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Forked from adham90/spacemacs-keybindings
Created March 18, 2018 11:41
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spacemacs keybindings that i need to learn
SPC s c remove highlight
**** Files manipulations key bindings
Files manipulation commands (start with ~f~):
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC f c~ | copy current file to a different location |
| ~SPC f C d~ | convert file from unix to dos encoding |
| ~SPC f C u~ | convert file from dos to unix encoding |
| ~SPC f D~ | delete a file and the associated buffer (ask for confirmation) |
| ~SPC f E~ | open a file with elevated privileges (sudo edit) |
| ~SPC f f~ | open file with =helm= (or =ido=) |
| ~SPC f F~ | try to open the file under point =helm= |
| ~SPC f j~ | jump to the current buffer file in dired |
| ~SPC f l~ | open file literally in =fundamental mode= |
| ~SPC f L~ | Locate a file (using =locate=) |
| ~SPC f o~ | open a file using the default external program |
| ~SPC f R~ | rename the current file |
| ~SPC f s~ | save a file |
| ~SPC f S~ | save all files |
| ~SPC f r~ | open a recent file with =helm= |
| ~SPC f t~ | toggle file tree side bar using [[][NeoTree]] |
| ~SPC f v d~ | add a directory variable |
| ~SPC f v f~ | add a local variable to the current file |
| ~SPC f v p~ | add a local variable to the first line of the current file |
| ~SPC f y~ | show current file absolute path in the minibuffer |
**** Emacs and Spacemacs files
Convenient key bindings are located under the prefix ~SPC f e~ to quickly
navigate between =Emacs= and Spacemacs specific files.
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC f e c~ | open =ido= in the =contrib= folder |
| ~SPC f e d~ | open the spacemacs dotfile (=~/.spacemacs=) |
| ~SPC f e D~ | open =ediff= buffer of =~/.spacemacs= and =.spacemacs.template= |
| ~SPC f e f~ | discover the =FAQ= using =helm= |
| ~SPC f e i~ | open the all mighty =init.el= |
| ~SPC f e R~ | resync the dotfile with spacemacs |
| ~SPC f e v~ | display and copy the spacemacs version |
## Comment
SPC ; comment operator
SPC c y comment and yank
SPC c p comment paragraphs
## Find files
SPC ff: find files or url
SPC pf: find file in project
SPC ph: search in a project with helm
SPC bb: search in buffers
## Search in files
SPC ss
/: search with evil
## Window
SPC w = balance split windows
SPC w c close a window
SPC w c close a window
SPC w C delete another window using ace-delete-window
SPC w d toggle window dedication (dedicated window cannot be reused by a mode)
SPC w [hjkl] move to window
SPC w [HJKL] move the window
SPC w s or SPC w - horizontal split
SPC w S horizontal split and focus new window
SPC w u undo window layout (used to effectively undo a closed window)
SPC w U redo window layout
SPC w v or SPC w / vertical split
SPC w V vertical split and focus new window
SPC w w cycle and focus between windows
SPC w m maximize/minimize a window (maximize is equivalent to delete other windows)
SPC w M maximize/minimize a window, when maximized the buffer is centered
## buffer
SPC TAB switch to alternate buffer in the current window (switch back and forth)
SPC b b switch to a buffer using helm
SPC b d kill the current buffer (does not delete the visited file)
SPC b e erase the content of the buffer (ask for confirmation)
SPC b h open *spacemacs* home buffer
SPC b k kill a buffer
SPC b K kill all buffers except the current one
## Project
=projectile= commands start with p:
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC p !~ | run shell command in root |
| ~SPC p &~ | run async shell command in root |
| ~SPC p a~ | toggle between implementation and test |
| ~SPC p b~ | switch to project buffer |
| ~SPC p c~ | compile project using =projectile= |
| ~SPC p d~ | find directory |
| ~SPC p D~ | open project root in =dired= |
| ~SPC p f~ | find file |
| ~SPC p G~ | regenerate the project's =etags= / =gtags= |
| ~SPC p h~ | find file using =helm= |
| ~SPC p I~ | invalidate the projectile cache |
| ~SPC p k~ | kill all project buffers |
| ~SPC p o~ | run =multi-occur= |
| ~SPC p p~ | switch project |
| ~SPC p r~ | open a recent file |
| ~SPC p R~ | replace a string |
| ~SPC p s~ | see [[Searching in a project][search in project]] |
| ~SPC p t~ | open =NeoTree= in =projectile= root |
| ~SPC p T~ | find test files |
| ~SPC p v~ | open project root in =vc-dir= or =magit= |
| ~SPC p y~ | find tags |
| ~SPC /~ | search in project with the best search tool available |
| ~SPC s a p~ | run =ag= |
| ~SPC s g p~ | run =grep= |
| ~SPC s k p~ | run =ack= |
| ~SPC s t p~ | run =pt= |
## errors
SPC e n go to the next error
SPC e p go to the previous error
## Quit
SPC q q Quit Emacs and kill the server, prompt for changed buffers to save
SPC q Q Quit Emacs and kill the server, lose all unsaved changes.
SPC q r Restart both Emacs and the server, prompting to save any changed buffers
SPC q s Save the buffers, quit Emacs and kill the server
SPC q z Kill the current frame
## Ruby on rails
| Key binding | Description |
| ~SPC m r f a~ | find localization file |
| ~SPC m r f c~ | find controller |
| ~SPC m r f e~ | find environment file |
| ~SPC m r f f~ | find feature |
| ~SPC m r f h~ | find helper |
| ~SPC m r f i~ | find initializer |
| ~SPC m r f j~ | find javascript file |
| ~SPC m r f l~ | find library |
| ~SPC m r f m~ | find model |
| ~SPC m r f n~ | find migration |
| ~SPC m r f o~ | find log |
| ~SPC m r f p~ | find spec file |
| ~SPC m r f r~ | find rake task |
| ~SPC m r f s~ | find stylesheet file |
| ~SPC m r f t~ | find test |
| ~SPC m r f u~ | find fixture |
| ~SPC m r f v~ | find view |
| ~SPC m r f y~ | find layout |
| ~SPC m r f @~ | find mailer |
| ~SPC m r g c~ | go to current controller |
| ~SPC m r g d~ | go to DB schema |
| ~SPC m r g e~ | go to DB seeds |
| ~SPC m r g h~ | go to current helper |
| ~SPC m r g j~ | go to current javascript |
| ~SPC m r g g~ | go to Gemfile |
| ~SPC m r g m~ | go to current model |
| ~SPC m r g n~ | go to current migration |
| ~SPC m r g p~ | go to current spec |
| ~SPC m r g r~ | go to routes |
| ~SPC m r g s~ | go to current stylesheet |
| ~SPC m r g t~ | go to current test |
| ~SPC m r g u~ | go to current fixture |
| ~SPC m r g v~ | go to current view |
| ~SPC m r g z~ | go to spec helper |
| ~SPC m r g .~ | go to file at point (faster but less powerful than ~SPC m g g~) |
** Refactoring
| Key binding | Description |
| ~SPC m r R x~ | extract region into partial |
** RUN commands
| Key binding | Description |
| ~SPC m r :~ | run rake task |
| ~SPC m r c c~ | run rails generator |
| ~SPC m r i~ | start rails console |
| ~SPC m r s r~ | reload Rails project |
| ~SPC m r x s~ | start rails server |
** Ex-commands
| Key binding | Description |
| ~:A~ | Switch between implementation and tests |
# Ruby
* Key bindings
** Ruby (enh-ruby-mode, robe, inf-ruby, ruby-tools)
| Key binding | Description |
| ~SPC m '~ | toggle quotes of current string (only built-in mode) |
| ~SPC m {~ | toggle style of current block (only built-in mode) |
| ~SPC m g g~ | go to definition (robe-jump) |
| ~SPC m h d~ | go to Documentation |
| ~SPC m s f~ | send function definition |
| ~SPC m s F~ | send function definition and switch to REPL |
| ~SPC m s i~ | start REPL |
| ~SPC m s r~ | send region |
| ~SPC m s R~ | send region and switch to REPL |
| ~SPC m s s~ | switch to REPL |
| ~SPC m x '~ | Change symbol or " string to ' |
| ~SPC m x "~ | Change symbol or ' string to " |
| ~SPC m x :~ | Change string to symbol |
| ~%~ | [[][evil-matchit]] jumps between blocks |
** RuboCop
| Key binding | Description |
| ~SPC m r r f~ | Runs RuboCop on the currently visited file |
| ~SPC m r r F~ | Runs auto-correct on the currently visited file |
| ~SPC m r r d~ | Prompts from a directory on which to run RuboCop |
| ~SPC m r r D~ | Prompts for a directory on which to run auto-correct |
| ~SPC m r r p~ | Runs RuboCop on the entire project |
| ~SPC m r r P~ | Runs auto-correct on the project |
** Tests
*** RSpec-mode
When =ruby-test-runner= equals =rspec=.
| Key binding | Description |
| ~SPC m t a~ | run all specs |
| ~SPC m t b~ | run current spec file |
| ~SPC m t c~ | run the current spec file and subsequent ones |
| ~SPC m t e~ | mark example as pending |
| ~SPC m t f~ | run method |
| ~SPC m t l~ | run last failed spec |
| ~SPC m t m~ | run specs related to the current buffer |
| ~SPC m t r~ | re-run last spec |
| ~SPC m t t~ | run spec at pointer |
*** Ruby-test-mode
When =ruby-test-runner= equals =ruby-test=.
| Key binding | Description |
| ~SPC m t b~ | run test file |
| ~SPC m t t~ | run test at pointer |
Git commands (start with ~g~):
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC g b~ | open a =magit= blame |
| ~SPC g B~ | quit =magit= blame |
| ~SPC g c~ | commit changes |
| ~SPC g C~ | checkout branches |
| ~SPC g d~ | show diff prompt |
| ~SPC g D~ | show diff against current head |
| ~SPC g e~ | show ediff comparison |
| ~SPC g E~ | show ediff against current head |
| ~SPC g f~ | show fetch prompt |
| ~SPC g F~ | show pull prompt |
| ~SPC g H c~ | clear highlights |
| ~SPC g H h~ | highlight regions by age of commits |
| ~SPC g H t~ | highlight regions by last updated time |
| ~SPC g i~ | git init a given directory |
| ~SPC g I~ | open =helm-gitignore= |
| ~SPC g l~ | open a =magit= log |
| ~SPC g L~ | display the log for a file |
| ~SPC g P~ | show push prompt |
| ~SPC g s~ | open a =magit= status window |
| ~SPC g S~ | stage current file |
| ~SPC g m~ | display the last commit message of the current line |
| ~SPC g t~ | launch the git time machine |
| ~SPC g U~ | unstage current file |
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