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Last active December 16, 2024 19:16
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How to sign a Safari Extension for just one computer?

Signing safari extension

Question and answer with screenshots by kneedhelp (

How can I sign a Safari Extension for just one computer?

I wrote a Safari Extension that I'd like to have permanently enabled on my computer. It works fine, but I have to click DevelopAllow Unsigned Extensions and enable it manually every time I open Safari for it to be available. I'm not really sure how the signing process works. Is there a way I can sign my extension for only this computer, without having to subscribe to an Apple Developer account?

First thing to do was to create a development account with Apple (the free version). Then click on [Project Name]Build Settings and ensure "Development Team" has your account selected (you'll have to add your account in XcodeSettingsAccounts if you haven't done so already).


Next, ensure Automatically manage signing is enabled for all "TARGETS" listed:


Then, go to ProductArchive and wait until the project compiles. It will bring up a window similar to this one:


Next, hit Distribute AppCustomCopy App and choose where to export the app. After running the app, the extension will be available in Safari, even after restarting the browser.

That's it! Be aware that if you delete your app, it will also delete your extensions. Hope this helps someone!

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