring it to its own meeting and start devising a plan to implement change rather than being fire marshall bill in hotsheet calling shit out. lol, anyways getting in that timesheet bro. will test the site in 15. thank you for letting me know, cuz sometimes i feel like its just me every call every day with her, its a battle and just bitching. i fucking hate it Nope, definitely not. You're killing it. and have to keep being nice its the worst Hey bro 7205877153 Anytime you need to vent off slack, I got you Loose lips sink ships lol lol thanks bro I feel like that all the time, and definitely got your back if you need to get the stress off. Problem is we don't have a lot of time, but I'm here if you need anything bro. :pray: Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-07 08:41:03.219019 0.25
Garrett Glick Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 08:42:29.970349 0.5
Garrett Glick Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 08:42:29.970349 0.5
Outlook Calendar :warning: Error responding to event. You are organizer or the event is either cancelled or no longer on your calendar. :warning: Error responding to event. You are organizer or the event is either cancelled or no longer on your calendar. *Today*-<!date^1694066400^{date_long}|Thursday, September 7, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-07 09:00:49.246379 0.5
Outlook Calendar :warning: Error responding to event. You are organizer or the event is either cancelled or no longer on your calendar. :warning: Error responding to event. You are organizer or the event is either cancelled or no longer on your calendar. *Today*-<!date^1694066400^{date_long}|Thursday, September 7, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-07 09:00:49.246379 0.5
Garrett Glick Omg, can't believe that email didn't make it to John. Was that timing we were pushing or the client? Super sorry about that. :pensive: lol all good bro no worries we got it handled this morning Cool cool just confirm what he is asking for As far as the A records go, we need to ask Matt and i dont think their are any new A records ok. ask mat about the A records ill handle John G. Okay cool, can do! I sent it. yup i see it thank you Sweet :) looping in vinny No worries Kk gotta get out of this goodfella's jumpsuit and splash some water in my face lol thank you again for walking me through that. def a big gamechanger. I'll be ready to roll once the site propagates. :100: yup man, i really didn't like that shit on the call. that's 100% for a process meeting. we should all be keeping each other in check, but wrong medium for it. sorry you had to deal with that man. we don't have to go further with it, but just wanted you to know i saw it too and wasn't a big fan. *in reference to the discovery mtg thing on hotsheet. but yeah, just wanted you to know that you weren't the only one thrown by how inappropriate of a time and place that was to bring that up. i was'nt wrong was i not at all like damn. stop shooting the messenger my thoughts exactly. she fucking pisses me off. im not making the call on this in a silo, i consult with account all day about shit figured i'd let you know, bc we get into it sometimes, so if i'm seeing it too, then it def ain't cool. i believe that! i just saw your inbox!! holy fuckballs. LOL yeah she needs to bring it to its own meeting and start devising a plan to implement change rather than being fire marshall bill in hotsheet calling shit out. lol, anyways getting in that timesheet bro. will test the site in 15. thank you for letting me know, cuz sometimes i feel like its just me every call every day with her, its a battle and just bitching. i fucking hate it Nope, definitely not. You're killing it. and have to keep being nice its the worst Hey bro 7205877153 Anytime you need to vent off slack, I got you Loose lips sink ships lol lol thanks bro I feel like that all the time, and definitely got your back if you need to get the stress off. Problem is we don't have a lot of time, but I'm here if you need anything bro. :pray: Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-07 09:16:39.762039
Garrett Glick Omg, can't believe that email didn't make it to John. Was that timing we were pushing or the client? Super sorry about that. :pensive: lol all good bro no worries we got it handled this morning Cool cool just confirm what he is asking for As far as the A records go, we need to ask Matt and i dont think their are any new A records ok. ask mat about the A records ill handle John G. Okay cool, can do! I sent it. yup i see it thank you Sweet :) looping in vinny No worries Kk gotta get out of this goodfella's jumpsuit and splash some water in my face lol thank you again for walking me through that. def a big gamechanger. I'll be ready to roll once the site propagates. :100: yup man, i really didn't like that shit on the call. that's 100% for a process meeting. we should all be keeping each other in check, but wrong medium for it. sorry you had to deal with that man. we don't have to go further with it, but just wanted you to know i saw it too and wasn't a big fan. *in reference to the discovery mtg thing on hotsheet. but yeah, just wanted you to know that you weren't the only one thrown by how inappropriate of a time and place that was to bring that up. i was'nt wrong was i not at all like damn. stop shooting the messenger my thoughts exactly. she fucking pisses me off. im not making the call on this in a silo, i consult with account all day about shit figured i'd let you know, bc we get into it sometimes, so if i'm seeing it too, then it def ain't cool. i believe that! i just saw your inbox!! holy fuckballs. LOL yeah she needs to bring it to its own meeting and start devising a plan to implement change rather than being fire marshall bill in hotsheet calling shit out. lol, anyways getting in that timesheet bro. will test the site in 15. thank you for letting me know, cuz sometimes i feel like its just me every call every day with her, its a battle and just bitching. i fucking hate it Nope, definitely not. You're killing it. and have to keep being nice its the worst Hey bro 7205877153 Anytime you need to vent off slack, I got you Loose lips sink ships lol lol thanks bro I feel like that all the time, and definitely got your back if you need to get the stress off. Problem is we don't have a lot of time, but I'm here if you need anything bro. :pray: Direct Message U01MC32FUP4 Javier Hernandez 2023-09-07 09:26:49.804159 0.75
Javier Hernandez <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver> <@U057GED754Z|Nicki Moore (she/her)> please notify client that the site is live, and we are doing our QA. When you notify them, please give them this link: <> and not <> as the second doesn't work or redirect properly. It's something we're addressing with WAV now. <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver> <@U057GED754Z|Nicki Moore (she/her)> FYI. Shared the news with Drew. he said the J-code link on the homepage for hcp wasnt working for him. i told him to give it time this was happening for me earlier, will check again, one sec. Public Channel 112843-asceniv-website-migration-update Channel Members 2023-09-07 09:50:40.044159 0.25
Javier Hernandez <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver> <@U057GED754Z|Nicki Moore (she/her)> please notify client that the site is live, and we are doing our QA. When you notify them, please give them this link: <> and not <> as the second doesn't work or redirect properly. It's something we're addressing with WAV now. <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver> <@U057GED754Z|Nicki Moore (she/her)> FYI. Shared the news with Drew. he said the J-code link on the homepage for hcp wasnt working for him. i told him to give it time this was happening for me earlier, will check again, one sec. Public Channel 112843-asceniv-website-migration-update Channel Members 2023-09-07 09:50:40.044159 0.25
Garrett Glick Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 10:05:31.216849
Garrett Glick Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 10:06:41.699359 0.25
Garrett Glick <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver> <@U057GED754Z|Nicki Moore (she/her)> please notify client that the site is live, and we are doing our QA. When you notify them, please give them this link: <> and not <> as the second doesn't work or redirect properly. It's something we're addressing with WAV now. <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver> <@U057GED754Z|Nicki Moore (she/her)> FYI. Shared the news with Drew. he said the J-code link on the homepage for hcp wasnt working for him. i told him to give it time this was happening for me earlier, will check again, one sec. Public Channel 112843-asceniv-website-migration-update Channel Members 2023-09-07 10:08:45.408489 0.25
Garrett Glick <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver> <@U057GED754Z|Nicki Moore (she/her)> please notify client that the site is live, and we are doing our QA. When you notify them, please give them this link: <> and not <> as the second doesn't work or redirect properly. It's something we're addressing with WAV now. <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver> <@U057GED754Z|Nicki Moore (she/her)> FYI. Shared the news with Drew. he said the J-code link on the homepage for hcp wasnt working for him. i told him to give it time this was happening for me earlier, will check again, one sec. Public Channel 112843-asceniv-website-migration-update Channel Members 2023-09-07 10:08:45.408489 0.25
Javier Hernandez Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 10:14:36.914099
Garrett Glick Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 10:37:29.182659 0.5
Kenneth Woo 939939 FYI, finance told me that the server will reissue the lock command at noon if timesheets are still not submitted I can't submit timesheet if I'm managing the launch of both brand sites. It's impossible to do both. I'll let them know that. It's a big priority, but can't drop the ball on the client. Thx for the code and for relaying the message. hey garrett, question for you i am gathering receipts for the company card and noticed a number of Google charges GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS do you happen to know anything about them? that is really odd. what are the last four of the card? I can check through my accounts and make sure we don't have any crossed wires. Can't imagine how that would be possible though considering that I just used it for the purchase of the machine. will definitely have a look in any case.; 8/7/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/7/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/14/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/14/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/21/23 GOOGLE *GOOGLE STORAGE $0.51 8/21/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/21/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/28/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/28/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 those are the charges 2789 are the last 4 digits of the company card got it, will have a look now that was me, somehow the card got stuck on my account and ended up paying for a fax sending app that I was using. if you tell me where to send it, i can repay those fees ASAP. I've removed it from the account. Really sorry about that, definitely an oversight on my part. i will let finance know someone from their department will contact you i also switched the payment method just now just an fyi got it, will be on the lookout and happy to pay it back sorry for the headache on that one no worries, just glad i didn't have to ask the entire agency HA. good point. Direct Message UE36D8EKS Kenneth Woo 2023-09-07 10:40:17.158409
Garrett Glick 939939 FYI, finance told me that the server will reissue the lock command at noon if timesheets are still not submitted I can't submit timesheet if I'm managing the launch of both brand sites. It's impossible to do both. I'll let them know that. It's a big priority, but can't drop the ball on the client. Thx for the code and for relaying the message. hey garrett, question for you i am gathering receipts for the company card and noticed a number of Google charges GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS do you happen to know anything about them? that is really odd. what are the last four of the card? I can check through my accounts and make sure we don't have any crossed wires. Can't imagine how that would be possible though considering that I just used it for the purchase of the machine. will definitely have a look in any case.; 8/7/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/7/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/14/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/14/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/21/23 GOOGLE *GOOGLE STORAGE $0.51 8/21/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/21/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/28/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/28/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 those are the charges 2789 are the last 4 digits of the company card got it, will have a look now that was me, somehow the card got stuck on my account and ended up paying for a fax sending app that I was using. if you tell me where to send it, i can repay those fees ASAP. I've removed it from the account. Really sorry about that, definitely an oversight on my part. i will let finance know someone from their department will contact you i also switched the payment method just now just an fyi got it, will be on the lookout and happy to pay it back sorry for the headache on that one no worries, just glad i didn't have to ask the entire agency HA. good point. Direct Message UE36D8EKS Kenneth Woo 2023-09-07 10:45:39.135519 0.25
Outlook Calendar :warning: Error responding to event. You are organizer or the event is either cancelled or no longer on your calendar. :warning: Error responding to event. You are organizer or the event is either cancelled or no longer on your calendar. *Today*-<!date^1694066400^{date_long}|Thursday, September 7, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-07 10:46:17.285909 0.25
Outlook Calendar :warning: Error responding to event. You are organizer or the event is either cancelled or no longer on your calendar. :warning: Error responding to event. You are organizer or the event is either cancelled or no longer on your calendar. *Today*-<!date^1694066400^{date_long}|Thursday, September 7, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-07 10:46:17.285909 0.25
Kenneth Woo 939939 FYI, finance told me that the server will reissue the lock command at noon if timesheets are still not submitted I can't submit timesheet if I'm managing the launch of both brand sites. It's impossible to do both. I'll let them know that. It's a big priority, but can't drop the ball on the client. Thx for the code and for relaying the message. hey garrett, question for you i am gathering receipts for the company card and noticed a number of Google charges GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS do you happen to know anything about them? that is really odd. what are the last four of the card? I can check through my accounts and make sure we don't have any crossed wires. Can't imagine how that would be possible though considering that I just used it for the purchase of the machine. will definitely have a look in any case.; 8/7/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/7/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/14/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/14/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/21/23 GOOGLE *GOOGLE STORAGE $0.51 8/21/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/21/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/28/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/28/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 those are the charges 2789 are the last 4 digits of the company card got it, will have a look now that was me, somehow the card got stuck on my account and ended up paying for a fax sending app that I was using. if you tell me where to send it, i can repay those fees ASAP. I've removed it from the account. Really sorry about that, definitely an oversight on my part. i will let finance know someone from their department will contact you i also switched the payment method just now just an fyi got it, will be on the lookout and happy to pay it back sorry for the headache on that one no worries, just glad i didn't have to ask the entire agency HA. good point. Direct Message UE36D8EKS Kenneth Woo 2023-09-07 10:47:12.469129
Garrett Glick 939939 FYI, finance told me that the server will reissue the lock command at noon if timesheets are still not submitted I can't submit timesheet if I'm managing the launch of both brand sites. It's impossible to do both. I'll let them know that. It's a big priority, but can't drop the ball on the client. Thx for the code and for relaying the message. hey garrett, question for you i am gathering receipts for the company card and noticed a number of Google charges GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS do you happen to know anything about them? that is really odd. what are the last four of the card? I can check through my accounts and make sure we don't have any crossed wires. Can't imagine how that would be possible though considering that I just used it for the purchase of the machine. will definitely have a look in any case.; 8/7/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/7/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/14/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/14/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/21/23 GOOGLE *GOOGLE STORAGE $0.51 8/21/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/21/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 8/28/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $10.47 8/28/23 GOOGLE *BEESOFT APPS $5.23 those are the charges 2789 are the last 4 digits of the company card got it, will have a look now that was me, somehow the card got stuck on my account and ended up paying for a fax sending app that I was using. if you tell me where to send it, i can repay those fees ASAP. I've removed it from the account. Really sorry about that, definitely an oversight on my part. i will let finance know someone from their department will contact you i also switched the payment method just now just an fyi got it, will be on the lookout and happy to pay it back sorry for the headache on that one no worries, just glad i didn't have to ask the entire agency HA. good point. Direct Message UE36D8EKS Kenneth Woo 2023-09-07 10:58:04.214859 0.25
Garrett Glick Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 11:00:01.561129 0.25
Garrett Glick Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 11:00:01.561129 0.25
John Kenny Hey guys, sent this over to Ken. Have been head to ground working on ADMA Patient and HCP launches for both Bivigam and Asceniv yesterday until 9pm and we're launching literally as we speak. I can jump in to Advantage after the launch of the sites but I have my hands tied until then. If we shut me off again in 2 hours it puts all of the launches at risk. Just want to be completely transparent about the current situation. When do you expect to be able to enter your timesheets? I respect the need to deliver on the client websites, but we are now a week into September and I'm unable to provide Forrest, Lynn &amp; Katya any financial analysis related to August because of the missing time. We also need to be able to bill for all hours worked in August so we can get paid by our clients, this is holding up invoicing on Chi's side as well. Please give me an ETA on when I can expect your timesheets to be submitted so I can manage Leadership's expectations. we are on pause now w/asceniv and i'm in there now i expect to be done within 30 minutes Thank you! I appreciate it. absolutely! and i'm sorry for the stress this has caused. will check in as soon as its complete <!here> timesheet has been submitted Thanks Garrett, good luck with the rest of launches. my pleasure, and apologies that it took longer than 30. Thanks, <@U04AM5Z9SM7|John Kenny>! I really appreciate that! Hey guys, working on a little something timesheet related as a token of appreciation for your team and as an apology for always being late. It's a script in the form of a Slack app that will help both expedite the timesheet process for staff and help folks enter their time more accurately. Basic concept: 1. User inputs the following: a. username b. start_date c. end_date 2. The app searches direct messages and channels for: a. @mentions b. msgs received by the user c. msges sent from the user 3. It then captures the following data: a. Channel Name / Direct Message ID b. Sender c. Message d. Date e. Timestamp f. Time Spent 4. App outputs XLSX containing that data Time Spent is the big money maker and differentiator from other time tracking apps. The way it works is after retrieving all of the data above the app then groups messages that fall on the same date within the channel or DM they appear in. It then sorts them in ascending order based on the timestamp. Finally it iteratively loops every pair of messages and calculates the difference between each timestamp and totals them up once it's reached the end of the day. This value is used in the Time Spent column which provides users with a pretty accurate reading of the time spent on that project to use for entry in Advantage. The user can also use the data in the message column of the spreadsheet to give context to the entry in the notes section of the timesheet and use the job code from the channel name value in the Job field! Pretty neat, right? Definitely need to work out some bugs w/the Time Spent output (it's not correct yet. -- so don't judge me lol), but I was able to generate output as of just a second ago. Check it out when you get a sec! Have a good night! Wow, thank you so much. I will dive into this tonight/tomorrow morning but this sounds amazing. you're very welcome, <@U04AM5Z9SM7|John Kenny>, happy to help! take your time too, its not quite ready for consumption yet, but I'm on a roll so I'll let you know when it is. :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel mpdm-gglick--ccheung--tcolucci--jkenny-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 11:04:35.620779 0.25
John Kenny Hey guys, sent this over to Ken. Have been head to ground working on ADMA Patient and HCP launches for both Bivigam and Asceniv yesterday until 9pm and we're launching literally as we speak. I can jump in to Advantage after the launch of the sites but I have my hands tied until then. If we shut me off again in 2 hours it puts all of the launches at risk. Just want to be completely transparent about the current situation. When do you expect to be able to enter your timesheets? I respect the need to deliver on the client websites, but we are now a week into September and I'm unable to provide Forrest, Lynn &amp; Katya any financial analysis related to August because of the missing time. We also need to be able to bill for all hours worked in August so we can get paid by our clients, this is holding up invoicing on Chi's side as well. Please give me an ETA on when I can expect your timesheets to be submitted so I can manage Leadership's expectations. we are on pause now w/asceniv and i'm in there now i expect to be done within 30 minutes Thank you! I appreciate it. absolutely! and i'm sorry for the stress this has caused. will check in as soon as its complete <!here> timesheet has been submitted Thanks Garrett, good luck with the rest of launches. my pleasure, and apologies that it took longer than 30. Thanks, <@U04AM5Z9SM7|John Kenny>! I really appreciate that! Hey guys, working on a little something timesheet related as a token of appreciation for your team and as an apology for always being late. It's a script in the form of a Slack app that will help both expedite the timesheet process for staff and help folks enter their time more accurately. Basic concept: 1. User inputs the following: a. username b. start_date c. end_date 2. The app searches direct messages and channels for: a. @mentions b. msgs received by the user c. msges sent from the user 3. It then captures the following data: a. Channel Name / Direct Message ID b. Sender c. Message d. Date e. Timestamp f. Time Spent 4. App outputs XLSX containing that data Time Spent is the big money maker and differentiator from other time tracking apps. The way it works is after retrieving all of the data above the app then groups messages that fall on the same date within the channel or DM they appear in. It then sorts them in ascending order based on the timestamp. Finally it iteratively loops every pair of messages and calculates the difference between each timestamp and totals them up once it's reached the end of the day. This value is used in the Time Spent column which provides users with a pretty accurate reading of the time spent on that project to use for entry in Advantage. The user can also use the data in the message column of the spreadsheet to give context to the entry in the notes section of the timesheet and use the job code from the channel name value in the Job field! Pretty neat, right? Definitely need to work out some bugs w/the Time Spent output (it's not correct yet. -- so don't judge me lol), but I was able to generate output as of just a second ago. Check it out when you get a sec! Have a good night! Wow, thank you so much. I will dive into this tonight/tomorrow morning but this sounds amazing. you're very welcome, <@U04AM5Z9SM7|John Kenny>, happy to help! take your time too, its not quite ready for consumption yet, but I'm on a roll so I'll let you know when it is. :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel mpdm-gglick--ccheung--tcolucci--jkenny-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 11:04:35.620779 0.25
Toniann Colucci Hi Garret, leave of absence is the incorrect time category to use on 8/28. please use vacation PTO instead changing now. btw we're paused on asceniv testing until 3, so i'm in advantage now as we speak Direct Message U02ECAK8G9F Toniann Colucci 2023-09-07 11:07:54.232699 0.25
Toniann Colucci Hi Garret, leave of absence is the incorrect time category to use on 8/28. please use vacation PTO instead changing now. btw we're paused on asceniv testing until 3, so i'm in advantage now as we speak Direct Message U02ECAK8G9F Toniann Colucci 2023-09-07 11:07:54.232699 0.25
Vinny Cerpa Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 11:09:46.458459 0.25
Vinny Cerpa Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 11:09:46.458459 0.25
Garrett Glick Hi Garret, leave of absence is the incorrect time category to use on 8/28. please use vacation PTO instead changing now. btw we're paused on asceniv testing until 3, so i'm in advantage now as we speak Direct Message U02ECAK8G9F Toniann Colucci 2023-09-07 11:12:34.087689 0.25
Garrett Glick Hi Garret, leave of absence is the incorrect time category to use on 8/28. please use vacation PTO instead changing now. btw we're paused on asceniv testing until 3, so i'm in advantage now as we speak Direct Message U02ECAK8G9F Toniann Colucci 2023-09-07 11:12:34.087689 0.25
Garrett Glick Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 11:15:31.493769
Garrett Glick Didn't see anytime come back from Matt,,, Sidenote, I can't even log in to my machine and my requests for the code have been ignored for the past hour now. what machine? My computer Just regained access Until noon. whats that mean did you not do your timesheet lol <> jump in if both of you can yep, one sec And FYI, I’m presenting analytics stuff to the client 11-12, so won’t be able to jump on any ad hoc meetings got it thanks kk, thx Vinny! hey guys, when i go to <> i'm getting an endless loading progress bar. works fine with <> -- this is a DNS issue and should definitely be fixed. <!here> we should address it with WAV. then ADMA IT Ok. What other issue do huh find. You* What about the top bar to go from HCP to Patient. <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> mentioned it not working I saw the same issue. And let’s move this to the MOPs channel please got it, and i'm still testing i'll let you know when complete and we can discuss all at once That’s working now it’s weird why it wasn’t before can you guys huddle? In 15 got it ping me when you can I can for 5 mins now or after 1 after 1 is fine, javier and i can catch you up then. basically the site isn't in a state to QA yet. same thing happened before with adma's corp site. Let’s do 1 got it can do hey guys, /ordering-and-billing is a real page, right? <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> awesome, thanks for confirming. that list reflects the url array in my scripts, however one script crawls the links on each page and /ordering-and-billing was present in the body of every page. likely a propagation issue, will confirm at 3p Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 11:15:45.817609 0.25
Garrett Glick Hey guys, sent this over to Ken. Have been head to ground working on ADMA Patient and HCP launches for both Bivigam and Asceniv yesterday until 9pm and we're launching literally as we speak. I can jump in to Advantage after the launch of the sites but I have my hands tied until then. If we shut me off again in 2 hours it puts all of the launches at risk. Just want to be completely transparent about the current situation. When do you expect to be able to enter your timesheets? I respect the need to deliver on the client websites, but we are now a week into September and I'm unable to provide Forrest, Lynn &amp; Katya any financial analysis related to August because of the missing time. We also need to be able to bill for all hours worked in August so we can get paid by our clients, this is holding up invoicing on Chi's side as well. Please give me an ETA on when I can expect your timesheets to be submitted so I can manage Leadership's expectations. we are on pause now w/asceniv and i'm in there now i expect to be done within 30 minutes Thank you! I appreciate it. absolutely! and i'm sorry for the stress this has caused. will check in as soon as its complete <!here> timesheet has been submitted Thanks Garrett, good luck with the rest of launches. my pleasure, and apologies that it took longer than 30. Thanks, <@U04AM5Z9SM7|John Kenny>! I really appreciate that! Hey guys, working on a little something timesheet related as a token of appreciation for your team and as an apology for always being late. It's a script in the form of a Slack app that will help both expedite the timesheet process for staff and help folks enter their time more accurately. Basic concept: 1. User inputs the following: a. username b. start_date c. end_date 2. The app searches direct messages and channels for: a. @mentions b. msgs received by the user c. msges sent from the user 3. It then captures the following data: a. Channel Name / Direct Message ID b. Sender c. Message d. Date e. Timestamp f. Time Spent 4. App outputs XLSX containing that data Time Spent is the big money maker and differentiator from other time tracking apps. The way it works is after retrieving all of the data above the app then groups messages that fall on the same date within the channel or DM they appear in. It then sorts them in ascending order based on the timestamp. Finally it iteratively loops every pair of messages and calculates the difference between each timestamp and totals them up once it's reached the end of the day. This value is used in the Time Spent column which provides users with a pretty accurate reading of the time spent on that project to use for entry in Advantage. The user can also use the data in the message column of the spreadsheet to give context to the entry in the notes section of the timesheet and use the job code from the channel name value in the Job field! Pretty neat, right? Definitely need to work out some bugs w/the Time Spent output (it's not correct yet. -- so don't judge me lol), but I was able to generate output as of just a second ago. Check it out when you get a sec! Have a good night! Wow, thank you so much. I will dive into this tonight/tomorrow morning but this sounds amazing. you're very welcome, <@U04AM5Z9SM7|John Kenny>, happy to help! take your time too, its not quite ready for consumption yet, but I'm on a roll so I'll let you know when it is. :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel mpdm-gglick--ccheung--tcolucci--jkenny-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 11:16:31.067239
Garrett Glick Hey guys, sent this over to Ken. Have been head to ground working on ADMA Patient and HCP launches for both Bivigam and Asceniv yesterday until 9pm and we're launching literally as we speak. I can jump in to Advantage after the launch of the sites but I have my hands tied until then. If we shut me off again in 2 hours it puts all of the launches at risk. Just want to be completely transparent about the current situation. When do you expect to be able to enter your timesheets? I respect the need to deliver on the client websites, but we are now a week into September and I'm unable to provide Forrest, Lynn &amp; Katya any financial analysis related to August because of the missing time. We also need to be able to bill for all hours worked in August so we can get paid by our clients, this is holding up invoicing on Chi's side as well. Please give me an ETA on when I can expect your timesheets to be submitted so I can manage Leadership's expectations. we are on pause now w/asceniv and i'm in there now i expect to be done within 30 minutes Thank you! I appreciate it. absolutely! and i'm sorry for the stress this has caused. will check in as soon as its complete <!here> timesheet has been submitted Thanks Garrett, good luck with the rest of launches. my pleasure, and apologies that it took longer than 30. Thanks, <@U04AM5Z9SM7|John Kenny>! I really appreciate that! Hey guys, working on a little something timesheet related as a token of appreciation for your team and as an apology for always being late. It's a script in the form of a Slack app that will help both expedite the timesheet process for staff and help folks enter their time more accurately. Basic concept: 1. User inputs the following: a. username b. start_date c. end_date 2. The app searches direct messages and channels for: a. @mentions b. msgs received by the user c. msges sent from the user 3. It then captures the following data: a. Channel Name / Direct Message ID b. Sender c. Message d. Date e. Timestamp f. Time Spent 4. App outputs XLSX containing that data Time Spent is the big money maker and differentiator from other time tracking apps. The way it works is after retrieving all of the data above the app then groups messages that fall on the same date within the channel or DM they appear in. It then sorts them in ascending order based on the timestamp. Finally it iteratively loops every pair of messages and calculates the difference between each timestamp and totals them up once it's reached the end of the day. This value is used in the Time Spent column which provides users with a pretty accurate reading of the time spent on that project to use for entry in Advantage. The user can also use the data in the message column of the spreadsheet to give context to the entry in the notes section of the timesheet and use the job code from the channel name value in the Job field! Pretty neat, right? Definitely need to work out some bugs w/the Time Spent output (it's not correct yet. -- so don't judge me lol), but I was able to generate output as of just a second ago. Check it out when you get a sec! Have a good night! Wow, thank you so much. I will dive into this tonight/tomorrow morning but this sounds amazing. you're very welcome, <@U04AM5Z9SM7|John Kenny>, happy to help! take your time too, its not quite ready for consumption yet, but I'm on a roll so I'll let you know when it is. :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel mpdm-gglick--ccheung--tcolucci--jkenny-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 12:40:51.732589 3.25
Sara Weaver <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver> <@U057GED754Z|Nicki Moore (she/her)> please notify client that the site is live, and we are doing our QA. When you notify them, please give them this link: <> and not <> as the second doesn't work or redirect properly. It's something we're addressing with WAV now. <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver> <@U057GED754Z|Nicki Moore (she/her)> FYI. Shared the news with Drew. he said the J-code link on the homepage for hcp wasnt working for him. i told him to give it time this was happening for me earlier, will check again, one sec. Public Channel 112843-asceniv-website-migration-update Channel Members 2023-09-07 14:28:47.987919
Garrett Glick <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver> <@U057GED754Z|Nicki Moore (she/her)> please notify client that the site is live, and we are doing our QA. When you notify them, please give them this link: <> and not <> as the second doesn't work or redirect properly. It's something we're addressing with WAV now. <@U01MC32FUP4|Javier H.> <@U0594C48ZJ7|Sara Weaver> <@U057GED754Z|Nicki Moore (she/her)> FYI. Shared the news with Drew. he said the J-code link on the homepage for hcp wasnt working for him. i told him to give it time this was happening for me earlier, will check again, one sec. Public Channel 112843-asceniv-website-migration-update Channel Members 2023-09-07 14:30:23.678579 0.75
Javier Hernandez cuz if we dont, the team wont understand it this is the reason the team doesn't understand QA actually...anyways discussion for another time. Private Channel pm-mops-team Channel Members 2023-09-07 15:09:25.715089
Garrett Glick cuz if we dont, the team wont understand it this is the reason the team doesn't understand QA actually...anyways discussion for another time. Private Channel pm-mops-team Channel Members 2023-09-07 15:10:43.680569 1.0
Garrett Glick Hey guys, sent this over to Ken. Have been head to ground working on ADMA Patient and HCP launches for both Bivigam and Asceniv yesterday until 9pm and we're launching literally as we speak. I can jump in to Advantage after the launch of the sites but I have my hands tied until then. If we shut me off again in 2 hours it puts all of the launches at risk. Just want to be completely transparent about the current situation. When do you expect to be able to enter your timesheets? I respect the need to deliver on the client websites, but we are now a week into September and I'm unable to provide Forrest, Lynn &amp; Katya any financial analysis related to August because of the missing time. We also need to be able to bill for all hours worked in August so we can get paid by our clients, this is holding up invoicing on Chi's side as well. Please give me an ETA on when I can expect your timesheets to be submitted so I can manage Leadership's expectations. we are on pause now w/asceniv and i'm in there now i expect to be done within 30 minutes Thank you! I appreciate it. absolutely! and i'm sorry for the stress this has caused. will check in as soon as its complete <!here> timesheet has been submitted Thanks Garrett, good luck with the rest of launches. my pleasure, and apologies that it took longer than 30. Thanks, <@U04AM5Z9SM7|John Kenny>! I really appreciate that! Hey guys, working on a little something timesheet related as a token of appreciation for your team and as an apology for always being late. It's a script in the form of a Slack app that will help both expedite the timesheet process for staff and help folks enter their time more accurately. Basic concept: 1. User inputs the following: a. username b. start_date c. end_date 2. The app searches direct messages and channels for: a. @mentions b. msgs received by the user c. msges sent from the user 3. It then captures the following data: a. Channel Name / Direct Message ID b. Sender c. Message d. Date e. Timestamp f. Time Spent 4. App outputs XLSX containing that data Time Spent is the big money maker and differentiator from other time tracking apps. The way it works is after retrieving all of the data above the app then groups messages that fall on the same date within the channel or DM they appear in. It then sorts them in ascending order based on the timestamp. Finally it iteratively loops every pair of messages and calculates the difference between each timestamp and totals them up once it's reached the end of the day. This value is used in the Time Spent column which provides users with a pretty accurate reading of the time spent on that project to use for entry in Advantage. The user can also use the data in the message column of the spreadsheet to give context to the entry in the notes section of the timesheet and use the job code from the channel name value in the Job field! Pretty neat, right? Definitely need to work out some bugs w/the Time Spent output (it's not correct yet. -- so don't judge me lol), but I was able to generate output as of just a second ago. Check it out when you get a sec! Have a good night! Wow, thank you so much. I will dive into this tonight/tomorrow morning but this sounds amazing. you're very welcome, <@U04AM5Z9SM7|John Kenny>, happy to help! take your time too, its not quite ready for consumption yet, but I'm on a roll so I'll let you know when it is. :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel mpdm-gglick--ccheung--tcolucci--jkenny-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 16:07:59.746519
Garrett Glick Hey guys, sent this over to Ken. Have been head to ground working on ADMA Patient and HCP launches for both Bivigam and Asceniv yesterday until 9pm and we're launching literally as we speak. I can jump in to Advantage after the launch of the sites but I have my hands tied until then. If we shut me off again in 2 hours it puts all of the launches at risk. Just want to be completely transparent about the current situation. When do you expect to be able to enter your timesheets? I respect the need to deliver on the client websites, but we are now a week into September and I'm unable to provide Forrest, Lynn &amp; Katya any financial analysis related to August because of the missing time. We also need to be able to bill for all hours worked in August so we can get paid by our clients, this is holding up invoicing on Chi's side as well. Please give me an ETA on when I can expect your timesheets to be submitted so I can manage Leadership's expectations. we are on pause now w/asceniv and i'm in there now i expect to be done within 30 minutes Thank you! I appreciate it. absolutely! and i'm sorry for the stress this has caused. will check in as soon as its complete <!here> timesheet has been submitted Thanks Garrett, good luck with the rest of launches. my pleasure, and apologies that it took longer than 30. Thanks, <@U04AM5Z9SM7|John Kenny>! I really appreciate that! Hey guys, working on a little something timesheet related as a token of appreciation for your team and as an apology for always being late. It's a script in the form of a Slack app that will help both expedite the timesheet process for staff and help folks enter their time more accurately. Basic concept: 1. User inputs the following: a. username b. start_date c. end_date 2. The app searches direct messages and channels for: a. @mentions b. msgs received by the user c. msges sent from the user 3. It then captures the following data: a. Channel Name / Direct Message ID b. Sender c. Message d. Date e. Timestamp f. Time Spent 4. App outputs XLSX containing that data Time Spent is the big money maker and differentiator from other time tracking apps. The way it works is after retrieving all of the data above the app then groups messages that fall on the same date within the channel or DM they appear in. It then sorts them in ascending order based on the timestamp. Finally it iteratively loops every pair of messages and calculates the difference between each timestamp and totals them up once it's reached the end of the day. This value is used in the Time Spent column which provides users with a pretty accurate reading of the time spent on that project to use for entry in Advantage. The user can also use the data in the message column of the spreadsheet to give context to the entry in the notes section of the timesheet and use the job code from the channel name value in the Job field! Pretty neat, right? Definitely need to work out some bugs w/the Time Spent output (it's not correct yet. -- so don't judge me lol), but I was able to generate output as of just a second ago. Check it out when you get a sec! Have a good night! Wow, thank you so much. I will dive into this tonight/tomorrow morning but this sounds amazing. you're very welcome, <@U04AM5Z9SM7|John Kenny>, happy to help! take your time too, its not quite ready for consumption yet, but I'm on a roll so I'll let you know when it is. :slightly_smiling_face: Private Channel mpdm-gglick--ccheung--tcolucci--jkenny-1 Channel Members 2023-09-07 18:00:51.097299 -8.5
Outlook Calendar Event removed from your calendar *Today*-<!date^1694152800^{date_long}|Friday, September 8, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-08 07:24:56.640349 1.25
Outlook Calendar Event removed from your calendar *Today*-<!date^1694152800^{date_long}|Friday, September 8, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-08 07:24:56.640349 1.25
Vinny Cerpa morning, will you be at this Pulsar thing or should I ask to re-schedule, not sure if you’re busy with the Asceniv site launch stuff i'm slammed with launch tasks but it may be a little late to reschedule assumed, asking to push out a week thx so much man, i appreciate that you’re here next Friday, correct? i am i, no yeah i should be. cool, she’ll send out a new invite I mentioned your launch stuff that was supposed to happen noon yesterday got all delayed she was cool with it, fortunately it’s a small crowd and nothing urgent, so easy enough to reschedule oh perfect that's good to hear Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-08 08:28:22.975859
Garrett Glick morning, will you be at this Pulsar thing or should I ask to re-schedule, not sure if you’re busy with the Asceniv site launch stuff i'm slammed with launch tasks but it may be a little late to reschedule assumed, asking to push out a week thx so much man, i appreciate that you’re here next Friday, correct? i am i, no yeah i should be. cool, she’ll send out a new invite I mentioned your launch stuff that was supposed to happen noon yesterday got all delayed she was cool with it, fortunately it’s a small crowd and nothing urgent, so easy enough to reschedule oh perfect that's good to hear Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-08 08:34:14.534479 0.25
Outlook Calendar Event removed from your calendar *Today*-<!date^1694152800^{date_long}|Friday, September 8, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-08 08:34:15.299729 0.25
Outlook Calendar Event removed from your calendar *Today*-<!date^1694152800^{date_long}|Friday, September 8, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-08 08:34:15.299729 0.25
Vinny Cerpa morning, will you be at this Pulsar thing or should I ask to re-schedule, not sure if you’re busy with the Asceniv site launch stuff i'm slammed with launch tasks but it may be a little late to reschedule assumed, asking to push out a week thx so much man, i appreciate that you’re here next Friday, correct? i am i, no yeah i should be. cool, she’ll send out a new invite I mentioned your launch stuff that was supposed to happen noon yesterday got all delayed she was cool with it, fortunately it’s a small crowd and nothing urgent, so easy enough to reschedule oh perfect that's good to hear Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-08 08:34:16.671619
Garrett Glick morning, will you be at this Pulsar thing or should I ask to re-schedule, not sure if you’re busy with the Asceniv site launch stuff i'm slammed with launch tasks but it may be a little late to reschedule assumed, asking to push out a week thx so much man, i appreciate that you’re here next Friday, correct? i am i, no yeah i should be. cool, she’ll send out a new invite I mentioned your launch stuff that was supposed to happen noon yesterday got all delayed she was cool with it, fortunately it’s a small crowd and nothing urgent, so easy enough to reschedule oh perfect that's good to hear Direct Message U019LTG2CDD Vinny Cerpa 2023-09-08 08:59:26.613709 0.5
Outlook Calendar Event removed from your calendar *Today*-<!date^1694152800^{date_long}|Friday, September 8, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-08 09:00:13.854229 0.25
Outlook Calendar Event removed from your calendar *Today*-<!date^1694152800^{date_long}|Friday, September 8, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-08 09:00:13.854229 0.25
Garrett Glick i thought there was clinical-safety url, no? <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> actually ignore that Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-08 09:15:01.966719
Garrett Glick i thought there was clinical-safety url, no? <@U019LTG2CDD|Vinny Cerpa> actually ignore that Private Channel mpdm-vcerpa--jhernandez792--gglick-1 Channel Members 2023-09-08 09:15:52.903499 0.25
Outlook Calendar Event removed from your calendar *Today*-<!date^1694152800^{date_long}|Friday, September 8, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-08 09:23:34.999479 0.25
Outlook Calendar Event removed from your calendar *Today*-<!date^1694152800^{date_long}|Friday, September 8, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-08 09:23:34.999479 0.25
Unknown User hi Direct Message UHULANG2C Garrett Glick 2023-09-08 09:27:00.086799
Unknown User hi Direct Message UHULANG2C Garrett Glick 2023-09-08 12:09:18.959919 3.25
Garrett Glick Hey folks, here's the link with the <|> bugs: <> when you unzip, just open the html file at root of the directory and you'll be all set with attachments in line on the page. have a look at the link_results tab of this spreadsheet as well. You'll see the links that are still pointing over to the staging environment from that sheet. thank you! anytime! Hi guys - we're all set minus one issue we can't reproduce [KR112843-1] <|Patient site anchor links broken> issue. can you check again? Once we run everything through our internal QA i can confirm that everything is fixed and working for sure! sorry i somehow missed this checking now could it be that they're sitting on top of the hcp main nav elements? anchors still aren't working consistently. see video below: OMG, total false positive on my part My mouse's shift wheel was set to infinitely scroll so when I scrolled up to click the next anchor it prevented the page from anchoring down. Whoops! Wow, it's Friday and my :brain: is :fried_egg:. Sorry guys! STET All of the links are pointing to the right place now too and I'm not seeing those 404s either! Nice one, <@UKVN2TZFF> <@UR8ASL0QY>! :tada: 5 Passed: :champagne: • Clicking "I am a patient" from Modal doesn't lead to Patient homepage • 13 Broken In-Line Links • Pink tab in the top nav sends user to 404 page • Patient site anchor links broken • Site has staging links present in network calls and on page 1 Partial Pass: • Navigating to internal pages from Patient site breaks top nav anchor urls: ◦ It navigates to the homepage but doesn't anchor down the page 1 Fail: • Hamburger menu remains open when page is scrolled and disables all page links on mobile ◦ Still remains open on my phone and can't click any page links I think we're safe to save the last minor issues until Monday. You guys concur? <!here> Overall you guys killed it! Thanks for knocking those out so fast! Have a great weekend! Thank you ! We will look Monday morning to resolve the rest ! Have a great weekend. ! Enjoy! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--jhernandez792--matt--holland-1 Channel Members 2023-09-08 12:38:34.017559
Unknown User Hey folks, here's the link with the <|> bugs: <> when you unzip, just open the html file at root of the directory and you'll be all set with attachments in line on the page. have a look at the link_results tab of this spreadsheet as well. You'll see the links that are still pointing over to the staging environment from that sheet. thank you! anytime! Hi guys - we're all set minus one issue we can't reproduce [KR112843-1] <|Patient site anchor links broken> issue. can you check again? Once we run everything through our internal QA i can confirm that everything is fixed and working for sure! sorry i somehow missed this checking now could it be that they're sitting on top of the hcp main nav elements? anchors still aren't working consistently. see video below: OMG, total false positive on my part My mouse's shift wheel was set to infinitely scroll so when I scrolled up to click the next anchor it prevented the page from anchoring down. Whoops! Wow, it's Friday and my :brain: is :fried_egg:. Sorry guys! STET All of the links are pointing to the right place now too and I'm not seeing those 404s either! Nice one, <@UKVN2TZFF> <@UR8ASL0QY>! :tada: 5 Passed: :champagne: • Clicking "I am a patient" from Modal doesn't lead to Patient homepage • 13 Broken In-Line Links • Pink tab in the top nav sends user to 404 page • Patient site anchor links broken • Site has staging links present in network calls and on page 1 Partial Pass: • Navigating to internal pages from Patient site breaks top nav anchor urls: ◦ It navigates to the homepage but doesn't anchor down the page 1 Fail: • Hamburger menu remains open when page is scrolled and disables all page links on mobile ◦ Still remains open on my phone and can't click any page links I think we're safe to save the last minor issues until Monday. You guys concur? <!here> Overall you guys killed it! Thanks for knocking those out so fast! Have a great weekend! Thank you ! We will look Monday morning to resolve the rest ! Have a great weekend. ! Enjoy! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--jhernandez792--matt--holland-1 Channel Members 2023-09-08 12:52:31.689799 0.25
Daniel Shaw #dies hahaha!! i bet i am so exhausted haha me too bro, haven't been on the pitch but have been handling both sets of adma site launches which had a ton of bugs lol i bet you don't want to look at a powerpoint for the next 10 years though :joy: Yup my bad, away from the desk at the moment what's up man? oh was just gonna say hi! next week is fine tho aww, thx man! yeah for sure, we need to catch up! holler at me Monday or Sunday night 7205877153 sounds gucci :stuck_out_tongue: txt me so i have you in my phone its not going through try me <tel:5709556426|570-955-6426> you get it? Direct Message U0185GY894M Daniel Shaw 2023-09-08 12:53:08.939939 0.25
Daniel Shaw #dies hahaha!! i bet i am so exhausted haha me too bro, haven't been on the pitch but have been handling both sets of adma site launches which had a ton of bugs lol i bet you don't want to look at a powerpoint for the next 10 years though :joy: Yup my bad, away from the desk at the moment what's up man? oh was just gonna say hi! next week is fine tho aww, thx man! yeah for sure, we need to catch up! holler at me Monday or Sunday night 7205877153 sounds gucci :stuck_out_tongue: txt me so i have you in my phone its not going through try me <tel:5709556426|570-955-6426> you get it? Direct Message U0185GY894M Daniel Shaw 2023-09-08 12:53:08.939939 0.25
Garrett Glick Hey folks, here's the link with the <|> bugs: <> when you unzip, just open the html file at root of the directory and you'll be all set with attachments in line on the page. have a look at the link_results tab of this spreadsheet as well. You'll see the links that are still pointing over to the staging environment from that sheet. thank you! anytime! Hi guys - we're all set minus one issue we can't reproduce [KR112843-1] <|Patient site anchor links broken> issue. can you check again? Once we run everything through our internal QA i can confirm that everything is fixed and working for sure! sorry i somehow missed this checking now could it be that they're sitting on top of the hcp main nav elements? anchors still aren't working consistently. see video below: OMG, total false positive on my part My mouse's shift wheel was set to infinitely scroll so when I scrolled up to click the next anchor it prevented the page from anchoring down. Whoops! Wow, it's Friday and my :brain: is :fried_egg:. Sorry guys! STET All of the links are pointing to the right place now too and I'm not seeing those 404s either! Nice one, <@UKVN2TZFF> <@UR8ASL0QY>! :tada: 5 Passed: :champagne: • Clicking "I am a patient" from Modal doesn't lead to Patient homepage • 13 Broken In-Line Links • Pink tab in the top nav sends user to 404 page • Patient site anchor links broken • Site has staging links present in network calls and on page 1 Partial Pass: • Navigating to internal pages from Patient site breaks top nav anchor urls: ◦ It navigates to the homepage but doesn't anchor down the page 1 Fail: • Hamburger menu remains open when page is scrolled and disables all page links on mobile ◦ Still remains open on my phone and can't click any page links I think we're safe to save the last minor issues until Monday. You guys concur? <!here> Overall you guys killed it! Thanks for knocking those out so fast! Have a great weekend! Thank you ! We will look Monday morning to resolve the rest ! Have a great weekend. ! Enjoy! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--jhernandez792--matt--holland-1 Channel Members 2023-09-08 12:54:41.235569 0.25
Garrett Glick Hey folks, here's the link with the <|> bugs: <> when you unzip, just open the html file at root of the directory and you'll be all set with attachments in line on the page. have a look at the link_results tab of this spreadsheet as well. You'll see the links that are still pointing over to the staging environment from that sheet. thank you! anytime! Hi guys - we're all set minus one issue we can't reproduce [KR112843-1] <|Patient site anchor links broken> issue. can you check again? Once we run everything through our internal QA i can confirm that everything is fixed and working for sure! sorry i somehow missed this checking now could it be that they're sitting on top of the hcp main nav elements? anchors still aren't working consistently. see video below: OMG, total false positive on my part My mouse's shift wheel was set to infinitely scroll so when I scrolled up to click the next anchor it prevented the page from anchoring down. Whoops! Wow, it's Friday and my :brain: is :fried_egg:. Sorry guys! STET All of the links are pointing to the right place now too and I'm not seeing those 404s either! Nice one, <@UKVN2TZFF> <@UR8ASL0QY>! :tada: 5 Passed: :champagne: • Clicking "I am a patient" from Modal doesn't lead to Patient homepage • 13 Broken In-Line Links • Pink tab in the top nav sends user to 404 page • Patient site anchor links broken • Site has staging links present in network calls and on page 1 Partial Pass: • Navigating to internal pages from Patient site breaks top nav anchor urls: ◦ It navigates to the homepage but doesn't anchor down the page 1 Fail: • Hamburger menu remains open when page is scrolled and disables all page links on mobile ◦ Still remains open on my phone and can't click any page links I think we're safe to save the last minor issues until Monday. You guys concur? <!here> Overall you guys killed it! Thanks for knocking those out so fast! Have a great weekend! Thank you ! We will look Monday morning to resolve the rest ! Have a great weekend. ! Enjoy! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--jhernandez792--matt--holland-1 Channel Members 2023-09-08 12:54:41.235569 0.25
Garrett Glick #dies hahaha!! i bet i am so exhausted haha me too bro, haven't been on the pitch but have been handling both sets of adma site launches which had a ton of bugs lol i bet you don't want to look at a powerpoint for the next 10 years though :joy: Yup my bad, away from the desk at the moment what's up man? oh was just gonna say hi! next week is fine tho aww, thx man! yeah for sure, we need to catch up! holler at me Monday or Sunday night 7205877153 sounds gucci :stuck_out_tongue: txt me so i have you in my phone its not going through try me <tel:5709556426|570-955-6426> you get it? Direct Message U0185GY894M Daniel Shaw 2023-09-08 12:54:56.081829
Daniel Shaw #dies hahaha!! i bet i am so exhausted haha me too bro, haven't been on the pitch but have been handling both sets of adma site launches which had a ton of bugs lol i bet you don't want to look at a powerpoint for the next 10 years though :joy: Yup my bad, away from the desk at the moment what's up man? oh was just gonna say hi! next week is fine tho aww, thx man! yeah for sure, we need to catch up! holler at me Monday or Sunday night 7205877153 sounds gucci :stuck_out_tongue: txt me so i have you in my phone its not going through try me <tel:5709556426|570-955-6426> you get it? Direct Message U0185GY894M Daniel Shaw 2023-09-08 13:02:09.129319 0.25
Outlook Calendar Event removed from your calendar *Today*-<!date^1694152800^{date_long}|Friday, September 8, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-08 13:06:02.472709 1.0
Outlook Calendar Event removed from your calendar *Today*-<!date^1694152800^{date_long}|Friday, September 8, 2023> Direct Message UHG8K45M0 Outlook Calendar 2023-09-08 13:06:02.472709 1.0
Garrett Glick #dies hahaha!! i bet i am so exhausted haha me too bro, haven't been on the pitch but have been handling both sets of adma site launches which had a ton of bugs lol i bet you don't want to look at a powerpoint for the next 10 years though :joy: Yup my bad, away from the desk at the moment what's up man? oh was just gonna say hi! next week is fine tho aww, thx man! yeah for sure, we need to catch up! holler at me Monday or Sunday night 7205877153 sounds gucci :stuck_out_tongue: txt me so i have you in my phone its not going through try me <tel:5709556426|570-955-6426> you get it? Direct Message U0185GY894M Daniel Shaw 2023-09-08 14:03:58.574119
Daniel Shaw #dies hahaha!! i bet i am so exhausted haha me too bro, haven't been on the pitch but have been handling both sets of adma site launches which had a ton of bugs lol i bet you don't want to look at a powerpoint for the next 10 years though :joy: Yup my bad, away from the desk at the moment what's up man? oh was just gonna say hi! next week is fine tho aww, thx man! yeah for sure, we need to catch up! holler at me Monday or Sunday night 7205877153 sounds gucci :stuck_out_tongue: txt me so i have you in my phone its not going through try me <tel:5709556426|570-955-6426> you get it? Direct Message U0185GY894M Daniel Shaw 2023-09-08 14:24:24.623979 0.75
Unknown User hi Direct Message UHULANG2C Garrett Glick 2023-09-08 14:45:27.582329 0.5
Unknown User hi Direct Message UHULANG2C Garrett Glick 2023-09-08 14:45:27.582329 0.5
Unknown User Hey folks, here's the link with the <|> bugs: <> when you unzip, just open the html file at root of the directory and you'll be all set with attachments in line on the page. have a look at the link_results tab of this spreadsheet as well. You'll see the links that are still pointing over to the staging environment from that sheet. thank you! anytime! Hi guys - we're all set minus one issue we can't reproduce [KR112843-1] <|Patient site anchor links broken> issue. can you check again? Once we run everything through our internal QA i can confirm that everything is fixed and working for sure! sorry i somehow missed this checking now could it be that they're sitting on top of the hcp main nav elements? anchors still aren't working consistently. see video below: OMG, total false positive on my part My mouse's shift wheel was set to infinitely scroll so when I scrolled up to click the next anchor it prevented the page from anchoring down. Whoops! Wow, it's Friday and my :brain: is :fried_egg:. Sorry guys! STET All of the links are pointing to the right place now too and I'm not seeing those 404s either! Nice one, <@UKVN2TZFF> <@UR8ASL0QY>! :tada: 5 Passed: :champagne: • Clicking "I am a patient" from Modal doesn't lead to Patient homepage • 13 Broken In-Line Links • Pink tab in the top nav sends user to 404 page • Patient site anchor links broken • Site has staging links present in network calls and on page 1 Partial Pass: • Navigating to internal pages from Patient site breaks top nav anchor urls: ◦ It navigates to the homepage but doesn't anchor down the page 1 Fail: • Hamburger menu remains open when page is scrolled and disables all page links on mobile ◦ Still remains open on my phone and can't click any page links I think we're safe to save the last minor issues until Monday. You guys concur? <!here> Overall you guys killed it! Thanks for knocking those out so fast! Have a great weekend! Thank you ! We will look Monday morning to resolve the rest ! Have a great weekend. ! Enjoy! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--jhernandez792--matt--holland-1 Channel Members 2023-09-08 15:06:56.784309
Unknown User Hey folks, here's the link with the <|> bugs: <> when you unzip, just open the html file at root of the directory and you'll be all set with attachments in line on the page. have a look at the link_results tab of this spreadsheet as well. You'll see the links that are still pointing over to the staging environment from that sheet. thank you! anytime! Hi guys - we're all set minus one issue we can't reproduce [KR112843-1] <|Patient site anchor links broken> issue. can you check again? Once we run everything through our internal QA i can confirm that everything is fixed and working for sure! sorry i somehow missed this checking now could it be that they're sitting on top of the hcp main nav elements? anchors still aren't working consistently. see video below: OMG, total false positive on my part My mouse's shift wheel was set to infinitely scroll so when I scrolled up to click the next anchor it prevented the page from anchoring down. Whoops! Wow, it's Friday and my :brain: is :fried_egg:. Sorry guys! STET All of the links are pointing to the right place now too and I'm not seeing those 404s either! Nice one, <@UKVN2TZFF> <@UR8ASL0QY>! :tada: 5 Passed: :champagne: • Clicking "I am a patient" from Modal doesn't lead to Patient homepage • 13 Broken In-Line Links • Pink tab in the top nav sends user to 404 page • Patient site anchor links broken • Site has staging links present in network calls and on page 1 Partial Pass: • Navigating to internal pages from Patient site breaks top nav anchor urls: ◦ It navigates to the homepage but doesn't anchor down the page 1 Fail: • Hamburger menu remains open when page is scrolled and disables all page links on mobile ◦ Still remains open on my phone and can't click any page links I think we're safe to save the last minor issues until Monday. You guys concur? <!here> Overall you guys killed it! Thanks for knocking those out so fast! Have a great weekend! Thank you ! We will look Monday morning to resolve the rest ! Have a great weekend. ! Enjoy! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--jhernandez792--matt--holland-1 Channel Members 2023-09-08 15:07:42.072149 0.25
Garrett Glick #dies hahaha!! i bet i am so exhausted haha me too bro, haven't been on the pitch but have been handling both sets of adma site launches which had a ton of bugs lol i bet you don't want to look at a powerpoint for the next 10 years though :joy: Yup my bad, away from the desk at the moment what's up man? oh was just gonna say hi! next week is fine tho aww, thx man! yeah for sure, we need to catch up! holler at me Monday or Sunday night 7205877153 sounds gucci :stuck_out_tongue: txt me so i have you in my phone its not going through try me <tel:5709556426|570-955-6426> you get it? Direct Message U0185GY894M Daniel Shaw 2023-09-08 15:18:53.044499
Daniel Shaw #dies hahaha!! i bet i am so exhausted haha me too bro, haven't been on the pitch but have been handling both sets of adma site launches which had a ton of bugs lol i bet you don't want to look at a powerpoint for the next 10 years though :joy: Yup my bad, away from the desk at the moment what's up man? oh was just gonna say hi! next week is fine tho aww, thx man! yeah for sure, we need to catch up! holler at me Monday or Sunday night 7205877153 sounds gucci :stuck_out_tongue: txt me so i have you in my phone its not going through try me <tel:5709556426|570-955-6426> you get it? Direct Message U0185GY894M Daniel Shaw 2023-09-08 15:19:25.278669 0.25
Garrett Glick Hey folks, here's the link with the <|> bugs: <> when you unzip, just open the html file at root of the directory and you'll be all set with attachments in line on the page. have a look at the link_results tab of this spreadsheet as well. You'll see the links that are still pointing over to the staging environment from that sheet. thank you! anytime! Hi guys - we're all set minus one issue we can't reproduce [KR112843-1] <|Patient site anchor links broken> issue. can you check again? Once we run everything through our internal QA i can confirm that everything is fixed and working for sure! sorry i somehow missed this checking now could it be that they're sitting on top of the hcp main nav elements? anchors still aren't working consistently. see video below: OMG, total false positive on my part My mouse's shift wheel was set to infinitely scroll so when I scrolled up to click the next anchor it prevented the page from anchoring down. Whoops! Wow, it's Friday and my :brain: is :fried_egg:. Sorry guys! STET All of the links are pointing to the right place now too and I'm not seeing those 404s either! Nice one, <@UKVN2TZFF> <@UR8ASL0QY>! :tada: 5 Passed: :champagne: • Clicking "I am a patient" from Modal doesn't lead to Patient homepage • 13 Broken In-Line Links • Pink tab in the top nav sends user to 404 page • Patient site anchor links broken • Site has staging links present in network calls and on page 1 Partial Pass: • Navigating to internal pages from Patient site breaks top nav anchor urls: ◦ It navigates to the homepage but doesn't anchor down the page 1 Fail: • Hamburger menu remains open when page is scrolled and disables all page links on mobile ◦ Still remains open on my phone and can't click any page links I think we're safe to save the last minor issues until Monday. You guys concur? <!here> Overall you guys killed it! Thanks for knocking those out so fast! Have a great weekend! Thank you ! We will look Monday morning to resolve the rest ! Have a great weekend. ! Enjoy! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--jhernandez792--matt--holland-1 Channel Members 2023-09-08 15:19:50.701329
Garrett Glick Hey folks, here's the link with the <|> bugs: <> when you unzip, just open the html file at root of the directory and you'll be all set with attachments in line on the page. have a look at the link_results tab of this spreadsheet as well. You'll see the links that are still pointing over to the staging environment from that sheet. thank you! anytime! Hi guys - we're all set minus one issue we can't reproduce [KR112843-1] <|Patient site anchor links broken> issue. can you check again? Once we run everything through our internal QA i can confirm that everything is fixed and working for sure! sorry i somehow missed this checking now could it be that they're sitting on top of the hcp main nav elements? anchors still aren't working consistently. see video below: OMG, total false positive on my part My mouse's shift wheel was set to infinitely scroll so when I scrolled up to click the next anchor it prevented the page from anchoring down. Whoops! Wow, it's Friday and my :brain: is :fried_egg:. Sorry guys! STET All of the links are pointing to the right place now too and I'm not seeing those 404s either! Nice one, <@UKVN2TZFF> <@UR8ASL0QY>! :tada: 5 Passed: :champagne: • Clicking "I am a patient" from Modal doesn't lead to Patient homepage • 13 Broken In-Line Links • Pink tab in the top nav sends user to 404 page • Patient site anchor links broken • Site has staging links present in network calls and on page 1 Partial Pass: • Navigating to internal pages from Patient site breaks top nav anchor urls: ◦ It navigates to the homepage but doesn't anchor down the page 1 Fail: • Hamburger menu remains open when page is scrolled and disables all page links on mobile ◦ Still remains open on my phone and can't click any page links I think we're safe to save the last minor issues until Monday. You guys concur? <!here> Overall you guys killed it! Thanks for knocking those out so fast! Have a great weekend! Thank you ! We will look Monday morning to resolve the rest ! Have a great weekend. ! Enjoy! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--jhernandez792--matt--holland-1 Channel Members 2023-09-08 15:19:56.901139 0.25
Garrett Glick #dies hahaha!! i bet i am so exhausted haha me too bro, haven't been on the pitch but have been handling both sets of adma site launches which had a ton of bugs lol i bet you don't want to look at a powerpoint for the next 10 years though :joy: Yup my bad, away from the desk at the moment what's up man? oh was just gonna say hi! next week is fine tho aww, thx man! yeah for sure, we need to catch up! holler at me Monday or Sunday night 7205877153 sounds gucci :stuck_out_tongue: txt me so i have you in my phone its not going through try me <tel:5709556426|570-955-6426> you get it? Direct Message U0185GY894M Daniel Shaw 2023-09-08 15:20:45.899239
Daniel Shaw #dies hahaha!! i bet i am so exhausted haha me too bro, haven't been on the pitch but have been handling both sets of adma site launches which had a ton of bugs lol i bet you don't want to look at a powerpoint for the next 10 years though :joy: Yup my bad, away from the desk at the moment what's up man? oh was just gonna say hi! next week is fine tho aww, thx man! yeah for sure, we need to catch up! holler at me Monday or Sunday night 7205877153 sounds gucci :stuck_out_tongue: txt me so i have you in my phone its not going through try me <tel:5709556426|570-955-6426> you get it? Direct Message U0185GY894M Daniel Shaw 2023-09-08 15:24:12.820949 0.25
Garrett Glick Hey folks, here's the link with the <|> bugs: <> when you unzip, just open the html file at root of the directory and you'll be all set with attachments in line on the page. have a look at the link_results tab of this spreadsheet as well. You'll see the links that are still pointing over to the staging environment from that sheet. thank you! anytime! Hi guys - we're all set minus one issue we can't reproduce [KR112843-1] <|Patient site anchor links broken> issue. can you check again? Once we run everything through our internal QA i can confirm that everything is fixed and working for sure! sorry i somehow missed this checking now could it be that they're sitting on top of the hcp main nav elements? anchors still aren't working consistently. see video below: OMG, total false positive on my part My mouse's shift wheel was set to infinitely scroll so when I scrolled up to click the next anchor it prevented the page from anchoring down. Whoops! Wow, it's Friday and my :brain: is :fried_egg:. Sorry guys! STET All of the links are pointing to the right place now too and I'm not seeing those 404s either! Nice one, <@UKVN2TZFF> <@UR8ASL0QY>! :tada: 5 Passed: :champagne: • Clicking "I am a patient" from Modal doesn't lead to Patient homepage • 13 Broken In-Line Links • Pink tab in the top nav sends user to 404 page • Patient site anchor links broken • Site has staging links present in network calls and on page 1 Partial Pass: • Navigating to internal pages from Patient site breaks top nav anchor urls: ◦ It navigates to the homepage but doesn't anchor down the page 1 Fail: • Hamburger menu remains open when page is scrolled and disables all page links on mobile ◦ Still remains open on my phone and can't click any page links I think we're safe to save the last minor issues until Monday. You guys concur? <!here> Overall you guys killed it! Thanks for knocking those out so fast! Have a great weekend! Thank you ! We will look Monday morning to resolve the rest ! Have a great weekend. ! Enjoy! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--jhernandez792--matt--holland-1 Channel Members 2023-09-08 15:26:40.145559 0.25
Garrett Glick Hey folks, here's the link with the <|> bugs: <> when you unzip, just open the html file at root of the directory and you'll be all set with attachments in line on the page. have a look at the link_results tab of this spreadsheet as well. You'll see the links that are still pointing over to the staging environment from that sheet. thank you! anytime! Hi guys - we're all set minus one issue we can't reproduce [KR112843-1] <|Patient site anchor links broken> issue. can you check again? Once we run everything through our internal QA i can confirm that everything is fixed and working for sure! sorry i somehow missed this checking now could it be that they're sitting on top of the hcp main nav elements? anchors still aren't working consistently. see video below: OMG, total false positive on my part My mouse's shift wheel was set to infinitely scroll so when I scrolled up to click the next anchor it prevented the page from anchoring down. Whoops! Wow, it's Friday and my :brain: is :fried_egg:. Sorry guys! STET All of the links are pointing to the right place now too and I'm not seeing those 404s either! Nice one, <@UKVN2TZFF> <@UR8ASL0QY>! :tada: 5 Passed: :champagne: • Clicking "I am a patient" from Modal doesn't lead to Patient homepage • 13 Broken In-Line Links • Pink tab in the top nav sends user to 404 page • Patient site anchor links broken • Site has staging links present in network calls and on page 1 Partial Pass: • Navigating to internal pages from Patient site breaks top nav anchor urls: ◦ It navigates to the homepage but doesn't anchor down the page 1 Fail: • Hamburger menu remains open when page is scrolled and disables all page links on mobile ◦ Still remains open on my phone and can't click any page links I think we're safe to save the last minor issues until Monday. You guys concur? <!here> Overall you guys killed it! Thanks for knocking those out so fast! Have a great weekend! Thank you ! We will look Monday morning to resolve the rest ! Have a great weekend. ! Enjoy! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--jhernandez792--matt--holland-1 Channel Members 2023-09-08 15:26:40.145559 0.25
Garrett Glick #dies hahaha!! i bet i am so exhausted haha me too bro, haven't been on the pitch but have been handling both sets of adma site launches which had a ton of bugs lol i bet you don't want to look at a powerpoint for the next 10 years though :joy: Yup my bad, away from the desk at the moment what's up man? oh was just gonna say hi! next week is fine tho aww, thx man! yeah for sure, we need to catch up! holler at me Monday or Sunday night 7205877153 sounds gucci :stuck_out_tongue: txt me so i have you in my phone its not going through try me <tel:5709556426|570-955-6426> you get it? Direct Message U0185GY894M Daniel Shaw 2023-09-08 15:27:40.780389
Garrett Glick #dies hahaha!! i bet i am so exhausted haha me too bro, haven't been on the pitch but have been handling both sets of adma site launches which had a ton of bugs lol i bet you don't want to look at a powerpoint for the next 10 years though :joy: Yup my bad, away from the desk at the moment what's up man? oh was just gonna say hi! next week is fine tho aww, thx man! yeah for sure, we need to catch up! holler at me Monday or Sunday night 7205877153 sounds gucci :stuck_out_tongue: txt me so i have you in my phone its not going through try me <tel:5709556426|570-955-6426> you get it? Direct Message U0185GY894M Daniel Shaw 2023-09-08 15:29:46.060539 0.25
Garrett Glick Hey folks, here's the link with the <|> bugs: <> when you unzip, just open the html file at root of the directory and you'll be all set with attachments in line on the page. have a look at the link_results tab of this spreadsheet as well. You'll see the links that are still pointing over to the staging environment from that sheet. thank you! anytime! Hi guys - we're all set minus one issue we can't reproduce [KR112843-1] <|Patient site anchor links broken> issue. can you check again? Once we run everything through our internal QA i can confirm that everything is fixed and working for sure! sorry i somehow missed this checking now could it be that they're sitting on top of the hcp main nav elements? anchors still aren't working consistently. see video below: OMG, total false positive on my part My mouse's shift wheel was set to infinitely scroll so when I scrolled up to click the next anchor it prevented the page from anchoring down. Whoops! Wow, it's Friday and my :brain: is :fried_egg:. Sorry guys! STET All of the links are pointing to the right place now too and I'm not seeing those 404s either! Nice one, <@UKVN2TZFF> <@UR8ASL0QY>! :tada: 5 Passed: :champagne: • Clicking "I am a patient" from Modal doesn't lead to Patient homepage • 13 Broken In-Line Links • Pink tab in the top nav sends user to 404 page • Patient site anchor links broken • Site has staging links present in network calls and on page 1 Partial Pass: • Navigating to internal pages from Patient site breaks top nav anchor urls: ◦ It navigates to the homepage but doesn't anchor down the page 1 Fail: • Hamburger menu remains open when page is scrolled and disables all page links on mobile ◦ Still remains open on my phone and can't click any page links I think we're safe to save the last minor issues until Monday. You guys concur? <!here> Overall you guys killed it! Thanks for knocking those out so fast! Have a great weekend! Thank you ! We will look Monday morning to resolve the rest ! Have a great weekend. ! Enjoy! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--jhernandez792--matt--holland-1 Channel Members 2023-09-08 15:29:51.808049
Garrett Glick Hey folks, here's the link with the <|> bugs: <> when you unzip, just open the html file at root of the directory and you'll be all set with attachments in line on the page. have a look at the link_results tab of this spreadsheet as well. You'll see the links that are still pointing over to the staging environment from that sheet. thank you! anytime! Hi guys - we're all set minus one issue we can't reproduce [KR112843-1] <|Patient site anchor links broken> issue. can you check again? Once we run everything through our internal QA i can confirm that everything is fixed and working for sure! sorry i somehow missed this checking now could it be that they're sitting on top of the hcp main nav elements? anchors still aren't working consistently. see video below: OMG, total false positive on my part My mouse's shift wheel was set to infinitely scroll so when I scrolled up to click the next anchor it prevented the page from anchoring down. Whoops! Wow, it's Friday and my :brain: is :fried_egg:. Sorry guys! STET All of the links are pointing to the right place now too and I'm not seeing those 404s either! Nice one, <@UKVN2TZFF> <@UR8ASL0QY>! :tada: 5 Passed: :champagne: • Clicking "I am a patient" from Modal doesn't lead to Patient homepage • 13 Broken In-Line Links • Pink tab in the top nav sends user to 404 page • Patient site anchor links broken • Site has staging links present in network calls and on page 1 Partial Pass: • Navigating to internal pages from Patient site breaks top nav anchor urls: ◦ It navigates to the homepage but doesn't anchor down the page 1 Fail: • Hamburger menu remains open when page is scrolled and disables all page links on mobile ◦ Still remains open on my phone and can't click any page links I think we're safe to save the last minor issues until Monday. You guys concur? <!here> Overall you guys killed it! Thanks for knocking those out so fast! Have a great weekend! Thank you ! We will look Monday morning to resolve the rest ! Have a great weekend. ! Enjoy! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--jhernandez792--matt--holland-1 Channel Members 2023-09-08 16:05:46.853979 0.75
Garrett Glick hi Direct Message UHULANG2C Garrett Glick 2023-09-08 16:12:14.980869 0.25
Garrett Glick hi Direct Message UHULANG2C Garrett Glick 2023-09-08 16:12:14.980869 0.25
Unknown User Hey folks, here's the link with the <|> bugs: <> when you unzip, just open the html file at root of the directory and you'll be all set with attachments in line on the page. have a look at the link_results tab of this spreadsheet as well. You'll see the links that are still pointing over to the staging environment from that sheet. thank you! anytime! Hi guys - we're all set minus one issue we can't reproduce [KR112843-1] <|Patient site anchor links broken> issue. can you check again? Once we run everything through our internal QA i can confirm that everything is fixed and working for sure! sorry i somehow missed this checking now could it be that they're sitting on top of the hcp main nav elements? anchors still aren't working consistently. see video below: OMG, total false positive on my part My mouse's shift wheel was set to infinitely scroll so when I scrolled up to click the next anchor it prevented the page from anchoring down. Whoops! Wow, it's Friday and my :brain: is :fried_egg:. Sorry guys! STET All of the links are pointing to the right place now too and I'm not seeing those 404s either! Nice one, <@UKVN2TZFF> <@UR8ASL0QY>! :tada: 5 Passed: :champagne: • Clicking "I am a patient" from Modal doesn't lead to Patient homepage • 13 Broken In-Line Links • Pink tab in the top nav sends user to 404 page • Patient site anchor links broken • Site has staging links present in network calls and on page 1 Partial Pass: • Navigating to internal pages from Patient site breaks top nav anchor urls: ◦ It navigates to the homepage but doesn't anchor down the page 1 Fail: • Hamburger menu remains open when page is scrolled and disables all page links on mobile ◦ Still remains open on my phone and can't click any page links I think we're safe to save the last minor issues until Monday. You guys concur? <!here> Overall you guys killed it! Thanks for knocking those out so fast! Have a great weekend! Thank you ! We will look Monday morning to resolve the rest ! Have a great weekend. ! Enjoy! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--jhernandez792--matt--holland-1 Channel Members 2023-09-08 16:16:12.977159
Garrett Glick Hey folks, here's the link with the <|> bugs: <> when you unzip, just open the html file at root of the directory and you'll be all set with attachments in line on the page. have a look at the link_results tab of this spreadsheet as well. You'll see the links that are still pointing over to the staging environment from that sheet. thank you! anytime! Hi guys - we're all set minus one issue we can't reproduce [KR112843-1] <|Patient site anchor links broken> issue. can you check again? Once we run everything through our internal QA i can confirm that everything is fixed and working for sure! sorry i somehow missed this checking now could it be that they're sitting on top of the hcp main nav elements? anchors still aren't working consistently. see video below: OMG, total false positive on my part My mouse's shift wheel was set to infinitely scroll so when I scrolled up to click the next anchor it prevented the page from anchoring down. Whoops! Wow, it's Friday and my :brain: is :fried_egg:. Sorry guys! STET All of the links are pointing to the right place now too and I'm not seeing those 404s either! Nice one, <@UKVN2TZFF> <@UR8ASL0QY>! :tada: 5 Passed: :champagne: • Clicking "I am a patient" from Modal doesn't lead to Patient homepage • 13 Broken In-Line Links • Pink tab in the top nav sends user to 404 page • Patient site anchor links broken • Site has staging links present in network calls and on page 1 Partial Pass: • Navigating to internal pages from Patient site breaks top nav anchor urls: ◦ It navigates to the homepage but doesn't anchor down the page 1 Fail: • Hamburger menu remains open when page is scrolled and disables all page links on mobile ◦ Still remains open on my phone and can't click any page links I think we're safe to save the last minor issues until Monday. You guys concur? <!here> Overall you guys killed it! Thanks for knocking those out so fast! Have a great weekend! Thank you ! We will look Monday morning to resolve the rest ! Have a great weekend. ! Enjoy! Private Channel mpdm-gglick--jhernandez792--matt--holland-1 Channel Members 2023-09-08 16:18:58.408009 1:13:50.465240
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