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Last active March 6, 2017 23:44
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require 'sinatra'
require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'
require 'base64'
require 'json'
require 'encrypted_strings'
# This is an example token swap service written
# as a Ruby/Sinatra service. This is required by
# the iOS SDK to authenticate a user.
# The service requires the Sinatra and
# encrypted_strings gems be installed:
# $ gem install sinatra encrypted_strings
# To run the service, enter your client ID, client
# secret and client callback URL below and run the
# project.
# $ ruby spotify_token_swap.rb
# IMPORTANT: The example credentials will work for the
# example apps, you should use your own in your real
# environment. as these might change at any time.
# Once the service is running, pass the public URI to
# it (such as http://localhost:1234/swap if you run it
# with default settings on your local machine) to the
# token swap method in the iOS SDK:
# NSURL *swapServiceURL = [NSURL urlWithString:@"http://localhost:1234/swap"];
# -[SPAuth handleAuthCallbackWithTriggeredAuthURL:url
# tokenSwapServiceEndpointAtURL:swapServiceURL
# callback:callback];
print "\e[31m------------------------------------------------------\e[0m\n"
print "\e[31mYou're using example credentials, please replace these\e[0m\n"
print "\e[31mwith your own and remove this silly warning.\e[0m\n"
print "\e[31m------------------------------------------------------\e[0m\n"
print "\7\7"
CLIENT_ID = "e6695c6d22214e0f832006889566df9c"
CLIENT_SECRET = "29eb02041ba646179a1189dccac112c7"
CLIENT_CALLBACK_URL = "spotifyiossdkexample://"
AUTH_HEADER = "Basic " + Base64.strict_encode64(CLIENT_ID + ":" + CLIENT_SECRET)
set :port, 1234 # The port to bind to.
set :bind, '' # IP address of the interface to listen on (all)
post '/swap' do
# This call takes a single POST parameter, "code", which
# it combines with your client ID, secret and callback
# URL to get an OAuth token from the Spotify Auth Service,
# which it will pass back to the caller in a JSON payload.
auth_code = params[:code]
http.use_ssl = true
request ="/api/token")
request.add_field("Authorization", AUTH_HEADER)
request.form_data = {
"grant_type" => "authorization_code",
"redirect_uri" => CLIENT_CALLBACK_URL,
"code" => auth_code
response = http.request(request)
# encrypt the refresh token before forwarding to the client
if response.code.to_i == 200
token_data = JSON.parse(response.body)
refresh_token = token_data["refresh_token"]
encrypted_token = refresh_token.encrypt(:symmetric, :password => ENCRYPTION_SECRET)
token_data["refresh_token"] = encrypted_token
response.body = JSON.dump(token_data)
status response.code.to_i
return response.body
post '/refresh' do
# Request a new access token using the POST:ed refresh token
http.use_ssl = true
request ="/api/token")
request.add_field("Authorization", AUTH_HEADER)
encrypted_token = params[:refresh_token]
refresh_token = encrypted_token.decrypt(:symmetric, :password => ENCRYPTION_SECRET)
request.form_data = {
"grant_type" => "refresh_token",
"refresh_token" => refresh_token
response = http.request(request)
status response.code.to_i
return response.body
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