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Last active November 5, 2024 16:11
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Google Foobar: Bringing a Gun to a Guard Fight

hitting the badguy with laser. I don't remember the exact question now while i'm writing the descriptiong for my answer. It was an AI related problem where a bad and good guy in a rectangle shape room and walls are made of mirror. Good guy is with a laser gun and the probl em is to find number of ways good guy can hit bad guy when laser gun can travel limited distance.

my answer: I mirrored the plane for a specific count. because The distance of the hit below

    |      /\       |
    |     /  \      |
    |    *    *     |
    |               |

is equal to to this

    |  --mirrored-- |
    |         *     |
    |        /      |
    |      /\       |
    |     /  \      |
    |    *    *     |
    |  --original-- |

for more clear view check /p5/index.html which is having p5js sketch for this problem. The p5js is messy since I wrote in such a way that I could dynamically create mirrored coordinates in chrome console.

After this, I observed that the mirrored coordinates are symmetric and forms a palindromic pattern. This pattern isn't same vertically and horizontally since the width and height of room is not equal.

I could generate that pattern easily.

And the next step was generating matrix out of that pattern, in the sense generating all points where good guy can hit.

after this my only job left is to make good guy hit bad guy without hitting himself. To make it possible I used arc tan 2 function since it gives different values for 4 different quadrants of graph. And I iterated through points in matrix in spiral manner, from the center of matrix to the sides spirally like a snake, since distance can only be measured from the centre and goodguy is at the centre.

and that's all I recorded all previously accessed points using math.atan2 in a set. and avoided hitting goodguy by recording goodguy's location before badguy's location.



import math
def generate_dist_vector(size, start, tot_length, length):
tmp = [start]
count = 0
l, r = -length, tot_length - length
for i in range(size):
left = tmp[0]
right = tmp[count]
left += (l*2)
right += (r*2)
l, r = -r,-l
tmp = [left] + tmp + [right]
count += 2
return tmp
def make_mat(vec1, vec2):
mat = []
count = 0
for i in vec2:
for j in vec1:
count += 1
return mat
def translate(x, y, vec):
mat = []
count = 0
for i in vec:
for j in i:
mat[count].append((j[0] + x, j[1] + y))
# print mat[count]
count += 1
return mat
def serialize(vec):
start = int(len(vec)/ 2)
elms = [vec[start][start]]
count = 3
start -= 1
while( start >= 0):
x = start
y = start
for j in range(1, count):
x+= 1
elms+= [vec[y][x]]
for j in range(1, count):
y+= 1
elms+= [vec[y][x]]
for j in range(1, count):
x-= 1
elms+= [vec[y][x]]
for j in range(1, count):
y-= 1
elms+= [vec[y][x]]
start -= 1
count += 2
return elms
def key(x,y):
return format(math.atan2(x,y),'.32f')
def dist(x,y):
return math.hypot(x,y)
def calc(cap,bad, distance):
visited = {}
l = len(cap)
count = 0
for i in range(l):
ce = cap[i]
be = bad[i]
# print(ce,be)
visited[key(ce[0], ce[1])] = True
if distance - dist(be[0], be[1]) >=0 :
k = key(be[0], be[1])
if k not in visited:
count += 1
visited[k] = True
k = key(be[0], be[1])
visited[k] = True
# else:
# print (be[0], be[1]), "is there" , k
# else:
# print "distance is more", dist(be[0], be[1])
# print visited
return count
def answer(dimensions, captain, badguy, distance):
_x = 0
_y = 1
tx = captain[_x]
ty = captain[_y]
width = dimensions[0]
height = dimensions[1]
mat_size = int(math.ceil(max( distance/width, distance / height))) + 1
bad_x = generate_dist_vector(mat_size, badguy[_x],width,badguy[_x])
bad_y = generate_dist_vector(mat_size, badguy[_y],height,badguy[_y])
cap_x = generate_dist_vector(mat_size, captain[_x],width,captain[_x])
cap_y = generate_dist_vector(mat_size, captain[_y],height,captain[_y])
# print
elms_bad = serialize(translate(-tx, -ty, make_mat(bad_x, bad_y)))
# print
# print elms_bad
# print
# print
elms_cap = serialize(translate(-tx, -ty, make_mat(cap_x, cap_y)))
# print
# print elms_cap
return calc(elms_cap, elms_bad, distance)
# print
# print translate(tx, ty,make_mat(cap_x, cap_y))
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dimensions = [3, 2]
captain_position = [1, 1]
badguy_position = [2, 1]
distance = 4
# dimensions = [300, 275]
# captain_position = [150, 150]
# badguy_position = [180, 100]
# distance = 500
dimensions = [2,5]
captain_position = [1,2]
badguy_position = [1,4]
distance = 11
dimensions = [23,10]
captain_position = [6, 4]
badguy_position = [3,2]
distance = 23
print answer(dimensions, captain_position, badguy_position, distance)
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This is actually a rather good solution. However, I think the answer may be wrong in one important case. Consider room dimensions are [2,5]. Captain position is [1,2]. Bad guy position is [1,4]. Maximum distance is 11. This code comes up with an answer of 26. The correct answer appears to be 27. The missing case appears to be short straight up (delta x = 0, delta y = 2). Of course, I am not sure about this. Note that a number of sources give 27 for this case (and I came up with 27 as well).

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