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Julien Desrosiers juliend2

View GitHub Profile

Optometry clinic located for appointments in eye health modern community vision program for examination and eyewear. During your appointment, diagnostic equipment testing and latest promotions for great value. Second pair for your personality and patients with design and best service out there. Glass prescription and browse our collection of brands and bifocal goggles. Also, lens coating fitting retinal photography our trusted optometrists for ocular emergencies with optimal vision to book a vision appointment. Great value with dedicated state-of-the-art advanced technology with experienced vision opticians.

Our staff of assistants and optometry doctors are members of the association of community lens fitting in optics for optimal comfort. Consultations are provided by our doctors to serve your needs in our full-service primary care optometric practice. Patients of all ages will request a promotion appointment for laser vision optometry.

import 'dart:html';
// Je ne comprend pas trop pourquoi le Iterable ici a besoin d'avoir un `sync*` à la fin.
// J'ai lu qu'il y avait 2 manières de fonctionner: async et sync. Dans ce cas ci, c'est bloquant vu que c'est sync.
// Mais je ne sais pas pourquoi le * et ce que ça veut dire. je devrai regarder plus la doc de Dart comme tel je pense.
Iterable<String> thingsTodo() sync* {
var actions = ['Walk', 'Wash', 'Feed'];
var pets = ['cats', 'dogs'];
for (var action in actions) {
juliend2 / .gitconfig
Created September 26, 2017 20:12
Git config of a lazy man
c = clone
cp = cherry-pick
ci = commit
ca = commit --amend
cma = commit -a -m
s = status
d = diff
ds = diff --staged
a = add
texte de la joie
I, [2015-11-07T00:32:44.446905 #27591] INFO -- : (0.008129s) INSERT INTO "pages" ("site_id", "crawl_type", "url", "status_code", "page_rank") VALUES ('6d28f8b9-1370-45f1-8aa1-ad
b4b236a934', 'links', '', 200, 0.00018537578930627734) RETURNING "page_id"
/home/deploy/statusmachine/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/sequel-4.22.0/lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb:180:in `exec': PG::Error: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type json (Seque
LINE 1: ...count" = 0, "concerned_pages_count" = 0, "data" = '', "schem...
DETAIL: The input string ended unexpectedly.
CONTEXT: JSON data, line 1:
from /home/deploy/statusmachine/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/sequel-4.22.0/lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb:180:in `block in execute_query'
from /home/deploy/statusmachine/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/sequel-4.22.0/lib/sequel/database/logging.rb:37:in `log_yield'
juliend2 /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
Approach to determine if the Get Active Users workflow is actually working.

How to prove that the Get Active Users is actually working.

First, check the last interaction's date

1. Take a twitter user's last_interacted_on

SELECT last_interacted_on FROM twitter_personas WHERE service_id = 90966992;
creation_date | list_name | entities_size
2014-11-11 | Test | 4
2014-11-11 | Big Auto | 3
2014-11-11 | Hockey | 3
2014-11-11 | Test | 4
2014-11-11 | joie | 1
2014-11-11 | Beautiful | 2
2014-11-11 | Boissons | 2
2014-11-11 | Big Mapple | 2
creation_date | list_name | entities_size
2014-11-11 | Test | 4
2014-11-11 | Big Auto | 3
2014-11-11 | Hockey | 3
2014-11-11 | Test | 4
2014-11-11 | joie | 1
2014-11-11 | Beautiful | 2
2014-11-11 | Boissons | 2
2014-11-11 | Big Mapple | 2
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index c96324c..0e38b84 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ def set_version(version)
puts "Setting project version to #{version.inspect}"
require "nokogiri"
- poms = FileList["pom.xml"] + FileList["*/pom.xml"]
+ poms = FileList["pom.xml"]