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julian-alarcon / CleanUpSamsungApps.txt
Last active December 31, 2024 00:48
List uninstalled Apps Samsung Galaxy S21 SM-G991U1
Useful list:
Hardware Samsung Galaxy S21 5G
Software: Android 12, One UI 4.0, Security Patch November 1 2021
Check if device is available
$ adb devices
List of devices attached
RAAA1008001 device
julian-alarcon / EnableVoLTEinPixel2Walleye.txt
Last active December 13, 2023 19:34
Enable VoLTE in Pixel 2 Walleye
It worked for my using Pixel 2 Walleye with Android March 2020 installation, i'm going to detail more this procedure, because it's hard to do it from scratch.
I also used information/files from here: [url][/url]
Steps with links
0. Remove any fingerprint/pin/lock pattern from your phone and keep it that way until the end. ALSO, UNLOCKING THE BOOTLOADER WILL WIPE ALL YOUR DEVICE (apps, photos, files, accounts) BE CAREFUL AND DO A BACKUP
1. Find the QPST installer (only available for Windows) (seems to be an internal Qualcomm software), I used version 2.7.474 from here [url][/url] . Save it and install it in your Windows machine.
2. Install adb tools Windows, macOS, Linux: [url][/url]
julian-alarcon /
Created December 4, 2017 14:37
PowerShell script to get and remove old computers not connected to AD
# Script to regenerate list and remove old computers not logged to Domain Controller in 2 Months
$time = (Get-Date).AddMonths(-2)
Get-ADComputer -Filter {LastLogonTimeStamp -lt $time} -Properties * | select name, distinguishedname,LastLogonDate| export-csv computers_2m.txt
Get-ADComputer -Filter {LastLogonTimeStamp -lt $time} -Properties distinguishedname| Remove-ADObject -Recursive