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Last active January 23, 2018 03:55
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Extreme value datasets for GS 240
srand(2000) # make sure we get the same data
using SpecialFunctions
# CDF and inverse CDF of standard normal
ϕ(x) = erfc(-x/√2) / 2
ϕinv(p) = -√2*erfcinv(2p)
# generate N samples from log-normal
function lognormal(μ, σ², N)
p = rand(N) # draw uniformly in [0,1)
logx = μ + ϕinv.(p)*√σ²
data₁ = lognormal(2, 2, 500)
using FastGaussQuadrature
using Interpolations
# PDF of log-hyperbolic
function f(x; α=1., ϕ=1., μ=1., δ=1.)
C = 1. / ((1./ϕ + 1./α) * δ * √(ϕ*α) * x * besselk(1., δ * √(ϕ*α)))
A = (ϕ+α)/2
B = (ϕ-α)/2
z = (log.(x) - μ)
C * exp.(-A*√(δ^2 + z.^2) + B*z)
# case of interest
h(x) = f(x, α=1./.9, ϕ=10., μ=.3, δ=.6)
# quadrature points and weights
xs, ws = gausslegendre(10000)
# integrate f from a to b
function integrate(f, a, b)
c, d = (b-a)/2, (b+a)/2
c * ws ⋅ f.(c*xs + d)
# corresponding CDF
H(x) = integrate(h, 0., x)
# invert function F in [a,b] using N interpolation points
function invert(F, a, b, N)
knots = linspace(a, b, N)
values = [F(x) for x in knots]
idx = sortperm(values)
knots = knots[idx]
values = values[idx]
itp = interpolate((values,), knots, Gridded(Linear()))
p -> itp[p]
# quantile function
Q = invert(H, 1e-4, 1e3, 2000)
data₂ = [Q(p) for p in rand(500)]
using Distributions
data₃ = rand(Pareto(.9, 10.), 150)
# save data to disk
for (i,data) in enumerate([data₁, data₂, data₃])
writedlm("data$i.dat", data)
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