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Last active May 29, 2018 10:14
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Generates Lorem Ipsum and provides a lorem-ipsum html element.
// Usage:
// Get a Lorem Ipsum with 100 words (default):
// new LoremIpsum().string
// LoremIpsum.string
// Get a Lorem Ipsum with 200 words and without starting with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...":
// new LoremIpsum({length: 200, classic: false}).string
// LoremIpsum.generate({length: 200, classic: false})
// Insert a lorem ipsum with 100 words in the DOM:
// <lorem-ipsum></lorem-ipsum>
// Insert a Lorem Ipsum with 200 words and without starting with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..." in the DOM:
// <lorem-ipsum length="200" classic="false"></lorem-ipsum>
class LoremIpsum {
constructor({length = 100, classic = true} = {}) {
this.length = length
this.classic = classic
get string() {
if(!this.generated) this.generate()
return this._string
get generated() {
return !!this._string
get toString() {
return this.string
generate() {
var capitalize = true
var length = Math.max(0, this.length - (this.classic ? this.sentence.words.length : 0))
var parameters
var words = (this.classic ? this.sentence.words.slice(0, this.length) : []).concat(new Array(length).fill(null).map((_, n) => {
parameters = {
period: n + 1 == length || (!capitalize && n + 2 < length && this.random(this.rates.period))
parameters.comma = !parameters.period && this.random(this.rates.comma)
capitalize = parameters.period
return this.word(parameters)
if(this.classic) {
if(words.length > this.sentence.commaIndex + 1) words[this.sentence.commaIndex] += ','
words[words.length < this.sentence.words.length ? words.length - 1 : this.sentence.words.length - 1] += '.'
this._string = words.join(' ')
word({capitalize = false, period = false, comma = false} = {}) {
var word = this.words[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.words.length)]
if(capitalize) word = word[0].toUpperCase() + word.substring(1)
if(period) word += '.'
if(comma) word += ','
return word
random(rate) {
return Math.random() <= rate
static generate(options) {
return new this(options).string
static get string() {
return this.generate()
LoremIpsum.prototype.rates = {
period: 0.2,
comma: 0.2
LoremIpsum.prototype.sentence = {
words: ['Lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor', 'sit', 'amet', 'consectetur', 'adipiscing', 'elit'],
commaIndex: 4
LoremIpsum.prototype.words = [
'lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor', 'sit', 'amet', 'consectetur',
'adipiscing', 'elit', 'curabitur', 'vel', 'hendrerit', 'libero',
'eleifend', 'blandit', 'nunc', 'ornare', 'odio', 'ut',
'orci', 'gravida', 'imperdiet', 'nullam', 'purus', 'lacinia',
'a', 'pretium', 'quis', 'congue', 'praesent', 'sagittis',
'laoreet', 'auctor', 'mauris', 'non', 'velit', 'eros',
'dictum', 'proin', 'accumsan', 'sapien', 'nec', 'massa',
'volutpat', 'venenatis', 'sed', 'eu', 'molestie', 'lacus',
'quisque', 'porttitor', 'ligula', 'dui', 'mollis', 'tempus',
'at', 'magna', 'vestibulum', 'turpis', 'ac', 'diam',
'tincidunt', 'id', 'condimentum', 'enim', 'sodales', 'in',
'hac', 'habitasse', 'platea', 'dictumst', 'aenean', 'neque',
'fusce', 'augue', 'leo', 'eget', 'semper', 'mattis',
'tortor', 'scelerisque', 'nulla', 'interdum', 'tellus', 'malesuada',
'rhoncus', 'porta', 'sem', 'aliquet', 'et', 'nam',
'suspendisse', 'potenti', 'vivamus', 'luctus', 'fringilla', 'erat',
'donec', 'justo', 'vehicula', 'ultricies', 'varius', 'ante',
'primis', 'faucibus', 'ultrices', 'posuere', 'cubilia', 'curae',
'etiam', 'cursus', 'aliquam', 'quam', 'dapibus', 'nisl',
'feugiat', 'egestas', 'class', 'aptent', 'taciti', 'sociosqu',
'ad', 'litora', 'torquent', 'per', 'conubia', 'nostra',
'inceptos', 'himenaeos', 'phasellus', 'nibh', 'pulvinar', 'vitae',
'urna', 'iaculis', 'lobortis', 'nisi', 'viverra', 'arcu',
'morbi', 'pellentesque', 'metus', 'commodo', 'ut', 'facilisis',
'felis', 'tristique', 'ullamcorper', 'placerat', 'aenean', 'convallis',
'sollicitudin', 'integer', 'rutrum', 'duis', 'est', 'etiam',
'bibendum', 'donec', 'pharetra', 'vulputate', 'maecenas', 'mi',
'fermentum', 'consequat', 'suscipit', 'aliquam', 'habitant', 'senectus',
'netus', 'fames', 'quisque', 'euismod', 'curabitur', 'lectus',
'elementum', 'tempor', 'risus', 'cras'
class HTMLLoremIpsumElement extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.loremIpsum = new LoremIpsum()
get length() {
var length = parseInt(this.getAttribute('length'), 10)
return isNaN(length) ? 100 : length
set length(v) {
this.setAttribute('length', v)
get classic() {
return this.getAttribute('classic') !== 'false'
set classic(v) {
this.setAttribute('classic', v)
fill() {
this.loremIpsum.length = this.length
this.loremIpsum.classic = this.classic
this.textContent = this.loremIpsum.string
return this
connectedCallback() {
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
if(name === 'length' || name === 'classic') this.fill()
customElements.define('lorem-ipsum', HTMLLoremIpsumElement)
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