- This page is a collection of some of the Advanced queries from the [[Datalog]] channel on the [[Logseq/Discord]] server. #datalog id:: 61db13f4-75e8-4f87-ad60-3ac3479c5fc8
- link: The first message on the datalog channel
- link: Logseq docs - Advanced queries
- link: Logseq datascript schema
- link: Logseq frontend db model
- link: How to Graph Your Data - talk by Paula Gearon
- link: Domain modelling with datalog - talk by Norbert Wojtowicz
- link: Athens Research ClojureFam
- link: Learn datalog today
- link: Uday Verma's Blog: Datascript 101
- link: ClojureScript Cheatsheet
- link: Hiccup syntax
- link: Logseq datascript
- link: Advanced queries tutorial
- Query to search a textual input
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-03-16]]
collapsed:: true
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "Advanced query to search for the text 'Quantum mechanics'" :query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :in $ ?pattern :where [?b :block/content ?c] [(re-pattern ?pattern) ?q] [(re-find ?q ?c)]] :inputs ["Quantum mechanics"] :collapsed? true} #+END_QUERY
- Equivalent to
{{query "Quantum mechanics"}}
- Find all TODO tasks outside of the journal pages
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-03-24]]
collapsed:: true
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title [:h2.font-bold.opacity-70 "TODO"] :query [ :find (pull ?h [*]) :where [?h :block/marker ?marker] [(= ?marker "TODO")] ] :result-transform (fn [result] (sort-by (fn [h] (get h :block/priority "Z")) result)) :collapsed? true} #+END_QUERY
- All TODO blocks recursively related to a tag or page
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-03-27]]
collapsed:: true
- How would you query for all TODO blocks that are tagged or recursively related to ancestor block/page that is tagged with a specific tag? For example, I want all TODO tasks that are tagged as clojure or contained under blocks or pages (in any indentation depth) that are tagged clojure. That way I can see all the clojure related articles I haven't read yet, without having to tag them all explicitly. link:: Discord
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "All TODO items related to the tag 'Cowling' " :query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :where [?b :block/marker "TODO"] [?b :block/page ?p] (or [?b :block/path-ref-pages [:page/name "cowl"]] [?p :page/tags [:page/name "cowl"]]) ] :collapsed? true} #+END_QUERY
- Scheduled items and deadlines from the past week
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-04-01]]
collapsed:: true
- Hey, I try to find Schedules or Due dates that are in-between specific dates, but whenever they contain a marker (TODO, NOW, ...) they should only show if that marker is not completed. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with Datomic or Clojure at all.. link:: Discord
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "🟠 SLIPPING deadlines (<1W)" :query [:find (pull ?block [*]) :in $ ?start ?today :where (or [?block :block/scheduled ?d] [?block :block/deadline ?d]) (not [?block :block/marker ?marker] (not [(contains? #{"NOW" "LATER" "TODO" "DOING"} ?marker)])) [(>= ?d ?start)] [(<= ?d ?today)]] :inputs [:8d :today] :collapsed? true} #+END_QUERY
- Find all unlinked pages
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-04-16]]
collapsed:: true
- query-table:: false #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "Orphan pages" :query [:find ?name :where [?p :page/name ?name] (not [?b :block/ref-pages ?p1] [?b :block/page ?p2] (or [?p1 :page/name ?name] [?p2 :page/name ?name]))] :view (fn [result] [:div.flex.flex-col (for [page result] [:a {:href (str "/page/" page)} (clojure.string/capitalize page)])]) :collapsed? true} #+END_QUERY
- List of currently DOING tasks
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-05-30]]
collapsed:: true
CLOCK: [2022-01-08 Sat 19:22:04]
CLOCK: [2022-01-08 Sat 19:22:07]
CLOCK: [2022-01-08 Sat 19:22:13]
CLOCK: [2022-01-08 Sat 19:22:14]
CLOCK: [2022-01-08 Sat 19:22:24]
CLOCK: [2022-01-08 Sat 19:22:26]
CLOCK: [2022-01-08 Sat 19:22:28]
CLOCK: [2022-01-08 Sat 19:22:31]
CLOCK: [2022-01-08 Sat 19:22:32]
CLOCK: [2022-01-08 Sat 19:22:42]
- query-table:: false collapsed:: true #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "🟢 DOING" :query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :where [?b :block/marker ?marker] [(contains? #{"NOW" "DOING"} ?marker)]] :breadcrumb-show? false :result-transform (fn [result] (sort-by (fn [h] (get h :block/priority "Z")) result)) :collapsed? true} #+END_QUERY
- Query to show random block
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-07-21]]
collapsed:: true
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "Give me a random block!!!" :query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :where [?b :block/content ?content] (not [(empty? ?content)])] :result-transform (fn [result] [(rand-nth result)]) :collapsed? true} #+END_QUERY
- Query to show a random page
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-07-21]]
collapsed:: true
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "Give me a random page!!!" :query [:find ?name :where [?b :block/name ?name]] :result-transform (fn [result] [(rand-nth result)]) :view (fn [result] [:div.flex.flex-col (for [page result] [:a {:href (str "/#/page/" page)} (clojure.string/capitalize page)])]) :collapsed? true} #+END_QUERY
- Search by block uuid
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-07-24]]
collapsed:: true
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :in $ ?uuid :where [?b :block/uuid ?u] [(str ?u) ?s] [(= ?uuid ?s)]] :inputs ["61d9ce9c-0822-4c1d-a9f3-78537657155b"] } #+END_QUERY
- Query backlog TODO and DOING tasks
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-07-24]]
collapsed:: true
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "Backlog" :query [:find (pull ?todo [*]) :in $ ?current-page :where [?p :block/name ?current-page] [?todo :block/marker ?marker] (not [?todo :block/page ?p]) (not [_ :block/refs ?todo]) [(contains? #{"TODO" "DOING"} ?marker)] ] :inputs [:current-page] :breadcrumb-show? false :result-transform (fn [result] (sort-by (fn [h] (get h :block/priority "Z")) result)) :collapsed? true} #+END_QUERY
- Search for a keyword within a specific set of pages
link:: Discord, Discord
date:: [[2021-07-24]]
collapsed:: true
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "Siloed search" :query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :in $ ?keyword [?title ...] :where [?p :block/original-name ?title] [?b :block/page ?p] [?b :block/content ?c] [(clojure.string/includes? ?c ?keyword)]] :inputs ["tasks" ["Advanced queries" "Advanced queries/Examples"]] } #+END_QUERY
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "Siloed search" :query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :in $ ?keyword [?title ...] :where [(str "(?i)" ?keyword) ?matcher] [(re-pattern ?matcher) ?regex] [?p :block/original-name ?title] [?b :block/page ?p] [?b :block/content ?c] [(re-find ?regex ?c)]] :inputs ["tasks" ["Advanced queries" "Advanced queries/Examples"]] } #+END_QUERY
- Broken references
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-07-26]]
collapsed:: true
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "Broken References" :query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :in $ ?matcher :where [(re-pattern ?matcher) ?regex] [?b :block/content ?c] [(re-find ?regex ?c)] [(missing? $ ?b :block/refs)]] :inputs [ "\([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}\)"] } #+END_QUERY
- Current NOW and DOING tasks for pages tagged with "project"
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-08-24]]
collapsed:: true
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "🔨 Project Now" :query [:find (pull ?h [*]) :in $ ?searchterm :where [?h :block/marker ?marker] [(contains? #{"NOW" "DOING"} ?marker)] [?p :block/properties ?a] [(get ?a :type) ?t] [(= ?searchterm ?t)] [?br :block/name ?searchterm] (or [?h :block/page ?p] [?h :block/refs ?br]) ] :inputs ["project"] :result-transform (fn [result] (sort-by (fn [h] (get h :block/priority "Z")) result)) :collapsed? false} #+END_QUERY
- Querying TODOs from hierarchy pages
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-08-06]]
collapsed:: true
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :in $ ?s :where [?b :block/marker "DONE"] [?b :block/page ?p] [?p :block/original-name ?n] [(clojure.string/starts-with? ?n ?s)]] :inputs [ "Advanced queries/" ] } #+END_QUERY
- DONE Completed this query
- List all the pages updated in the last 3 days
collapsed:: true
link:: Discord, Discord
date:: [[2021-09-06]], [[2021-09-09]]
- The time entered in the Unix time stamp (see https://www.unixtimestamp.com) which is the number of milliseconds since Jan 1st 1970. query-properties:: [:page :updated-at]
- We may have to multiply with 1000 to get the result in milliseconds, if using the above site.
- query-sort-by:: updated-at query-sort-desc:: true query-properties:: [:page :updated-at] #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title [:h3 "Updated in last 3 days"] :query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :in $ ?end :where [?b :block/updated-at ?v] [(- ?end 259200000 ) ?period] [(>= ?v ?period)] [(< ?v ?end)] ] ; :inputs [:start-of-today-ms] ; :inputs [:right-now-ms] :inputs [:end-of-today-ms] } #+END_QUERY
- Query for TODO and LATER but excluding SCHEDULED tasks
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-09-18]]
collapsed:: true
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :where [?b :block/marker ?m] [(contains? #{"TODO" "LATER"} ?m)] [(missing? $ ?b :block/scheduled)] [(missing? $ ?b :block/deadline)] ] } #+END_QUERY
- Query for a task having a given block property
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-09-19]]
collapsed:: true
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "My TASKS (type: example)" :query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :where [?b :block/marker ?marker] [(contains? #{"DONE"} ?marker)] [?b :block/properties ?prop] [(get ?prop :type) ?type] [(= "example" ?type)] ] :collapsed? false} #+END_QUERY
- DONE Check query with task and property. type:: example
- List all projects (type:: project) that do not have any TODOs on their pages
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-09-25]]
collapsed:: true
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:query[:find (pull ?p [*]) :where [?b :block/page ?p] [?p :block/properties ?props] [(get ?props :type) ?type] [(= ?type "project")] (not-join [?p] [?b :block/page ?p] [?b :block/marker _]) ]} #+END_QUERY
- List all the projects with page property "status" as [[Active]]
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-9-27]]
collapsed:: true
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:query[:find (pull ?p [*]) :where [?b :block/page ?p] [?p :block/properties ?props] [(get ?props :status) ?status] [(= ?status #{"Active"})]]} #+END_QUERY
- Query all tasks excluding those on a page [[Journal reviews]]
link:: Discord, Discord
date:: [[2021-09-27]]
collapsed:: true
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "📅 TESTING" :query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :where [?b :block/marker ?marker] [(missing? $ ?b :block/scheduled)] [(missing? $ ?b :block/deadline)] [(contains? #{"LATER" "TODO"} ?marker)] [?b :block/page ?page] [?page :block/original-name ?name] (not[(= ?name "Journal reviews")])] } #+END_QUERY
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "Main Tasks" :query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :where [?b :block/marker ?marker] [(missing? $ ?b :block/scheduled)] [(missing? $ ?b :block/deadline)] [(contains? #{"LATER" "TODO"} ?marker)] (not [?b :block/path-refs [:block/name "test"]]) [?b :block/page ?page] [?page :block/original-name ?name] (not[(= ?name "Journal reviews")])] :breadcrumb-show? false :result-transform (fn [result] (sort-by (fn [h] (get h :block/created-at)) result)) :collapsed? true } #+END_QUERY
- WAITING Query all scheduled/deadlined tasks and sort them by scheduled or deadline date
SCHEDULED: <2022-01-30 Sun>
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-10-13]]
collapsed:: true
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "🔮 Future Tasks" :query [:find (pull ?block [*]) :in $ ?start ?next :where [?block :block/marker ?marker] [(contains? #{"NOW" "LATER" "TODO" "DOING" "WAITING"} ?marker)] (or [?block :block/scheduled ?d] [?block :block/deadline ?d]) [(>= ?d ?start)] [(<= ?d ?next)]] :inputs [:today :365d-after] :breadcrumb-show? false :result-transform (fn [result] (sort-by (fn [b] (or (get b :block/scheduled) (get b :block/deadline))) result)) :collapsed? true } #+END_QUERY
- All tasks with priority A
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-10-14]]
collapsed:: true
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "All todos that with priority A" :query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :where [?b :block/priority "A"]]} #+END_QUERY
- Query snippet to grab the children blocks
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-10-23]]
collapsed:: true
- Replace
(pull ?h [*])
with: -
#+BEGIN_QUERY (pull ?h [ :db/id :block/uuid :block/type :block/left :block/format :block/title :block/refs :block/_refs :block/path-refs :block/tags :block/content :block/marker :block/priority :block/properties :block/body :block/pre-block? :block/scheduled :block/deadline :block/repeated? :block/created-at :block/updated-at :block/file :block/parent :block/unordered :block/heading-level {:block/page [:db/id :block/name :block/original-name :block/journal-day]} {:block/_parent ...}])
- Replace
- Query for non-task blocks with a schedule/deadline in the past
collapsed:: true
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-11-04]]
- query-table:: false #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "Old Blocks" :query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :in $ ?start :where (or [?b :block/scheduled ?d] [?b :block/deadline ?d]) [(< ?d ?start)] (not [?b :block/marker ?marker] [(contains? #{"DONE" "CANCELED"} ?marker)])] :inputs [:today] :collapsed? false} #+END_QUERY
- Query to find tasks under a block containing the text "Follow-up"
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-12-10]]
collapsed:: true
- Follow-up
- DONE find this block
- #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "Find: Follow-up Tasks" :query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :where [?p :block/content "Follow-up"] [?b :block/parent ?p] [?b :block/marker ?marker] [(contains? #{"TODO" "DOING" "DONE"} ?marker)]] } #+END_QUERY
- Follow-up
- Query all pages that have been created in the last 2 days
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-12-15]]
collapsed:: true
- query-properties:: [:page :created-at] #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "Pages in last 2 days" :query [:find (pull ?p [*]) :in $ ?today :where [?p :block/created-at ?d] [(- ?today 172800000) ?start] [(>= ?d ?start)] [(<= ?d ?today)] ] :inputs [:right-now-ms]} #+END_QUERY
is 2 days in ms.
- Query to create a table with page and todo count
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-12-17]]
collapsed:: true
- query-table:: false #+BEGIN_QUERY {:title "TODO by page" :query [:find (pull ?b [:block/marker :block/parent {:block/page [:db/id :block/name]}]) :where [?b :block/marker ?marker] [(= "TODO" ?marker)] ] :result-transform (fn [result] (map (fn [[key value]] {:page (get key :block/name) :count (count value)}) (group-by :block/page result)) ) :view (fn [rows] [:table [:thead [:tr [:th "Page"] [:th "Count"] ] ] [:tbody (for [r rows] [:tr [:td [:a {:href (str "#/page/" (get r :page))} (get r :page)] ] [:td (get r :count)] ]) ]] ) } #+END_QUERY
- Simple query to finds all the tasks created today
link:: Discord, Discord, Discord
date:: [[2021-12-22]]
collapsed:: true
- {{query (and (between -0d ++0d) (task TODO))}}
- d is used to indicate a day. 0d means 0 days or today.
Think of it this way:
Between -0d and ++0d
- = between today-1 and today+1 = between yesterday and tommrow = today
- ++1d transformed to todays date +1d transformed to tomorrow -1d transformed to yesterday
- Query all blocks on the current page having a specific tag, say "#datalog"
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-12-24]]
collapsed:: true
- #+BEGIN_QUERY { :query [ :find (pull ?b [*]) :in $ ?current-page :where [?p :block/name ?current-page] [?b :block/page ?p] [?b :block/path-refs [:block/name "datalog"]] ] :inputs [:current-page]} } #+END_QUERY
- Query to create a table from "birthday" property of a page
id:: 61db1cf4-95f0-458b-97b9-a42f02c9ce12
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-12-26]]
- query-table:: false query-properties:: [:alias :birthday] #+BEGIN_QUERY { :query [:find (pull ?b [*]) :where [?b :block/properties ?bprops] [(get ?bprops :birthday "nil") ?bs] [(not= ?bs "nil")]] :result-transform (fn [result] (sort-by (fn [h] (get-in h [:block/properties :verjaardag])) result)) } #+END_QUERY
- Query to search a textual input
link:: Discord
date:: [[2021-03-16]]
collapsed:: true
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